Yield something when random block of calculations passed - ruby

The part I don't understand is how to make this yield so that the elements in the array have the calculation, (which is specified in the block), done to them if block_given?, prior to their being added together.
For example, the calculation could be |x| x+3 (to add 3 to each of the elements), but I want this to work for any sort of manipulation of the elements, such as |x| x**3 or |x| x*5, so that the elements inmy_ary ([1,2,3]) are changed as specified by the calculation.
So essentially I'm asking what I need to do to the part of my code that reads yield array.each{|x|} if block_given? . what I was trying to do here is say that each element in the array should have whatever is stated in the block done to the element, so that it is changed.
What I am passing to the this is something along the lines of my_ary.sum(2) {|x| x **4}.
class MyArray
attr_reader :ary
def init(ary)
#ary = ary
def sum(init_val = 0)
yield ary.each{|x|} if block_given?
(#ary.inject(0){|x,y|x+y}) + init_val

class MyArray
attr_reader :ary
def initialize(ary)
#ary = ary
def sum n, &block
new_ary = #ary.collect &block # ary after executing block
ary_sum = new_ary.inject(0){|sum, x| sum+=x} # sum all elements of the array
return ary_sum + n
def nsum n, &block, here & saves the block (code between {} or do; end) to instance of Proc. It's basically your block of code saved to variable.
#ary.collect &block here, collect want block not proc so & change proc to the block. collect execute block for each element, and return new array.
inject - yields element to the block, add it to sum, and it is returned as sum variable. On the next iteration (next yielding to the block) sum will be last value of previous iteration.
[1,2,3].inject(0){|s, x| s+=x}
# sum = 0; x = 1;
# sum = 1; x = 2
# sum = 3; x = 3
# sum = 6
# inject returns 6 because there is no elements in the array


Why do I get a 'typeerror' when using inject in Ruby?

I am using this inject method to make a running total of values into an array. I am trying to figure out why I am getting an error.
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
myarray.inject([]) do |sum,n|
results << sum + n
p running_totals([1,2,3,4,5])
I am getting the error
in `+': no implicit conversion of Fixnum into Array (TypeError)
When breaking this method down, isn't this the same as adding two integers and adding that into an array? I'm a bit confused here. Thanks for the help.
In the first iteration sum will be an array (as you specified an array as the default when calling inject([])) and you try to add a number to it. in the results << sum + n statement
Instead, set the initial value to 0, then add, then add the result to the array, then make sure you let sum get passed into the next iteration of inject.
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
myarray.inject(0) do |sum,n| # First iteration sum will be 0.
sum += n # Add value to sum.
results << sum # Push to the result array.
sum # Make sure sum is passed to next iteration.
p running_totals([1,2,3,4,5]) #=> [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
The result of results << sum + n is an array results and it's this that's replacing the sum value and so the next iteration you're trying to add a fixnum n into an array sum ... plus it doesn't help that you're initializing the value of sum to be an array.
Make sure that the last executed statement in your inject block is what you want the accumulated value to be.
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
results << myarray.inject do |sum, n|
results << sum
sum + n
p running_totals([1,2,3,4,5])
=> [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
Note that I moved the result of the inject into results array as well, so that the final value is also included, otherwise you'd only have the four values and would be missing the final (15) value.
The return value of the inject block is passed as the first argument the next time the block is called, so those have to match. In your code, you're passing an array as an intital value, and then returning an array; so far, so good. But inside the code block you treat that array parameter (sum) as a number, which won't work. Try this:
def running_totals(myarray)
myarray.inject([]) do |results,n|
results << n + (results.last || 0)
The [] passed as an argument to inject becomes the first value of results; the first array element (1 in your example) becomes the first value of n. Since results is empty, results.last is nil and the result of (results.last || 0) is 0, which we add to n to get 1, which we push onto results and then return that newly-modified array value from the block.
The second time into the block, results is the array we just returned from the first pass, [1], and n is 2. This time results.last is 1 instead of nil, so we add 1 to 2 to get 3 and push that onto the array, returning [1,3].
The third time into the block, results is [1,3], and n is 3, so it returns [1,3,6]. And so on.
According to ri, you have to return result of the computation from inject's block.
From: enum.c (C Method):
Owner: Enumerable
Visibility: public
Signature: inject(*arg1)
Number of lines: 31
Combines all elements of enum by applying a binary
operation, specified by a block or a symbol that names a
method or operator.
If you specify a block, then for each element in enum
the block is passed an accumulator value (memo) and the element.
If you specify a symbol instead, then each element in the collection
will be passed to the named method of memo.
In either case, the result becomes the new value for memo.
At the end of the iteration, the final value of memo is the
return value for the method.
If you do not explicitly specify an initial value for memo,
then uses the first element of collection is used as the initial value
of memo.
# Sum some numbers
(5..10).reduce(:+) #=> 45
# Same using a block and inject
(5..10).inject {|sum, n| sum + n } #=> 45
# Multiply some numbers
(5..10).reduce(1, :*) #=> 151200
# Same using a block
(5..10).inject(1) {|product, n| product * n } #=> 151200
# find the longest word
longest = %w{ cat sheep bear }.inject do |memo,word|
memo.length > word.length ? memo : word
So your sample would work if you return computation result for each iteration, something like this:
def running_totals(myarray)
results = []
myarray.inject do |sum,n|
results << sum + n
results.last # return computation result back to Array's inject
Hope it helps.

Ruby lazy enumerator returning different object types depending on use

I was attempting to solve Project Euler #58 in a functional manner with ruby.
Briefly, I created an enumerator to return the corner number of each ring. I was then chaining functional operators on the enumerator. When I get my result, I find that it has a different class depending on how I use it.
spiral = Enumerator.new do |yielder|
n = 3
step = 2
loop do
vals = n.step(nil, step).take(4)
yielder.yield vals
step += 2
n = vals.last + step
primes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113]
levels = spiral
.map { |ring| ring.count { |n| primes.include? n } }
.with_object({:total=>1.0, :primes=>0})
.take_while do |ring_primes, counts|
counts[:total] += 4
counts[:primes] += ring_primes
(counts[:primes] / counts[:total]) > 0.5
The class of levels is a lazy enumerator. I would expect it to contain the number of primes in each ring [3, 2, 3, etc.] - see the project euler reference.
If I just print from the enumerator, I get what I expect:
levels.each do |level|
puts "#{level}"
But if I loop .with_index I get an array result back where the expected value is the first member and the second is my .with_object parameter
levels.each.with_index do |level, ix|
puts "#{ix}: #{level}"
0: [3, {:total=>5.0, :primes=>3}]
1: [2, {:total=>9.0, :primes=>5}]
2: [3, {:total=>13.0, :primes=>8}]
3: [1, {:total=>17.0, :primes=>9}]
Why does the lazy enumerator work this way and how could I predict for it in the future?
I asked around on the IRC ruby channel and no one there had any idea about it. They said they had discussed it a day or two ago and hadn't come to any conclusions.
In general, it seems one must just deal with it and move on.
What's happening here is you're conveniently ignoring the structure that's returned and plucking out the first item to display. In this case the first item is the counts structure you produce.
Have a look at this:
levels.each do |*level|
puts level.inspect
That shows you what's actually in the levels results. When Ruby calls a lambda it will discard any additional data that doesn't fit with the number of arguments the block accepts.
If you don't need that metadata, strip it out:
levels = spiral
.map { |ring| ring.count { |n| primes.include? n } }
.with_object({:total=>1.0, :primes=>0})
.take_while do |ring_primes, counts|
counts[:total] += 4
counts[:primes] += ring_primes
(counts[:primes] / counts[:total]) > 0.5
.map { |r,_| r }
That removes the extraneous element in the results.
Here's a way of cleaning up your Enumerator a bit:
class Spiral
include Enumerable
def each
Enumerator.new do |yielder|
n = 3
step = 2
loop do
vals = n.step(nil, step).take(4)
yielder.yield vals
step += 2
n = vals.last + step
Then you can create one with:
Spiral.new.each ...

Quicksort not working with little larger array size

Below is my quicksort code in ruby, and its working fine for array size like 20-25 but getting either stack level too deep error or its getting stuck for longer time.
I am guessing i am doing a trivial mistake but not able to figure out.
# This program is to do sorting using Quick sort.
require 'colorize'
class QuickSort
attr_accessor :array
def initialize(size)
puts "Generating Random numbers for your array".cyan
#array = (1..size.to_i).map do
rand(500) # Generating random numbers between 1 to 500.
# Boundary case
if #array.size == 1
puts "Your sorted array is"
p #array
puts "Array Before Sorting".yellow
p #array
#head = 0
#tail = #array.size-1
startSort(#array,#head,#tail) #Start the searching logic.
# Quicksort logic
def startSort(array,head,tail)
if head < tail
pivot = partitionArray(array,head,tail) # Calling the sorting logic
# This method is called to partition the array based on pivot.
def partitionArray(array,head,tail)
pivot_value = array[(head+tail)/2] # Choosing random pivot value.
# Run this partition step until head is equal to tail
while head <= tail
if array[head] < pivot_value
head += 1
elsif array[head] >= pivot_value
if array[tail] > pivot_value
tail -= 1
elsif array[tail] <= pivot_value
# Swapping head and tail values
temp = array[head]
array[head] = array[tail]
array[tail] = temp
# Moving each pointer forward from both the directions.
head += 1
tail -= 1
return head # Nothing but pivot
puts "Enter the size of Array"
#size = gets.chomp
# Checking if entry is a valid integer or not.
if #size.match(/^(\d)+$/)
#obj = QuickSort.new(#size)
puts "Array after sorting is ".green
p #obj.array
puts "Invalid Entry".red
Your implementation of quick sort algorithm is not correct. In a line:
startSort(array, pivot + 1, #tail)
you always call startSort method for pivot + 1 and array.size - 1 because #tail is an instance variable. It is assigned to #array.size - 1 only once and its value never changes. However, simply changing this line to
startSort(array, pivot + 1, tail)
is not enough to fix your code. With this change, it works fast even for large arrays but produces incorrect answer. This line should actually be:
startSort(array, pivot, tail).
With this change, it works fast for large arrays and sorts the array properly.

Ruby - Return duplicates in an array using hashes, is this efficient?

I have solved the problem using normal loops and now using hashes, however I am not confident I used the hashes as well as I could have. Here is my code:
# 1-100 whats duplicated
def whats_duplicated?(array)
temp = Hash.new
output = Hash.new
# Write the input array numbers to a hash table and count them
array.each do |element|
if temp[element] >= 1
temp[element] += 1
temp[element] = 1
# Another hash, of only the numbers who appeared 2 or more times
temp.each do |hash, count|
if count > 1
output[hash] = count
# Return our sorted and formatted list as a string for screen
### Main
# array_1 is an array 1-100 with duplicate numbers
array_1 = []
for i in 0..99
array_1[i] = i+1
# seed 10 random indexes which will likely be duplicates
for i in 0..9
array_1[rand(0..99)] = rand(1..100)
# print to screen the duplicated numbers & their count
puts whats_duplicated?(array_1)
My question is really what to improve? This is a learning excercise for myself, I am practising some of the typical brain-teasers you may get in an interview and while I can do this easily using loops, I want to learn an efficient use of hashes. I re-did the problem using hashes hoping for efficiency but looking at my code I think it isn't the best it could be. Thanks to anyone who takes an interest in this!
The easiest way to find duplicates in ruby, is to group the elements, and then count how many are in each group:
def whats_duplicated?(array)
array.group_by { |x| x }.select { |_, xs| xs.length > 1 }.keys
# => [2, 3]
def whats_duplicated?(array)
array.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |val, hsh| hsh[val] += 1 }.select { |k,v| v > 1 }.keys
I would do it this way:
def duplicates(array)
counts = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = 0 }
array.each do |number|
counts[number] += 1
counts.select { |k,v| v > 1 }.keys
array = [1,2,3,4,4,5,6,6,7,8,8,9]
puts duplicates(array)
# => [4,6,8]
Some comments about your code: The block if temp[element] == 1 seems not correct. I think that will fail if a number occurs three or more times in the array. You should at least fix it to:
if temp[element] # check if element exists in hash
temp[element] += 1 # if it does increment
temp[element] = 1 # otherwise init hash at that position with `1`
Furthermore I recommend not to use the for x in foo syntax. Use foo.each do |x| instead. Hint: I like to ask in interviews about the difference between both versions.

Ruby Shoes: counting the amount of times a value occurs in an Array

I'm making a Yahtzee game in Ruby using Shoes
when I click Button "Two" the code is suppose to count the amount of times the
value 2 occurs in an array. For every instance of the value 2 that appears,
the score is incremented by 2.
This code works for a select amount of cases but on other cases like
#array = [2,1,2,2,3] # there are three 2's in the array so
the score is suppose to be 6, but instead my code returns 4... why?
button " twos " do
#array.each_with_index do |value, index|
if (#array[index] == 2)
#score = #score + 2
#points = #score + 2
end #if
end #loop end #button
This code looking better, but, in fact, it does the same thing. Maybe you should check initial values of instance variables #score and #points?
#array = [2,1,2,2,3]
#score = #points = 0
#score = #array.count(2) * 2
#points = #score
=> 6
=> 6
I recommend you to use Enumerable#inject method. By means of inject you can implement abstract method for counting numbers and use it everywhere in your project:
def count_of_element array, element
array.inject(0) { |count, e| count += 1 if e == element; count }
puts count_of_element [2,1,2,2,3], 2 # => 3
There could be even better solution – define method for Array class like this:
class Array
def count_of_element element
inject(0) { |count, e| count += 1 if e == element; count }
puts [2,1,2,2,3].count_of_element 2 # => 3
It looks even cooler. Good luck!
