How to find if a field exists in vbscript/asp - vbscript

I have a recordset. And I want to know if a field with name MyField exists.
How to find out if a field exists?
while not oRs.eof
if oRs.Fields("MyField").Exists = true and oRs("MyField") then
' Result is true
end if
Yrs Sincerly

You will need a helper function to iterate the fields and compare;
dim exists: exists = ContainsField(oRs, "MyField")
while not oRs.eof
if exists ...
function ContainsField(rs, name)
dim fld
name = UCase$(name)
for each fld in rs.Fields
if UCase$( = name then
ContainsField = true
Exit Function
end if
ContainsField = False
End function


How to delete excel sheet from UFT

I am trying to write a function which will delete all sheets except the one passed as parameter. Below function is being called but function does not delete any sheets. How can I delete all worksheets except one?
Set ExcelObj = createobject("excel.application")
ExcelObj.Visible = true
Set ConfigFile = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open (FilePath)
Set ConfigSheet = ConfigFile.Worksheets("Scripts")
Set ConfigApplicationSheet = ConfigFile.Worksheets("Applications")
Set ExecutiveSummarySheet = ConfigFile.Worksheets("Summary")
ExcelObj.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs SummaryFilePath
DeleteSheet "ConfigScripSheet","Summary"
Function DeleteSheet(ConfigSheet,mySheetname)
'Writing Name and Path of each File to Output File
For Each ObjFile In ObjFiles
ObjOutFile.WriteLine(ObjFile.Name & String(50 - Len(ObjFile.Name), " ") & ObjFile.Path)
DeleteSheet = 0
ExcelObj.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each objWorksheet In ConfigSheet.Worksheets
If not objWorksheet.Name = mySheetname Then
DeleteSheet = 1
ExcelObj.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
End Function
Trying to correct your code above was too much of a minefield for me as I couldn't tell what you meant in several places - so I rewrote it based on what you had said in the description was your goal.
The code below will open the file, associate the objects the way you had them, pass the workbook object and a sheet name not to be deleted into the DeleteSheet function, which will delete any sheet in the workbook that is not named as per the passed in parameter SheetNameNotToDelete
Let me know if any of the code is unclear.
Option Explicit ' Forces declaration of variables
Dim FilePath, SummaryFilePath '<-- Need set to some value!
FilePath = ""
SummaryFilePath = ""
Dim ExcelObj : Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim ConfigFile : Set ConfigFile = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open(FilePath)
Dim ConfigSheet : Set ConfigSheet = ConfigFile.Worksheets("Scripts")
Dim ConfigApplicationSheet : Set ConfigApplicationSheet = ConfigFile.Worksheets("Applications")
Dim ExecutiveSummarySheet : Set ExecutiveSummarySheet = ConfigFile.Worksheets("Summary")
ExcelObj.ThisWorkbook.SaveAs SummaryFilePath
DeleteSheet ConfigFile, "Summary"
Function DeleteSheet(ByRef WorkbookObj, ByVal SheetNameNotToDelete)
Dim oWorksheet
For Each oWorksheet In WorkbookObj.Worksheets
If oWorksheet.Name <> SheetNameNotToDelete And WorkbookObj.Worksheets.Count >=2 Then
oWorksheet.Delete ' Excel won't let you delete all worksheets from a workbook
End If ' the check on Count >=2 covers the case where no worksheet exists
Next ' called "Summary" to be left
End Function

VBScript Replace specific value with regex and modify text file

I know there are a lot questions similar to this one but i couldn't find the right answer for me. I need to replace all phrases in xml file that starts and ends with % (e.g. %TEST% or %TEST-NEW% )
So far i have these tryouts:
This was my test one that works in the console but has only 1 line of string
zone = "<test>%TEST%</test>"
MsgBox zone
'Setting the regex and cheking the matches
set regex = New RegExp
regex.IgnoreCase = True
regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "%.+%"
Set myMatches = regex.execute(zone)
For each myMatch in myMatches
Wscript.echo myMatch
result = Replace(zone,myMatch,"")
MsgBox result
but when i try to do the same from a file with this...
Dim objStream, strData, fields
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.CharSet = "utf-8"
strData = objStream.ReadText()
Wscript.echo strData
set regex = New RegExp
regex.IgnoreCase = True
regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "%.+%"
Set myMatches = regex.execute(strData)
For each myMatch in myMatches
Wscript.echo myMatch
result = Replace(strData,myMatch,"")
Wscript.echo result
...the first echo returns correctly the contains of the file and then the second echo in the loop echoes all the matches that i need to replace , but the last echo return the same result as the first (nothing is being replaced)
The xml looks like this (just for example):
P.S. I need to loop through xml files in a specific folder and replace the phrase from above. Can anyone help?
The final script that works for me(big thanks to Tomalak):
Option Explicit
Dim path, doc, node, placeholder,srcFolder,FSO,FLD,fil
Set placeholder = New RegExp
placeholder.Pattern = "%[^%]+%"
placeholder.Global = True
srcFolder = "C:\test"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FLD = FSO.GetFolder(srcFolder)
For each fil In FLD.Files
if LCase(FSO.GetExtensionName(fil.Name)) = "xml" Then
path = "C:\test\" & fil.Name
' 1. parse the XML into a DOM
Set doc = LoadXmlDoc(path)
' 2. select and modify DOM nodes
For Each node In doc.selectNodes("//text()|//#*")
node.nodeValue = SubstitutePlaceholders(node.nodeValue)
' 3. save modified DOM back to file path
End If
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function LoadXmlDoc(path)
Set LoadXmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.6.0")
LoadXmlDoc.async = False
LoadXmlDoc.load path
If LoadXmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error in XML file."
WScript.Echo LoadXmlDoc.parseError.reason
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function SubstitutePlaceholders(text)
Dim match
For Each match In placeholder.Execute(text)
text = Replace(text, match, GetReplacement(match))
SubstitutePlaceholders = text
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetReplacement(placeholder)
Select Case placeholder
Case "%TEST%": GetReplacement = "new value"
Case "%BLA%": GetReplacement = "other new value"
Case Else: GetReplacement = placeholder
End Select
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Never use regular expressions on XML files, period.
Use an XML parser. It will be simpler, the code will be easier to read, and most importantly: It will not break the XML.
Here is how to modify your XML document in the proper way.
Option Explicit
Dim path, doc, node, placeholder
Set placeholder = New RegExp
placeholder.Pattern = "%[^%]+%"
placeholder.Global = True
path = "C:\path\to\your.xml"
' 1. parse the XML into a DOM
Set doc = LoadXmlDoc(path)
' 2. select and modify DOM nodes
For Each node In doc.selectNodes("//text()|//#*")
node.nodeValue = SubstitutePlaceholders(node.nodeValue)
' 3. save modified DOM back to file path
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function LoadXmlDoc(path)
Set LoadXmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.6.0")
LoadXmlDoc.async = False
LoadXmlDoc.load path
If LoadXmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error in XML file."
WScript.Echo LoadXmlDoc.parseError.reason
WScript.Quit 1
End If
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function SubstitutePlaceholders(text)
Dim match
For Each match In placeholder.Execute(text)
text = Replace(text, match, GetReplacement(match))
SubstitutePlaceholders = text
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetReplacement(placeholder)
Select Case placeholder
Case "%TEST%": GetReplacement = "new value"
Case "%BLA%": GetReplacement = "other new value"
Case Else: GetReplacement = placeholder
End Select
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The XPath expression //text()|//#* targets all text nodes and all attribute nodes. Use a different XPath expression if necessary. (I will not cover XPath basics here, there are plenty of resources for learning it.)
Of course this solution uses regular expressions, but it does that on the text values that the XML structure contains, not on the XML structure itself. That's a crucial difference.

Check a recordset for an empty field

I'm trying to pre-view if a field of the recordset is empty/null or not.
If IsNull(rs.Fields("fieldname")) = True Then ...
If IsNull(rs.Fields("fieldname")).Value = True Then ...
if IsNull(rs.Fields("fieldName").Value) Then...
All of these methods fires up an error... Why? How may I check if the recordset is null before I assign it's value to a variable.
If I understand correctly, you want to ensure that a field exists in the recordset. If that is correct, you need to either iterate the fields looking for the field you are searching for, or try to directly access the field and trap any errors. Here is a method that iterates the field collection and returns True if the field exists.
Public Function FieldExists(ByVal rsRecSet As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal FieldName As String) As Boolean
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim Rtn As Boolean
If Not rsRecSet Is Nothing Then
For Each fld In rsRecSet.Fields
If StrComp(fld.Name, FieldName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Rtn = True
Exit For
End If
Next fld
End If
FieldExists = Rtn
End Function
Here is a way to print out the columns of a table.
Dim cat
Set cat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Set cat.ActiveConnection = db 'db is the adodb.connection object
Dim tbl
Dim clm
For Each tbl In cat.Tables
For Each clm In tbl.Columns
Debug.Print (clm) ' Prints the column name from the table
Try using IsDbNull() instead. DbNull is different than Null.
Edit, just loop through the field names and have a boolean if it found it, otherwise use a try catch structure.
For Each field in rs.Fields
if field.Name = "someFieldName" then
foundField = true
exit for
foundField = false
end if
I'm using AtValue and AtField helpers like this
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As Recordset
If IsEmpty(AtValue(rs, "Test")) Then
Debug.Print "Field is Empty or non-existant"
End If
If LenB(C2Str(AtValue(rs, "Test"))) = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Field is Null, Empty, empty string or non-existant"
End If
'-- this will never fail, even if field does not exist
AtField(rs, "Test").Value = 42
End Sub
Public Function AtValue(rs As Recordset, Field As String) As Variant
On Error GoTo QH
AtValue = rs.Fields(Field).Value
Exit Function
' Debug.Print "Field not found: " & Field
End Function
Public Function AtField(rs As Recordset, Field As String) As ADODB.Field
Static rsDummy As Recordset
On Error GoTo QH
Set AtField = rs.Fields(Field)
Exit Function
' Debug.Print "Field not found: " & Field
Set rsDummy = New Recordset
rsDummy.Fields.Append Field, adVariant
Set AtField = rsDummy.Fields(Field)
End Function
Public Function C2Str(Value As Variant) As String
On Error GoTo QH
C2Str = CStr(Value)
End Function
My type-casting helpers are actually using VariatChangeType API (so to work with Break on all errors setting) like this
Public Function C_Str(Value As Variant) As String
Dim vDest As Variant
If VarType(Value) = vbString Then
C_Str = Value
ElseIf VariantChangeType(vDest, Value, VARIANT_ALPHABOOL, VT_BSTR) = 0 Then
C_Str = vDest
End If
End Function
rs.EOF flag will tell whether RecordSet is Empty or not
If Not rs.EOF Then
..Your desired logic..
End If

how to make sure that all textbox are filled before saving in VB 6.0

I'm new to vb and trying to figure things out via searching the net or asking colleagues but now I hit a dead end. I want to have my program to make sure that all my textboxes are filled before saving into the db.
Here is my code:
Private Sub CmdSave_Click()
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
.Open "Select * from table1", cn, 2, 3
If LblAdd_Edit.Caption = "ADD" Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to save this new rocord?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "FJD Inventory") = vbNo Then: Exit Sub
!Type = TxtName.Text
!System = txtsys.Text
!acc = TxtAcc.Text
!owner = TxtOwn.Text
!dept = TxtDpt.Text
!svctag = txtSvcTag.Text
If MsgBox("Do you want to save this changes?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "FJD Inventory") = vbNo Then: Exit Sub
Do While Not .EOF
If LvList.SelectedItem.Text = !Type Then
!Type = TxtName.Text
!System = txtsys.Text
!acc = TxtAcc.Text
!owner = TxtOwn.Text
!dept = TxtDpt.Text
!svctag = txtSvcTag.Text
Exit Do
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
I was trying to add the following
If TxtName.Text = "" Or txtsys.Text = "" Or TxtAcc.Text = "" Or TxtOwn.Text = "" Or TxtDpt.Text = "" Or txtSvcTag.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("All Fields Required", vbCritical, "Error") = vbOK: Exit Sub
When I run the program I get a compile error
function or call on the left-hand side of assignment must return a variant or object. I use that msgbox function all the time but now its the line I get an error
If TxtName.Text = "" Or txtsys.Text = "" Or TxtAcc.Text = "" Or TxtOwn.Text = "" Or TxtDpt.Text = "" Or txtSvcTag.Text = "" Then
If MsgBox("All Fields Required", vbCritical, "Error") = vbOK Then Exit Sub
Here is a generic solution. It uses a function to check each textbox on the form and demonstrates using the function. I also compare the text length rather than the text to an empty string because (in general) numeric comparisons are faster than string comparisons.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If ValidateTextFields Then
MsgBox "Your changes have been saved."
MsgBox "All fields are required."
End If
End Sub
Private Function ValidateTextFields() As Boolean
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim result As Boolean
result = True 'set this to false if a textbox fails
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
If Len(ctrl.Text) = 0 Then
result = False
Exit For 'bail on the first failure
End If
End If
Next ctrl
ValidateTextFields = result
End Function
In VB6, you can use Trim() function so that spaces not considered as characters.
If (Trim$(txtGOSID.Text) = "") Then
msgBox "Please provide input.", vbExclamation
With the $ sign, Trim() returns a String value directly; without the $
sign, Trim() returns a Variant with a sub-type of String.

how search for an item in a datagrid view

I am having a problem while searching for an item in datagridview
here is my code but whenever i search for an item which already exist in the database, it is telling not found
If txtfirstname.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter first name!")
Dim totalrow As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount - 2
Dim rowin As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean = False
Dim sear As String = CStr(txtfirstname.Text)
For rowin = 0 To totalrow
Dim id As String = DataGridView1.Item(0, rowin).Value
If sear = id Then
DataGridView1.Rows(rowin).Selected = True
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.Item(0, rowin)
flag = True
Exit Sub
flag = False
End If
Next rowin
If flag = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Firstname " & txtfirstname.Text & " is not found in database.", "Search Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
End If
By setting
Dim totalrow As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount - 2
you are always missing the last record in your dataset.
Dim totalrow As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
to set the upper bound value of your For loop.
