OpenDJ GET method using RestAPI gives 400 bad request response - opendj

I am trying to retrieve a record from OpenDJ using Rest API call. I am using 2.6.0 version of OpenDJ.
I am using following URL:
It always returns bad request 400 error message.
What can be the problem?

It is difficult to answer you question without further details. Most likely some configuration issue. Have you checked the error logs, http logs for more information ?
Anyway, you might get a better answer from the OpenDJ mailing list directly.


Forbidden 403 Access URL API in Laravel

Good afternoon, let me ask
I created a service API using Laravel, but one of the API urls when I sent the response parameter was 403 or Forbidden. even though before it was fine, it worked smoothly. And I raised it to the server instead it became Forbide. Anyone know why? thank you for answering
If it is ok on local and getting a forbidden error on the server, the problem might be caused by the webserver application. please take a look at this link.

How to send a file through http post using Data Fusion

Wanted to send a file to an http end point url using Data fusion.
Making this http call as a pipeline alert at the completion of the pipeline.
This is not working. Getting 500 response from API. Can someone help me on how do I send the file?
If this can be achieved with http plugin as sink, please let me know the steps.
I doubt you can send files using HTTP. You can create a request using the HTTP plugin as I answered one of your previous question - Data Fusion - Issue with http post plugin.
In HTTP Callback you can find information:
This action can be used when you want to perform an HTTP request at the end of a pipeline run.
Using this plugin, you can send a request or text, not a file.
If you would like to send a file, you should use File like it's mentioned in this thread: Some questions about google Data fusion
Regarding Error 500
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 500 Internal Server Error server error response code indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
It means that there is an issue with your endpoint. It might be a firewall or HTTP server issue. Too many possibilities of what could be wrong with current details.
In addition, you can find some additional information in doc Ingest CSV data to BigQuery using Cloud Data Fusion - Batch ingestion

How to do a REST POST with Grafana AJAX panel?

I have a SpringBoot API with a POST end-point.
Trying to make a call to end-point from Grafana AJAX panel
It seems to be hitting the end-point but error occurs complaining about missing body.
error: "Bad Request" message: "Required request body is missing: public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity status: 400
But the request has indeed a body.
Have been looking for possible POST examples for hrs now but no joy, e.g.
Any tips or solutions would be much appreciated.
Asked this same question on Grafana support forum.
Turns out the plugin/panel in question does not support POST with body.
Indeed, it looks like POST JSON data to backend is not currently supported. There seem to be two related issues here:
You're welcome to share your thoughts there, it looks like this feature request has been added as a future enhancement but I am not sure when that work will be completed. In the meantime, you may need to forego using the AJAX Plugin.
So it's basically useless as my backend API end-point requires a body.
try the new JSON API plugin
or AjaxPanel plugin for more control

Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 404

This is the responce i am getting when trying to upload a file from my client(PHP),My server is on WebApi which is hosted in one server.In my webapi i have allowed all CORS related things still i am getting this error.
Have you checked this tutorial?
Maybe when you say
In my webapi i have allowed all CORS related things
you didn't do that correctly, or maybe you enabled too many options at the same time.
It's hard to give you more details without access to your actual configuration.
There are also many posts on the same subject here on SO, have you checked them?

POST call in Mulesoft

I am trying to make a HTTPS POST call in mulesoft to an external API. I had read in the mulesoft documentation and also in other posts that in order to send the request body, a map has to be prepared.
Hence, i am using the "Set-Payload" to prepare a map.
Eg: #[{'key':'value'}]
When I am using the logger to display it, it prints a map (as expected).
But when the POST call is being made, i am receiving the following error:
Response code 503 mapped as failure. Message payload is of type: BufferInputStream
Payload : org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.BufferInputStream#3f8f77a
Could anyone let me know where am i going wrong?
Thanks in Advance.
The server you're trying to call is returning status 503. Have you tried calling the external API using other client SOAP/Postman/Curl?
Also check this out:
You should set proper mimetype for muleMessage and set the http POST method, then it should work.
While posting the data male sure how your http is expecting the input. What ever the transformations you want to make before posting do it, finally when posting the data to http cross check your data type with the data in the server your are trying to send. Both needs to match. Then it work.
I generally try to Isolate HTTP interaction problems into two parts. One is related to request itself for e.g. URL,Method,Headers,Payload,MimeType and other should be related to transport and network interaction with Server itself. To better view the information for both of the above details use a htt[ proxy/debugger [for. e.g. Fiddler] around the traffic flowing while you make a request. This will throw more light on the stuff hindering you while making this call successfully.
You can try any of the below sugestions-:
Set payload as map, mention MIME Type as application/json and then use json to object transformer (with return class as java.util.HashMap).
Set payload as simple string. This could help.
Status code 503 implies that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay.
Please try resending the message or hit the API with Postman.
It looks like you need to change the port in the request-config to 443 since you're using HTTPS.
<http:request-config name="HTTP_Request_Configuration" protocol="HTTPS" host="" port="443" doc:name="HTTP Request Configuration" basePath="/rest/api/2/project">
try using input {'key':'value'} in set payload instead of Array.
