Questions about Hadoop And Hive And Presto - hadoop

I am looking into using Hive on our Hadoop cluster to then use Presto to do some analytics on the data stored in Hadoop but I am still confused about some things:
Files are stored in Hadoop (some kind of file manager)
Hive needs tables to store data from Hadoop (data manager)
Do both Hadoop and Hive store their data separate or does Hive just use the files from Hadoop? (in terms of hard disk space and so on?)
-> So does Hive import data from Hadoop in tables and leave Hadoop alone or how must I see this?
Can Presto be used without Hive and just on Hadoop directly?
Thanks in advance for answering my questions :)

First things first: files are stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Is that what you call Data manager?
Actually Hive can use both - "regular" files in HDFS or tables which are once again "regular" files with additional metadata stored in special datastore (it is called warehouse).
Concerning Presto - it has a built-in support for Hive metastore, but you can also write your own connector plugin for any data source.
Please read more info about Hive connector configuration here and about connector plugins here.


Hadoop distcp to copy hive tables

I am new to hadoop and hive, I am trying to use
hadoop distcp -overwrite hdfs://source_cluster/apps/hive/warehouse/test.db hdfs://destination_cluster/apps/hive/warehouse/test.db
this command runs properly and there is no error, still I can't see test.db on the target hdfs cluster
You've copied files, but haven't modified the Hive metastore that actually registers table information.
If you want to copy between clusters, I suggest looking into a tool called Circus Train, otherwise, use SparkSQL to interact with the Hiveserver of both cluster rather than use hdfs only tooling
After copying files and directories, it is necessary to recreate the tables (ddl) so that data about those tables appears in the metastore

How is Hadoop different from database?

I was doing a case study on Spotify. I found out that Spotify uses Cassandra as a DB and also Hadoop. My question is, how is Hadoop different from a database. What type of files does Hadoop datanode stores? Why every corporation has DB and Hadoop as well. I know Hadoop is not a DB but what is it used for if there is DB cluster to save data?
Hadoop is not a database at all. Hadoop is a set of tools for distributed storage and processing, such as distributed filesystem (HDFS), MapReduce framework libraries, YARN resource manager.
Other tools like Hive, Spark, Pig, Giraph, sqoop, etc, etc can use Hadoop or it's components. For example Hive is a database. It uses HDFS for storing it's data and MapReduce framework primitives for building query execution graph.

Does Hive depend on/require Hadoop?

Hive installation guide says that Hive can be applied to RDBMS, my question is, sounds like Hive can exist without Hadoop, right? It's an independent HQL engineer that could work with any data source?
You can run Hive in local mode to use it without Hadoop for debugging purposes. See below url,Map-ReduceandLocal-Mode
Hive provided JDBC driver to query hive like JDBC, however if you are planning to run Hive queries on production system, you need Hadoop infrastructure to be available. Hive queries eventually converts into map-reduce jobs and HDFS is used as data storage for Hive tables.

Does Hive really use HCatalog?

I have seen some conflicting posts across the web about whether or not Hive uses HCatalog to access the metastore and I was hoping someone could help me out here?
Does Hive use the actual HCatalog api's to access the metastore, or does it have its own mechanism of retrieving metadata and is HCatalog only used by non-hive tools to access the metadata?
No ,hive doesn't uses Hcatalog Api to access metastore.
HCatalog opens up the hive metadata to other mapreduce tools. Every mapreduce tools has its own notion about HDFS data (example Pig sees the HDFS data as set of files, Hive sees it as tables). With having table based abstraction, HCatalog supported mapreduce tools do not need to care about where the data is stored, in which format and storage location (HBase or HDFS).

In a hadoop cluster, should hive be installed on all nodes?

I am a newbie to Hadoop / Hive and I have just started reading the docs. There are lots of blogs on installing Hadoop in cluster mode. Also, I know that Hive runs on top of Hadoop.
My question is: Hadoop is installed on all the cluster nodes. Should I also install Hive on all the cluster nodes or only on the master node?
No, it is not something you install on worker nodes. Hive is a Hadoop client. Just run Hive according to the instructions you see at the Hive site.
From Cloudera's Hive installation Guide:
Install Hive on your client machine(s) from which you submit jobs; you do not need to install it on the nodes in your Hadoop cluster.
Hive is basically used for processing structured and semi-structured data in Hadoop. We can also perform Analysis of large datasets which is present in HDFS and also in Amazon S3 filesystem using Hive. In order to query data hive also provides query language known as HiveQL which is similar to SQL. Using Hive one can easily run Ad-hoc queries for the data analysis. Using Hive we don’t need to write complex Map-Reduce jobs, we just need to submit SQL queries. Hive converts these SQL queries into MapReduce jobs.
Finally Hive SQL will get converted to MapReduce jobs and we don't have to submit MapReduce job from all node in a Hadoop cluster, in the same way we don't need Hive to be installed in all node of Hadoop cluster
