Strange console output with Jasmine 2.0 using GruntJS (grunt-contrib-jasmine) - jasmine

I have added a spec as first of three in a describe block. When it is the only spec in that block, I get the following output:
- calls removeCountdownTimer($widget) if no seconds are remaining... SlideshowHome
(no checkmark or cross, but a minus sign in the beginning of the line and the final line break missing, so the title of the next describe block follows in the same output line)
when I disable that spec (with xit(...)), I get this output:
* calls removeCountdownTimer($widget) if no seconds are remaining
but when I enable it together with the other specs, the output of the first spec is missing completely, but it is counted in the final specs count output from the jasmine task run.
Any ideas?

I had this same problem, and I fixed it by removing an underscore dependency in my vendors option. It may have something to do with grunt-contrib-jasmine using lodash.


XPath returning IndexError: list index out of range with Specific Example

In order to test lxml's XPath, I have created a test file called output1. This test file is a small, isolated snippet of XML. Running XPath on output1 works as expected. However, when I try to run my code on the full test file that output1 is extracted from, the code throws an error that does not make sense.
This is the file:
<NUM GID="NAME">BongiornoPizza</NUM>
My script begins parsing PLANET's children (starting with MOON, who has GID="EDITABLE"). The issue is that I can't use XPath to get the direct and only child of MOON, which is EARTH. However, I can iterate using a for loop and manually get to EARTH. This is strange, considering I also tested it on an even smaller example using XPath and it worked.
The for loop for inner_node in node: works fine, and will get me EARTH.
Breaking code: (Using XPath to get EARTH)
if "function Comment" not in str(node.tag):
if node.attrib["GID"] == "EDITABLE": # passes
xpath_editable_node = node.xpath('./EARTH')[0] # BREAKS ON THIS LINE
name_node = xpath_editable_node.xpath('./NUM')[0]
print(name_node.text) # should contain BongiornoPizza
Working code: (Uses for loop to get EARTH)
if "function Comment" not in str(node.tag):
if node.attrib["GID"] == "EDITABLE": # passes
for inner_node in node:
if inner_node.attrib["GID"] == "XPATH-EDITABLE":
name_node = inner_node.xpath('./NUM')[0]
print(name_node.text) # should contain BongiornoPizza
I can achieve what I want with for loops and manual iteration, but it would be nice to be able to consistently use the XPath library in a clean manner. I think I'm probably missing a simple thing and that's why it is not working.

Logging and asserting the number of previously-unknown DOM elements

I'ts my first tme using Cypress and I almost finalized my first test. But to do so I need to assert against a unknown number. Let me explain:
When the test starts, a random number of elements is generated and I shouldn't have control on such a number (is a requirement). So, I'm trying to get such number in this way:
var previousElems = cy.get('.list-group-item').its('length');
I'm not really sure if I'm getting the right data, since I can not log it (the "cypress console" shows me "[Object]" when I print it). But let's say such line returns (5) to exemplify.
During the test, I simulate a user creating extra elements (2) and removing an (1) element. Let's say the user just creates one single extra element.
So, at the end os the test, I need to check if the number of eements with the same class are equals to (5+2-1) = (6) elements. I'm doing it in this way:
cy.get('.list-group-item').its('length').should('eq', (previousTasks + 1));
But I get the following message:
CypressError: Timed out retrying: expected 10 to equal '[object Object]1'
So, how can I log and assert this?
Thanks in advance,
PD: I also tryed:
var previousTasks = (Cypress.$("ul").children)? Cypress.$("ul").children.length : 0;
But it always returns a fixed number (2), even if I put a wait before to make sure all the items are fully loaded.
I also tryed the same with childNodes but it always return 0.
Your problem stems from the fact that Cypress test code is run all at once before the test starts. Commands are queued to be run later, and so storing variables as in your example will not work. This is why you keep getting objects instead of numbers; the object you're getting is called a chainer, and is used to allow you to chain commands off other commands, like so: cy.get('#someSelector').should('...');
Cypress has a way to get around this though; if you need to operate on some data directly, you can provide a lambda function using .then() that will be run in order with the rest of your commands. Here's a basic example that should work in your scenario:
cy.get('.list-group-item').its('length').then(previousCount => {
// Add two elements and remove one...
cy.get('.list-group-item').its('.length').should('eq', previousCount + 1);
If you haven't already, I strongly suggest reading the fantastic introduction to Cypress in the docs. This page on variables and aliases should also be useful in this case.

Xtext - Multiline String like in YAML

I'm trying to model a YAML-like DSL in Xtext. In this DSL, I need some Multiline String as in YAML.
description: |
Line 1
line 2
My first try was this:
terminal BEGIN:
'synthetic:BEGIN'; // increase indentation
terminal END:
'synthetic:END'; // decrease indentation
and my second try was
((!('\n'))+ '\n')+
but both of them did not succeed. Is there any way to do this in Xtext?
I've tried this alternative as well.
When I triggered the "Generate Xtext Artifacts" process, I got this error:
3492 [main] INFO nerator.ecore.EMFGeneratorFragment2 - Generating EMF model code
3523 [main] INFO clipse.emf.mwe.utils.GenModelHelper - Registered GenModel 'http://...' from 'platform:/resource/.../model/generated/....genmodel'
error(201): ../.../src-gen/.../parser/antlr/lexer/Internal..Lexer.g:236:71: The following alternatives can never be matched: 1
error(3): cannot find tokens file ../.../src-gen/.../parser/antlr/internal/Internal...Lexer.tokens
error(201): ../....idea/src-gen/.../idea/parser/antlr/internal/PsiInternal....g:4521:71: The following alternatives can never be matched: 1
This slide deck shows how we implemented a whitespace block scoping in an Xtext DSL.
We used synthetic tokens called BEGIN corresponding to an indent, and END corresponding to an outdent.
(Note: the language was subsequently renamed to RAPID-ML, included as a feature of RepreZen API Studio.)
I think your main problem is, that you have not defined when your multiline token is ending. Before you come to a solution you have to make clear in your mind how an algorithm should determine the end of the token. No tool can take this mental burdon from you.
Issue: There is no end marking character. Either you have to define such a character (unlike YAML) or define the end of the token in anather way. For example through some sort of semantic whitespace (I think YAML does it like that).
The first approach would make the thing very easy. Just read content until you find the closing character. The sescond approach would probably be manageable using a custom lexer. Basically you replace the generated lexer with your own implemented solution that is able to cound blanks or similar.
Here are some starting points about how this could be done (different approaches thinkable):
Writing a custom Xtext/ANTLR lexer without a grammar file

How do I remove the 'Done' message after my program has executed?

I made a program that is similar to clearing RAM. However, it always leaves a "Done" message followed by a dotted line after being executed. In addition, if you scroll up, you can see that the program was executed. Is there a way to remove both of these things? If you can't hide the fact that a program was executed, could you suppress the 'Done' message?
I have tried adding ClearHome" and " as the last line of my program, and neither stops the Done message from displaying.
Bonus points if your solution can be contained within the original program.
In a separate program, type the following line of code:
Then at the end of the original program, type the following line of code:
It is recommended that you test this out first with all programs archived, just running the above line of code alone, in case it fails. Hex codes like that one have been known to fail, and sometimes clears the RAM.
You can also try these other hex codes, but always keep in mind the warning above. My RAM has been cleared by this before, so use caution:
This works on TI 83 and 84, may be different with other calculator types.
I found a way to do this without an external program, and is much simpler.
Just add the following line of code to the end of your program:
Output(1,1," //no space, just a quote
You may or may not have to add ClrHome before that line of code.
This should prevent the Done message from appearing at the end.
Hope this helps!
Put an empty string at the end of your program, so your last line looks like this:
Or this
The empty string is stored to ans and will be displayed as a blank line rather than the Done message.
There is also an assembly hexcode to do this without leaving the blank line at the top:
When run at the end of the program using one of the various methods of running assembly, it will leave you with a blank, fully operational homescreen.
Outputting an empty string will prevent the Done message and also preserve Ans, in case a calling program is expecting to use it.
See for more details on Output(.
In your situation, run Clear Entries (found under Mem), then scroll up so that the Done message is selected and press Clear to get rid of it.

Code Fragment mode in Pycharm 3 debugging returns None always

When in debug mode in Pycharm, the Evaluate Expression -> Code Fragment tool doesn't seem to be able to assign and display a variable in one go. The only case that seems to be evaluated correctly is when the first line is a constant value.
results as expected in
result = {int} 10
but when trying to obtain the same result with:
c = 10
the output is
result = {NoneType} None
However, if I hover over each variable in fragment window, the values are shown as a popup.
Edits to sum up the comments (thanks Vaibhav Mishra):
Unfortunately, this seems to be the default behavior: (won't fix bug)
My understanding of this feature:
Although Pycharm will display a None result when evaluating multiple lines, they are all executed in the context of the currently selected stack frame. One of the consequences being the update of the namespace. Subsequently using single-line evaluations in the same context (or mouse hover) will display the expected values.
Two potential usages:
The Evaluate Code Fragment dialog is automatically prompted when evaluating multiple lines from the editor: Select a block | Evaluate Expression (Alt+F8). May be useful to tweak a couple of lines and run evaluation in one go.
As an alternative to the Debug Command Line, the code fragment mode supports loops and if/else. Although the inspection seems a bit tipsy (mistakenly unresolved variables), it can be ignored, and the editing assistance provided there can be put to good use.
