Does a Sublime Text plugin exist that makes creating Ruby classes and methods faster? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a Sublime Text plugin for Ruby that, after I type class/def something + Enter, will automatically insert end and place the curser in the class/method?
For example, typing def initialize(args) + Enter would result in:
def initialize(args)
#cursor here

In Textmate if you type def + Tab, it sets things up for you like that. I believe Sublime does the same.

I haven't used sublime, but here is what i found.
you could create snippets using Ruby on Rails Snippet package
You could use the solution given in 'How to automatically add "end" to code blocks?'.


Where can I find some information on "MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.MessageBox"? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In C# application, I want know how work MessageBox. But I block on this method:
MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.MessageBox(HandleRef hWnd, String text, String caption, Int32 type)
My question is the same in suject title:
Where can I find some information on this method?
MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.MessageBox is just a reference to the native API function MessageBox.
It blocks because that is what it does: it is waiting for you to press a button.

Which gem is better to use for weather feed in rails 4? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Ruby 2.0 + rails 4.0
I want to show weather-feed on the public site, is there any gem which will show the weather according to the city name ?
without any registrations and charges.
Any suggestion ?
Why? write your using nokogiri and yahoo weather api!
it is quite a way try to do something myself and know more than using someone else's
For example:
require "nokogiri"
require "open-uri"
link = "" #2123260 this code of my city
data = Nokogiri::XML(open(link))
#=> "<yweather:condition text=\"Cloudy\" code=\"26\" temp=\"-6\" date=\"Tue, 10 Dec 2013 3:30 pm MSK\"/>"
And more pictures available weather schedule for the week and so on. Just take it!
That's all

vim plugins for bash edit [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to write bash in a comfortable environment.
I've tried
But it lacks:
function list
function parameter hint
function description hint
Is there any vim plugin which you use when writing shell script?
Don't forget that Vim is not an IDE (though through its great integration capabilities and plugins, it can appear like one). It is first and foremost a (very powerful) text editor. (There are various blog posts and discussions around that topic, so I spare you further arguments.)
How are function parameter hints supposed to work in Bash scripts? Arguments are simply passed as positional untyped parameters $1 etc., and must be parsed and assigned to variables inside the function.
Likewise, a function description would require some sort of commenting conventions (e.g. tags like Doxygen or Javadoc use); this is not generally used, so don't expect an existing solution.

Aspect Oriented Programming in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What frameworks exist to add AOP to Ruby?
With Ruby 2.0+, you don't necessarily need a framework:
module BarkLogger
def bark
puts "Logging ##name's bark!"
class Dog
prepend BarkLogger
def initialize(name)
#name = name
def bark
puts "##name the dog says bark!"
Logging Rufus's bark!
Rufus the dog says bark!
You haven't specified any criteria for evaluating different frameworks, so here's one that I found after 3 seconds on Google: Aquarium.
Another one, suggested by #Telemachus: gazer.
Shameless plug: aspector could be what you are looking for. It allows you to define aspect and then apply to one or more targets.
I tried 2 or 3 years ago Aquarium gem at university project. Worked nice, aim of project was comparing with AspectJ, to find out if it is capable of all things as AspectJ. At that time a lot of functionality, which AspectJ was capable of, was missing. But now I see a many things were added, so it's worth a try again.
AspectR (last release looks like in 2002) - originally the canonical AOP library in Ruby.
Facets - has some AOP functionality.

Best Zip Code Plugin for Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to find the city and state from a zip code. Does anyone know a good plugin/API that I can use to do this?
gem install geokit
require 'geokit'
geo = GeoKit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.multi_geocoder('90210')
if geo.success
geo.state # => CA # => Beverly Hills
A more lightweight option is the Area gem.
require 'area'
'11211'.to_region #=> "Brooklyn, NY"
See Jason's answer. It works nicely.
The problem is that the USPS doesn't allow bulk downloads of their zip-code lists unless you pay for it. Google's API, which is used in the gem mentioned by Splashlin, no longer seems to support the city and state, instead it now returns the area code:
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
json = JSON::parse(open('').read)
puts json
# >> {"name"=>"852581", "Status"=>{"code"=>602, "request"=>"geocode"}}
This page shows some ways you could roll your own. The sources of the data might not be current though:
