Emacs & Emacsclient not the same version - macos

I have Emacs 24.3.1 on OS X installed via homebrew. However, my emacsclient is 22.1
Is there any way to get both up to the same version? Why are they not the same? On other machines, I've noticed both versions are the same and when Emacs is upgraded, emacsclient also gets an update.

OS X comes with Emacs 22.2 preinstalled. Most probably you haven't adjusted properly your shell's PATH variable and this is causing the shell to pick up the built-in emacsclient instead of the one you installed via homebrew. Adding something like this to your shell's init file (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc) should fix your problem:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
Alternatively (as suggested here) you can simply delete the bundled Emacs:
$ sudo rm /usr/bin/emacs
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/emacs
The problem with the second approach is that OS X updates will restore the deleted Emacs 22, but they happen fairly rarely.


How to make mac to use emacs 26

I installed emacs using brew cask install emacs
when I type
$ emacs
the emacs that opens still on version 22 instead of 26.
How can make my mac to use version 26?
In case anyone interested to open from command line, add below as your alias
alias emacs='open -a /Applications/Emacs.app $1'
When you use cask, it should install it to your Applications folder, not the command line. Check your Applications folder, it should be a stand alone program.

How to open emacs gui/ide from mac terminal?

I'm trying to open files up on emacs outside of the terminal. I prefer a gui/ide environment when I code instead of doing it through a terminal. I initially thought that typing emacs filename.py would open that file through Emacs.app, however it only allowed me to edit the file through the terminal. When this didn't work, I looked into editing the .profile and .emacs files in my home directory but this was to no avail.
Maybe this is more intuitive than what I've read but I can't seem to figure it out. Any help is appreciated.
Assuming you have Emacs installed from Homebrew like this:
brew install emacs --with-cocoa
Just type the following command to open Emacs.app from terminal:
open -a Emacs filename.py
If you want all files opened in the same frame, instead of new frames, put this into your .emacs file:
(setq ns-pop-up-frames nil)
The best way to open files in Emacs from the terminal is the emacsclient command, which will open the file in your existing Emacs app (preventing startup time). If you're on OSX and you installed Emacs through Homebrew, the emacsclient binary will already be set up. (In your Emacs config, you have to include (server-start) somewhere.)
If you actually want to spin up a new GUI app instance instead, you can set up your own shell script and put it in your PATH somewhere before the existing emacs binary. It sounds like you're using Homebrew, which sets up the emacs binary as the following shell script:
/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.3/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs -nw "$#"
The -nw is what prevents Emacs from opening in GUI mode. You can make your own emacs shell script and leave out -nw:
/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.3/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs "$#"
To do what you want, you'd need to find the location of the actual binary contained in Emacs.app, and use that as the command instead of emacs. Most likely, it's at
Which, if you have Emacs.app in your Applications folder, as would be typical, would be
To set it up with a shorter command to use, you could try adding to your .profile (I don't know what shell you use) the following line, or whatever equivalent it has for your shell (This works for bash and zsh, at least):
alias emacsgui='/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs'
The modern way to go about this is by installing Emacs using Homebrew Cask:
brew cask install emacs
Source: this comment by Homebrew project leader Mike McQuaid, which reads:
Cocoa support for Emacs will not be accepted. This is provided by brew cask install emacs.
One should link emacs to /Applications if not already done,
brew linkapps emacs
to link the emacs to symlink emacs installed in Cellar. Once symlinked, you can open emacs by
open -a emacs
as already pointed out by #katspaugh
brew doesn't have cask command anymore.
I used brew install emacs and I can find Emacs app installed in my application directory.
You can also head to https://emacsformacosx.com and download the .dmg file.

Making the PATH and other environment variables available in emacs

Working with emacs in OSX can some times be troubling.
I interchange with using the Terminal.app application and the emace shell both of these use bash, and both seem to work, I do however have the problem that the environment is not setup identically in both.
I'm running a clean installation of OSX Lion, and emacs 24 from emacs and would like for the environment variables in the emacs shell to make the same as in the Terminal.app under osx. How do I fix that?
Just install the awesome little package exec-path-from-shell and you're done! It will automatically set your emacs exec-path to be same as the PATH in your zsh/bash config.
It will also allow you to copy the values of other shell variables like this:
(exec-path-from-shell-copy-env "PYTHONPATH")
If your environment variables are being set in ~/.bash_profile, Create a file called ~/.emacs_bash and put in it the following:
. ~/.bash_profile
Don't forget the newline at the end of that line or it won't be executed.
~/.emacs_bash is loaded by emacs when you run bash from within it, such as when using M-x shell or shell-command so you can use it to set any environment variables you want available.
Open Emacs.app from within Terminal.app (instead of from Finder):
$ emacs
This works for me using Emacs from Homebrew with Cocoa (brew install emacs --with-cocoa). It launches Emacs.app in a Cocoa GUI window (use emacs -nw to fallback to terminal UI). All the environment variables I have set in my bash environment appeared to be set in Emacs.
I have not tried this with Emacsformacosx. I personally prefer Emacs from Homebrew as I heard Emacsformacosx is not compiled with certain extensions I use such as TLS and Imagemagick... you can compile Emacs with those extensions using brew install emacs --with-XXX.
As of 2019, exec-path-from-shell will only pass PATH to Emacs, If you want to pass all environments, you can try:

Update built-in vim on Mac OS X

I know this might be more appropriate at Ask Different, but as I tried adding tags there, there was no vim tag, only macvim. So I figured I might get a better audience here.
In the Terminal, I do the following
$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Jan 31 2010 13:33:49)
When I browse to http://www.vim.org, I see a news item
Vim 7.3 released!
How do I update my built-in vim? I would very much like to do it cleanly (i.e. no duplicate installations, or any additional downloads, no macports, etc.)
I considered using Mercurial (as I already use it for other things), as per the instructions here.
$ hg clone https://vim.googlecode.com.hg/ vim
$ cd vim/src
$ make
But I think that would make a duplicate installation. Despite my "clean" requirement as mentioned above, "unclean" solutions are also welcome, since maybe there really is no other way.
If I understand things correctly, you want to install over your existing Vim, for better or worse :-) This is a bad idea and it is not the "clean" way to do it. Why? Well, OS X expects that nothing will ever change in /usr/bin unbeknownst to it, so any time you overwrite stuff in there you risk breaking some intricate interdependency. And, Let's say you do break something -- there's no way to "undo" that damage. You will be sad and alone. You may have to reinstall OS X.
Part 1: A better idea
The "clean" way is to install in a separate place, and make the new binary higher priority in the $PATH. Here is how I recommend doing that:
$ # Create the directories you need
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/bin
$ # Download, compile, and install the latest Vim
$ cd ~
$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/vim-mirror/vim or git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git
$ cd vim
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/local
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ # Add the binary to your path, ahead of /usr/bin
$ echo 'PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ # Reload bash_profile so the changes take effect in this window
$ source ~/.bash_profile
Voila! Now when we use vim we will be using the new one. But, to get back to our old configuration in the event of huge f*ckups, we can just delete the /opt directory.
$ which vim
$ vim --version | head -n 2
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Aug 27 2011 20:55:46)
MacOS X (unix) version
See how clean this is.
I recommend not to install in /usr/local/bin when you want to override binaries in /usr/bin, because by default OS X puts /usr/bin higher priority in $PATH than /usr/local/bin, and screwing with that opens its own can of worms.... So, that's what you SHOULD do.
Part 2: The "correct" answer (but a bad idea)
Assuming you're set on doing that, you are definitely on track. To install on top of your current installation, you need to set the "prefix" directory. That's done like this:
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/vim-mirror/vim or git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git
cd vim
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
You can pass "configure" a few other options too, if you want. Do "./configure --help" to see them. I hope you've got a backup before you do it, though, in case something goes wrong....
Don't overwrite the built-in Vim.
Instead, install it from source in a different location or via Homebrew or MacPorts in their default location then add this line to your .bashrc or .profile:
alias vim='/path/to/your/own/vim'
and/or change your $PATH so that it looks into its location before the default location.
The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to simply download the latest MacVim which comes with a very complete vim executable and use it in Terminal.app like so.
alias vim='/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim' # or something like that, YMMV
Like Eric, I used homebrew, but I used the default recipe. So:
brew install mercurial
brew install vim
And after restarting the terminal homebrew's vim should be the default. If not, you should update your $PATH so that /opt/homebrew/bin is before /usr/bin. E.g. add the following to your .profile:
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH
Note: Previous versions of Homebrew did install to /usr/local, so in that case you have to use /usr/local/bin instead of /opt/homebrew/bin.
A note to romainl's answer: aliases don't work together with sudo because only the first word is checked on aliases. To change this add another alias to your .profile / .bashrc:
alias sudo='sudo '
With this change sudo vim will behave as expected!
On Yosemite, install vim using brew and the override-system-vi option. This will automatically install vim with the features of the 'huge' vim install.
brew install vim --with-override-system-vi
The output of this command will show you where brew installed vim. In that folder, go down into /bin/vim to actually run vim. This is your command to run vim from any folder:
Then alias this command by adding the following line in your .bashrc:
alias vim="/usr/local/Cellar/vim/7.4.873/bin/vim"
EDIT: Brew flag --override-system-vi has been deprecated. Changed for --with-override-system-vi. Source: https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim/issues/401
brew install vim --override-system-vi
This blog post was helpful for me. I used the "Homebrew built Vim" solution, which in my case saved the new version in /usr/local/bin. At this point, the post suggested hiding the system vim, which didn't work for me, so I used an alias instead.
$ brew install vim
$ alias vim='/path/to/new/vim
$ which vim
vim: aliased to /path/to/new/vim
I just installed vim by:
brew install vim
now the new vim is accessed by vim and the old vim (built-in vim) by vi

emacs on OS X 10.6

I am a new iMac user. I have extensive experience with Linux on a PC. I downloaded latest version of emacs to the Applications folder. I want to invoke emacs from the command line. However, the default path for emacs is /usr/bin/emacs. what is the best practice for adding the new emacs to the path? I am tempted to create a ~/bin directory and a link to the new emacs and adding ~/bin to the beginning of my path. This is how we did things in our software development environment on linux PC's
Best way is to use Homebrew and use
brew install emacs --cocoa
so you have a easy to update emacs installation. The Cocoa will make sure you have your mac keybinding working before emacs. Make the binary run at startup as a daemon (because it starts up not very fast), for instance:
/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/23.2/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs --daemon
And make an script to the emacsclient command and saved it to /bin/emacs file (don't forget to make it executable):
exec /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/emacsclient -n -c "$#"
so when you fire up at bash "emacs something.txt" the already running emacs daemon opens it instantly. You can also extend it to open Emacs if the daemon is not running!
I tested it on the latest emacs 23.2, some features are not present on early versions.
Assuming you were still in linux land, wouldn't the canonical place to put this be in /usr/local/bin (and add that to your path?) ... I'd stick with that, if you were to go that route, but this is how I have my emacs setup:
I've downloaded the latest plain/vanilla Emacs from emacsforosx.com
I've made an emacs alias that I use to fire up a terminal-based version of emacs when I don't want (or can't) run the GUI version, like so:
alias emacs='/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs -nw'
If you want to fire up the GUI version of Emacs from the terminal, you can just type the following (which, AFAIK, is a mac-ism, so you wouldn't have known that coming from linux):
$ open -a Emacs
There's a slew of information about emacs on OS X at the emacs wiki.
~/bin or /usr/local/bin will work fine, as will manipulating your PATH.
Assuming you're using Emacs.app, simplest thing to do is to use open -a /Applications/Emacs.app "$#". open is the command line equivalent of double-clicking on something in Finder. Put that into a shell script, stick it into your PATH and go.
Installing emacs-app via MacPorts is probably the simplest way to get and maintain a Cocoa emacs.
You may wish to look into Aquamacs which is a further refinement of emacs for OS X. The emacs wiki page on Aquamacs is very helpful. It also has an option to add a little aquamacs script to your PATH that will open a file in the aquamacs GUI.
I create a shell script named emacs in my ~/bin directory containing:
open -a Emacs "$#"
Obviously, ~/bin needs to be before /usr/bin in my PATH which I set in ~/.profile so that it shadows the preinstalled emacs binary.
I also create a symlink via ln -s /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/emacsclient ~/bin/emacsclient so that this also shadows the preinstalled emacsclient binary.
For additional connivence, I create an alias ec='emacsclient -a emacs -n ' and include (server-start) in my emacs init scripts. This enables me to open a file from the commandline using ec filename regardless if emacs is or is not already running.
Another tip: When you launch the emacs via Applications or open, emacs does not inherit the same path as you have in your terminal environment, so one thing I have found very useful is to run the following in my .profile after setting my path to change the PATH inherited cocoa applications:
defaults write ${HOME}/.MacOSX/environment PATH "$PATH"
That will work. If this is a native mac application, the binary is actually located under the application directory (not the capitalization of the binary): .../Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs
Since you are coming from linux, you might be interested in MacPorts. This is a large collection of packages ported from linux. It allows packages to be installed and upgraded from the command line, doe sdependancy management, all the stuff you would expect. It includes a native version of Emacs, that can be invoked from the command line.
