I am going through the cordova getting started tutorial.
It talks about an appViewDelegate.m file. But all I can see in the xcode Classes folder is the appDelegate.m.
What is going on here?
The url of the tutorial I am looking at is http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.3.0/guide_getting-started_ios_index.md.html
Guessing it was renamed to this? Which tutorial do you mean?
I would recommend to use phonegap 3.3.0 and its docs.
And to answer your question: #keldar was right. It was renamed to appDelegate.m
Following this article everything works but I'm stuck on routing welcome index page as this mentioned file is missing.
please mention workaround or if I'm missing anything.
(Try not to post screenshots. And learning Ubuntu is easier than trying to code Rails on Windows, by a mile...)
You are in assets/config. Look in Blog\config.
I have installed the Facebook SDK framework to integrate with Parse,
however I am now getting an error that says that the following code can not be found:
#import "GADCustomEventBanner.h"
the error is:
'GADCustomEventBanner.h' file not found
Does anyone know where I can find this?
Thanks in advance.
You might have deleted the file. Just download the framework and add the files back in.
Oh and by the way, try using Cocoapods. It gets sooo much easier when you manage your controls and dependencies.
I'm trying to bind a Quickblox iOS SDK to Xamarin, but I'm getting the following error:
Could not find a part of the path "/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/NSObjCRuntime.h".
How can I fix this problem?
As I was suggested at http://forums.xamarin.com/, I installed XCode Command-line tools and now the binding is in progress, I no longer receive this error.
Do you use this guide?
We need advice from guys from Xamarin team how to fix this, hope they read stackoverflow too :)
I am new to Mozilla extensions and i have been trying to build the "hello world" following this tutorial https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Building_an_Extension but unfortunately its not showing anything on the right of my status bar when i start Firefox with my development profile. I have checked everything many times and not found any mistake in my code or file pattern. I'm doing everything they say in that tutorial. Now I'm seriously getting doubts on this tutorial is there something wrong with it ? have they missed out on anything that i should know? help me out here please
I would like to post this information about that tutorial on building firefox extensions that it has major flaws in it which result in no output of what is being said in it, i have reported it and for starters here is another very helpful link thanks to which i was able to build my extension.
How can I add a PHP extension called "AMF" to my MAMP setup in Mac OSX?
Thanks in advance :)
I think I did it. Here are the tutorial links that I have followed :)
Other reference link:
Syntax I used:
./pecl i amfext-0.9.2
The links above worked with the newly compiled amf.so in my extensions folder but the AMFEXT php extension did not appear in the phpinfo.php.
I will try to use this link I just found:
I will update this answer tomorrow if the phpbuilder link worked.
Cheers! :D
amfext is long outdated and unstable. Check this extension out - http://neoxic.me/php-amf3/
No problem building and integrating into MAMP!