Iterator issue in VC++ project in Visual Studio 2013 - set

I am migrating the visual studio 2008 vc++ projects to visual studio 2013. I am facing c3892 when migrating one of my projects.Here I am providing sample piece of code which reproduces the the error Iam facing in migration.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){
int myints[] = {21,64,17,78,49};
std::set<int> myset (myints,myints+5);
std::set<int>::reverse_iterator rit;
std::cout << "myset contains:";
for (rit=myset.rbegin(); rit != myset.rend(); ++rit)
return 0;
If we execute the above piece of code in vs2013 ,Iam throwing an error
Error error C3892: 'std::_Revranit<_RanIt,_Base>::operator *' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const
But if we execute the same piece of code visual studio 2008, Iam not getting any type of errors the build is successful.
I must change the value in my project.
Please provide me the solution how to get rid of this error.
Thanks in advance.

Simply put, you're not allowed to directly modify elements of a set after they've been inserted ( If you changed set to vector in your example, it would compile just fine.
If you want to modify an element from a set, you must erase it from the set and then insert the modified value.
Actually, this stackoverflow question is identical to yours and has some cool workarounds suggested.


VS2022 17.4.4 Community debugger with older compiler toolsets not showing variable values on hover

I am using visual studio 2022 for daily development, I have binaries that are tied to older libraries or platforms, so I set the platform toolset property to an older version.
But it's not showing the variable values on hover.
It works if modifying the platform toolset to Visual studio 2022(v143).
Could anyone help me to solve this debugging problem? Thanks in advance.
I tested in VS2022 17.4 with compiler VS2010 and I reproduced the issue. But I find std::string is an type of class in c++.It does return a class type data structure when debugging with old compiler toolset VS2010 in Local window. Expand the str and you will see the value test in _Buf in the char* type data structure. You can add str. c_str() in watch window and you’ll see it shows the value in char* type.
c_str returns a const char* that points to a null-terminated string (i.e., a C-style string)
I guess the reason of the difference in showing string type variable value in debug mode between two compiles is depending on compiler.
If you want it to show variable values on hover with VS2010 compiler, here’s a workaround to achieve it.
const char* str = "test";
char str[] = "test";

Using Visual Studio to code for AVR

I am using Visual Studio 2013 to write code for AVR. I have been following this tutorial.
Whilst writing the code, I noticed that Visual Studio kept on underlining things like DDRB or PORTB and I keep on getting errors like Error: identifier "PORTB" is undefined, however, the program compiles correctly.
Interestingly enough, upon pressing alt-F12 Visual finds numerous files where they are defined.
Your Makefile runs compiler with an option -mmcu=YOURCHIP. This implicitly defines macro corresponding to your chip. For instance for atmega32u4 the macro is AVR_ATmega32U4. Intellisense is run 'outside' of your compiler so it's not aware of this macro and when parsing standard avr header - like avr/io.hit skips the proper inclusion of header file for your particular MCU. It's something like:
#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
# include <avr/iom32u4.h>
So, if you want to have intellisense support for stuff defined in those headers you might need to define that macro, at the top of your source, like this:
#define __AVR_ATmega32U4__
#include <avr/io.h>
int main() {
char a = PORTB;
You may find what macro corresponds to which MCU in the middle of this page
i would suggest to simply use the original IDE as Make-File generator and just call that makefile from the VS2013. This has the overhead for maintaining two different projects (but mostly actions that require changes to makefile are rare) but leaves the comfort of the good VS IDE and leaves you the way back to original IDE for debugging.
you also have to set the include directories in the vs2013 project settings to get the intellisense work.

Uninstall software

My product has a helper executable to uninstall all related sub-products. I uninstall based on upgrade codes of all sub-products.
First, I fetch the product code from upgrade code using MsiEnumRelatedProducts function. Then I try to uninstall the product using MsiConfigureProductEx function.
The problem is MsiConfigureProductEx is returning error.
Invoked Function: MsiConfigureProductsEx
Return Code: 1605 (0x00000645)
Description: This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
Why is MsiEnumRelatedProducts returning a invalid product code ? I searched through the windows registry to see if such product code exists. There isn't any. How to debug the issue ?
Edit: Added minimum code that reproduces issue.
// UpgradeCodes is an array having upgrade codes of all modules.
const TCHAR tszNoReboot[] = _T("REMOVE=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress DISABLE_REBOOT_PROMPT=1");
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(UpgradeCodes) / sizeof(UpgradeCodes[0]); i++)
tstring tstrUpgradeCode = UpgradeCodes[i];
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
size_t status;
// for each of the upgrade code, get all the products
status = MsiEnumRelatedProducts(UpgradeCodes[i],
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == status)
UINT uiReturn = MsiConfigureProductEx(lpProductCode,
// prompt for reboot at the end of all modules uninstallation.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != uiReturn)
// log message with return code.
// Error Code: 1605 is coming from here.
}while (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != status);
Some years have passed and I want to add two scipts that can be used
to export MSI package information:
How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup? - in section 2.
Do visit the link above, but here are direct links to the scripts:
1) the html export version and 2) the simpler text output.
Disclaimer: The below information is very "under the hood". Please use API calls whenever you can to access the MSI database. Also remember to run all your MSI testing on virtual machines so you can easily revert to a "clean state". During MSI development strange things can happen.
It is possible that a previous uninstall of that product of yours left something registered upon uninstall, and this is causing all the problems. I would try to check with scripts what is registered on the system.
Found good discussions of retrieving product info with VBScript here, a couple of really good scripts - recommended. Go to the sites to find the scripts, they format pretty poorly here and clog the answer.
The Windows Installer database is mostly located here:
The upgrade code section: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes
You must never touch anything in the Windows Installer Database Registry directly. It's extremely interconnected and easy to corrupt. Only go through the APIs. Note that the GUIDs in the registry are packed, so you won't find the GUIDs from the package in the registry.
Packed GUID: 03B1692A57845354EA63AD602436AB05
Regular GUID: {A2961B30-4875-4535-AE36-DA064263BA50}
Using the VBScripts above and the registry data directly for inspection you should be able to determine what is happening in the Windows Installer database.
I would never work straight in C++ to test this out. Instead I would eliminate some complexity by trying PowerShell or VBScript to determine what is wrong with the uninstall routine. You can find information on how to use these scripting tools here in this thread. And here is another thread.
It is not quite clear if some of the uninstalls work, and there is
one that fails or if the uninstall operation fails altogether? That's
the first question.
Have you tried manually uninstalling all products from add/remove to ensure they all uninstall correctly manually? One of the products could trigger an error return code during uninstall that is caught programatically, but is ignored during manual install. Often these can be from Custom Actions placed after InstallFinalize. In this case some setup redesign is called for. In the simplest case it would involve disabling error checking for the custom action, but that fix is not good enough in my opinion.
It is possible that the product is
installed, but per-user. In other words it might be installed only
for a single user on the machine, and not for the machine (this is controlled by the ALLUSERS property). I am not sure how this function works if this is the case - it may even report the product as advertised (available for on demand install via a shortcut, but not actually installed). Again, I have not tried this, and uninstall may still work. Just off the top of my head to try and give you some pointers.
Have you performed any major upgrades of existing MSI files as part of the install of your product?
One further question: are you running on Windows 8? And are these MSI files generated with WIX or some other tool? There have been some intermittent reports on problems that appear at least remotely similar.
If you have a package installer (like Microsoft SQL Server), it can install a host of other items during its installation phase.
Later, when you go to uninstall the big package installer, all of the items that installer added to the system should theoretically be removed.
So, try just uninstalling your application, stop, then look to see if the other smaller applications are still on the system.
If they are, then you will need to uninstall these individual applications first when your custom uninstall script starts.
I assume you already have a System.Configuration.Install.Installer class. Follow a set of steps when installing your application (1, 2, 3, etc.), then perform these steps in reverse order when uninstalling your application (3, 2, 1).
Trying a new approach for you. I have located two products that seem to have at least two productcodes registered for their upgrade codes. They are: MSVC redistributable 2008 and MSXML 4.0 SP2. I have written a small C++ test that seems to work ok.
Essentially I think you need to check for ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS before the next iteration of the loop so you don't try to uninstall products that are no longer installed.
Here is some VS2013 code that should compile out of the box on a fresh install, empty project.
UPDATE: updated code to use VS2017 and a minimal console application.
Create a new console project: File => New => Project... => Visual C++, Windows Desktop, Windows Console Application
Paste the below code into the main CPP file (replacing whatever is there)
Set a breakpoint and build & run (F5)
F10 to step through
If "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable" isn't installed, no related product codes will be found.
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
// The below should really be in stdafx.h (precompiled header)
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude stuff from Windows.h
#define STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <msi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "msi.lib") // To make code link
int main()
UINT i = 0;
TCHAR productcode[39] = {};
const TCHAR upgradecode[39] = L"{AA783A14-A7A3-3D33-95F0-9A351D530011}"; //Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
//const TCHAR upgradecode[39] = L"{7CE723E3-E56B-432C-9F24-78C0606045A5}"; // MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688)
// look up (related) product code(s) for specified upgrade code
status = MsiEnumRelatedProducts(upgradecode, 0, i, productcode);
if (status == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) // Test here. 259, ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS
// No more productcodes for specified upgrade code
MessageBox(NULL, L"No more productcodes", L"Done", MB_OK);
break; // exit do-while loop
i++; // Next product code
MessageBox(NULL, productcode, L"Product Code:", MB_OK);
} while (status != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
return 0;
There could be erronously registered products on your system due to failed major upgrades or similar advanced error scenarios, so I am not sure if this solves your problem.
Keep in mind that the Windows Installer Database at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes contains packed GUIDs. You can try the VBScript code found in the following link to convert back and forth between packed and regular GUID formats:
More info on guid formats here if it is interesting:
// TEST DATA 2014 (guids in different formats):
// UpgradeCode
// 41A387AA3A7A33D3590FA953D1350011 => {AA783A14-A7A3-3D33-95F0-9A351D530011}
// ProductCode
// Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148
// CFD2C1F142D260E3CB8B271543DA9F98 => {1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}
// Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
// D20352A90C039D93DBF6126ECE614057 => {9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}
// UpgradeCode
// 3E327EC7B65EC234F942870C0606545A => {7CE723E3-E56B-432C-9F24-78C0606045A5}
// ProductCode
// MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688)
// 6E8A266FCD4F2A1409E1C8110F44DBCE => {F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}
// MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430)
// DDA39468D428E8B4DB27C8D5DC5CA217 => {86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}

CUDA __syncthreads() compiles fine but is underlined with red

I have been working with CUDA 4.2 for a week now and I have a little problem.
When I write the __syncthreads() function it becomes underlined and looks like it is wrong...
Then if I put the mouse on the function it appears a message writing:
identifier __syncthreads(); is undefined.
but when i compile my project the output form build says:
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
So I am guessing that everything works fine but the fact that Visual Studio underlines the function is confusing me...How can I make Visual studio to know that this function is defined before the compiling process?
NOTE:The same thing happens with the kernel call: kernel<<<...,...>>> where the third "<" is underlined red too...
I know that this probably is a minor problem but i want to solve it...Thanks a lot!
I am using Visual Studio 2010 on win7 with Cuda 4.2 and Nsight 2.2
I added the following few lines to the top of the cu file and it began to recognize these functions. For some reason, Intellisense did not pick up this #define:
#ifndef __CUDACC__
#define __CUDACC__
I lost some color-coding in the code, but I no longer get strange false positive errors.
I am using CUDA 9.1 and Visual Studio 2017 15.6.4. The following code helps me eliminate the "__syncthreads() is undefined" error.
//for __syncthreads()
#ifndef __CUDACC__
#define __CUDACC__
#include <device_functions.h>
However, this method is not recommended because it may bring unpredictable side effects. Another method to solve this intellisense warning is:
#ifdef __INTELLISENSE___
// in here put whatever is your favorite flavor of intellisense workarounds
__syncthreads(); is undefined need a help
I have CUDA 8.0 and Visual Studio 2015 and I had the same issue.
The below lines helped me:
After these lines: (already in code)
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
I added these lines:
//for __syncthreads()
#ifndef __CUDACC_RTC__
#define __CUDACC_RTC__
#endif // !(__CUDACC_RTC__)
#include <device_functions.h>
It's based on this link:
Experienced this when trying to define the body of __global__ functions in .cuh files. Moving the body of the functions into .cu source-file solved it.
However, it means that some of my templated functions can't use essential things like __syncthreads(), because templates might have to be defined in a .cuh header.
So, you might need to abandon function templates and instead stick to several functions, each with a slightly different name.
The other solutions either did not solve the same issue occurring in Eclipse 2021-06 with CMake 3.16.3, or produced the following warning with CUDA Runtime Version = 10.1:
/usr/include/device_functions.h:54:2: warning: #warning "device_functions.h is an internal header file and must not be used directly. This file will be removed in a future CUDA release.
The following gave proper highlighting and code completion in Eclipse, and it didn't produce compile warning:
#ifndef __CUDACC__
#define __CUDACC__
#include <device_functions.h>

Visual C++ Debugging problem

I have been having constant struggle with Visual Studio debugger and finally got fed up and seeking help. There are some issues constantly causing trouble. If you have any solutions I will be grateful
Trying to watch a function that has const and non-const versions results in ambiguous symbol error (CXX0039)
Trying to get value of a function in a template class randomly gives member function is not defined error (CXX0052)
Casting a template type variable results in bad type cast, even to its own type (CXX0019)
I have visual studio 2010 Professional with SP1
In #2, I am sure that inlining is off.
Thanks in advance,
I've just experienced the same problem...
Found the answer after some searching on MSDN.
Visual Studio 2005 C++ CXX0052: member function not present!
Basically what you need to do is to store the result in a temp variable, and view this temp variable in the Watch or Locals window.
Far from an ideal solution I guess, but it works ( on VS2010 SP1 ).
I have found out that the best option is to modify autoexp.dat and show transformed variables. At start its a bit hard but when you are done its even better than getting these problems fixed.
