How do I edit a .sublime-settings file if it's inside a package? - sublimetext

I'm trying to set up a Node build system in Sublime Text. I thought I'd use tanepiper's, and I'm following its instructions exactly, but there's a problem: my Node executable isn't found (yes, it's in my system PATH). It says to edit Nodejs.sublime-settings if that happens, but that file is inside Nodejs.sublime-package, which is an archive.
I can't edit the file in-place in the archive. I've tried extracting the archive and then zipping it up again and calling the zip a sublime-package, but that doesn't work either.
So what am I supposed to do here?

You should create Nodejs.sublime-settings in your Packages/User folder. The settings will be merged properly. If you really feel you need to modify the packaged file, use, though I'd recommend against it (for settings) as placing a file with the same name in the Packages/User folder will do what you want.


Spring Tool Suite download and installation

I've downloaded and getting the following error while trying to unzip and install:
Error 0x80010135: Path too long
Date Modified 6/11/2014 12:47PM
Size 146 bytes.
What may be the reason?
Possible solutions:
Rename to
Move to C:/ or in another location that is not very deep.
Change your extractor to 7-zip.
Try with any alternative for zip such as 7Zip or WinRAR. 7Zip worked for me
This happens because of the zip file name being too long.You can rename the downloaded zip file to something like (Give a short name) and then try to extract it.The error should now disappear.
When you extract, it will try to extract in a folder named "spring-tool-suite-3.6.1.RELEASE-e4.4-win32-x86_64" which is too long for a folder name. Simple rule of thumb -- install to C:\ and rename the above to STS361_x8664. Be very frugal with folder names.
This happens because the file name & path are too long.
Rename them to something smaller and simpler.
Here is the link that I found helpful
Step 1: Download STS zip file from spring official website
Step 2: After downloading Spring Tool Suite zip file then extract that then Open STS directory file click on STS icon below like this.
Step 3: Run that file then Select a directory as a workspace and browse your directory.
Here is complete installations of STS on Windows operating system.
Source :

Automatic Extension Update: Unknown Archive type

I have created a new version of my Joomla extension.
Manual upgrade via zip file or the directory works fine.
But the automatic upgrade (which used to work fine before), now gives an error 500 and the following error messages: "Unknown Archive type", "*Update path does not exist" and "Installation unexpectedly terminated: Update path does not exist".
I have no idea why those messages appear.
The update.xml references the correct zip files. Downloading it manually works just fine.
Joomla(/php/apache) has all rights on the folder containing the joomla installation.
After trying the automatic update, the tmp folder contains the downloaded zip archive with the latest extension version, interestingly without the .zip extension. Is the Joomla downloader not correctly naming the file and then failing upon finding that the file doesn't have a .zip extension?`Or what could it be?
Would be very thankful for any ideas...
Edit: My project is hosted on github, and github seems to automatically create a subfolder in the downloaded zip archive, named
I'm using a link to the tagged github zip directly in my update.xml
I'm not sure if github always added this folder in the zip file, back when it still worked for me...
Might the Joomla problem have to do with the zip file containng such a folder, and not directly the extension stuff at root level? If so, anybody know if/how I can change github to not create that subfolder?
Right, just had a quick test of this.
I couldn't seem to find out how to automatically zip up a sub folder (there is a way but I need to do some more research/ask questions regarding this), however what you can do is the following:
Create a zip of your Repo
Open the zip, extract the folder you wish to be zipped then zip it
Create a new version and then drag your zip file into the upload box
Publish the release
Here is an example, have a look at the "Creating Releases" sections at the bottom:
Hope this helps
To answer my own question:
Yes, github seems to have recently changed their policy to create a root folder in the zip file, named as the repository the zip file is downloaded for (stupid, if you ask me, since the exact same information is encoded in the zip file name already anyway!).
Edit and Rewrite: It seems that either something changed in Joomla or that if you adhere to a naming convention - namely the root folder in the zip file having the exact extension name (or, I think and have to test, actually the same as the file name, without the version information), then the automatic update will work.
So as in my case, I have a Joomla package; the package is now in a repository pkg_mypkg. The zip file generated by github has the name (e.g., and contains a folder named pkg_mypkg. And inside the pkg_mypkg folder is a pkg_mypkg.xml file, the extension manifest. And this actually seems to be the configuration where automatic update works.

How to install AccessControl NSIS plugin? and grant full access to a subfolder?

I am doing what it says on the forum but can't figure out where is the problem. I downloaded the .zip and extracted it. There was 4 folders (Contrib,Docs,Plugins,Unicode) aside from Docs where do I put the rest ? From AccessControl/Plugins I put the .dll to my NSIS/Plugins folder where are the other .dll files. But the other two folders diden't contained any .nsh or .nsi file to put in NSIS/Include. Where is the problem ? I am using HM NIS Edit and when I try to compile it says Invalid Command.
I tried this code and it compiles but I dont think it does something.. or maybe I am using the wrong command. I need to give to my config folder read,write permission thats in the INSTDIR. I tried it with INSTDIR\config and INSTDIR. But nothing works at the moment. Maybe the plugin isent included.
System::Call 'AccesControl.dll::GrantOnFile (t ."$INSTDIR",t .""(S-1-5-32-545)",t ."FullAccess")'
Was going to add a comment to the above answer, but system wouldn't let me. A clarification as for NSIS 3.0+ the default folder locations didn't work. To fix it I copied the files to:\Plugins\AccessControl.dll --> NSIS\Plugins\x86-ansi\Unicode\Plugins\AccessControl.dll --> NSIS\Plugins\x86-unicode
You can unzip the plugin zip at the root of the NSIS directory, or at least, you need to put the plugin dll into the NSIS plugins directory (or to any directory you want if you include it with !addplugindir)
The core of the plugin is in the dll file in Plugins directory (the unicode/plugins contains the unicode version of the plugin suitable for the unicode flavor of NSIS 3.0+)
the Docs directory contains the plugin documentation
the Contrib directory contains the plugin source code useful if you want to modify the plugin and rebuild it. It is not needed in normal nsis usage.
The correct way to call an nsis plugin is not via the system plugin: you need to call directly the plugin methods from the nsis script, as illustrated in the plugin page :
# Make the directory "$INSTDIR\database" read write accessible by all users
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$INSTDIR\database" "(BU)" "GenericRead + GenericWrite"
or from some code of mine
AccessControl::GrantOnFile `${somePath}` `(S-1-5-32-545)` `${someAccess}` ;(S-1-5-32-545) is local users GUID

Moodle and SCORM .zip packages

I have a scorm package that works in Moodle. However, if unzip it to a folder and then rezip it and try to use it I get the following in Moodle:
"Incorrect file package - missing imsmanifest.xml or AICC structure"
Note, I'm doing this because I was trying to debug it and drilled down to this simple test:
Start with working scorm .zip package ""
On mac os x, I double click to extract it to the current folder.
I cmd click on it and selected decompress which makes ""
I try to use "" on Moodle as a scorm package and get the error above.
I tried using a different program to re-zip the folder and got the same results.
What am I missing here?
It's because you rezip the folder itself. You shouldn't do this. You should go into the folder root and then rezip all the contents to generate a new valid package.
imsmanifest.xml must be in the root of the zip file, not inside any folder (and do not change structure in any other way because the imsmanifest have dependencies with the other files).

JInstaller::install: File '...' does not exist

My installer has been working until a few days ago, now I get:
JInstaller::install: File '/home/john/public_html/tmp/install_4c578c96e449f/com_mycomponent/admin/site/controllers' does not exist.
I checked the zip file and everything looks ok, I changed file contents but not the file structure at all since the time it was working.
controllers of admin files
controllers of site files
In fact the folder
com_mycomponent/admin/site/controllers does in face not exist, I don't know why it is looking for this folder.
Please check your templateDetails.xml file. It must have mentioned about the folder name. Also, make sure if you want to add folder through template then that folder must not be empty
I had the trouble that I had accidentally put a copy of the xml file inside the admin/ folder in addition to in the root folder. Maybe this happened to you too? Just delete it and it works fine!
If you have any backup files on the components folder or some where in the project folder delete it or cut it to some where else...
May be that solves your problem.
Because that solves for me.
I had the same problem. One of the file names, in templateDetails.xml had a typo. That solved my issue.
For some reason it did not like my HTML file, so I deleted it from the XML. When I checked the module installed and the HTML file was present. I still included <folder>html</folder and also <filename>index.html</filename>
