How to know when a Kendo grid row is in Edit mode - kendo-ui

How to know when a Kendo grid row is in Edit mode without using grid edit event?
var tanquesGrid = $(".tanques").data("kendoGrid");
tanquesGrid.element.delegate("tbody>tr", "dblclick", function () {
var selectedItem = tanquesGrid.dataItem(;
if (hasWriteAccess && isClosed == false && selectedItem.EquipmentHistoricID != '')
The problem is that when row is in inline edit mode and I double click on it, edit mode disappear, this way (code above) I resolve this in new row where the id ! = '' but when edit an existing row the problem persist.
any ideas??
Sorry about my english

if ( $('#grid').find('.k-grid-edit-row').length ) {
//grid is not in edit mode
} else {
//grid is in edit mode

It's not in the published API but the grid has a property "editable" which will be non-null when in edit mode.

When the grid is in edit mode, the editing row has a class of "k-grid-edit-row".
This jquery statement will look for a row with the edit mode class within the table of id = "myGrid".


How can I complete an edit with the right arrow key in a Kendo grid cell?

When a Kendo grid cell is open for editing, what is the best way to close the cell (and move to the next cell) with the right arrow key?
Take a look on the following snippet. It is a simple way for doing what you want:
// Bind any keyup interaction on the grid
$("#grid").on("keyup", "input", function(e)
// Right arrow keyCode
if (e.keyCode == 39)
// Ends current field edition.
// Kendo docs says that editCell method:
// "Switches the specified table cell in edit mode"
// but that doesn't happens and the current cell keeps on edit mode.
var td = $(
// Find next field
td = td.closest("td").next();
// If no cell was found, look for the next row
if (td.length == 0)
td = $("tr").next().find("td:first");
// As ways happens on kendo, a little (ugly)workaround
// for calling editCell, because calling without
// the timer doesn't seem to work.
}, 1);
I don't know why but I could not save a Fiddle for that, I got 500 Internal error. Anyway it seems to achieve what you need. The grid needs to be in edit mode incell.

Kendo grid enable editing during insert, disable during edit(applicable to only one column)

I have a scenario where I have a Kendo dropdown, Kendo Datepicker as couple of columns in the grid.
On Add new record, the dropdown should be editable, on Edit mode, this drop down should be non Editable.
I have declared Grid to be Editable in declaration using
model.Field(p => p.CountryName).Editable(true); // where CountryName is kendo dropdown
I am trying to do on Edit this way,
function OnEdit(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
e.model.fields["CountryName"].editable = false
THe behaviour I observe is Initially on load, Editable is set to true (due to cshtml declaration). When I click on Edit too, the drop down is Editable because of the page load flag that is set.
Even though OnEditmethod is executed and editable is set to false, the grid seems to have loaded before this code execution, hence editable =false is not reflected.
If I click on Edit second time, now the editable is set to false due to the previous call, Hence the dropdown is non editable as expected.
In Summary, the flag setting is not effective for the current action, but for the immediate next action. I am not sure if I have made it clear. Can you guys help?
Update - The other option I tried, during databind to the grid, I tried explicitly settign editable to false to all the grid data. My assumption here was only the loaded rows will have this field set to false. But in this case even the add new record takes Editable false.
var grid2 = $("#Gridprepayment").data("kendoGrid");
$.each(requiredData, function (i, row) {
var model = $("#Gridprepayment").data("kendoGrid");
if (model) {
model.fields["CountryName"].editable = false;
The best way is to make the column editable .
model.Field(d => d.CountryName).Editable(true);
and Onedit function, replace the inner html like mentioned below, for just to display it as label.
function OnEdit(e) {
e.container[0].childNodes['0'].innerHTML = e.model.CountryName;
Try disabling the kendo dropdown in the following manner:
function OnEdit(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
You can try this if you want to show the dropdownList as label in edit mode
function OnEdit(e) {
if(e.container.find("input").attr("id") === 'CountryName') {
Note: The above code was written considering "CountryName" as the id of the dropdown. Please change if the id is different.
I tried this which worked.
It's only a work around :
function OnEdit(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
if (e.container.find("input").attr("id") === 'CountryName') {

kendo ui grid check record if null on databound

Is there anyway i could check if the kendo ui grid has record on databoud?,
The following code will throw an error if the record is empty since i try to modified the edit button
function GridOnDataBound(e)
var innerContent = $(".k-grid-delete").html().replace("Delete", "");
var grid = $('#Grid').data('kendoGrid');
if(grid != null)
var innerContentEdit= $(".k-grid-edit").html().replace("Edit", "");
Within a databound event handler, you can simply use === 0 to check for items.
There's also an example on how to customize the default edit button here.
var noData = $('#Grid').data('kendoGrid') == 0;
This will tell you if you have some data in your datasource. Eitherway I would suggest to use template for what you doing and do the replace in the template.

Text selection in slickgrid

I have set 'enableTextSelectionOnCells' option to true to select text in slickgrid but I can only select text in IE and chrome but not in firefox. I know this is bug in slickgrid and it had been fixed in slickgrid 2.2 but I am using slickgrid V2.1 and don't want to upgrade to V2.2. Is there any way to select text in firefox using slickgrid 2.1
I had the same problem as you have and I finally found the solution from a pull request made by the user icoxfog417 (thanks mate), the pull request is not yet approved (hopefully soon) but I tried it and it works on all 3 browsers which I tried (in my case FF27, IE8, Chrome31). You do have to modify 1 of the core file slick.grid.js but it's worth it :) The pull request is this one: Pull Request #746: fix issue#739
The code change is simple and looks like this:
Modify the file slick.grid.js at line 2236, replace the code with this:
// if this click resulted in some cell child node getting focus,
// don't steal it back - keyboard events will still bubble up
// IE9+ seems to default DIVs to tabIndex=0 instead of -1, so check for cell clicks directly.
if ( != document.activeElement || $("slick-cell")) {
var selection = getTextSelection(); //store text-selection and restore it after
then insert at line 2418 (after the setFocus() function), insert this new code:
//This get/set methods are used for keeping text-selection. These don't consider IE because they don't loose text-selection.
function getTextSelection(){
var textSelection = null;
if (window.getSelection) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
textSelection = selection.getRangeAt(0);
return textSelection;
function setTextSelection(selection){
if (window.getSelection && selection) {
var target = window.getSelection();
VoilĂ !!! Quite happy about it :)

jqgrid change cell value and stay in edit mode

I'm using inline editing in my grid , I have some cases which i want to change the value of a cell inside a column. I'm changing it with setCell ,and it works good. my problem is that after the change the cell losts it's edit mode while all other cells of the row are in edit mode. I want to keep the cell in edit mode after i changed it.
for now what i did is saved the row and then selected it again and made in in edit mode - but i don't think it is a good solution - Is there a way to keep in edit mode while changin it?
Thank's In Advance.
If you need to implement the behavior of dependency cells which are all in the editing mode you have to modify the cell contain manually with respect of jQuery.html function for example. If the name of the column which you want to modify has the name "description", and you use 'blur' event on another "code" column then you can do about the following
editoptions: {
dataEvents: [
type: 'blur',
fn: function(e) {
var newCodeValue = $(;
// get the information from any source about the
// description of based on the new code value
// and construct full new HTML contain of the "description"
// cell. It should include "<input>", "<select>" or
// some another input elements. Let us you save the result
// in the variable descriptionEditHtml then you can use
// populate descriptionEditHtml in the "description" edit cell
if ($('.FormElement')) {
// form editing
var form = $('form.FormGrid');
} else {
// inline editing
var row = $('tr.jqgrow');
var rowId = row.attr('id');
The code will work for both inline and form editing.
The working example of dependent <select> elements you can find here.
blur does not fire if value is changed and enter is pressed immediately without moving to other cell. So better is to use
editrules = new
custom = true,
custom_func = function( val, col ) { ... }
and move this code from blur to custom_func as described in
jqgrid: how send and receive row data keeping edit mode
