Unix command "host" - is there Windows equivalent? [closed] - windows

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am on a Windows 7 machine and I was instructed to use the Unix command "host" as per this article:
however, host is not a valid command with Windows and even with bash on Windows I could find host installed.
Is there a Windows equivalent to "host"?

This question is more suited to Super User, but the command you're looking for is nslookup. Both are (at their most basic) used to look up IP addresses for hostnames. You can run cmd and do nslookup hostname the same way you'd do host hostname. If you need something other than the IP address, the command-line arguments will differ. Run nslookup with no arguments and type help at the prompt for details.

Although you will be able to find the DNS resolution using nslooukup, there is no direct equivalent to the host command in Windows. There is a similar question on Super User.

Old thread, but I hit it doing Google searches. There is no built in but if you add this to your profile.ps1 it'll do what you want.
function host {
param ($ip)
$answer=Resolve-DnsName $ip
if ($answer[0].IPAddress -eq $null)
echo "$($answer.Name[0]) has address $($answer.namehost[0])"
echo "$($answer.Name[0]) has address $($answer.Ipaddress[0])"

Use the command "Nslookup" followed by your business domain to look up its server's IP address. If the server has multiple IP addresses associated with the name, the command will list all of them. As an example, you might enter "nslookup google.com" to find a list of Google's IP addresses.

Use ping -a to replicate the host command.


Minikube: host-agnostic way to set / retrieve External IP [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I recently did an implementation of our local environment on the basis of Minikube. In my automation scripts for env provision I relied on the fact that minikube tunnel exposes services with LB type at local IP - this is what happens on my macOS.
However, a developer with Ubuntu (running under VirtualBox) complained that for him External IP is never a loopback one, it's always something from the subnet.
At this point I am trying to figure out what is the best course of action:
Try to force somehow External IPs on all platforms to be IDK if possible, couldn't find anything on that.
Or fall back to some other way to reliably find the external IP for any given service. I assume I can use kubectl output to grep the External IP, but that will add overhead and latency in scripts I was hoping to avoid.
What is the cheap and reliable host-agnostic way to find External IP for any given service within the cluster?
Well I don't think 1. is possible. Similar to you, I could not find any information.
I think option 2 is good, but you don't have to use grep. You can use kubectl built in JSONPath Support and set IP address as variable (example in bash):
IP_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get service {your-service} -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
You may also use NodePort and do not use minikube tunnel at all:
IP_ADDRESS=$(minikube ip && kubectl get service {your-service} -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}")
IP_ADDRESS=$(echo $IP_ADDRESS | sed 's/ /:/g')
Or get it using minikube service --url <service-name> command, but the output starts with http://:
user#shell:~$ minikube service --url my-service
Another option is to run in the background kubectl port-forward command at the beginning of the script and use localhost address everywhere, but I think previous solutions are better and more reliable.

how to connect to my university unix server using mac terminal [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a unix class in school and we need to log into the server which is an address like:
in this connection the other students had to download putty , and they use telnet too...
From what I know I can use mac terminal to connect to the school server with ssh, i'v seen some posts say to do something like: ssh username#something.something.ac.il but this docent work for me...I get an error:
ssh: connect to host something.something.ac.il port 22: Operation timed out
I know my port is 23, and we use telnet..
Please help me to log in through terminal...tnx!
I use an app called DOC that works fine that its configurations looks like this:
but i want to use terminal
According to your figure - you are connecting to a telnet server as tripleee suggested. From your mac terminal you should be able to connect using:
telnet something.something.ac.il 23
and you should get prompted for a username and password. Or you could do:
telnet -l username something.something.ac.il 23
In the odd chance that your university is using ssh from a different port (it's not that uncommon, but it would be uncommon to use a port designated to another service). You can specify the port number with ssh on the command-line:
ssh user#something.something.ac.il -p 23

SSH Operation Time Out Trying to Login [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Please forgive the embarrassingly dumb newb question.
Here's the scenario:
As part of a task I have to SSH into a server and create some files. I was given the servers name (some.server.com) and an SSH key (id_rsa.username) to use. I am told to use the username and the provided key to login. Since I am relatively new to the workings of SSH this is what I have done:
I have downloaded id_rsa.username to my Downloads directory.
I have tried loggin in with
ssh -i downloads/id_rsa.username username#some.server.com
But I get ssh: connect to host some.server.com port 22: Operation timed out
I have tried using port 2222 and also 11234 ( I used that port once on a different server).
Is there anything I am doing wrong on my end? I don't have access the server admin to ask any questions so I have to try to figure this out myself.
in my case, I change the rule of ufw, and that rule ban the ssh connect
so run sudo ufw allow sshsolve the problem
"Operation timed out" means that you're not making a TCP connection to the remote server. The remote computer may be down, or there may be a firewall blocking access to the the remote server, or your local computer may not have suitable network access. It's not really possible to say what the exact problem is, based on the information here.
If you're in a corporate network, you should contact your local computer support staff for assistance. It's not unheard of for companies to block outgoing SSH from their corporate network.
Otherwise, if you need help troubleshooting network connectivity, you'd probably get better results on Superuser.

ping to iis hosted web side does not working [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a web side hosted on IIS, windows 8 os. I can access from my browser to this page via these urls:
I can ping my ip address like this: ping
But I can not ping to this command gives error: ping request could not find host
Actually have another machine ( that installed apache banchmark on. I want to test request from apache banchmark to my site. So I can not send request.
ab -n 1 -c -1
This does not work.
As arco444 mentioned, you can't ping a website, just a computer itself.
ping is the first thing to try when troubleshooting network connectivity problems
from the remove machine.
You can also try PsPing to test for connectivity to a certain port:
however you can not use this to check for a particular resource on your web site.
Instead you have to use a tool to test for http traffic, Apache Benchmark is one of them, depending on the OS on the remote machine, there are many other tools.
If ping works, check the firewall settings on your Windows 8 machine.

Connecting to FreeBSD Running on Virtual Machine Using WinSCP [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a newbie in working with remote servers and in working with FreeBSD. I want to connect to the FreeBSD running on a virtual machine on my Windows 7 in order to be able to see the files with an explorer interface and be able to copy/paste files to and from it.
I have done this before a while ago using WinSCP but that time it took me 3 days to figure out the configurations I need to make the connection and unfortunately I can't remember them now and do not have another 3 days to waste!!
In my active networks I see to VMware Network adaptors (VMware is the virtual machine I am using) which have the IPv4s: and and when I run "ifconfig" on my virtual FreeBSD there is no IP address (except inet The hostname of FreeBSD is "FreeBSD1" .
WinSCP requires me to fill in a file protocol which I think should be FTP **(correct me if I'm wrong; the other options are SFTP and SCP), a port number (which it sets to 21 by default for FTP) a hostname which I have tried "FreeBSD1", "" and "" with my username(root) and password.
When I use the hostname "FreeBSD1" I get the error:
"The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
Connection failed."
and for the other two I get:
"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Connection failed."
The only thing is, as far as I remember, last time I tried (and succeeded after 3 days) "ifconfig" would show an IP which I think I used as hostname.
** For FTP it also requires an encryption which I set to no encryption. The other options are "SSL/TLS Implicit", "SSL Explicit" and "TLS Explicit".
Any help would be appreciated!
Your Windows machine does not recognize the FreeBSD1 hostname ("The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found" error). So there's no point trying that further.
But it seems that the IPs work, just the FTP port 21 is not open ("No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" error).
I would actually not expect that FreeBSD has unencrypted FTP port opened by default. I guess you will have more luck with SFTP (SSH).
