XCode: how to duplicate a project properly - xcode

i've got a good working project (a plugin) and i would like to be able to duplicate that project with another name to start on the same basis (and not having to rebuild everything every time)
I can of course duplicate the main folder and rename the files and change the names in the code but it's a lot of work and sometimes it doens't work as good as i want.
So is there an automated way to duplicate a project ?

Make sure to take backup of your project before following these steps.
do you want to rename your project after making a copy of it? You can do this. Select project on top and press Tab button.
And if you want to rename a class name then goto your .h file then follow 2nd screenshot. Doing this will rename entire class and its references in all other classes.
It will modify source code of xib also. Earlier this process was having some bugs but I dint try it on latest XCode5. Give it a try.


Xcode duplicates my repository and renames its location to lowercase

I have a Git repository where my project is linked to. It is located somewhere like /Users/a/Documents/Xcode Projects/MyProject. I use Xcode's UI to commit changes and it worked perfectly for a couple of times. But now, out of a sudden, I get this error when trying to commit new changes:
The working copy myproject could not be reached.
Please verify that the working copy is reachable and try again.
As you can see, the message shows my project's name in lowercase and when I check the Repositories in XCode (File - Source Control - Repositories...). I see there are two, apparently identical, repositories (they both link to the same Origin), but one with the name all in lowercase.
The correct one location is /Users/a/Documents/Xcode Projects/MyProject as I told you. But the duplicated one is supposed to be located in /Users/a/Documents/xcode projects/myproject which, of course, does not exist.
Does anybody know why is this happening? Can anybody help me to delete this duplicated repository and make my project link the correct one? So I can keep using the XCode's UI to commit changes in my code.
I found that Xcode 4.2 can behave in two different ways depending on what exactly you select in the File->Open dialog, when opening the project from within Xcode:
The .xcodeproj file
The project folder (containing the .xcodeproj file)
Selecting 1 or 2 and pressing enter wil give me two different repositories with different paths in Xcode's Repositories, so sometimes it helps to close the project, delete both repositories and then open the project in "the right way", say 1 or 2.
I had the same problem. You probably clicked the recent opened project offered at the beginning of Xcode screen. I chose to open the project/workspace from manual selection in the file system and it solved this duplicated working copy issue. Hope it could be a help.

Renaming namespaces in windows phone

Is it possible to rename the namespace, projectfolder, solution name in windows phone? I have a paid version and free version of app. The free version of the app has minor modification. So I tried copying the whole project folder of the paid version and tried renaming the namespace, solution name, foldernames. I landed up in a bag full of errors!!
Is there any way i can do this? or do I have to do it the hard way?, have to create a new project and files and Ctrl+C the whole content???
Could someone help me on this?
Why do you want to rename the solution and project? If you want to change the name of the app, you just have to edit the manifest file.
If you really want to change the namespace, you can use Visual Studio's refactoring features: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6kxxabwd.aspx
Yes, but it's a 3-step process:
Rename all the namespaces, references, configuration etc (basically, everything you can find through full solution code search). Make sure it compiles.
Close solution. Rename files on the disk. Open the solution file in the Notepad, update the renamed folder references. Make sure that after opening the solution in VS it opens correctly.
In the project properties, select the Startup Object (http://www.jayway.com/2011/10/12/fixing-wp7-app-not-starting-after-project-rename/)
Yes definitely you can!
Please refer following steps
Open LocalizedStrings.cs and refactor namespace from it.
Rename project solution
Expand properties and open AppManifest file
Change the display name and tile title
Right click on solution file and select clean solution from contextual menu.
Here you are ready with your project with new name! Enjoy!

want to use Xcode 4 for everything, how to add folder in project navigator?

I'd like to move my web dev editing to Xcode 4 (currently using textmate). I have a couple of simple questions that are clearly a lack of experience on my end.
In Xcode's Project Navigator, how do I add a folder to the shown directory tree? Currently, I add via terminal and do File -> Add Files
Is there any way to tell Xcode to see the file system as the file system and not as references?
a less likely thing:
Is there any way to bring up a console within the context of a folder in project navigator (would like to be able to run grep again small portion or something)?
I can answer the first question. Adding a folder of files to a project is the same as adding individual files. Choose File > Add Files in Xcode. When you add a folder of files to a project, you should see something like the following screenshot:
Create groups if you need to access the files in Xcode, such as adding a folder of source code files. Create folder references if you don't need to access the files in Xcode, such as adding a folder of audio files.
You can also add folders to the project navigator by selecting a file or folder in the project navigator, right-clicking, and choosing New Group.
As far as I know, Xcode won't mirror the filesystem as an Xcode tree (anyone correct me id I'm wrong). Wanting to have an identical structure is quite some work. I use to first place the files hierarchically in the file-system, then I mimic the same structure in Xcode.
This requires some attention since Xcode 4.1 not always writes new classes to the place you told him to - they may prefer to land in the highest level of the Xcode project.
I had similar thoughts and started a thread, might be helpful for further reading
Your second question: sorry, can't help you there.

Why can't I delete files from my XCode project?

This is probably a very easy question, but I'm having trouble deleting resources from my XCode project. I added them using "Create Folder References for any added folders" so that I could import a whole offline HTML site with its correct folder structure.
Unfortunately, now it has been added like this I don't seem to be able to delete individual files in the structure (it's not available from the Edit menu).
Can anyone help please? Thanks!
That isn't how folder references work. The idea is that its only a reference, you can open files within it and save it from those editors, you can delete or move the entire reference throughout the xcode project, but you can't actually edit it - its read only as far as xcode is concerned. Likewise, you cannot restructure it (move internal files around).
I'm not to sure why apple decided to make this the case, but apparently they have.
If you want to know how one might use the xcode folder system, here's how I tend to use them with my projects:
Whenever I subdivide code into folders, when I drag them into my project I click "recursively create groups for any added folders". If you do this, you any changes you make within xcode will not reflect the actual file itself. As far as I know, there is no way to do this. What does happen then is that when you add a new code file to it, the directory starts off in that file by default. ie, you don't need to navigate to it manually when you create a new file.
I use folder references whenever I'm working with content for an application I'm using. This way, I add all my images, folders, configuration files, whatever - and xcode immediately lists them. The reason I have it within xcode, I can I copy the files into the executables directory by dragging the folder reference into a "Copy Files" build phase.
Thats basically (to my knowledge) how one uses the folder types within xcode - sadly, I don't know how to achieve the functionality you want. You may have to manually delete the folders in finder, which if you do use folder references will update xcode to the change.
I ran into the same issue by using "Create Folder References for any added folders". I wanted to change some of the times but that's not possible. I had added a main folder that had other directories under it. I just had to select the main directory and deleted it and then just add the subdirectories that I needed. You can't make any location or removal changes to the directories that are added this way. -- Jeff
In the project browser, where you're looking at files, right click and choose "Delete". It'll prompt you to either remove the file from the project (leaving the underlying file on the filesystem) or to also move the underlying file to the trash.
I ran into the same issue. Delete the files from the folder directly as opposed to from within Xcode. You'll see the entries turn red under your project. Restarting Xcode should make these red entries vanish.

xcode copying project to another computer

I'm having problems copying a project over from one mac to another. The project compiles and runs fine after being copied, however xcode seems to have some duplicate of the same classes which seem to be invisible on the project browser on the left.
For example if I jump to definition on a variable I get 2 suggestions pop up. The top file when I look at its properties is relative to xcode folder (this is also the one that shows up in the class browser to the left). The second file which cant be seen on the browser has absolute path type in the properties.
Is there any way to get rid of this behaviour so its just looking at one file only like it originally was doing on the other mac? Its a bit problematic as I am never sure which one I am editing and they don't seem to update each other even though they appear to be the same file.
On a side note if I copy the copied project to another location then I get 3 etc files pop up in the jump to definition.
It's usually a good idea to either not copy the "build" folder (or delete it after you've copied everything over - only do this when Xcode is not running though).
Ok so what you need to do is this:
1.Duplicate your project.
2.Open the copy w/the original ,but only the folder.
3.open the Projects files(not the tests the main files)
4.then Drag and drop the files into the xcode area.
5.Zip the folder and its done
its like that because it just removes the references but not the files they are all still there though so just add the references back into the file.
