Kibana multiple dashboards support - elasticsearch

I am using logstash to analyze multiple types of logs that have different structures. "prodlog" and "access_log" in the below.
Following is my logstash configuration:
input {
file {
type => "prodlog"
# Wildcards work, here :)
path => [ "/root/isaac/my_logs/*log*"]
start_position => "beginning"
file {
type => "access_log"
# Wildcards work, here :)
path => [ "/root/isaac/my_logs/access_logs/gw_access_log*"]
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
if [type] == "prodlog" {
grok {
type => "prodlog"
patterns_dir => "/root/isaac/logstash/patterns"
pattern => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:log_timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:log_level}%{SPACE} \[%{JAVACLASS:class}\] %{DATA:thread} - .*"
if [type] == "access_log" {
grok {
type => "access_log"
patterns_dir => "/root/isaac/logstash/patterns"
pattern => "\[%{DATA:my_timestamp}\] %{IP:client} %{WORD:method} %{URIPATHPARAM:request} \[%{DATA:auth_data}\] \[%{DATA:another_timstamp}\] %{NUMBER:result_code} %{NUMBER:duration} %{NUMBER:bytes}"
output {
stdout { debug => true }
elasticsearch { embedded => true }
Is it possible from the Kibana GUI that comes built-in with elasticsearch to create multiple dashboards instead of having the whole data mixed in the same dashboard?
Ideally each dashboard would be accessed with its own URL from the kibana home page.
Thx in advance.

If you want to create a new dashboard, save the one that you are using with a different name. After that, if you click over the folder icon, you should see two dashboards, the one that you have before and the other that you have just saved.
I think it is like that to create new dashboards, but I can not access now to a Kibana to test.


how filter {"foo":"bar", "bar": "foo"} with grok to get only foo field?

I copied
from and save it as my logs.json. I am trying to import only two fields (name and msg) to ElasticSearch via LogStash. The problem is that I depend on a sort of filter that I am not able to accomplish. Well I have successfully imported such line as a single message but certainly it is not worth in my real case.
That said, how can I import only name and msg to ElasticSearch? I tested several alternatives using to reach an useful filter with no success at all.
For instance, %{GREEDYDATA:message} will bring the entire line as an unique message but how to split it and ignore all other than name and msg fields?
At the end, I am planing to use here:
input {
file {
type => "my_type"
path => [ "/home/logs/logs.log" ]
codec => "json"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "data=%{GREEDYDATA:request}"}
#### some extra lines here probably
elasticsearch {
codec => json
hosts => ""
index => "indextest"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
I have just gone through the list of available Logstash filters. The prune filter should match your need.
Assume you have installed the prune filter, your config file should look like:
input {
file {
type => "my_type"
path => [ "/home/logs/logs.log" ]
codec => "json"
filter {
prune {
whitelist_names => [
output {
elasticsearch {
codec => json
hosts => ""
index => "indextest"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Please be noted that you will want to keep type for Elasticsearch to index it into a correct type. #timestamp is required if you will view the data on Kibana.

How to force encoding for Logstash filters? (umlauts from message not recognized)

I am trying to import historical log data into ElasticSearch (Version 5.2.2) using Logstash (Version 5.2.1) - all running under Windows 10.
Sample log file
The sample log file I am importing looks like this:
07.02.2017 14:16:42 - Critical - General - Ähnlicher Fehler mit übermäßger Ödnis
08.02.2017 14:13:52 - Critical - General - ästhetisch überfällige Fleißarbeit
Working configuration
For starters I tried the following simple Logstash configuration (it's running on Windows so don't get confused by the mixed slashes ;)):
input {
file {
path => "D:/logstash/bin/*.log"
sincedb_path => "C:\logstash\bin\file_clientlogs_lastrun"
ignore_older => 999999999999
start_position => "beginning"
stat_interval => 60
type => "clientlogs"
output {
if [type] == "clientlogs" {
elasticsearch {
index => "logstash-clientlogs"
And this works fine - I see that input gets read line by line into the index I specified - when I check with Kibana for example those two lines might look like this (I just ommitted host-name - click to enlarge):
More complex (not working) configuration
But of course this is still pretty flat data and I really want to extract the proper timestamps from my lines and also the other fields and replace #timestamp and message with those; so I inserted some filter-logic involving grok-, mutate- and date-filter in between inputand output so the resulting configuration looks like this:
input {
file {
path => "D:/logs/*.log"
sincedb_path => "C:\logstash\bin\file_clientlogs_lastrun"
ignore_older => 999999999999
start_position => "beginning"
stat_interval => 60
type => "clientlogs"
filter {
if [type] == "clientlogs" {
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{MONTHDAY:monthday}.%{MONTHNUM2:monthnum}.%{YEAR:year} %{TIME:time} - %{WORD:severity} - %{WORD:granularity} - %{GREEDYDATA:logmessage}" ]
mutate {
add_field => {
"timestamp" => "%{year}-%{monthnum}-%{monthday} %{time}"
replace => [ "message", "%{logmessage}" ]
remove_field => ["year", "monthnum", "monthday", "time", "logmessage"]
date {
locale => "en"
match => ["timestamp", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
timezone => "Europe/Vienna"
target => "#timestamp"
add_field => { "debug" => "timestampMatched"}
output {
if [type] == "clientlogs" {
elasticsearch {
index => "logstash-clientlogs"
Now, when I look at those logs for example with Kibana, I see the fields I wanted to add do appear and the timestamp and message are replaced correctly, but my umlauts are all gone (click to enlarge):
Forcing charset in input and output
I also tried setting
codec => plain {
charset => "UTF-8"
for input and output, but that also did not change anything for the better.
Different output-type
When I change output to stdout { }
The output seems okay:
2017-02-07T13:16:42.000Z MYPC Ähnlicher Fehler mit übermäßger Ödnis
2017-02-08T13:13:52.000Z MYPC ästhetisch überfällige Fleißarbeit
Querying without Kibana
I also queried against the index using this PowerShell-command:
Invoke-WebRequest –Method POST -Uri 'http://localhost:9200/logstash-clientlogs/_search' -Body '
"regexp": {
"message" : ".*"
' | select -ExpandProperty Content
But it also returns the same messed up contents Kibana reveals:
bfBgFwC","_score":1.0,"_source":{"severity":"Critical","debug":"timestampMatched","message":"�hnlicher Fehler mit �berm��ger �dnis\r","type":"clientlogs","path":"D:/logs/Client.log","#timestamp":"2017-02-07T13:16:42.000Z","granularity":"General","#version":"1","host":"MYPC","timestamp":"2017-02-07 14:16:42"}},{"_index":"logstash-clientlogs","_type":"clientlogs","_id":"AVskdTS8UR
oncbfBgFwD","_score":1.0,"_source":{"severity":"Critical","debug":"timestampMatched","message":"�sthetisch �berf�llige Flei�arbeit\r","type":"clientlogs","path":"D:/logs/Client.log","#timestamp":"2017-02-08T13:13:52.000Z","granularity":"General","#version":"1","host":"MYPC","timestamp":"2017-02-08 14:13:52"}}]}}
Has anyone else experienced this and has a solution for this use-case? I don't see any setting for grok to specify any encoding (the file I am passing is UTF-8 with BOM) and encoding for input itself does not seem necessary, because it gets me the correct message when I leave out the filter.

Logstash Update a document in elasticsearch

Trying to update a specific field in elasticsearch through logstash. Is it possible to update only a set of fields through logstash ?
Please find the code below,
input {
file {
path => "/**/**/logstash/bin/*.log"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
type => "multi"
filter {
csv {
separator => "|"
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-data-monitor"
fields => [["JSON_COUNTRY","G_COUNTRY"],
if [G_COUNTRY] {
mutate {
update => { "D_COUNTRY" => "%{D_COUNTRY}"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-data-monitor"
document_id => "%{GEOREFID}"
We are using the above configuration when we use this the null value field is getting removed instead of skipping null value update.
Data comes from 2 different source. One is from XML file and the other is from JSON file.
XML log format : GEO-1|CD|23|John|892|Canada|31-01-2017|QC|-|-|-|-|-
JSON log format : GEO-1|AS|33|-|-|-|-|-|Mike|123|US|31-01-2017|QC
When adding one log new document will get created in the index. When reading the second log file the existing document should get updated. The update should happen only in the first 5 fields if log file is XML and last 5 fields if the log file is JSON. Please suggest us on how to do this in logstash.
Tried with the above code. Please check and can any one help on how to fix this ?
For the Elasticsearch output to do any action other than index you need to tell it to do something else.
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-data-monitor"
action => "update"
document_id => "%{GEOREFID}"
This should probably be wrapped in a conditional to ensure you're only updating records that need updating. There is another option, though, doc_as_upsert
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-data-monitor"
action => "update"
doc_as_upsert => true
document_id => "%{GEOREFID}"
This tells the plugin to insert if it is new, and update if it is not.
However, you're attempting to use two inputs to define a document. This makes things complicated. Also, you're not providing both inputs, so I'll improvise. To provide different output behavior, you will need to define two outputs.
input {
file {
path => "/var/log/xmlhome.log"
[other details]
file {
path => "/var/log/jsonhome.log"
[other details]
filter { [some stuff ] }
output {
if [path] == '/var/log/xmlhome.log' {
elasticsearch {
[XML file case]
} else if [path] == '/var/log/jsonhome.log' {
elasticsearch {
[JSON file case]
action => "update"
Setting it up like this will allow you to change the ElasticSearch behavior based on where the event originated.

Data type conversion using logstash grok

Basic is a float field. The mentioned index is not present in elasticsearch. When running the config file with logstash -f, I am getting no exception. Yet, the data reflected and entered in elasticsearch shows the mapping of Basic as string. How do I rectify this? And how do I do this for multiple fields?
input {
file {
path => "/home/sagnik/work/logstash-1.4.2/bin/promosms_dec15.csv"
type => "promosms_dec15"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
match => [
"Basic", " %{NUMBER:Basic:float}"
csv {
columns => ["Generation_Date","Basic"]
separator => ","
ruby {
code => "event['Generation_Date'] = Date.parse(event['Generation_Date']);"
output {
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
host => "localhost"
index => "promosms-%{+dd.MM.YYYY}"
workers => 1
You have two problems. First, your grok filter is listed prior to the csv filter and because filters are applied in order there won't be a "Basic" field to convert when the grok filter is applied.
Secondly, unless you explicitly allow it, grok won't overwrite existing fields. In other words,
match => [
"Basic", " %{NUMBER:Basic:float}"
will always be a no-op. Either specify overwrite => ["Basic"] or, preferably, use mutate's type conversion feature:
mutate {
convert => ["Basic", "float"]

Logstash not importing files due to missing index error

I am having a difficult time trying to get the combination of the Logstash, Elasticsearch & Kibana working in my Windows 7 environment.
I have set all 3 up and they all seem to be running fine, Logstash and Elasticsearch are running as Windows services and Kibana as a website in IIS.
Logstash is running from http://localhost:9200
I have a web application creating log files in .txt with the format:
Datetime=[DateTime], Value=[xxx]
The log files get created in this directory:
My logstash.conf file looks like this:
input {
file {
format => ["plain"]
path => ["D:\wwwroot\Logs\Errors\*.txt"]
type => "testlog"
output {
elasticsearch {
embedded => true
My Kibana config.js file looks like this:
function (Settings) {
return new Settings({
elasticsearch: "http://localhost:9200",
kibana_index: "kibana-int",
panel_names: [
When I view Kibana I see the error:
No index found at http://localhost:9200/_all/_mapping. Please create at least one index.If you're using a proxy ensure it is configured correctly.
I have no idea on how to create the index, so if anyone can shed some light on what I am doing wrong that would be great.
It seems like nothing is making it to elasticsearch currently.
For the current version of es (0.90.5), I had to use elasticsearch_http output. The elasticsearch output seemed to be too closely associated with 0.90.3.
e.g: here is how my config is for log4j format to elastic search
input {
file {
path => "/srv/wso2/wso2am-1.4.0/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log"
path => "/srv/wso2/wso2as-5.1.0/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log"
path => "/srv/wso2/wso2is-4.1.0/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log"
type => "log4j"
output {
stdout { debug => true debug_format => "ruby"}
elasticsearch_http {
host => "localhost"
port => 9200
For my file format, I have a grok filter as well - to parse it properly.
filter {
if [message] !~ "^[ \t\n]+$" {
# if the line is a log4j type
if [type] == "log4j" {
# parse out fields from log4j line
grok {
match => [ "message", "TID:%{SPACE}\[%{BASE10NUM:thread_name}\]%{SPACE}\[%{WORD:component}\]%{SPACE}\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\]%{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:level}%{SPACE}{%{JAVACLASS:java_file}}%{SPACE}-%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:log_message}" ]
add_tag => ["test"]
if "_grokparsefailure" not in [tags] {
mutate {
replace => ["message", " "]
multiline {
pattern => "^TID|^ $"
negate => true
what => "previous"
add_field => {"additional_log" => "%{message}"}
remove_field => ["message"]
remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]
mutate {
strip => ["additional_log"]
remove_tag => ["test"]
remove_field => ["message"]
} else {
drop {}
Also, I would get elasticsearch head plugin to monitor your content in elasticsearch- to easily verify the data and state it is in.
