Filter traffic using wireshark's display filters - filter

I am learning Wireshark as part of a course. I would like to know how to use the wireshark display filters for filtering traffic of a particular application. I tried using the display filter reference for Skype present on the link below:
However, I am not able to filter the Skype traffic from the capture I have. Can anybody please suggest an approach to filter Skype traffic?
I know how to filter traffic based on the source/destination IP address, protocols but I would like to know how to capture an application specific traffic eg for Skype.
Are there any other tools which would be better in filtering a particular application traffic from a complete packet capture?

I guess in your case there coud be helpfull rawcap.I used it to eavesdrop on my applications.Data captured by rawcap can be opened with wireshark.I was using it on loopback.You shoud be able to listen to skype as well.After you captured enought data close it with ctrl+c if i remember correctly and then open the file you saved all the informations in with wireshark

Skype uses a different protocol nowadays (if you're using a new Skype version). It looks like normal SSL (HTTPS) now. The old Skype dissector in Wireshark is therefore quite useless now.
Try loading the PCAP file into CapLoader and look at the long duration flows (probably to TCP port 443). Select those and export them to a new PCAP file.


How to listen to GET and POST requests for all connections using GO

I am using python and mitmproxy to listen to all incoming and outgoing traffic so that I can capture the URLs. I run the script and it tells me all URLs my computer is trying to connect to.
I need to implement the same using Go but have not got a clue on how to start or what package to use. Can anyone guide me in the right direction please?
You can either easily build a proxy with httputil - example here.
Or you might want to use gopacket as described here.
You would need a local intermediate proxy, in order to capture its traffic and display the URLs used.
See for example, in Go, sipt/shuttle, with its GUI web interface:

Is it possible to view how much bandwidth has been used by a websocket in the google chrome developer tools?

I am able to view the frames as they come through but I have yet to find a way to see how much data is actually being sent.
Here is the trick. You can use "tshark" to capture the data in/out from web-socket. Or you can use the graphical version of tshark called Wireshark. If you are wanting to print the capture via your progarm (java file) then you can do Runtime.execute("tshark command here"). This must be the one way. Web-socket is a TCP socket between server and client. Wireshark can easily to this.

Monitor network activity of specific program

I have a program that I'm trying to reverse engineer.
It gets a specific key by using HTTP GET on some URLs.
I need to figure out the details on how this works.
The good news is that there's the option to preform these requests over an HTTP proxy.
Would anybody know of a program to monitor a specific application's network traffic?
I've tried Wireshark, but its no giving me enough information (Headers, URL path).
After Wireshark, I tried FreeProxy. The problem with FreeProxy is that it only gives headers for around 1/3 of the requests and it doesn't give the full path either.
Could anyone suggest a better alternative for monitoring the internet activity of my application?
I thought Wireshark was able to capture the full packet with all its content? If so, how can it not give you enough information? Maybe you need to revise your traffic capture config?
It's been a while since I used Wireshark, but if you have trouble capturing full packets, what you can do is use tcpdump to capture and write to file, then view the capture file using Wireshark. tcpdump's -s option will allow you to set the packet size so as to capture full packets.
I use Fiddler for all my HTTP traffic monitoring. It is very powerful and displays data in the HTTP layer only. Wireshark will get all of your data, but it displays the details at a much lower layer. It even has capability to decrypt SSL traffic.
Fiddler installs itself as a proxy, and configures IE and FF automatically to use it when it is on. If you are having too much traffic mix in, then you can install Fiddler on a remote box, and point your proxy to that IP address.
I was recommemded another program called "mitmproxy" which worked perfectly for what I needed. Fiddler also worked, but SSL was giving me problems.

In Microsoft Network Monitor, how can I capture a single payload?

In Microsoft Network Monitor, I have a HTTP payload I want to capture that is not chunked, the data received is only 21K. How can I capture this data and save it to a file?
EDIT: Also is it possible to drop all non-matched packets?
EDIT: Why the downvote? There were already questions on this site about netmon, so I thought it was okay.
I found that Microsoft Network Monitor did not meet my needs. Instead I used wireshark.
Make sure the follow TCP option is set. I simply clicked the frame where the HTTP request/response was located, and clicked "Follow TCP", from there a window appears showing the collated chunks.

How can I see my HTTP posts?

I'm trying to send http Post requests from a embedded device.
Is there any service I can use to send test POSTs to and see what my requests look like? Or is there any "test-webserver" I can install on my PC that dumps Http posts in a raw format?
Requestbin does exactly what you need.
I would say that one of the best ways of doing this would be setting up an ad-hoc wireless network and then track the traffic via Wireshark or Fiddler. You can connect the phone to the shared network and then specifically "sniff" the wireless traffic (given that the PC is connected to a wired network).
Example for Windows Phone 7:
You could also try PutsReq. It is similar to RequestBin, but it is open source and you can also simulate responses and forward requests.
