Clone code from TFS to Github - visual-studio

Hello I have project which I manage with visual Studio Online and tfs basic online.
But I need to share the code with coworkers who don't want to create MS accounts so they don't have access to the vs online code repository.
Can you tell me if there is any easy way to clone code from one repository to the other?
I'll be gratefull if anyone suggest me tools I should download to clone my code.

You can use GitExtensions, for example, to do this.
Clone Repository from TFS Server (the url is in the Code-Explorer of the TFS Website)
Set the Origin Remote (Remotes/Manage Remote Repositories, there you can set the path of the github Remote (is written somewhere on the website))
Push (for example via GitExstensions)


How to Clone Project on Azure DevOps?

I am using Team Foundation Services which is free in Microsoft:
Is there a way to clone a project? I am checking online and it seems I cannot find any valid resources on how to do it. If I will do it manually, I will have to duplicate my project on my local and re-upload it again to my online TFS which if there is a way to do it online instead?
Map a workspace in the folder containing the code you want to check-in, then check it in.

TeamCity unable to fetch Git repository hosted in Visual Studio Team Services

I was configuring TeamCity (running on Windows Server) for a new project of which the Git repository is hosted in Visual Studio Team Services. The configuration is similar to other projects that we host on there. However, this project does not seem to be able to fetch the repository, unlike the others. It is complaining about some missing git-upload-pack service.
The error I get when testing the connection:
Test connection failed in SomeProject :: Develop Build
List remote refs failed: cannot locate repository at https://*** https://*** not found
What could be the reason that this project encounters the error, but the other do not? Also, how could I fix it? Many thanks in advance.
Make sure you install the latest TeamCity 9.0.3, which fixes some git connection error.
If you rename the project befor. The fix is to edit .git/config in your project and make sure the remote URL for VSTS reflects the updated project name. git-upload-pack not found
Turned out I forgot to give permissions to our BuildUser in Visual Studio Team Services. The BuildUser is linked to TeamCity, so TC was not able to fetch the repository.

Configure Git Source Control Provider For Development Team

I'm totaly newbie to Source Control idea, so please be kind.
My situation is that we are a development team which contains 2 developers and 1 designer.
We use Visual Studio 2010 and we need to use a Git as a Source Control.
I've installed Git Source Control Provider and GitExtensions using Extensions Manager on all machines.
But there is only one thing I don't get it, how can I configure every Git on every machine to find a central repositry where we can Push and Update all work in one place?
Does that mean everyone will take a copy of a solution into his own machine (Locally) and configure Git to a repositry OR are we going to run on the same solution?
Honestly, I have not found articles regarding this issue and how teams on same project on Visual Studio 2010?
Git is distributed version control system means that whenever you clone a repository you can work on your copy and commit too. Once you done you can push the commits to remote repository.

Setting up BitBucket and Mercurial for Use In a Group Environment

My company is currently implementing a versioning system using Mercurial and BitBucket. We currently have respositories set up on bitbucket and are able to use them, but our work processes for doing so are a bit clunky. We use Visual Studio for web programming in .Net. Currently, we have set up a cloned repository locally and work from there. We can do this using Visual Studio with VisualHg.
In order to edit files we open them in Visual Studio from the local repository and make our edits. We then commit our changes to Hg, which updates the repository as it should. Then we need to FTP the files from our local system to the DEV server for testing and then FTP again to the Production server once QA is completed and approved.
It would help streamline things if we could have the BitBucket repository synced with our DEV server so that all that was required is to commit changes for testing in DEV, bypassing the otherwise necessary step of locating and FTP'ing all relevant files.
Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, can you point me to any documentation that would show me how to set this up? Our developers would be eternally grateful. Thanks for your time.
In my opinion, using Mercurial is not the correct solution for this problem.
The main reason for it not being the correct solution is that the files that are in Mercurial are not the files that you want on the production server and so aren't the files that you want to use on your development server (because you want the QA environment to be as close to the production environment as possible). There are no assembly files stored in Mercurial (or there shouldn't be) and those are the files that the server should be using to run the application.
There are deployment tools built into Visual Studio that you can use for this task. They can be configured to upload all the necessary files with one button click.
Scott Hanselman has a post on his blog about this.
Troy Hunt takes it one step further by introducing a build server with this excellent set of posts. It uses Subversion as the repository but it can be done using Mercurial too.
I prefer the build server method as, once you have it set up correctly, it makes it 100% reliable. It will do the same thing every time you ask it to do the deployment. If you use Visual Studio to do it the developer doing the publish could choose different options and get it wrong.

Uploading project to GitHub from Visual Studio 2010

I have a GitHub account.
I have a Visual Studio 2010 with Git Extensions and Git Source Control provider installed.
I have created a clean project. How do I upload it to GitHub?
P.S. A tutorial on this particular topic would be fine.
In order to upload a Visual Studio Project to GitHub one needs to perform a push operation in GitExtension commit dialog.
Basically syncing the project with GitHub server is called "push"ing in Git terminology.
In order to be able to push, one needs to do the following:
Create a local repository. This is covered in detail by both GitHub and GitExtensions manual.
Create a repository online from GitHub account. This is covered in detail by GitHub help.
Map a local repository to an online one. This requires going to Manage Remotes dialog of GitExtensions (accessed via Git->Manage Remotes menu item in Visual Studio main menu) and saving a new instance of a remote repo.
Then, at commit, choose to "Commit & push", and point push to a remote repo created in step 3.
Create a new repository in your github account. It will give you the step by step instructions for you.
