Adding cmdline (win7) as an Eclipse console view - windows

I've seen it in linux. There's a console you can open that is just a shell. I want the same thing in windows only with either cmd, or with git bash. (MINGW32). I tried googling it but just got flooded with articles about egit and normal git bash.

If you have msysgit, you can use it from a regular cmd session:
Launch c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k <path\to\your\msysgit>\git-cmd.bat, and you can type in that cmd windows regular git commands.
For a bash session: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k <path\to\your\msysgit>\git-bash.bat.
Note that you need to modify those bat:
git-cmd.bat: add a rem before the setlocal command, and before the start at the end.
git-bash.bat: add a rem before the setlocal command.
So you can add to your Eclipse an external tool which will open a cmd in your console:
Except, instead of calling C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe (in the "Location" field from the picture above), you could call directly: C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k <path\to\your\msysgit>\git-bash.bat.
By 'msysgit', I refer to whatever name you gave to the uncompresdsed portable version of "Git For Windows": download it there.
And then you could type git command within the Eclipse console (including a bash session)!
After testing, the color codes get in the way, even if git works:


How to setup Intellij idea terminal path with cmder but initiated with git bash.exe?

So I have installed both Cmder and Git bash, and my Cmder is setup in a way that to run git bash.exe inside.
Currently my Intellij idea's path for terminal is set to:
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe, which works fine for bash.exe
However, one disadvantage for directly using bash.exe is that it will not automatically convert a windows directory, for example:
D:\Documents\Adobe, when I copy this after cd, it will be:
cd D:\Documents\Adobe instead of:
cd /d/Documents/Adobe which I will get in cmder.
I have looked up online, people shared about how to incorporate cmder in idea's terminal by using the path:
"cmd.exe" /k ""%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat""
However, that is only using cmder as a coating for cmd.exe, not bash.exe as I want.
I have tried to replace with:
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" /k ""%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat"", it was not working.
also tried:
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i /k ""%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat""
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" /k ""%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat""
All failed.
Any sugestons? Thanks!
Or if someone can show me how to change git bash.exe so that it can automatically translate the windows directory to Linux type, that would also work.
I don't think you can run git-bash in cmder AND from Intellij IDEA terminal.
I tried this: creating a task for git-bash in Cmder and try to use cmder.exe /TASK xxx in Intellij. I have the task, but it seems that Intellij does not support args after an executable in Terminal settings, so /TASK xxx is not parsable.
Then I changed path in Terminal settings to a BAT file, but terminal seems not support running it; I see terminal flashes and closes. Maybe only executable is allowed. Branch info is shown at the right of current path. I think it is convenient.
So, you have two options:
change terminal to git-bash.exe and get used to slash as path separator(and that is much saner than back slashes, trust me)
just configure Intellj Terminal to open cmder, with default task like this: cmd /k ""%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat" ". This will open cmder in the current folder, and you also have git support. That is, stop using mingw64 and only ConEmu + clink. You have color support, Windows backslashes and so on. And you also can mix Win commands with bash syntax(with "Shell integration" ticked). This is what I am doing right now. Branch info is shown, lambda symbol as well. It is already perfect.

Running File from Notepad Plus Plus and Current Directory

There are a number of examples on the web of how to run a file from the Notepad Plus Plus (NPP). But they all fail to account for the fact that the current working directory is the location of the NPP's executable, and not the location of the file.
Usually they go something like this:
Consider the following Python script:
with open('somefile.txt', 'a') as file:
file.write('Hello there.\n')
This file will be created in the NPP folder, which is not at all what most people would expect. Most people would want it in the same location as the Python file.
You could also do something like this, and it works as expected, but this limits you to Python files only:
<Command name="Run This Python File" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="116">cmd /K python "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>
I would not want to add extra code to the Python script to change the current working directory, as normally this would not be needed.
I have been trying to solve this and came up with the following. This line goes in "shortcuts.xml" in the NPP folder.
<Command name="Run This File" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="116">cmd /K "cd "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" && "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)""</Command>
So you shut down the NPP, edit the "shortcuts.xml" by adding this line, using another editor, then launch the NPP.
To run the file, use Ctrl+F5 key combination.
This works in Windows 10, but fails in Windows XP.
How can I tweak it to work in Windows XP?
Try this:
cmd /k cd /d $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) && python $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)
My guess would be that the problem is the improperly nested quotes in the command; I'm not sure exactly why it would work on later Windows' while failing on XP.
The command
Even from the syntax highlighting you can see that the quotes are not quoting what you expect.
To get the desired effect, you can use this command:
:: XML-ified:
I run several Windows .bat files from Notepad++. To achieve this one of the entries in the <UserDefinedCommands> section of the file C:\Users\AdrianHHH\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml is:
<Command name="CD and run file" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">cmd /C "cd /d $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) && $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>
With the .bat as the current file I then use menu => Run => CD and run file.
The command line shown in the question appears to have too many " symbols. The current directory includes the drive specifier and so the CD needs the \D option.
The command I use starts cmd \C ... (rather than the \K in the question) so the command window closes automatically. My .bat files normally finish with choice /t 60 /C Y /d Y /n so I can see the command's output.
Notepad++ > F5 (Run) > then type following command
cmd /K cd "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" && python "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
assuming you have setup the path, or you may use C:\Python27\python.exe or the path of your python binary, and you will run the python at the folder where the python resides in. You can also save this command to shortcut by clicking button Save....
Afterwards, you also can modify the command in toolbar > Run > Modify shortcut/delete command.

Activating a Python virtual environment & changing directory in one shortcut (with cmd)

I'm trying to do the following:
Open a CMD prompt
Activate a virtual environment
Change the current directory to my project folder
In essence, I need to execute the following commands sequentially:
cd "D:\GitHub\steelrumors"
I've found this link, but creating a shortcut as follows gives me nothing (just a plain CMD prompt in the currently active directory):
cmd \k "C:\Envs\djangorocks\Scripts\activate" & "cd "D:\GitHub\steelrumors""
After quite a while of searching I'm still doing it manually, any help is appreciated.
"creating a shortcut as follows gives me nothing (just a plain CMD prompt in the currently active directory):"
cmd \k "C:\Envs\djangorocks\Scripts\activate" & "cd "D:\GitHub\steelrumors""
cmd \k should be cmd /k.
& should be && when using a shortcut.
You dont need all the " characters.
Try the following as the shortcut target:
cmd /k C:\Envs\djangorocks\Scripts\activate && cd D:\GitHub\steelrumors
Consider creating a batch file (e.g. c:\scripts\launchEnv.cmd) that does something like the following:
#echo off
cd /d "D:\GitHub\steelrumors"
Then create a shortcut that invokes cmd /k c:\scripts\launchEnv.cmd .
Some notes:
the #echo off will prevent the commands from showing up in the cmd windows. If you do want to see the commands, then omit that line from your batch file
you'll need the /d param when changing directories to make sure you actually change and navigate there, independent of where the script is currently executing from.
As an extension to the great answer from #DavidPostill I've added an additional step to run a command from the newly created python env.
In my example below, I'm launching a new instance of the awesome data mining program, orange, from an anaconda env called orange. I've also cd'ed to the directory containing my orange data files. Note that I had to use the quotation marks "" to make it work.
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "F: && cd \Dropbox\IT\Python\Orange && C:\Users\dreme\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat orange && python -m Orange.canvas"

Run command on Command Prompt start

Is there a way to run any command (eg: cd D:\test) on Command Prompt start and to have this instance of Command Prompt as a different shortcut/instance.
You can create a shortcut that has a target of e.g.:
%comspec% /k ""C:\Full_Path_to\VsDevCmd.bat""
Where the .bat file is the command(s) that you want to run on startup. This will then leave you with an open command prompt after those commands have executed.
(In case it's not obvious, this is just shamelessly ripped from one of the Developer Command Prompt shortcuts that Visual Studio installs in the Start Menu)
%comspec% is a nice way of getting cmd to execute.
/k : Carries out the command specified by string and continues.

How do I launch a Git Bash window with particular working directory using a script?

How can I launch a new Git Bash window with a specified working directory using a script (either Bash or Windows batch)?
My goal is to launch multiple Git Bash windows from a single script, each set to a different working directory. This way I can quickly get to work after booting the computer instead of having to open Git Bash windows and navigating each one to the correct working directory.
I am not asking how to change the default working directory, like this question does, but to launch one or more terminal windows with different working directories from a script.
Another option is to create a shortcut with the following properties:
Target should be:
"%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login
Start in is the folder you wish your Git Bash prompt to launch into.
Try the --cd= option. Assuming your GIT Bash resides in C:\Program Files\Git it would be:
"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --cd="e:\SomeFolder"
If used inside registry key, folder parameter can be provided with %1:
"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --cd="%1"
Git Bash uses cmd.exe for its terminal plus extentions from MSYS/MinGW which are provided by sh.exe, a sort of cmd.exe wrapper. In Windows you launch a new terminal using the start command.
Thus a shell script which launches a new Git Bash terminal with a specific working directory is:
(cd C:/path/to/dir1 && start sh --login) &
(cd D:/path/to/dir2 && start sh --login) &
An equivalent Windows batch script is:
cd \path\to\dir1
start "" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login
cd \path\to\dir2
start "" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login
To get the same font and window size as the Git Bash launched from the start menu, it is easiest to copy the start menu shortcut settings to the command console defaults (to change defaults, open cmd.exe, left-click the upper left icon, and select Defaults).
Let yet add up to the answer from #Drew Noakes:
"C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --cd=C:\GitRepo
The cd param should be one of the options how to specify the working directory.
Also notice, that I have not any --login param there: Instead, I use another extra app, dedicated just for SSH keys: Pageant (PuTTY authentication agent).
Start in:
The same possible way, as #Drew Noakes mentioned/shown here sooner, I use it too.
Shortcut key:
Ctrl + Alt + B
Such shortcuts are another less known feature in Windows. But there is a restriction: To let the shortcut take effect, it must be placed somewhere on the User's subdirectory: The Desktop is fine.
If you do not want it visible, yet still activatable, place this .lnk file i.e. to the quick launch folder, as that dir is purposed for such shortcuts. (no matter whether displayed on the desktop) #76080 #3619355
"\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\"
In addition, Win10 gives you an option to open git bash from your working directory by right-clicking on your folder and selecting GitBash here.
Windows 10
This is basically #lengxuehx's answer, but updated for Win 10, and it assumes your bash installation is from Git Bash for Windows from git's official downloads.
cmd /c (start /b "%cd%" "C:\Program Files\GitW\git-bash.exe") && exit
I ended up using this after I lost my context-menu items for Git Bash as my command to run from the registry settings. In case you're curious about that, I did this:
Create a new key called Bash in the shell key at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell
Add a string value to Icon (not a new key!) that is the full path to your git-bash.exe, including the git-bash.exe part. You might need to wrap this in quotes.
Edit the default value of Bash to the text you want to use in the context menu
Add a sub-key to Bash called command
Modify command's default value to cmd /c (start /b "%cd%" "C:\Program Files\GitW\git-bash.exe") && exit
Then you should be able to close the registry and start using Git Bash from anywhere that's a real directory. For example, This PC is not a real directory.
This is the command which can be executed directly in Run dialog box (shortcut is win+R) and also works well saved as a .bat script:
cmd /c (start /d "/path/to/dir" bash --login) && exit
I'm not familiar with Git Bash but assuming that it is a git shell (such as git-sh) residing in /path/to/my/gitshell and your favorite terminal program is called `myterm' you can script the following:
(cd dir1; myterm -e /path/to/my/gitshell) &
(cd dir2; myterm -e /path/to/my/gitshell) &
Note that the parameter -e for execution may be named differently with your favorite terminal program.
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to any directory you want, type "cmd" in the address bar it will open Windows command prompt in that directory.
Along the same lines, if you have the git directory in your path, you can type "git-bash" in the address bar and a Git Shell will open in that directory.
If using Windows OS :
Right click on git terminal > Properties
Properties>Under shortcut tab>Start in:
add your folder target path like below image
