CRM 2013 script error Network Error 0x2eff - dynamics-crm

I'm using CRM 2013 OData services and I'm getting expected result but when I open javascript console on IE 10/11 under errors
Script7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2eff, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002eff.
I'm not using jquery.
Please suggest
its on On-Premise, http, AD, Lead entity, in all browsers. I'm using Rest Odata SDK
var options = "$select=Telephone1&$filter=AccountId eq guid'" + regardingObjectId + "'";
SDK.REST.retrieveMultipleRecords("Account", options, retrieveAccountsCallBack, errorCallBack, accountsRetrieveComplete);

i had same problem with using jQuery Ajax request.
And i found solution for my issue.
This is IE security restriction, you can set security goto Browser Property(Configuration) then security, then you can add site that you needed to intranet sites or you can switch internet security lower than normal(middle) mode, then restart all IE bookmarks and must work
(sorry if some menu items have other name that i wrote, i use localized version and i don't now it english name)


Visual Studio 2015 IIS Express not loading assets such as CSS, JS, Images

I have a project, I build it in VS2015 and hit ctrl+F5 to start without debugging and launch the site in browser.
However non of my css, js, images are loading in chrome and edge?
In browser console I see:
GET http://localhost:2195/Content/app.css net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
In my layout file have the above defined as follows:
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/app.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Below is what I have in the properties box of the development server:
Development Server
Always start when debugging: True
Anonymous Authentication: Disabled
Managed Pipline Mode: Integrated
SSL Enabaked: False
URL: http://loaclahost:2195/
Windows Authetication: Enabled
Any ideas as issue is only in browsers where i'm asked to enter my windows credentials?
When I enter the http://localhost:2195/Content/app.css directly in browser i get 404 error:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification MapRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x80070002
Requested URL http://localhost:2195/content/app.css
Logon Method Negotiate
Why is the logon method showing as negotiate even though I've setup authentication to windows both in web.config and in the dev server?
* Update *
Installed jexus manager and added connection to site. Under actions > manage website, when i click start I get the following error see attached pic.
When I click on browse website I get dialogue saying this website is not running do you want to start it now. When I click yes I get the same error above and when I clikc ok on the error above I'm redirected to the site in browser and I'm able to navigate the site on localhost.
This is the report generated not much info that i haven't already provided before:
Scan the folder U:\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\MyProject\MyProject for project files.
1 project(s) are detected.
* MyProject.csproj
Project file: U:\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\MyProject\MyProject\MyProject.csproj.
IIS Express configuration file: U:\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\MyProject\.vs\config\applicationHost.config.
Analyze ASP.NET project.
Extract web project settings.
UseIIS: True
AutoAssignPort: True
DevelopmentServerPort: 2195
DevelopmentServerVPath: /
IISUrl: http://localhost:2195/
NTLMAuthentication: False
UseCustomServer: False
SaveServerSettingsInUserFile: False
UseIISExpress: true
IISExpressAnonymousAuthentication: disabled
IISExpressWindowsAuthentication: enabled
IISExpressUseClassicPipelineMode: false
Scan all bindings.
IIS Express is used for this project.
Binding localhost on *:2195 (http).
A matching binding is found for http://localhost:2195/.

Content Security Policy: Couldn't parse invalid source chrome-extension

I'm getting a new error in my JS console on Firefox and I haven't changed the code.
I don't get this error in other browsers and doesn't seem to affect the functionality of my code.
It's obviously in some way related to Firefox, but it seems to be pointing the error out to my async loaded facebook JS SDK.
Anybody else using that SDK seeing this in Firefox now? Any help or insight?
This is the full message:
Content Security Policy: Couldn't parse invalid source chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl
and this is the line in the fb JS SDK:
*/__d("JSON3",[],function(a,b,c,d,e,f){(function(){var g={}.toString,h,i,j,k=e.exports={},l='{"A":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}',m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,aa,ba=new Date(-3509827334573292),ca,da,ea;try{ba=ba.getUTCFullYear()==-109252&&ba.getUTCMonth()===0&&ba.getUTCDate()==1&&ba.getUTCHours()==10&&ba.getUTCMinutes()==37&&ba.getUTCSeconds()==6&&ba.getUTCMilliseconds()==708;}catch(fa){}if(!ba){ca=Math.floor;da=[0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334];ea=function(ga,ha){return da[ha]+365*(ga-1970)+ca((ga-1969+(ha=+(ha>1)))/4)-ca((ga-1901+ha)/100)+ca((ga-1601+ha)/400);};}if(typeof JSON=="object"&&JSON){k.stringify=JSON.stringify;k.parse=JSON.parse;}if((m=typeof k.stringify=="function"&&!ea)){(ba=function(){return 1;}).toJSON=ba;try{m=k.stringify(0)==="0"&&k.stringify(new Number())==="0"&&k.stringify(new String())=='""'&&k.stringify(g)===j&&k.stringify(j)===j&&k.stringify()===j&&k.stringify(ba)==="1"&&k.stringify([ba])=="[1]"&&k.stringify([j])=="[null]"&&k.stringify(null)=="null"&&k.stringify([j,g,null])=="[null,null,null]"&&k.stringify({result:[ba,true,false,null,"\0\b\n\f\r\t"]})==l&&k.stringify(null,ba)==="1"&&k.stringify([1,2],null,1)=="[\n 1,\n 2\n]"&&k.stringify(new Date(-8.64e+15))=='"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"'&&k.stringify(new Date(8.64e+15))=='"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"'&&k.stringify(new Date(-62198755200000))=='"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"'&&k.stringify(new Date(-1))=='"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"';}catch(fa){m=false;}}if(typeof k.parse=="function")try{if(k.parse("0")===0&&!k.parse(false)){ba=k.parse(l);if((r=ba.A.length==5&&ba.A[0]==1)){try{r=!k.parse('"\t"');}catch(fa){}if(r)try{r=k.parse("01")!=1;}catch(fa){}}}}catch(fa){r=false;}ba=l=null;if(!m||!r){if(!(h={}.hasOwnProperty))h=function(ga){var ha={},ia;if((ha.__proto__=null,ha.__proto__={toString:1},ha).toString!=g){h=function(ja){var ka=this.__proto__,la=ja in (this.__proto__=null,this);this.__proto__=ka;return la;};}else{ia=ha.constructor;h=function(ja){var ka=(this.constructor||ia).prototype;return ja in this&&!(ja in ka&&this[ja]===ka[ja]);};}ha=null;return,ga);};i=function(ga,ha){var ia=0,ja,ka,la,ma;(ja=function(){this.valueOf=0;}).prototype.valueOf=0;ka=new ja();for(la in ka)if(,la))ia++;ja=ka=null;if(!ia){ka=["valueOf","toString","toLocaleString","propertyIsEnumerable","isPrototypeOf","hasOwnProperty","constructor"];ma=function(na,oa){var"[object Function]",qa,ra;for(qa in na)if(!(pa&&qa=="prototype")&&,qa))oa(qa);for(ra=ka.length;qa=ka[--ra];,qa)&&oa(qa));};}else if(ia==2){ma=function(na,oa){var pa={},"[object Function]",ra;for(ra in na)if(!(qa&&ra=="prototype")&&!,ra)&&(pa[ra]=1)&&,ra))oa(ra);};}else ma=function(na,oa){var"[object Function]",qa,ra;for(qa in na)if(!(pa&&qa=="prototype")&&,qa)&&!(ra=qa==="constructor"))oa(qa);if(ra||,(qa="constructor")))oa(qa);};return ma(ga,ha);};if(!m){n={"\\":"\\\\",'"':'\\"',"\b":"\\b","\f":"\\f","\n":"\\n","\r":"\\r","\t":"\\t"};o=function(ga,ha){return ("000000"+(ha||0)).slice(-ga);};p=function(ga){var ha='"',ia=0,ja;for(;ja=ga.charAt(ia);ia++)ha+='\\"\b\f\n\r\t'.indexOf(ja)>-1?n[ja]:ja<" "?"\\u00"+o(2,ja.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)):ja;return ha+'"';};q=function(ga,ha,ia,ja,ka,la,ma){var na=ha[ga],oa,pa,qa,ra,sa,ta,ua,va,wa,xa,ya,za,ab,bb,cb;if(typeof na=="object"&&na){;if(oa=="[object Date]"&&!,"toJSON")){if(na>-1/0&&na<1/0){if(ea){ra=ca(na/86400000);for(pa=ca(ra/365.2425)+1970-1;ea(pa+1,0)<=ra;pa++);for(qa=ca((ra-ea(pa,0))/30.42);ea(pa,qa+1)<=ra;qa++);ra=1+ra-ea(pa,qa);sa=(na%86400000+86400000)%86400000;ta=ca(sa/3600000)%24;ua=ca(sa/60000)%60;va=ca(sa/1000)%60;wa=sa%1000;}else{pa=na.getUTCFullYear();qa=na.getUTCMonth();ra=na.getUTCDate();ta=na.getUTCHours();ua=na.getUTCMinutes();va=na.getUTCSeconds();wa=na.getUTCMilliseconds();}na=(pa<=0||pa>=10000?(pa<0?"-":"+")+o(6,pa<0?-pa:pa):o(4,pa))+"-"+o(2,qa+1)+"-"+o(2,ra)+"T"+o(2,ta)+":"+o(2,ua)+":"+o(2,va)+"."+o(3,wa)+"Z";}else na=null;}else if(typeof na.toJSON=="function"&&((oa!="[object Number]"&&oa!="[object String]"&&oa!="[object Array]")||,"toJSON")))na=na.toJSON(ga);}if(ia),ga,na);if(na===null)return "null";;if(oa=="[object Boolean]"){return ""+na;}else if(oa=="[object Number]"){return na>-1/0&&na<1/0?""+na:"null";}else if(oa=="[object String]")return p(na);if(typeof na=="object"){for(ab=ma.length;ab--;)if(ma[ab]===na)throw TypeError();ma.push(na);xa=[];bb=la;la+=ka;if(oa=="[object Array]"){for(za=0,ab=na.length;za<ab;cb||(cb=true),za++){ya=q(za,na,ia,ja,ka,la,ma);xa.push(ya===j?"null":ya);}return cb?(ka?"[\n"+la+xa.join(",\n"+la)+"\n"+bb+"]":("["+xa.join(",")+"]")):"[]";}else{i(ja||na,function(db){var eb=q(db,na,ia,ja,ka,la,ma);if(eb!==j)xa.push(p(db)+":"+(ka?" ":"")+eb);cb||(cb=true);});return cb?(ka?"{\n"+la+xa.join(",\n"+la)+"\n"+bb+"}":("{"+xa.join(",")+"}")):"{}";}ma.pop();}};k.stringify=function(ga,ha,ia){var ja,ka,la,ma,na,oa;if(typeof ha=="function"||typeof ha=="object"&&ha)if("[object Function]"){ka=ha;}else if("[object Array]"){la={};for(ma=0,na=ha.length;ma<na;oa=ha[ma++],(("[object String]"||"[object Number]")&&(la[oa]=1)));}if(ia)if("[object Number]"){if((ia-=ia%1)>0)for(ja="",ia>10&&(ia=10);ja.length<ia;ja+=" ");}else if("[object String]")ja=ia.length<=10?ia:ia.slice(0,10);return q("",(oa={},oa[""]=ga,oa),ka,la,ja,"",[]);};}if(!r){s=String.fromCharCode;t={"\\":"\\",'"':'"',"/":"/",b:"\b",t:"\t",n:"\n",f:"\f",r:"\r"};u=function(){z=aa=null;throw SyntaxError();};v=function(){var ga=aa,ha=ga.length,ia,ja,ka,la,ma;while(z<ha){ia=ga.charAt(z);if("\t\r\n ".indexOf(ia)>-1){z++;}else if("{}[]:,".indexOf(ia)>-1){z++;return ia;}else if(ia=='"'){for(ja="#",z++;z<ha;){ia=ga.charAt(z);if(ia<" "){u();}else if(ia=="\\"){ia=ga.charAt(++z);if('\\"/btnfr'.indexOf(ia)>-1){ja+=t[ia];z++;}else if(ia=="u"){ka=++z;for(la=z+4;z<la;z++){ia=ga.charAt(z);if(!(ia>="0"&&ia<="9"||ia>="a"&&ia<="f"||ia>="A"&&ia<="F"))u();}ja+=s("0x"+ga.slice(ka,z));}else u();}else{if(ia=='"')break;ja+=ia;z++;}}if(ga.charAt(z)=='"'){z++;return ja;}u();}else{ka=z;if(ia=="-"){ma=true;ia=ga.charAt(++z);}if(ia>="0"&&ia<="9"){if(ia=="0"&&(ia=ga.charAt(z+1),ia>="0"&&ia<="9"))u();ma=false;for(;z<ha&&(ia=ga.charAt(z),ia>="0"&&ia<="9");z++);if(ga.charAt(z)=="."){la=++z;for(;la<ha&&(ia=ga.charAt(la),ia>="0"&&ia<="9");la++);if(la==z)u();z=la;}ia=ga.charAt(z);if(ia=="e"||ia=="E"){ia=ga.charAt(++z);if(ia=="+"||ia=="-")z++;for(la=z;la<ha&&(ia=ga.charAt(la),ia>="0"&&ia<="9");la++);if(la==z)u();z=la;}return +ga.slice(ka,z);}if(ma)u();if(ga.slice(z,z+4)=="true"){z+=4;return true;}else if(ga.slice(z,z+5)=="false"){z+=5;return false;}else if(ga.slice(z,z+4)=="null"){z+=4;return null;}u();}}return "$";};w=function(ga){var ha,ia,ja;if(ga=="$")u();if(typeof ga=="string"){if(ga.charAt(0)=="#")return ga.slice(1);if(ga=="["){ha=[];for(;;ia||(ia=true)){ga=v();if(ga=="]")break;if(ia)if(ga==","){ga=v();if(ga=="]")u();}else u();if(ga==",")u();ha.push(w(ga));}return ha;}else if(ga=="{"){ha={};for(;;ia||(ia=true)){ga=v();if(ga=="}")break;if(ia)if(ga==","){ga=v();if(ga=="}")u();}else u();if(ga==","||typeof ga!="string"||ga.charAt(0)!="#"||v()!=":")u();ha[ga.slice(1)]=w(v());}return ha;}u();}return ga;};y=function(ga,ha,ia){var ja=x(ga,ha,ia);if(ja===j){delete ga[ha];}else ga[ha]=ja;};x=function(ga,ha,ia){var ja=ga[ha],ka;if(typeof ja=="object"&&ja)if("[object Array]"){for(ka=ja.length;ka--;)y(ja,ka,ia);}else i(ja,function(la){y(ja,la,ia);});return,ha,ja);};k.parse=function(ga,ha){z=0;aa=ga;var ia=w(v());if(v()!="$")u();z=aa=null;return ha&&"[object Function]"?x((ba={},ba[""]=ia,ba),"",ha):ia;};}}}).call(this);});
I solved this same problem for myself after recently posting it as a Facebook bug on With FB's help I noticed the following unwanted browser extensions in Firefox: Searchme, Slick Savings, Amazon Shopping Assistant, and Ebay Shopping Assistant. Turns out these are essentially malware that effected Firefox, Safari, and Chrome on my Mac. They're made by a company called Spigot, Inc.
While searching for an effective means of virus removal I found this link which gives detailed instructions how to do so.
I hope this helps you kevin!
Unfortunately a month or so after my original answer (above) the same error and warnings came back for me but just as of yesterday, 4/22/2014 they changed to these 5 warnings, instead:
Content Security Policy: allow directive is deprecated, use the equivalent
default-src directive instead
all.js (line 27)
The X-Content-Security-Policy and X-Content-Security-Report-Only headers will be deprecated in the future. Please use the Content-Security-Policy and Content-Security-Report-Only headers with CSP spec compliant syntax instead.
"Content Security Policy: allow directive is deprecated, use the equivalent default-src directive instead"
"The X-Content-Security-Policy and X-Content-Security-Report-Only headers will be deprecated in the future. Please use the Content-Security-Policy and Content-Security-Report-Only headers with CSP spec compliant syntax instead."
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead.
{href:function(a){return a.getAttribute("href")},type:function(a){return a.getAt
jquery.min.js (line 3)
My guess is that the errors/warnings are due to the way the Facebook like button is engineered and how it interacts with Firefox and other browsers. The change in warnings and errors to these new warnings seems to indicate that Facebook and or Mozilla are working on this issue and will hopefully fix it...???
yesterday, 4/29/2014 This was officially classified as a Facebook known bug issue I created and is currently being addressed. Below is text from the FB email to me:
The bug you are subscribed to "like button works but errors show onload in firebug "Content Security Policy: Failed to parse unrecognized source chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl"" has been updated:
Status has changed: Closed → Assigned
Hi All, We have managed to reproduce this issue and it appears to be a valid bug. We are assigning this to the appropriate team. This might take some time to fix but we will do our best to keep you updated on the progress of this bug as soon as we can. Thanks
today, 5/07/2014 I just received an email from Facebook stating,
"Status has changed: Assigned → Fixed
This should now be resolved. Thanks for your patience."
Looks good on my end, no longer an issue.
I deleted all FF extensions, and started from clean FF 28 installation.
Installed firebug and user agent overrider add-ons and did not get this error.
Then, I changed user agent and an error shows up on some agents and does not on some.
Error shows up on following agents:
Mac / chrome 32
linux / chrome 32
windows / chrome 32
Android / chrome 32
I recently encountered this issue while adding the Facebook javascript login while working in Firefox (28) Private browsing.
I noticed that my Firebug console would consistenly display
"Couldn't parse invalid source chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl" etc...
It wasn't until I closed my browser completely that this message went away.
This meant that while I was testing my app I would need to completely close out of my browser to refresh the application, not just my private windows but all windows and console log windows as well.
I did not test this in other browsers just Firefox 28.

Show warning on page only when IE7

I want to show a warning on a particular page I have if and only if the user is using IE 7.
I am currently seeing an issue where if the user is using IE 8 in compatibility mode they are seeing this warning message, the logic is as follows:
Please note: Some customers using Internet Explorer 7 web browser may not be able to use parts of this site. You may wish to upgrade.
How can I fix the page so that the customer is only shown this warning if they are really using IE7?
The specifics depends on the web framework in use ( etc), but you can check the browser version by checking the user agent submitted by the browser. Each browser will have a unique user agent that includes the version number as well. The user agent will be in the http request.
Here's a link with a few options if you're using
<script type="text/javascript">
var $buoop = {vs:{i:7,f:5,o:12,s:5,n:9}};
$buoop.ol = window.onload;
try {if ($buoop.ol) $buoop.ol();}catch (e) {}
var e = document.createElement("script");
e.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
e.setAttribute("src", "//");

CRM 2011 external content with relative URL

In CRM 4.0 we could place dynamic content (aspx) in the ISV-folder in CRM, creating separate applications but with security and relative URLs to CRM, so for example a custom 360 view of account could be linked in an iframe using a relative URL along the lines of
In CRM 2011 usage of the ISV folder is deprecated and Microsoft has some guidelines on how to transition into doing this in supported manner (MSDN gg309571: Upgrade Code in the ISV folder to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011). They say:
For scenarios that will not be satisfied by the Web resources feature, create your Web application in its own application pool with its own web.config.
The way I am reading this (coupled with the guidelines on supported/unsupported) is that we need a separate web site in IIS with its own binding as you are not allowed to add virtual directories etc. under the standard CRM app. This is unfortunate and does not allow relative paths/URLs in customizations and sitemap. This is troublesome especially when exporting and importing solutions from DEV, TEST and/or PROD.
Are my assumptions wrong?
Can we somehow have relative paths?
Have anyone else found a pragmatic and easy approach to having external content without doing the sitemap and customization changes for each environment?
EDIT: Confirmed with other sources that my understanding of the guidelines are correct, as this is also listed in the list of unsupported changes. Virtual folders and web apps are to be kept totally separated from the default CRM web site.
Creating an Internet Information Services (IIS) application inside the Microsoft Dynamics CRM website for any VDir and specifically within the ISV folder is not supported.
MSDN gg328350: Unsupported Customizations
If you primarily need to access CRM data/records, take a look at using a jScript web resources. You can do "most" CRUD operations using the REST OData services. If you use JQuery to parse the JSON it's very productive.
I have found a solution much like the javascript redirect, without the need for client execution and only configuring the environment details (servername, port) once. Additional logic can easily be added.
The solution creates a dependency into the customizations, but not an environment one like and can be used for unmanaged and managed solutions.
The solution was to place a file Redirect.aspx in the ISV folder. The code does not in any way interact with CRM and falls within the supported guidelines, however the solution is not future proof as the ISV folder is deprecated by Microsoft.
Redirect.aspxwill automatically pass along any parameter passed, so will work with or without the entity identifiers and so on.
Place the file in the ISV folder on the CRM app server
Change the server name and port to match the current environment (must be done for each environment)
In customizations, for example for an iframe, use the following as a source:
Here is the content of Redirect.aspx
<%# Page Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// must be customized for each environment
const string ServerBaseName = "appserver1:60001";
const string UrlParameterName = "redirect";
const string ReplacePattern = "SERVERREPLACE";
var parameterUrl = Request.Params[UrlParameterName].Replace(ReplacePattern, ServerBaseName);
var queryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys)
if (key == UrlParameterName)
queryStringBuilder.Append(!(queryStringBuilder.Length > 0) ? "?" : "&");
queryStringBuilder.Append(key + "=" + Request.QueryString[key]);
var completeRedirectString = parameterUrl + queryStringBuilder;
Not quite "relative urls" as per your question, but a solution I use is to store "stub" or "root" urls in a config entity and read those records in JScript at runtime to determine the fully qualified destination for your custom links.

Watin accessing localhost

When executing the c# code in MSTest involving WatiN
var browser = new IE("http://localhost:56034/");
The web page is displayed in IE but after about a minute, I receive the error
Timeout while waiting for main document becoming available with the error message
Timeout while waiting for main document becoming available
The code
var browser = new IE("");
works fine.
I am running IIS Express 7.5. Since I am new to the WatiN I am hoping that I am missing something simple.
Following the advice in, turning ON protected mode for the intranet zone in IE 8 solved the problem.
