Image Loader Google volley - android-volley

Is it possible to find whether the image is loaded into the Imageview in Google volley .
I have a ListView that has a ImageView in each list item. And need to show a progress indicator until image is loaded to view in each cell.

I was thinking also about some kind of progress indicator, but when I tested it volley is so quickly that for small images that has no sense to have any loader - I have more then 1000 items in listview without any problem. I guess that to have progress indicator in each imageView would make more troubbles when scrolling


Check if Xamarin's UI has done initialize?

My Xamarin app has a grid layout that contains a lot of images & image buttons. All images have property Aspect="Fill", the problem is when I open the app, the app took a few seconds to resize the images before it properly fill the grid, it looks bad. So to hide it, I put a full-screen image on top of all the images, the idea is to hide the ugly resizing until all the images done resizing.
I've tried wait for x seconds like await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(1000); but it isn't good for many reasons: e.g if the init time is longer than Task.Delay(1000) then it doesn't work at all.
So Is there any way I can check if Xamarin's UI has done initialize?

image overriding when scrolling in list view in xamarin forms

I'am loading more than 100 images using API in list-view ,each row height is "225" . rows are clickable that popup a model . my problem is when I scrolling the list-view each time images get replaced. I can see when i scroll, new row comes up with old image and in one second time new images replace that old image.
I tried some caching method XAML view, but i didn't help me . can someone help me to go through this issue.

Best way to represent list with image(using url) in Xamarin.Forms?

I want to create List View. In this List View, I will have following fields.
1- Image with 300 x 400 size
2- Text-Label Controls
1 Screen will hardly cover 1 and Half ViewCell.
Images will have ImageURL. I want to load image smoothly. I also want to make smooth scroll up/down with image appearing.
Can anybody please suggest me which control I should use?
If List View, which CacheStrategy I should use?
Note: For one of such functionality, I had used List View with default CacheStrategy. In that, I just faced 1 major problem of image appearing. When page initialize first time, it show image properly. But as soon as I scroll down or scroll up, image disappear or misplace. In that case, I had suffered a lot and removed image finally.
Please suggest appropriate way for above functionality.
Thank you.
For the listview, you should definitely use RecycleElement as the CachingStrategy. See here
And because the images are URLs, you can use FFImageLoading. It will fade-in the image after it is downloaded (as opposed to appearing instantly after downloaded), and you can even specify a placeholder image to use while the image is being downloaded.

Cocoa View auto-scale content

I am trying to build an cocoa app using Xcode 4.2 and i did not manage to find how to make the content of a view to auto-scale on resize.
I have an Image view inside the View and I want it to rescale the image view when i resize the app so it will always be on the entire window.
Can anyone tell me how to do that without making it by myself when the resize event is triggered ?
Thanks in advance,
If you're using manual layout, use something like this:
If you're using auto layout, align the image well's edges to the edges of the window, and set the content hugging priorities below the priority of the window resize.

Google Street View API V3 - tiles loaded event?

Is there an event that fires when the Street View has finished loading all the tiles that make up a panorama? Currently if you change the position manually (StreetViewPanorama.setPosition) the transition is rough, and there is no way to tell when the new files have all loaded. As a result, it's not possible to display a loading GIF unless it's given an arbitrary timeout such as 2 or 3 seconds.
Any ideas?
You can see all available events for a panorama here:
Have you tried using the position_changed event?
