Divide 2D array into continuous regions of as-equal-as-possible sums? - algorithm

I have a 2D array of floating-point numbers, and I'd like to divide this array into an arbitrary number of regions such that the sum of all the regions' elements are more or less equal. The regions must be continuous. By as-equal-as-possible, I mean that the standard deviation of the region sums should be reduced as much as possible.
I'm doing this because I have a map of values corresponding to the "population" in an area, and I want to divide this area into groups of relatively equal population.

I would do it like this:
1.compute the whole sum
2.compute local centers of mass (coordinates)
3.now compute the region sum
for example:
region sum = whole sum / number of centers of masses
4.for each center of mass
start a region
and incrementally increase the size until it sum match region sum
avoid intersection of regions (use some map of usage for that)
if region has the desired sum or has nowhere to grow stop
You will have to tweak this algorithm a little to suite your needs and input data
Hope it helps a little ...

Standard deviation is way to measure that whether the divisions are close to equal. Lower standard deviation means closer the sums are.
As the problem seems n-p like clustering problems , Genetic algorithms can be used to get good solutions to the problem :-
Standard deviation can be used as fitness measure for chromosomes.
Consider k contagious regions then each gene(element) will have one of the k values which maintain the contagious nature of the regions.
apply genetic algorithm on the chromosomes and get the best chromosome for that value of k after a fixed amount of generations.
vary k from 2 to n and get best chromosome by applying genetic algorithms.


Efficient method for convolution like sum evaluation

Problem Given N 3-dimensional points which are {$p_1,p_2,..,p_n$} where $p_i = (x_i,y_i,z_i) $ . I have to find the value of the formula
for some given constant integers P, Q, R, S.
all numbers are between 1 and M ( = 100).
I need an efficient method for the calculation for this formula
Please give any idea about how to reduce complexity better than $O(n^2)$
Assuming that all coordinates are between 1 and 100, then you could do this via:
Compute 3d histogram of all points O(100*100*100) operations.
Use FFT to compute convolution of histograms along each of the 3 axes
This will result in a 3d histogram of 3d vectors. You can then iterate over this histogram to compute your desired value.
The main point is that computing a convolution of histogram of values computes the histogram of pairwise differences of those values. This can also be used to compute a histogram of sums of values in a similar way.
Your problem looks like a particle potential problem (the kind you have in electrodynamics for instance), where you have to find some "potential" at the location (x_j, y_j) by summing all elementary contributions from the i-th particles.
The fast algorithm specific for this class of problems is the Fast Multipole method. Look up this keyword, but I must warn you it is by no means simple to understand or implement. Strong math background needed.

Constant time search

Suppose I have a rod which I cut to pieces. Given a point on the original rod, is there a way to find out which piece it belongs to, in constant time?
For example:
0.0 4.5 7.8532 9.123
Given a position:
I would like to get 3rd piece.
It is possible to easily get such answer in O(log n) time with binary search but is it possible to do it in O(1)? If I pre-process the "cut" positions somehow?
If you assume the point you want to query is uniformly randomly chosen along the rod, then you can have EXPECTED constant time solution, without crazy memory explosion, as follows. If you break up the rod into N equally spaced pieces, where N is the number of original irregularly spaced segments you have in your rod, and then record for each of the N equal-sized pieces which of the original irregular segment(s) it overlaps, then to do a query you first just take the query point and do simple round-off to find out which equally spaced piece it lies in, then use that index to look up which of your original segments intersect the equally spaced piece, and then check each intersecting original segment to see if the segment contains your point (and you can use binary search if you want to make sure the worst-case performance is still logarithmic). The expected running time for this approach is constant if you assume that the query point is randomly chosen along your rod, and the amount of memory is O(N) if your rod was originally cut into N irregular pieces, so no crazy memory requirements.
When you count the total number of intersection pairs between your original N irregular segments and the N equally-spaced pieces I propose constructing, the total number is no more than 2*(N+1) (because if you sort all the end-points of all the regular and irregular segments, a new intersection pair can always be charged to one of the end-points defining either a regular or irregular segment). So you have a multi-set of at most 2(N+1) of your irregular segments, distributed out in some fashion among the N regular segments that they intersect. The actual distribution of intersections among the regular segments doesn't matter. When you have a uniform query point and compute the expected number of irregular segments that intersect the regular segment that contains the query point, each regular segment has probability 1/N of being chosen by the query point, so the expected number of intersected irregular segments that need to be checked is 2*(N+1)/N = O(1).
For arbitrary cuts and precisions, not really, you have to compare the position with the various start or end points.
But, if you're only talking a small number of cuts, performance shouldn't really be an issue.
For example, even with ten segments, you only have nine comparisons, not a huge amount of computation.
Of course, you can always turn the situation into a ploynomial formula (such as ax^4 + bx^3 +cx^2 + dx + e), generated using simultaneous equations, which will give you a segment but the highest power tends to rise with the segment count so it's not necessarily as efficient as simple checks.
You're not going to do better than lg n with a comparison-based algorithm. Reinterpreting the 31 non-sign bits of a positive IEEE float as a 31-bit integer is an order-preserving transformation, so tries and van Emde Boas trees both are options. I would steer you first toward a three-level trie.
You could assign an integral number to every position and then use that as index into a lookup table, which would give you constant-time lookup. This is pretty easy if your stick is short and you don't cut it into pieces that are fractions of a millimeter long. If you can get by with such an approximation, that would be my way to go.
There is one enhanced way which generalizes this even further. In each element of a lookup table, you store the middle position and the segment ID to the left and right. This makes one lookup (O(1)) plus one comparison (O(1)). The downside is that the lookup table has to be so large that you never have more than two different segments in the same table element's range. Again, it depends on your requirements and input data whether this works or not.

Find correlation in large dataset

I have a huge dataset. We are talking about 100 3D matrices with 121x145x121 cells. Any cell has a value between 0 and 1, and I need a way to cluster these cells according to their correlation. The problem is the dataset is too big for any algorithm I know; even using just half of it (any matrix is a MRI scan of a brain) we have around 400 billion pairs. Any ideas?
As a first step I would be tempted to try K-means clustering.
This appears in the Matlab statistics toolbox as the function kmeans.
In this algorithm you only end up computing the distances between the K current centres and the data, so the number of pairs is much smaller than comparing all choices.
In Matlab, I've also found that the speed of the operation can be quite dependent on the organisation of your matrix (due to memory caching and optimisation issues). I would recommend transforming your 3d matrices so that the columns (held together in memory) correspond to the 100 values for a particular cell.
This can be done with the permute function.
Try a weighted K-means++ clustering algorithm. Create one matrix of the sum of values for all the 100 input matrices at every point to produce one "grey scale" matrix, then adjust the K-means++ algorithm to work with weighted, (wt), values.
In the initialization phase choose one new data point at random as a new center, using a weighted probability distribution where a point x is chosen with probability proportional to D(X)^2 x wt^2 .
The assignment step should be okay, but when computing the centroids in the update step adjust the formula to account for the weights. (Or use the same formula but each point is used wt times).
You may not be able to use a library function to do this but you start with a 100 fold decrease in number of points and matrices to work with.

conjugate of an integer partition

Is the conjugate of an integer partition, selected at random from the set of all partitions for n, also a uniform random sample? My results suggest yes, which is encouraging for the sake of quickly generating random partitions of n that are of length s, but I can't explain why that should or shouldn't be.
By the way, my results are based on 1.) generating all partitions for a small n (<70) of a specific length (s) 2.) calculating the variance of each partition as a macrostate descriptor and 3.) comparing the kernel density curve for the variance across the entire feasible set (all partitions for n of length s) against small random samples (i.e. <500 randomly generated partitions of n whose lengths either match s or whose conjugate lengths match s). Kernel density curves for random samples closely match the curve for the entire feasible set (i.e. all partitions of n matching s). This visually illustrates that random samples, the majority of which are conjugate partitions, capture the distribution of variance among partitions of the n and s based feasible set. I just can't explain why it should work as it appears to do; downfall of making a creative leap.
Note: Many other procedures for producing random samples yield a clearly biased sample (i.e. a differently shaped and highly non-overlapping kernel density curve).
Yes. Conjugation is a bijective operation, so each partition maps to a unique conjugate, which in turn maps back to the original partition. Therefore, there can't be any bias introduced by taking the conjugate of a partition selected uniformly at random.
I don't think this helps you generate fixed length partitions at random though - you should probably adapt Nijenhuis & Wilf's algorithm to do this correctly. This shouldn't be very hard to do, since the numbers of partitions of n into k parts can be computed easily, and the random generation algorithm really only depends on this.
Knuth includes an exercise (47) on generating random partitions in section of TAOCP volume 4A. This would be an excellent starting point for an efficient algorithm to generate fixed length partitions uniformly at random.

math: scale coordinate system so that certain points get integer coordinates

this is more a mathematical problem. nonethelesse i am looking for the algorithm in pseudocode to solve it.
given is a one dimensional coordinate system, with a number of points. the coordinates of the points may be in floating point.
now i am looking for a factor that scales this coordinate system, so that all points are on fixed number (i.e. integer coordinate)
if i am not mistaken, there should be a solution for this problem as long as the number of points is not infinite.
if i am wrong and there is no analytical solution for this problem, i am interested in an algorithm that approximates the solution as close as possible. (i.e. the coordinates will look like 15.0001)
if you are interested for the concrete problem:
i would like to overcome the well known pixelsnapping problem in adobe flash, which cuts of half-pixels at the border of bitmaps if the whole stage is scaled. i would like to find out an ideal scaling factor for the stage which makes my bitmaps being placed on whole (screen-)pixel coordinates.
since i am placing two bitmaps on the stage, the number of points will be 4 in each direction (x,y).
As suggested, you have to convert your floating point numbers to rational ones. Fix a tolerance epsilon, and for each coordinate, find its best rational approximation within epsilon.
An algorithm and definitions is outlined there in this section.
Once you have converted all the coordinates into rational numbers, the scaling is given by the least common multiple of the denominators.
Note that this latter number can become quite huge, so you may want to experiment with epsilon so that to control the denominators.
My own inclination, if I were in your situation, would be to use rational numbers not with floating point.
And the algorithms you are looking for is finding the lowest common denominator.
A floating point number is an integer, multiplied by a power of two (the power might be negative).
So, find the largest necessary power of two among your inputs, and that gives you a scale factor that will work. The power of two isn't just -1 times the exponent of the float, it's a few more than that (according to where the least significant 1 bit is in the significand).
It's also optimal, because if x times a power of 2 is an odd integer then x in its float representation was already in simplest rational form, there's no smaller integer that you can multiply x by to get an integer.
Obviously if you have a mixture of large and small values among your input, then the resulting integers will tend to be bigger than 64 bit. So there is an analytical solution, but perhaps not a very good one given what you want to do with the results.
Note that this approach treats floats as being precise representations, which they are not. You may get more sensible results by representing each float as a rational number with smaller denominator (within some defined tolerance), then taking the lowest common multiple of all the denominators.
The problem there though is the approximation process - if the input float is 0.334[*] then I can't in general be sure whether the person who gave it to me really mean 0.334, or whether it's 1/3 with some inaccuracy. I therefore don't know whether to use a scale factor of 3 and say the scaled result is 1, or use a scale factor of 500 and say the scaled result is 167. And that's just with 1 input, never mind a bunch of them.
With 4 inputs and allowed final tolerance of 0.0001, you could perhaps find the 10 closest rationals to each input with a certain maximum denominator, then try 10^4 different possibilities and see whether the resulting scale factor gives you any values that are too far from an integer. Brute force seems nasty, but you might a least be able to bound the search a bit as you go. Also "maximum denominator" might be expressed in terms of the primes present in the factorization, rather than just the number, since if you can find a lot of common factors among them then they'll have a smaller lcm and hence smaller deviation from integers after scaling.
[*] Not that 0.334 is an exact float value, but that sort of thing. Decimal examples are easier.
If you are talking about single precision floating point numbers, then the number can be expressed like this according to wikipedia:
From this formula you can deduce that you always get an integer if you multiply by 2127+23. (Actually, when e is 0 you have to use another formula for the special range of "subnormal" numbers so 2126+23 is sufficient. See the linked wikipedia article for details.)
To do this in code you will probably need to do some bit twiddling to extract the factors in the above formula from the bits in the floating point value. And then you will need some kind of support for unlimited size numbers to express the integer result of the scaling (e.g. BigInteger in .NET). Normal primitive types in most languages/platforms are typically limited to much smaller sizes.
It's really a problem in statistical inference combined with noise reduction. This is the method I'm going to try out soon. I'm assuming you're trying to get a regularly spaced 2-D grid but a similar method could work on a regularly spaced grid of 3 or more dimensions.
First tabulate all the differences and note that (dx,dy) and (-dx,-dy) denote the same displacement, so there's an equivalence relation. Group those differenecs that are within a pre-assigned threshold (epsilon) of one another. Epsilon should be large enough to capture measurement errors due to random noise or lack of image resolution, but small enough not to accidentally combine clusters.
Sort the clusters by their average size (dr = root(dx^2 + dy^2)).
If the original grid was, indeed, regularly spaced and generated by two independent basis vectors, then the two smallest linearly independent clusters will indicate so. The smallest cluster is the one centered on (0, 0). The next smallest cluster (dx0, dy0) has the first basis vector up to +/- sign (-dx0, -dy0) denotes the same displacement, recall.
The next smallest clusters may be linearly dependent on this (up to the threshold epsilon) by virtue of being multiples of (dx0, dy0). Find the smallest cluster which is NOT a multiple of (dx0, dy0). Call this (dx1, dy1).
Now you have enough to tag the original vectors. Group the vector, by increasing lexicographic order (x,y) > (x',y') if x > x' or x = x' and y > y'. Take the smallest (x0,y0) and assign the integer (0, 0) to it. Take all the others (x,y) and find the decomposition (x,y) = (x0,y0) + M0(x,y) (dx0, dy0) + M1(x,y) (dx1,dy1) and assign it the integers (m0(x,y),m1(x,y)) = (round(M0), round(M1)).
Now do a least-squares fit of the integers to the vectors to the equations (x,y) = (ux,uy) m0(x,y) (u0x,u0y) + m1(x,y) (u1x,u1y)
to find (ux,uy), (u0x,u0y) and (u1x,u1y). This identifies the grid.
Test this match to determine whether or not all the points are within a given threshold of this fit (maybe using the same threshold epsilon for this purpose).
The 1-D version of this same routine should also work in 1 dimension on a spectrograph to identify the fundamental frequency in a voice print. Only in this case, the assumed value for ux (which replaces (ux,uy)) is just 0 and one is only looking for a fit to the homogeneous equation x = m0(x) u0x.
