Updating catalog gets failed in Poedit - poedit

I'm having this issue since 1 day. Till now, I didn't figure out what exactly is the issue. Whenever I create a new catalog, and save it. It throws me the error. Does any have idea about it? Thanks in advance

Press on Button "Details" an see, what the error exactly is. Post it here to got some more help.
I got some error like "please set --from-code Parameter". This was not set, so I set it on Katalog-Pereferences to UTF-8. After this, it works like a charm.


How to fix errors when update project from Xcode 13 to Xcode 14

I was trying to update my project from Xcode 13 to Xcode 14.
But I got a lot of errors. They are similar but I don't know how to fix them. Take a look in the image below:
It's the same error that appears in a lot of files.
I try to click on "Type declared here".
But it didn't appear the error inside the Swift file.
When I click on "self declared here", I see this
It shows no error on the file.
When I was clicking on the errors, they vanish sometimes, but for some unknown reason, they reappear after some time.
Anyone got any idea of how to fix this?
The problem is related to the "OcrProcessingViewController" class.
I comment this class and the code starts to work again. But I still din't find what was causing the problem.
If I restore the code, I can see only one error now.
This is the full code on my "OcrProcessingViewController" class file
I suspect it is related to the "protocol CodigoOcrDataDelegate: AnyObject", but I don't know how yet how this happens.
I find out what was causing the problem.
It was the property
lazy var textDetectionRequest: VNRecognizeTextRequest = {
let request = VNRecognizeTextRequest(completionHandler: handleDetectedText)
request.recognitionLevel = .accurate
request.recognitionLanguages = ["en_GB"]
return request
I just need to move it to start of the class(removing it from inside the function) and everything works perfectly now on Xcode 14

I have an error while changing app name Xcode

I have followed this web site to change my project's name
The Original name is HM 10 Serial and TOUCHE and I want to union that to CANTUS.
But I have failed to change, so I tried to renamed it to the original name.
But when I start Xcode again, there is only
What screen shows
I don't know how to fix it....
and I have no back up file so I have to fix it.
What is this problem and how can I solve this?
I'm so so Desperate, So please any give me any possible idea.
############### added ###############
Problem is getting better and is changed
now I have a different problem.
Build input files cannot be found:

Xcode 9 Autocomplete Not Working properly

auto compete is not working properly like when i try to type some function like print it is showing autocomplete which is not regular.it is happing in every function. it was working fine couple of days before and suddenly it stop showing that auto complete and show such type of autocompelete is there any solution
This happened to me as well. The answers in the suggested link in comments did not work for me.
Try toggling the "Target Memberships" in the right "File Inspector." This should work immediately without restart.

CodeIgniter Blank Page

n00b here. After searching the forums I have not yet come across this problem as I am experiencing it.
I have a CI site that was working correctly until about three days ago. My problem is as follows:
On button click - Page Loads correctly.
On Enter press - CI Blank Page of Death loads.
For example: When I login, after the login process has run it must reroute me to the Dashboard, unless I still have a temporary password where I get rerouted to the "Change Password" screen first and then to the Dashboard.
On ENTER PRESS, I get the Blank Screen of Death.
However, on TAB to BUTTON and then ENTER it works.
The problem is not consistent however. I have some processes that do not have views attached and NONE of them will run - hit ENTER and get blank. They are all failing on ENTER PRESS.
I am slowly going off my trolley. Logging is ON, Directories for cache and logs are 775. NOTHING is showing in my logs...
First Try to active error handlers for displaying of errors for addittional info to post here what error is occuring..
// change settings for error handler to show errors
// $this setup is used for checking errors for development to be shown....
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
by the way if your using CI version 2 higher
you can see it in its index.php file an configuration for displaying error also.
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development'); //just set up environtment to development
Even though there are accepted answers I wanted to add a way that worked for me to figure out this problem.
Usually the "Blank Page" indicates a PHP parsing error somewhere in the code. Strange thing for me was that on my local MAMP based test server the code ran fine. I FTP it to my hosted server and all of a sudden, blank page of death.
Even though I had errors on, log errors on, display errors on, nothing appears in any log file.
I was able to find the error by a funny little trick. I added an echo line in CodeIgniter.php in the system/core. Obviously hacking the core was not a great idea but all I wanted to do was to see how far it was getting in the load process.
When my echo appeared after trying to load a page on the remote hosted server it also displayed the parsing problem in a derived controller! Not sure why the error did not come out without the "echo" added. But adding it seemed to trigger some output to be generated, IE my echo line and the PHP parse error was appended.
Not sure if this will help anyone but it turned out to be a nice easy way to find the error which only showed on the remote server.
Obviously, don't forget to put your core file back to its original state without the echo.
This was fixed by copying the application into a fresh CI 2.3 install.
I have no idea what actually caused this "erratic" behaviour.
The application worked correctly as designed whenever a BUTTON was CLICKED but gave the blank death screen when ENTER was PRESSED.
This inconsistent behaviour is what threw me. The fact that my logs (CI and APACHE) also showed nothing was also very strange. Had this been a parse error, surely the behaviour on "Click" and on "Enter Press" should have been the same.
My non-view controllers for various ad-hoc admin jobs are now also working correctly, which they were not before, as they use "Enter Press" (having no buttons to "Click").
I am still going to invite best guesses as to why this behaviour occurred the way it did.
Surely someone out there (Phil Sturgeon et al) with extensive CI experience has encountered this non-consistent blank screen behaviour and knows what caused it.
Thank you to all the people who took the time and effort to assist me!!!
Big UP!!! StackOverflow!!!
probably error in INCLUDE login.php
My problem was Apache stop working because of ...Skype! Skype actually work on the same 443 and Apache didn't start! I hate this Skype! Bring me nuts for a while.
Installing php5-pgsql worked for me

Getting NSContactsUsageDescription to work in 10.8.2

I have an app with a crash reporter that autofills in the user email address by getting it from ABAddressBook. I'm trying to get an informative message of intent in the dialog that 10.8 displays asking the user for permission. Following the advice at http://www.red-sweater.com/blog/2672/can-i-get-your-address , I've added the following to the app's Info.plist:
<string>blah blah blah</string>
Unfortunately, this is not working. The dialog still asks, but it does not display my description text. I've tried:
Putting this in the crash reporter framework's Info.plist instead of the app's.
Signing the app with my Developer ID cert.
But, alas, no luck. Anyone gotten this to work that can give me a tip as to what I'm doing wrong?
[UPDATE] I found the real reason why restarting helps. It kills the tccd process, which looks like the culprit in charge of displaying the message on that dialog.
So, just open Activity Monitor and kill the tccd process and your new message should just show up next time the dialog shows.
[Old Answer]
I was running into the same problem and wasn't really sure why (I was doing exactly what the documentation said to do). I finally got it working after:
Deleting the container my app was living in (~/Library/Containers/com.company-name.app-name)
Cleaning the build (In Xcode: Product -> Clean)
Restarting my machine (seems a little cargo-cultish, but I think this is what fixed the problem)
Building and running my app
The next time my app tried to access the Address Book API I was presented with the dialog that included my message.
I think Apple must be caching that message somewhere (either the message you want, or an empty string if you ran your code before you had a message to show), and the only way to clear it out is to restart. I tried the first 2 steps many times with no change in the message, even after I got the message working and then tried to change it.
Solution is to run this command in the Terminal:
tccutil reset AddressBook
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1906/_index.html
