Spring Batch Partitioning - reuse of JMS Channels? - spring

I am writing a Spring Batch job that is composed of 4 independent steps and would like to distribute the work over the nodes of the cluster. I was thinking about using a flow to break the job into 4 jobs that execute in parallel. Each of the 4 jobs would be configured to run as a single partition. It appears to work (not fully tested in a cluster) but requires a definition of separate PartitionHandlers, Request and Response Channels, and Outbound Gateway.
Can any of these entities be reused across partitioned steps?
Any other suggested approaches ?

For parallel processing, I can advice this doc
<job id="parallelJobExample">
<split id="parallelProcessingExample" task-executor="taskExecutor">
<step id="step1" parent="independetJob1"/>
<step id="step2" parent="independetJob2"/>
<step id="independetJob1">
<chunk reader="parallelReader1" processor="parallelProcessor1" writer="parallelWriter1" commit-interval="1000"/>
<step id="independetJob2">
<chunk reader="parallelReader2" processor="parallelProcessor2" writer="parallelWriter2" commit-interval="1000"/>
İf you need jms example, I could also provide.


Spring batch : Exception on writer and rollback is done but no retry executed

I encoutered a problem when an exception is occured in writer phase.
One item caused rollback due to an integrity problem in database, and no retry is executed, thus the processor is never replayed.
While an item caused rollback, it would be skipped. And others items are retry with interval-commit to one.
But, in my case, no retry is done for others items with interval-commit to one
Would you know for what reason no retry is executed ?
Thanks by advance.
i hope you added the retry limit and the retry exception class needs to be listed in the retry-able list , check out below sample syntax for the same
<job id="flowJob">
<step id="retryStep">
<chunk reader="itemReader" writer="itemWriter" processor="itemProcessor" commit-interval="1" retry-limit="3">
<include class="org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException"/>

Executing a tasklet after an ItemWriter

My purpose of this batch job is to fetch few documents from the DB, encrypt it and sftp it to a server. For this I am using item readers and writers. For encryption, I should use a tasklet which is in a jar(I don't own the source code). There are millions of records to be processed, so I am using some chunk-interval for reading and writing it. My problem is during encyrption(while calling the tasklet after every chunk of writing is complete).
Is there a way to call the tasklet after writer (in batch:chunk) ?
As of now, I am doing the following:
<batch:job id="batchJob">
<batch:step id="prepareStep" next="encryptStep">
<batch:tasklet task-executor="executor">
<batch:chunk reader="reader" processor="processor"
writer="writer" commit-interval="100" >
<batch:step id="encryptStep" next="uploadStep">
<batch:tasklet ref="encryptTasklet" />
But the problem in the above approach is that only after reading, processing and writing all the million records only then encryptStep is called. But I want it to work in chunks, that is, execute encryptTasklet after every chunk write is executed. Is there a way to achieve this?
Please help.

records being processed twice

We have a spring batch which reach a bunch of data in the reader, processes it and writes it. It all happens as a batch.
I noticed that the processor and writer are going over the same data twice, once as a batch and once individual records.
for ex: writer reads 1000 records, sends 1000 records to the processor, sends 1000 records to the writer.
After this the records gets processed again, individually, but only processor and writer are being called.
We have log statements in all reader, processor, and writer and I can see the logs.
Is there any condition which can make the records being processed individually after they have been processed as a list?
<batch:job id="feeder-job">
<batch:step id="regular">
<chunk reader="feeder-reader" processor="feeder-processor"
writer="feeder-composite-writer" commit-interval="#{stepExecutionContext['query-fetch-size']}"
<include class="java.lang.Exception" />
<exclude class="org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException"/>
<exclude class="org.apache.solr.common.SolrException"/>
<exclude class="com.batch.feeder.record.RecordFinderException"/>
<listener ref="feeder-reader" />
You should well read about a feature before using it. Here you are correct that processing is happening twice only after error occurs.
Basically, you have defined a chunk / step which is fault tolerant to certain specified exceptions Configuring Skip Logic
Your step will not fail till total exception count remains below skip-limitbut on errors, chunk items will be processed twice - one by one, the second time and skipping bad records in second processing.

How to have a Scheduler at the parent job for all child jobs?

The situation is as follows. I want to have a parent job with some common properties, an ExecutionListener and a Scheduler. There could be many child jobs that extend from my parent job. Now the Scheduler at the parent needs to read all the child jobIds, pick-up the corresponding cron expressions from a DB and execute/schedule the jobs. Something of the sort:
<job id="job1">
<step id="step1">
<tasklet><bean id="some bean"/></tasklet>
<bean id="myjob1" parent="parentJob">
<property name="job" value="job1"/>
<property name="jobId" value=123/>
Similarly, there could be more jobs extending "parentJob". Now at the "parentJob" I am trying to do something as follows:
scheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
scheduler.schedule(new TriggerTask(), new Cron(some expr)
The challenge at hand is, the child jobIds are getting lost. At most the last child's jobId is getting picked up but not the others. NOTE: new TriggerTask() is an inner class that implements 'Runnable'.
Somehow I think I am messing up something bad with threads.
Could someone please assist or provide some directions on how this could be achieved?

Spring batch admin remote partition steps running maximum 8 threads even though concurrency is 10?

I am using spring batch remote partitioning for batch process. I am launching jobs using spring batch admin.
I have inbound gateway consumer concurrency step to 10 but maximum number of partitions running in parallel are 8.
I want to increase the consumer concurrency to 15 later on.
Below is my configuration,
<task:executor id="taskExecutor" pool-size="50" />
<rabbit:template id="computeAmqpTemplate"
connection-factory="rabbitConnectionFactory" routing-key="computeQueue"
<int:channel id="computeOutboundChannel">
<int:dispatcher task-executor="taskExecutor" />
<int:channel id="computeInboundStagingChannel" />
<amqp:outbound-gateway request-channel="computeOutboundChannel"
reply-channel="computeInboundStagingChannel" amqp-template="computeAmqpTemplate"
mapped-request-headers="correlationId, sequenceNumber, sequenceSize, STANDARD_REQUEST_HEADERS"
mapped-reply-headers="correlationId, sequenceNumber, sequenceSize, STANDARD_REQUEST_HEADERS" />
<beans:bean id="computeMessagingTemplate"
p:receiveTimeout="${compute.partition.timeout}" />
<beans:bean id="computePartitionHandler"
p:stepName="computeStep" p:gridSize="${compute.grid.size}"
p:messagingOperations-ref="computeMessagingTemplate" />
<int:aggregator ref="computePartitionHandler"
send-partial-result-on-expiry="true" send-timeout="${compute.step.timeout}"
input-channel="computeInboundStagingChannel" />
<amqp:inbound-gateway concurrent-consumers="${compute.consumer.concurrency}"
reply-channel="computeOutboundStagingChannel" queue-names="computeQueue"
mapped-request-headers="correlationId, sequenceNumber, sequenceSize, STANDARD_REQUEST_HEADERS"
mapped-reply-headers="correlationId, sequenceNumber, sequenceSize, STANDARD_REQUEST_HEADERS" />
<int:channel id="computeInboundChannel" />
<int:service-activator ref="stepExecutionRequestHandler"
input-channel="computeInboundChannel" output-channel="computeOutboundStagingChannel" />
<int:channel id="computeOutboundStagingChannel" />
<beans:bean id="computePartitioner"
scope="step" />
<beans:bean id="computeFileItemReader"
p:resource="#{stepExecutionContext[fileName]}" p:lineMapper-ref="stLineMapper"
scope="step" />
<beans:bean id="computeItemWriter"
p:symfony-ref="symfonyStepScoped" p:timeout="${compute.item.timeout}"
p:batchId="#{jobParameters[batch_id]}" scope="step" />
<step id="computeStep">
<tasklet transaction-manager="transactionManager">
<chunk reader="computeFileItemReader" writer="computeItemWriter"
commit-interval="${compute.commit.interval}" />
<flow id="computeFlow">
<step id="computeStep.master">
<partition partitioner="computePartitioner"
handler="computePartitionHandler" />
<job id="computeJob" restartable="true">
<flow id="computeJob.computeFlow" parent="computeFlow" />
compute.grid.size = 112
compute.consumer.concurrency = 10
Input files are splited to 112 equal parts = compute.grid.size = total number of partitions
Number of servers = 4.
There are 2 problems,
i) Even though I have set concurrency to 10, maximum number of threads running are 8.
some are slower as other processes runs on them and some are faster so I want make sure step executions are distributed fairly i.e. if faster servers are done with their execution, other remaining executions in queue should go to them . It should not be distributed round robbin fashion.
I know in rabbitmq there is prefetch count setting and ack mode to distribute farely. For spring integration, prefetch count is 1 default and ack mode is AUTO by default. But still some servers keeps running more partitions even though other servers are done for long time. Ideally no servers should be sitting idle.
One more thing I now observed is that, for some steps which runs in parallel using split (not distributed using remote partitioning) also run max 8 in parallel. It looks something like thread pool limit issue but as you can see taskExecutor has pool-size set to 50.
Is there anything in spring-batch/spring-batch-admin which limits number of concurrently running steps ?
2nd Update:
And, if there are 8 or more threads running in parallel processing items, spring batch admin doesn't load. It just hangs. If I reduce concurrency, spring batch admin loads. I even tested it with setting concurrency 4 on one server and 8 on other server, spring batch admin doesn't load it I use URL of server where 8 threads are running but it works on the server where 4 threads are running.
Spring batch admin manager has below jobLauncher configuration,
<bean id="jobLauncher" class="org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.SimpleJobLauncher">
<property name="jobRepository" ref="jobRepository" />
<property name="taskExecutor" ref="jobLauncherTaskExecutor" />
<task:executor id="jobLauncherTaskExecutor" pool-size="6" rejection-policy="ABORT" />
The pool size is 6 there, has it anything to do with above problem ?
Or is there anything in tomcat 7 which restricts number of threads running to 8 ?
Are you using a database for JobRepository?
During the execution, the batch frameworks persists step executions and number of connections to the JobRepository database can interfere in parallel step executions.
Concurrency of 8 makes me thinks you might be using BasicDataSource? If so, switch to something like DriverManagerDataSource and see.
Confused - you said "I have set the concurrency to 10" but then show compute.consumer.concurrency = 8. So it is working as configured. It is impossible to have only 8 consumer threads if the property is set to 10.
From Rabbit's perspective, all consumers are equal - if there are 10 consumers on a slow box and 10 consumers on a fast box, and you only have 10 partitions, it is possible that all 10 partitions will end up on the slow box.
RabbitMQ does not distribute work across servers, it distributes the work across consumers only.
You might get better distribution by reducing the concurrency. You should also set the concurrency lower on the slower boxes.
