PHPDoc: How to hide private properties and methods - phpdoc

The documentation just shows that an xml configuration property exists for visibility, but doesn't show how to use it. The documentation for the command line equivalent shows:
Provide a comma-separated list of visibility scopes to parse.
This parameter may be used to tell phpDocumentor to only parse public properties and methods, or public and protected.
There are private properties that are showing up in my documentation and I'd like to hide them. I've tried <visibility>public</visibility> but it appears to have no effect.
I'm currently using the default template. It both lists the private methods and shows a "Private Methods" section on the template.

If that --visibility flag is not working, it must be a bug. Then again, it's possible that some output templates display the three visibility view toggles even if the document generation execution was run with only "public" being enabled.
In the resulting docs you've generated with a particular template, are you still seeing all three visibility buttons showing? If so, enable the private and protected buttons, then see if any private/protected properties/methods actually do become visible. It might be that you are getting only public things documented, but just still seeing the private/protected toggle buttons in the view.

This works for me --visibility="public"

The visibility element works. Put inside


SAPUI5 Control Enable / Disable Rendering

I have a sap.m.TabContainer control with multiple sap.m.TabContainerItem controls. Each of the TabContainerItem controls have a number of their own controls on them. I have created a custom control (DBPanel) with a label and text field. It also has an enabled property for which I have overridden the setEnabled(boolean) method to enable/disable the internal text field within DBPanel. There are five (5) of these DBPanel controls on a specific TabContainerItem. When I call setEnabled(true) on each of these DBPanels, only three of the five become enabled. When I switch to another TabContainerItem and then back to this one, the final two DBPanels are also enabled. It is almost as if the TabContainerItem needs to be re-rendered. But I have read elsewhere that if rerender or invalidate need to be specifically called then there is something wrong with the code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
At your overridden method, you can try to call the original method that is extended. If you don't need extra logic rather than disabling or enabling it, you don't need to extend that method but I guess you have some.
First check whether superclass implements the method and then call the
method with the original arguments
if (DBPanel.prototype.setEnabled)
DBPanel.prototype.setEnabled.apply(this, arguments);

ADD OBJECT to subcontainer of object being defined

I'm writing a program to generate a VFP form class with lots (90+ each) of labels and radio buttons on it. That's the easy part. (and yes, I know that's a lot of radio buttons, but that's what the users want).
We have several VCXs in our application which do something similar, but not with anywhere near as many individual controls. So, rather than spend a huge fraction of my life dragging and dropping fields around, and realizing that I happen to have a handy list of all the fields, their options and default values, I used the 'View Class Code' option from the Class Browser to get a sample of what the code looks like as a base. Then I wrote code to generate a PRG with all the pieces I need.
My actual problem is that the code output by 'View Class Code' seems to include invalid syntax:
DEFINE CLASS form40 AS frmae
Height = 427
Width = 710
ScrollBars = 2
DoCreate = .T.
Visible = .T.
Name = "form40"
ADD OBJECT form40.cntouter.cntform40 AS cntctrls WITH ;
Top = 175, ;
Left = 2, ;
Visible = .T., ;
Name = "Cntform40"
The class frmae is a class (from a VCX) which includes a container called 'cntouter'. Class cntctrls is the container that contains all the labels/radio buttons.
The problem is that apparently you can't, in the DEFINE CLASS command, ADD OBJECT to a member. The dotted syntax causes a syntax error. Yet, this technique is used in the 'View Class Code' output.
I suspect I could get around this by generating an Init method which calls ADDOBJECT() to add my control container to cntouter, but I'd rather have it in the class definition.
The "View Class Code" option doesn't produce runnable code; it never has.
My suggestion for doing what you need is to create an option button class with the appearance that you want. Then, use your existing list to populate a cursor and write code that spins through that and adds option buttons to a container class.
The key thing you need to know here is that you can run code in the IDE that affects a form or class that's open in the Form Designer or Class Designer. That's what Builders do. So rather than generate a code-based class, use code to create a visual class.
If you want to do this in code, then first you shouldn't depend view code as Tamar already pointed out. You can do any form and its controls in code (with the exception of one or two activex controls maybe) but you need to understand how to code container type controls. First, to add a class from a class library you need to sepcify its source. ie:
add object myContainer as MyBeautifulContainer from myClasslib.vcx
wouldn't work. Instead you would need to define a class in your code like this:
define class form40 as form
* ...
add object myContainer as MyContainer with ...
* ...
define class myContainer as MyBeautifulContainer from myClasslib.vcx
* additiobnal code if any
Second, you would need to create your inner controls first and then add as needed to create the outermost object.
AT designtime, you could go to command window, pop up a code window:
modify command [enter]
and then using ASELOBJ() function you can get a reference to any object on the form you are designing. Onece you have the desired reference(s), you can add and arrange objects within that code window programmatically, select the code and execute selection (erase the controls, correct your code and retry if you can't do it right for the first time). That is temporary "do and throw away" style builder.

Where did ViewLocationExpanderContext.IsPartial go?

In Core MVC if you want the razor view engine to look for views in places other than the default locations then a new ViewLocationExpander can be added in the ConfigureServices method in the startup.cs like so
services.Configure<RazorViewEngineOptions>(options => {
options.ViewLocationExpanders.Add(new ViewLocationExpander());
Where the ViewLocationExpander class implements IViewLocationExpander. That class typically has access to the ViewLocationExpanderContext, and in RC1 that context contained an IsPartial property. This property was useful if the location expander wanted to specify different view locations for partial views than regular views.
I see that in RC2 this IsPartial property is gone. However, I do see that there is a IsMainPage property but I can't find any documentation on it.
Does anyone know if the property basically just the inverse of the old IsPartial property?
Yes, the IsMainPage property is as you've said - the inverse of IsPartial. As Pranav has pointed out in the comments, you can see the commit and reasoning for the change here.
Glad to see I'm not the only one that was caught out by this change!

Styling an extended TextBox control in Windows Phone 7

Totally new to custom control creation in Silverlight.
I'm wanting a custom control that inherits from a TextBox control. I've found plenty of tutorials but they all do something like watermarked text or other attached properties. My goal is only to manipulate text at time of entry using the KeyUp event, so visually my TextBox is no different from a standard TextBox.
I created a class file and inherited from TextBox, but at run-time the textbox doesn't display. From what I can gather I need a themes/generic.xaml file, but all of samples I've seen include styles for the additional properties, and in my ignorance I don't know what to change and/or remove.
I'm hoping someone can point me to a generic plain-jane TextBox style definition or a tutorial of such.
What you described should work, I just tried the following and the TextBoxEx renders just fine:
public class TextBoxEx : TextBox
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
You do not need to add a generic.xaml file. This file is used to provide a template which defines the look of your control. You specify the default look of your control by setting the following property:
DefaultStyleKey = typeof(MyControl);
However, as the above TextBoxEx does not set this property, it uses the value inherited from TextBox and hence it inherits the same template (i.e look).

Name property of UserControl or Control

What is special about the Name property of a Control or UserControl that causes it to be displayed as "(Name)" inside the property grid within Visual Studio?
Check out this article about design-time attributes in .NET. Specifically, I think you are looking for the Browsable attribute, which enables properties in Visual Studio's design-time properties dialogue.
If you have a property called Name, you'd declare it like this:
public string Name { /*...*/ }
You can set a lot more attributes, like Description, DefaultValue and Category, which will come in handy if you're planning on presenting your controls to other developers.
EDIT: To get the effect that you want, use both the Browsable and ParenthesizePropertyName attributes:
public string Name { /*...*/ }
(Thanks to Ksempac from the comments for this.)
Since you didn't specify if you're using VB or C#, here's the same thing in VB:
<Browsable(true)> _
<ParenthesizePropertyName(true)> _
Public Property Name(Value As String) As String
' ...
End Property
I think you're wondering about why you would want to surround your property with parentheses in the first place, or perhaps what it means for a property's name to have parentheses around it.
You can find the answer to that here:
Parenthesized properties are shown at the top of the window — or at the top of their category if the list is grouped by category
Basically, if a property is important, you want it to appear at the top of a sorted list, so you surround it with parentheses to indicate this.
