How to break out of select gracefuly in golang - go

I have a program in golang that counts SHA1s and prints ones that start with two zeros. I want to use goroutines and channels. My problem is that I don't know how to gracefully exit select clause if I don't know how many results it will produce.
Many tutorials know that in advance and exit when counter hits. Other suggest using WaitGroups, but I don't want to do that: I want to print results in main thread as soon it appears in channel. Some suggest to close a channel when goroutines are finished, but I want to close it after asynchronous for finishes, so I don't know how.
Please help me to achieve my requirements:
package main
import (
type Hash struct {
message string
hash [sha1.Size]byte
var counter int = 0
var max int = 100000
var channel = make(chan Hash)
var source = rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
var generator = rand.New(source)
func main() {
nCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
fmt.Println("Number of CPUs: ", nCPU)
start := time.Now()
for i := 0 ; i < max ; i++ {
go func(j int) {
// close channel here? I can't because asynchronous producers work now
for {
select {
// how to stop receiving if there are no producers left?
case hash := <- channel:
fmt.Printf("Hash is %v\n ", hash)
fmt.Printf("Count of %v sha1 took %v\n", max, time.Since(start))
func count(i int) {
random := fmt.Sprintf("This is a test %v", generator.Int())
hash := sha1.Sum([]byte(random))
if (hash[0] == 0 && hash[1] == 0) {
channel <- Hash{random, hash}

Firstly: if you don't know when your computation ends, how could you even model it? Make sure you know exactly when and under what circumstances your program terminates. If you're done you know how to write it in code.
You're basically dealing with a producer-consumer problem. A standard case. I would model
that this way (on play):
func producer(max int, out chan<- Hash, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
random := fmt.Sprintf("This is a test %v", rand.Int())
hash := sha1.Sum([]byte(random))
if hash[0] == 0 && hash[1] == 0 {
out <- Hash{random, hash}
Obviously you're brute-forcing hashes, so the end is reached when the loop is finished.
We can close the channel here and signal the other goroutines that there is nothing more to listen for.
func consumer(max int, in <-chan Hash, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for {
hash, ok := <-in
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("Hash is %v\n ", hash)
The consumer takes all the incoming messages from the in channel and checks if it was closed (ok).
If it is closed, we're done. Otherwise print the received hashes.
To start this all up we can write:
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
c := make(chan Hash)
go producer(max, c, wg)
go consumer(max, c, wg)
The WaitGroup's purpose is to wait until the spawned goroutines finished, signalled by
the call of wg.Done in the goroutines.
Also note that the Rand you're using is not safe for concurrent access. Use the one initialized
globally in math/rand. Example:

The structure of your program should probably be re-examined.
Here is a working example of what I presume you are looking for.
It can be run on the Go playground
package main
import (
type Hash struct {
message string
hash [sha1.Size]byte
const Max int = 100000
func main() {
nCPU := runtime.NumCPU()
fmt.Println("Number of CPUs: ", nCPU)
hashes := Generate()
start := time.Now()
for hash := range hashes {
fmt.Printf("Hash is %v\n ", hash)
fmt.Printf("Count of %v sha1 took %v\n", Max, time.Since(start))
func Generate() <-chan Hash {
c := make(chan Hash, 1)
go func() {
defer close(c)
source := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
generator := rand.New(source)
for i := 0; i < Max; i++ {
random := fmt.Sprintf("This is a test %v", generator.Int())
hash := sha1.Sum([]byte(random))
if hash[0] == 0 && hash[1] == 0 {
c <- Hash{random, hash}
return c
Edit: This does not fire up a separate routine for each Hash computation,
but to be honest, I fail to see the value on doing so. The scheduling of all those routines will likely cost you far more than running the code in a single routine.
If need be, you can split it up into chunks of N routines, but a 1:1 mapping is not the way to go with this.


Deadlock when running two go routine

Im studying Golang now on my freetime and I am trying sample exams online to test what i learned,
I came about this coding exam task but I cant seem to make it work/run without a crash,
im getting fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock! error, can anybody help what I am doing wrong here?
func executeParallel(ch chan<- int, done chan<- bool, functions ...func() int) {
ch <- functions[1]()
done <- true
func exampleFunction(counter int) int {
sum := 0
for i := 0; i < counter; i++ {
sum += 1
return sum
func main() {
expensiveFunction := func() int {
return exampleFunction(200000000)
cheapFunction := func() int {return exampleFunction(10000000)}
ch := make(chan int)
done := make(chan bool)
go executeParallel(ch, done, expensiveFunction, cheapFunction)
var isDone = <-done
for result := range ch {
fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", result)
if isDone {
Your executeParallel function will panic if less than 2 functions are provided - and will only run the 2nd function:
ch <- functions[1]() // runtime panic if less then 2 functions
I think it should look more like this: running all input functions in parallel and grabbing the first result.
for _, fn := range functions {
fn := fn // so each iteration/goroutine gets the proper value
go func() {
select {
case ch <- fn():
// first (fastest worker) wins
// other workers results are discarded (if reader has not read results yet)
// this ensure we don't leak goroutines - since reader only reads one result from channel
As such there's no need for a done channel - as we just need to read the one and only (quickest) result:
ch := make(chan int, 1) // big enough to capture one result - even if reader is not reading yet
executeParallel(ch, expensiveFunction, cheapFunction)
fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", <-ch)
package main
import "fmt"
func executeParallel(ch chan<- int, done chan<- struct{}, functions ...func() int) {
// Only execute the second function [1], if available.
if len(functions) > 1 {
ch <- functions[1]()
// Close the done channel to signal the for-select to break and the main returns.
// example returns the number of iterations for [0..counter-1]
func example(counter int) int {
sum := 0
for i := 0; i < counter; i++ {
sum += 1
return sum
// NOTE(SS): This function could just return "counter-1"
// to avoid the unnecessary calculation done above.
func main() {
var (
cheap = func() int { return example(10000000) }
expensive = func() int { return example(200000000) }
ch = make(chan int)
done = make(chan struct{})
// executeParallel takes ch, done channel followed by variable
// number of functions where on the second i.e., indexed 1
// function is executed on a separated goroutine which is then
// sent to ch channel which is then received by the for-select
// reciever below i.e., <-ch is the receiver.
go executeParallel(ch, done, expensive, cheap)
for {
select {
// Wait for something to be sent to done or the done channel
// to be closed.
case <-done:
// Keep receiving from ch (if something is sent to it)
case result := <-ch:
fmt.Println("Result:", result)
I have commented on the code so that it's understandable. As you didn't the actual question the logic could be still wrong.

Getting deadlock as I try to emulate fan in - fan out with factorial calculations

I am trying the fan in - fan out pattern with a factorial problem. But I am getting:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
and unable to identify the reason for deadlock.
I am trying to concurrently calculate factorial for 100 numbers using the fan-in fan-out pattern.
package main
import (
func main() {
_inChannel := _inListener(generator())
for val := range _inChannel {
fmt.Print(val, " -- ")
func generator() chan int { // NEED TO CALCULATE FACTORIAL FOR 100 NUMBERS
ch := make(chan int) // CREATE CHANNEL TO INPUT NUMBERS
go func() {
for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
ch <- i
return ch
func _inListener(ch chan int) chan int {
rec := make(chan int) // CHANNEL RECEIVED FROM GENERATOR
go func() {
result := factorial(num) // RESULT IS A NEW CHANNEL CREATED
rec <- <-result // MERGE INTO A SINGLE CHANNEL; rec
func factorial(n int) chan int {
total := 1
for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
total *= i
ch <- total
I have put in comments, so that it becomes easier to follow the code.
I'm no expert in channels. I've taking on this to try and get more familiar with go.
Another issue is the int isn't large enough to take all factorials over 20 or so.
As you can see, I added a defer close as well as a logical channel called done in the generator func. The rest of the changes probably aren't needed. With channels you need to make sure something is ready to take off a value on the channel when you put something on a channel. Otherwise deadlock. Also, using
go run -race main.go
helps at least see which line(s) are causing problems.
I hope this helps and isn't removed for being off topic.
I was able to remove the deadlock by doing this:
package main
import (
func main() {
_gen := generator()
_inChannel := _inListener(_gen)
for val := range _inChannel {
fmt.Print(val, " -- \n")
func generator() chan int { // NEED TO CALCULATE FACTORIAL FOR 100 NUMBERS
ch := make(chan int) // CREATE CHANNEL TO INPUT NUMBERS
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
defer close(ch)
for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
ch <- i
done <- true
// this function will pull off the done for each function call above.
go func() {
for i := 1; i < 100; i++ {
return ch
func _inListener(ch chan int) chan int {
rec := make(chan int) // CHANNEL RECEIVED FROM GENERATOR
go func() {
result := factorial(num) // RESULT IS A NEW CHANNEL CREATED
rec <- result // MERGE INTO A SINGLE CHANNEL; rec
func factorial(n int) int {
total := 1
for i := n; i > 0; i-- {
total *= i

Go: transformed channel

Let's say I have an int channel in Go:
theint := make(chan int)
I want to wrap this channel in a new channel called incremented
incremented := make(chan int)
Such that:
go func() { theint <- 1 }
<- incremented // 2
appended can be assumed to be the only one that reads from the int.
It will work if a run a goroutine in the background
go func() {
for num := range theint {
incremented <- num + 1
However, I prefer to do it without a goroutine since I can't control it in my context.
Is there a simpler way to do it?
One thing that came to mind is python's yield:
for num in theint:
yield num + 1
Is something like this possible in go?
Generator pattern
What you are trying to implement is generator pattern. To use channels and goroutines for implementation of this pattern is totally common practice.
However, I prefer to do it without a goroutine since I can't control it in my context.
I believe the problem is deadlock
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
To avoid deadlocks and orphaned (not closed) channels use sync.WaitGroup. This is an idiomatic way to control goroutines.
package main
import (
func incGenerator(n []int) chan int {
ch := make(chan int)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, i := range n {
incremented := i + 1
go func() {
ch <- incremented
go func() {
return ch
func main() {
n := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
for x := range incGenerator(n) {
One thing you can also consider is having a select on the int channel and an exit channel - in an infinite for loop. You can choose a variable increment value too. Please see code below:
package main
import (
func main() {
var accum int //accumulator of incremented values
var wg sync.WaitGroup
c1 := make(chan int)
exChan := make(chan bool)
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
c1 <- 1
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
c1 <- 2
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
c1 <- 5
go func() {
for {
var done bool
select {
case incBy := <-c1: //Increment by value in channel
accum += incBy
fmt.Println("Received value to increment:", incBy, "; Accumulated value is", accum)
case d := <-exChan:
done = !(d)
if done == true {
fmt.Println("Final accumulated value is", accum)
Exit channel not needed, if we are having non-zero increments always. I like #I159 's approach too!
Anyways, hope this helps.

What is the Advantage of sync.WaitGroup over Channels?

I'm working on a concurrent Go library, and I stumbled upon two distinct patterns of synchronization between goroutines whose results are similar:
package main
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func main() {
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
for _, word := range words {
go func(word string) {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
defer wg.Done()
// do concurrent things here
// blocks/waits for waitgroup
package main
import (
func main() {
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
done := make(chan bool)
// defer close(done)
for _, word := range words {
// fmt.Println(len(done), cap(done))
go func(word string) {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
done <- true
// Do concurrent things here
// This blocks and waits for signal from channel
for range words {
I was advised that sync.WaitGroup is slightly more performant, and I have seen it being used commonly. However, I find channels more idiomatic. What is the real advantage of using sync.WaitGroup over channels and/or what might be the situation when it is better?
Independently of the correctness of your second example (as explained in the comments, you aren't doing what you think, but it's easily fixable), I tend to think that the first example is easier to grasp.
Now, I wouldn't even say that channels are more idiomatic. Channels being a signature feature of the Go language shouldn't mean that it is idiomatic to use them whenever possible. What is idiomatic in Go is to use the simplest and easiest to understand solution: here, the WaitGroup convey both the meaning (your main function is Waiting for workers to be done) and the mechanic (the workers notify when they are Done).
Unless you're in a very specific case, I don't recommend using the channel solution here.
For your simple example (signalling the completion of jobs), the WaitGroup is the obvious choice. And the Go compiler is very kind and won't blame you for using a channel for the simple signalling of the completion task, but some code reviewer do.
"A WaitGroup waits for a collection of goroutines to finish.
The main goroutine calls Add(n) to set the number of
goroutines to wait for. Then each of the goroutines
runs and calls Done() when finished. At the same time,
Wait can be used to block until all goroutines have finished."
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, word := range words {
go func(word string) {
defer wg.Done()
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // a job
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination:
Channels can be buffered:
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
done := make(chan struct{}, len(words))
for _, word := range words {
go func(word string) {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // a job
done <- struct{}{} // not blocking
for range words {
Channels can be unbuffered, and you may use just a signalling channel (e.g. chan struct{}):
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
done := make(chan struct{})
for _, word := range words {
go func(word string) {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // a job
done <- struct{}{} // blocking
for range words {
You may limit the number of concurrent jobs with buffered channel capacity:
t0 := time.Now()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
done := make(chan struct{}, 1) // set the number of concurrent job here
for _, word := range words {
go func(word string) {
done <- struct{}{}
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // job
fmt.Println(word, time.Since(t0))
You may send a message using a channel:
done := make(chan string)
go func() {
for _, word := range []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"} {
done <- word
for word := range done {
go test -benchmem -bench . -args -n 0
# BenchmarkEvenWaitgroup-8 1827517 652 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
# BenchmarkEvenChannel-8 1000000 2373 ns/op 520 B/op 1 allocs/op
go test -benchmem -bench .
# BenchmarkEvenWaitgroup-8 1770260 678 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
# BenchmarkEvenChannel-8 1560124 1249 ns/op 158 B/op 0 allocs/op
package main
import (
func BenchmarkEvenWaitgroup(b *testing.B) {
func BenchmarkEvenChannel(b *testing.B) {
func evenWaitgroup(n int) {
if n%2 == 1 { // make it even:
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func(n int) {
select {
case ch <- n: // tx if channel is empty
case i := <-ch: // rx if channel is not empty
// fmt.Println(n, i)
_ = i
func evenChannel(n int) {
if n%2 == 1 { // make it even:
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func(n int) {
select {
case ch <- n: // tx if channel is empty
case i := <-ch: // rx if channel is not empty
// fmt.Println(n, i)
_ = i
done <- struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
var n int // We use TestMain to set up the done channel.
flag.IntVar(&n, "n", 1_000_000, "chan cap")
done = make(chan struct{}, n)
fmt.Println("n=", n)
var (
done chan struct{}
ch = make(chan int)
wg sync.WaitGroup
It depends on the use case. If you are dispatching one-off jobs to be run in parallel without needing to know the results of each job, then you can use a WaitGroup. But if you need to collect the results from the goroutines then you should use a channel.
Since a channel works both ways, I almost always use a channel.
On another note, as pointed out in the comment your channel example isn't implemented correctly. You would need a separate channel to indicate there are no more jobs to do (one example is here). In your case, since you know the number of words in advance, you could just use one buffered channel and receive a fixed number of times to avoid declaring a close channel.
If you are particularly sticky about using only channels, then it needs to be done differently (if we use your example does, as #Not_a_Golfer points out, it'll produce incorrect results).
One way is to make a channel of type int. In the worker process send a number each time it completes the job (this can be the unique job id too, if you want you can track this in the receiver).
In the receiver main go routine (which will know the exact number of jobs submitted) - do a range loop over a channel, count on till the number of jobs submitted are not done, and break out of the loop when all jobs are completed. This is a good way if you want to track each of the jobs completion (and maybe do something if needed).
Here's the code for your reference. Decrementing totalJobsLeft will be safe as it'll ever be done only in the range loop of the channel!
//This is just an illustration of how to sync completion of multiple jobs using a channel
//A better way many a times might be to use wait groups
package main
import (
func main() {
comChannel := make(chan int)
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
totalJobsLeft := len(words)
//We know how many jobs are being sent
for j, word := range words {
jobId := j + 1
go func(word string, jobId int) {
fmt.Println("Job ID:", jobId, "Word:", word)
//Do some work here, maybe call functions that you need
//For emulating this - Sleep for a random time upto 5 seconds
randInt := rand.Intn(5)
//fmt.Println("Got random number", randInt)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(randInt) * time.Second)
comChannel <- jobId
}(word, jobId)
for j := range comChannel {
fmt.Println("Got job ID", j)
fmt.Println("Total jobs left", totalJobsLeft)
if totalJobsLeft == 0 {
fmt.Println("Closing communication channel. All jobs completed!")
I often use channels to collect error messages from goroutines that could produce an error. Here is a simple example:
func couldGoWrong() (err error) {
errorChannel := make(chan error, 3)
// start a go routine
go func() (err error) {
defer func() { errorChannel <- err }()
for c := 0; c < 10; c++ {
_, err = fmt.Println(c)
if err != nil {
// start another go routine
go func() (err error) {
defer func() { errorChannel <- err }()
for c := 10; c < 100; c++ {
_, err = fmt.Println(c)
if err != nil {
// start yet another go routine
go func() (err error) {
defer func() { errorChannel <- err }()
for c := 100; c < 1000; c++ {
_, err = fmt.Println(c)
if err != nil {
// synchronize go routines and collect errors here
for c := 0; c < cap(errorChannel); c++ {
err = <-errorChannel
if err != nil {
Also suggest to use waitgroup but still you want to do it with channel then below i mention a simple use of channel
package main
import (
func main() {
c := make(chan string)
words := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
go printWordrs(words, c)
for j := range c {
func printWordrs(words []string, c chan string) {
defer close(c)
for _, word := range words {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
c <- word

Slice append from channels

I want to create slice and add values returned from channel.
Below is the code I tried but could not able to solve it.
I have to send address of the slice, but I am not able to figure out how :(
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
func sendvalues(cs chan int){
for i:=0;i<10;i++{
func appendInt(cs chan int, aINt []int)[]*int{
for {
select {
case i := <-cs:
aINt = append(aINt,i)//append returns new type right ?
func main() {
cs := make(chan int)
intSlice := make([]int, 0,10)
go sendvalues(cs)
go appendInt(cs,intSlice)// I have to pass address here
Your code won't work for two (in fact three) reasons:
append returns a new slice as soon as the capacity is reached.
Thus, the assignment in appendInt will do nothing.
appendInt runs concurrently, therefore:
As long as appendInt does not message main that it is finished,
main does not know when the intSlice has all the values you want.
You have to wait for all goroutines to return at the end of main
Problem 1: Modifying slices in functions
You may know that in Go every value you pass to a function is copied. Reference values,
such as slices, are copied too, but have pointers internally which then point to the original memory location. That means you can modify the elements of a slice in a function. What you
can't do is reassigning this value with a new slice as the internal pointer would point to somewhere different. You need pointers for that. Example (Play):
func modify(s *[]int) {
for i:=0; i < 10; i++ {
*s = append(*s, i)
func main() {
s := []int{1,2,3}
Problem 2: Synchronizing goroutines
To wait for started goroutines, you can use a sync.WaitGroup. Example (Play):
func modify(wg *sync.WaitGroup, s *[]int) {
defer wg.Done()
for i:=0; i < 10; i++ {
*s = append(*s, i)
func main() {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
s := []int{1,2,3}
go modify(wg, &s)
The example above waits (using wg.Wait()) for modify to finish
(modify calls wg.Done() when finished). If you remove the wg.Wait() call, you will
see why not synchronizing is a problem. Comparison of outputs:
With wg.Wait(): [1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
Without wg.Wait(): [1 2 3]
The main goroutine returns earlier than the modify goroutine which is why you will never
see the modified results. Therefore synchronizing is absolutely necessary.
A good way to communicate the new slice would be to use a channel. You would not need to
use pointers and you would have synchronization. Example (Play):
func modify(res chan []int) {
s := []int{}
for i:=0; i < 10; i++ {
s = append(s, i)
res <- s
func main() {
c := make(chan []int)
go modify(c)
s := <-c
