Test Suites for OpenStack Nova CLI - test-suite

I am wondering if it is there any Test Suite for OpenStack Nova Command Line Interfaces.
I googled it and I found a bunch of Integration Test Suites (Tempest, Torpedo, StackTester, SmokeStack). Unfortunately, none of these Test Suite provides tests for Nova CLI.
Are you aware of any Nova CLI test suites?
I'd like to test sequences of commands like.
nova boot ...
nova list
nova image-list

Tempest, is the framework you are probably looking for. There is a provision in tempest to run different kinds of testsuites like API,CLI etc.You can test the above mentioned commands using this CLI Testsuite


Is there a way to run molecule tests with external dependencies?

I have several roles that run actions on a remote database that executes sentences for user and privilege creation.
I have seen molecule used to test playbooks that run against a single host, but I am unsure of how you could setup a second container to run a docker instance in the same network as the molecule container (similar to a docker-compose setup). However I have not been able to find a setup like this in the documentation.
Is there a recommended way to run molecule tests with external dependencies? Or should I just use docker-compose or similar to run my tests?
There is a 'prepare' stage in Molecule specifically for that. You need to separate questions:
where external resource (database) is run?
why and how it's configured?
Those are very separate, and mixing them together is a bad idea.
For 1 there are different answers:
It is (out of blue, configured by other people). Use non-managed hosts in molecule.yml.
We OK to run it on the same host as the host we run our code. Shovel installation into 'prepare' stage.
We want it to be on separate server. Put additional host in platforms in a different group and configure it in prepare stage.
If you find your driver is not good enough, you always can opt for 'delegated' driver. In this case you need to write playbooks for create/destroy of hosts. It's relatively easy. The main trick is to use 'platforms' variable to get information about content of molecule.yaml's platform section.

Combine Cypress results for multiple environments as single run in Dashboard

Regarding the Cypress Dashboard and runs
We are running smoke and end-to-end tests post-deployment and the tests are run against multiple environments
Is it somehow possible to combine the results for all the environments into a single run in the Dashboard?
Current results as an example:
We run the smoke tests against 8 environments that have different configurations
7 of these environments are ok and are marked as a success
1 environment fails
If the run for the failed environment isn't the latest to be run the test in the Dashboard is green and we sometimes don't notice that something failed through the Dashboard
Technically they are all being run from the same commit id
Is there any command-line parameter that will combine this so that the Dashboard will look at this as the same run but just against different environments similar to how it does with browsers?
I've been going through the documentation and issues on GitHub but cant find anything related to this
Yes, you can construct a unique id and use the --ci-build-id passed to cypress run https://docs.cypress.io/guides/guides/command-line.html#cypress-run-ci-build-id-lt-id-gt
There is an example in the Cypress Real World App, a payment application to demonstrate real-world usage of Cypress testing methods, patterns, and workflows, in the Circle CI configuration. Note, this uses the Circle CI Orb syntax which maps to the --ci-build-id command line parameter.

Does AWS Device Farm support CodeCeptJS?

Can we run the CodeCeptJS works on AWS device farm? Did not see the CodeCeptJS dropdown test methods like Appium TestNG etc.
With Device Farm's custom environment, almost any test library/framework can be used. These test types do not require the test package to be parsed currently:
Appium Node
Appium Ruby
If you upload the test package as one of those you can then author the testspec.yml file to execute the tests the same way they're executed locally.

Chef Kitchen CI Verify without converge. Existing Server test

I have a situation where I want to test AWS EC2 sever using the Kitchen test framework. We are using cloudformation for our infrastructure creation and not the Chef. I want to use Kitchen Verify functionality by writing the test cases, but can't use Chef recipes for infrastructure creation.
Is there any way, I can just use Kitchen Verify command against existing EC2 infrastructure created by CloudFormation? How do I specify address on existing server which is not created using Kitchen Converge command.
Appreciate your help!
KitchenCI is only a tool (a powerful one, no doubt! :-)) which connect other tools/drivers (provisioners, verifiers, etc).
Since you do not use it for provisioning your test infrastructure it makes a little to no sense to use it for verification. Instead, I would suggest a research if your preferred verifier (you didn't mention which one you are using) can be used standalone. For example, you can run inspec without Kitchen (look for backend/host flags).
There is a drive plugin for Cloudformation, which includes its own pass through provisioner. But I’ve never used it and using standalone InSpec or Serverspec is probably easier :)

How to trigger reports mail on fitnesse slim test runs?

We are using Fitnesse slim in our project. As of now we were executing the fitnesse tests (slim) from wiki page and we were checking the results manually from wiki itself.
Now, we are planning to implement CI for our project. So, is there a way to integrate fitnesse slim with AnthilPro (CI tool) and can run fitnesse tests / suits automatically and send the execution results to specified set of email IDs ?
Kindly help me out. I know that, many have already implemented this. But, i am not getting the exact info i am looking for anywhere.
Thank you,
I'm not familiar with anthillpro, but I run fitnesse test using their junit runner on teamcity and Jenkins.
This produces test results those ci tools pick up automatically, and html reports for people to see the test details.
Mailing people based on build outcome is a standard feature of the tools. I assume for anthill also.
Would that work for you?
My fitnesse baseline project contains a maven setup to run a fitnesse suite with a single maven call: mvn clean test-compile failsafe:integration-test.
I assume that making a job the checks out a project, executes a maven call and then e-mails based on test outcome is just as simple to setup in anthill as in other ci tools.
