Joining a PNRP cloud on my local subnet - windows

I'm experimenting with PNRP, just using netsh to execute basic commands to register peers on my machine. I am able to add multiple peers on my machine by opening multiple instances of a command prompt, and entering the following commands
p2p pnrp peer
add registration 0.mike
After that I switch to the cloud context and enter show names and I see a bunch of info, and the names of my 2 peers that I registered through cmd. However, when I ask another developer (who has a machine on my same IPv4 subnet) to run the same commands they do not appear. I would expect a third peer to show up on my cloud, since we're using the same name 0.mike
What do I not understand about what is going on here, and what should I be doing to get the behavior I'd expect?

Show Names is designed to only show you the names that are registered on your local machines, not the names that your computer is aware of.
Due to the way that name storage works (a one way hash algorithm) the nodes of a network aren't actually aware of the names that they are storing, just the hashed values.
The command that you want to run is resolve 0.mike to actually perform a lookup for the name and return the IP addresses. You can restrict this by cloud as well if you need to.


Multiple ways of connecting to a network drive on the same host

Both net use and new-psdrive seem to be unable to map two drives from the same host normally.
You can cheat your way into getting TWO drives by using the IP and the name of the host, but as far as i know there it stops.
But annoyingly, i am in the situation where i need three locations mapped.
We have a file server that contains the profile directory of users and a shared network directory for the company to save various things.
I need to administrate both of these, PLUS, obviously, my OWN profile directory, so i need to map \\server01\users , \\server01\FlyingThunder AND \\server01\CompanyStuff.
What can i do here?
You can use New-PSdrive to have multiple connections to same server with one user account(but parameter -credential must used only for first drive other will use same credential). But if you want use different user accounts for each share, you need to add aliases into DNS and configure Samba with the same netbios aliases. With that trick, Windows happily makes multiple connections with different user name/password logons. Basically, it doesn't realize that it is connecting to the same machine.

Able to ssh to server using only one domain yet they all use the same ip

Thanks in advance.
I have setup a server in which I intend to host a couple of applications but something weird is happening, I have bought a couple of domains which I have all mapped to the same ip address, but now when trying to ssh to that server only one of the domains goes through, the rest don't.
Someone please explain why this is happening and what I could have probably done wrong
Am I correct that you are attempting to connect to the different domains via different saved configurations in your SSH terminal app. If so, check that you have connected each of those configurations to the appropriate private key. And of course check any other settings you may have needed in those configurations.
For example, make sure that if the host name for the working one is <username>#<domainOne> then the others are not simply <>. (Errors like this can be hidden in some SSH terminals if the domain is very long.)

How to limit access to Amazon EC2 to IP ranges

I have an Amazon EC2 instance that hosts different services (cassandra db, elasticsearch, rabbitmq, mysql...) used by several developers at different locations. Since these developers have dynamic IP addresses, and this EC2 instance is used only for development, I left inbound access to required ports opened to I'm aware that this is absolutely not recommended, and I should limit access, but I don't want to change the rules every day as someone's IP address change.
However, I just got report from Amazon that my instance is used for DoS attack, so I would like to fix this.
My question is if it is possible to make a rule that will limit access to several ranges such as: - -
Definitely yes, because the ranges you meant aren't just ranges but match CIDR.
The range which cannot be expressed as CIDR won't be accepted:
You can use IPcalc or similar site to make it easier.
If it fits you, you can use port range like 2000-3000, or, better, use custom ports for the services. Then the range will be e.g. 2000-2001, and using port ranges you can fit one user into one rule.
Alternative, more secure but more difficult way: a web page, user connects there with proper security key. If the key is recognized then a script on the server adds rule to a group using the client's IP. Another script by cron deletes the rules older than X hours. To check it deeper you may want to look e.g. here: On apache side check Two-way SSL authentication, on AWS side check API and Command Overview

Can't join into a cluster on marklogic

I'm working with marklogic database and I tried to create a cluster.
I already have a development key. The OS is the same in all the nodes (win 7 x64).
When you tried to add a node into the cluster, you need to type the host name or the IP adress. For some reason when I type de host name, marklogic sometimes can't find the node , but that doesn't matter, because with the IP, the connection is successfull.
The main problem is when continues trought the process. At the end when marklogic try to transfer cluster configuration information to the new host, the process never ends and finally a message like "No data received" appear in the web browser.
I know that this message doesnt mean that the process fails, because when I change for example the host name, the same message appear.
So, when I check the summary in the first node, the second node appears, so that means the node "joins" into the cluster, but I'm not able to start the admin interface and always the second node appears disconnected even if I restart the service.
Aditionally, I'm able to make a ping from any computer to another.
I tried to create another network, because in my school some ports are not allowed, furthermore I tried to use different development key and the same key in my nodes too,
and finally I already have all the services enabled, but the problem persist.
Any help or comments would be appreciated.
Make sure ports 7998 - 8003 are open on both computers for both inbound and outbound traffic and that you don't have a firewall (Windows firewall, or iptables) blocking these.
You can also start looking into the Logs/ErrorLog.txt file and see if something obvious shows up.
Stick to IP addresses for now as it seems your DNS isn't fully working.
Your error looks like a kind of networking connectivity problem between the hosts.
Also you might get more detailed, or atleast different, answers from the MarkLogic developer mailing list.
-David Lee
Make sure the host names in MarkLogic configuration match the DNS names at which the hosts can see each other. If those are unreliable, then simply use IP addresses as host names. Go to the Admin interface on both ends, lookup the host name, change the DNS name into IP name, try again.
Also look at DALDEI's suggestion about ports and firewalls, that could be interfering as well.

Amazon EC2 - seeing files between instances

I've set up 2 instances of Windows Server 2008 on EC2. I want one to act as the database server and the other as the client. For the client app to work it needs to be able to connect to the server instance with ALL of these things:
IP address of the database instance
access through a given UDP port
server name e.g. \\MyServer
an actual physical path through to its database e.g. \\UNC\SharedFolder\MyDatabaseFolder
I'm a complete novice with EC2. Is there anyway I can set this up?
Many thanks
At least three of the four are completely possible and I have worked with similar setups. Maybe someone else knows more about the UDP bit.
IP address of the database instance
That is standard on EC2. All instances have two network interfaces, one EC2 internal and one to the outside world. For communication between instances use the internal one. Data traffic over these interfaces is free.
Access through a given UDP port
I have never tried UDP communication in EC2, but if it works you should probably keep it within a local network of your own, i.e. a virtual private cloud (VPC).
Server name e.g. \MyServer
This kind of host name lookup does not need a name server, although you certainly could run one (preferably within a VPC). If you put the server name and (internal) IP into your hosts file (%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) you don't need a name server, though.
An actual physical path through to its database e.g. \UNC\SharedFolder\MyDatabaseFolder
Folder sharing should work the same as with any other Windows machine, but even that should probably be kept within a VPC.
Setting up a VPC can be a little steep to start with, but the documentation is good and the hard bits are often not needed (such as VPN tunnels). Have a look at the example scenarios and follow the one best matching your needs.
