How to include an image in an http POST request - image

I'm trying to make a POST request from the command line to my Flask app, and I want it to include an image. But I don't know how to include it with the command. I've only used strings as data successfully.
So, if my POST request looks like this:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"user1", "password":"password", "image":##What do I put here?##}' http://localhost:5000/my_app/api/users
I don't know what to put in that image part of the JSON. I'm tagging flask in this question because it might be a specific answer with regards to flask.
I would like to include an actual image here, and then on the Flask side of things, put the image in a folder of the app where all the uploads go, then save the path to the image in the database for later access. But, to do that, I need to know how to send an image in the first place. Any thoughts?

Seems you're mixing things up here.
From your example seems you want to upload an image in a JSON object. This is generally bad for 2 reasons:
Overhead: the image data should be encoded in printable characters, e.g. using base64. This creates a huge overhead on the data itself causing the JSON decoder to slow down.
Testing: You can't try this using curl on the commandline. You should make some command line utility to test the request.
HTTP knows about data uploads. So to mantain the JSON structure without the slowdown of above, you should upload your image as traditional data upload using a field, and another field for the JSON data structure.
Using curl this is achieved with the -F option.
curl -i -Ffiledata=#file.jpg -Fdata='{"username":"user1", "password":"password"}' http://localhost:5000/my_app/api/users
With the above command you are sending an HTTP POST with a file upload named filedata and a 'data` field containing your 'JSON' payload to parse in the receiving view handler.
You must use 2 HTTP fields because in HTTP upload you're using multipart encoding.
Behind the scenes
You're sending the image contents encoded in base64 but since the data is decoded by the application framework knowing exactly what to do (JSON parse must figure it out while parsing) it's a lot faster.


Using the content of an HTML file in a JSON string in shell or Makefile (AWS)

I am attempting to use the AWS apigateway CLI to set an Integration Response mapping template for one of my endpoints in my API. This particular case involves using text/html as my Content-Type and as such my mapping template is raw HTML code. Depending on certain circumstances, I would like to use the CLI to set the mapping template to different HTML code. As such, I am attempting to read the HTML content from a specified file into the --response-template JSON string, which will fill in the mapping template.
The command to do this is as follows:
aws apigateway put-integration-response
--rest-api-id $(restApiId) --resource-id $(resourceId) \
--http-method POST --status-code 200 \
--selection-pattern "" \
--response-parameters '{"method.response.header.Content-Type":"'"'"'text/html'"'"'"}' \
--response-templates '{"text/html": "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><p>Hello, world</p></body></html>"}'
I was originally attempting to do this in a Makefile, hence the variables, but I am open to creating a shell script to achieve the same thing. My HTML file is much larger than the example above and contains scripts with functions, brackets, JSON objects, plenty of strings to stylesheets and whatnot - in other words, many characters that need to be escaped. I cannot manually change the HTML file nor am I sure if I can modify it with escape characters since the mapping template needs to be the exact HTML content as that is what is being rendered.
Is it possible for me to place the entire contents of an HTML file into the value portion of that JSON string? If so, how can I get this to work?
Any help is appreciated.
Simon offered a possible solution to this while using the AWS CLI approach but I have solved this in another way.
I decided to use a Python script with the AWS Python SDK, Boto3. I used Python's json library to dump the content of the HTML file into valid JSON format using json.dumps(). I put that as the value to the JSON object that eventually was used in the Boto3 function below and did an inline replacement of the value as I sent it with json.loads(). I followed the top answer from this link on how to convert html source code to json object.
I used the Boto3 put_integration_response() function and sent that JSON object as the --response-template, which worked for me.

Is it possible to receive a gzipped response via elasticsearch-py?

I have an API (via hug) that sits between a UI and Elasticsearch.
The API uses elasticsearch-py to run searches, for example:
es = Elasticsearch([URL], http_compress=True)'/search')
def search(body):
return'index', body=body)
This works fine; however, I cannot figure out how to obtain a compressed JSON result.
Elasticsearch is capable of this because a curl test checks out — the following returns a mess of characters to the console instead of JSON and this is what I want to emulate:
curl -X GET -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' <URL>/<INDEX>/_search
I've tried the approach here to modify HTTP headers, but interestingly enough the "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" header is already there: it just doesn't appear to be passed to Elastic because the result is always uncompressed.
Lastly, I'm passing http_compress=True when creating the Elastic instance; however, this only compresses the payload — not the result.
Has anyone had a similar struggle and figured it out?

Add content disposition param for uploadTask using URLSession and URLRequest

I am using URLSession 'uploadTask from file'
func uploadTask(with request: URLRequest, fromFile fileURL: URL) -> URLSessionUploadTask
Almost everything works fine, but now our server needs an extra param as 'uploadKey' to be passed as content disposition along with fileName.
This can be done by generating multipart request with content disposition added as we normally do.
I want to add it while using 'uploadTask from file' to avoid memory pressure. Please suggest how to do it.
From reading the question, I suspect that you're subtly misunderstanding what upload tasks do (and unfortunately, Apple's documentation needs some serious improvement in this area, which doesn't help matters). These tasks don't upload a file in the same way that a web browser would if you chose a file in an upload form. Rather, they use the file as the body of an upload request. I think they default to providing a sane Content-Type based on the filename, though I'm not certain, but they do not send data in form encoding.
So assuming I'm fully understanding the question, your options are either:
Keep using multipart encoding. Optionally write the multipart body into a file rather than keeping it in memory, and use the upload task to provide the body from that file instead of from an NSData object.
Upload the file you're trying to send, unencoded, as the entirety of the upload body, and provide whatever additional parameters you need to provide in the form of GET parameters in the URL itself.
Use some other encoding like JSON or protocol buffers.
Either way, the server code will determine which of these approaches is supported. If you can modify the server code, then I would recommend the second approach. It is slightly more efficient than the first approach, much more efficient than JSON, and easier to implement than any of the other approaches.

JMeter not attaching contents of binary file to POST data in HTTP Request

I'm attempting to simulate a login call with JMeter 2.11 to a service that uses a binary format. I've created an Http Request with the appropriate settings, except for the body data. I need to POST raw binary data.
According to the docs here, I should be able to set the file path for exactly one file, with no parameter name, and no other content in the Body Data, and have it place the data in the request body.
If it is a POST or PUT or PATCH request and there is a single file whose 'Parameter name' attribute (below) is omitted, then the file is sent as the entire body of the request, i.e. no wrappers are added. This allows arbitrary bodies to be sent. This functionality is present for POST requests after version 2.2, and also for PUT requests after version 2.3.
However, when I run the test, the POST Data is empty.
I have tried the extra set of plugins for JMeter as well, but alas, I'm stuck. The loaded file has 145 bytes of data, and the request shows that the content-length is 0. What am I missing?
The Http Request
The result
Update 1
To clarify, I am NOT attempting to send a file, I'm attempting to send a binary encoded message as raw POST data.
Switch back to Parameters tab not Post body.
Yoy could try recoring to see how the resuest look like.
This is my solution,maybe not best, but it works fine:
1st step :
You should write your binary data to a file (assume it's name is
2nd step :
For your http request sampler,Yout should put ${FILENAME} under file
path in the "Send Files with the request" section (while leaving its
paramter name empty and specifying an encoding (for binary, it is
Hope it helps.
Refer to this article

How do I calculate the content-length of a file upload in ruby?

I need to include the content-length of a image /png file posted in an upload to a webservice.
But how do I calculate the content-length to include in the header?
I am submitting it using rest-client.
The webservice for the upload is Postful: and the documentation has been unclear:
Because I am writing the payload and headers, seems like I need to input that value.
I am also looking at postalmethods which says that the content-length is the user input:
The files themselves are .PNG. I am going to attach them to a model using Paperclip, so will have a filepath from that.
The file that I need the content-length to post is stored as an attachment using paperclip, so the specific code generating problems is:
Well, you know how you're reading and posting the data, presumably - so you know how much data you're sending. That's the content length. If you're just sending it directly in binary as the body of the post, it's just the length of the file. If you're base-64 encoding it, then the content length will be the ((file length + 2) / 3) * 4. If it's going in a SOAP envelope etc, you'll need to take account of that.
One way of doing this for complicated situations is to build the entire post body in memory first, set the content length, and then just copy from memory directly to the post body.
Well, you can use File.size(filepath) but it's unlikely that you'll need to - most libraries for making HTTP requests should do that automatically - which library are you using? (Or, what kind of webservice is it?)
