PE/COFF symbol type field - windows

Microsoft's documentation for PE/COFF says of the type field in the symbol table:
"The most significant byte specifies whether the symbol is a pointer to, function returning, or array of the base type that is specified in the LSB. Microsoft tools use this field only to indicate whether the symbol is a function, so that the only two resulting values are 0x0 and 0x20 for the Type field."
However, the documentation and winnt.h both specify that IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_FUNCTION = 2, not 0x20. Even if this is taken to be the value of the MSB, that would give a value for the entire field of 0x200, not 0x20.
What am I missing?

Check winnt.h for following lines:
// type packing constants
#define N_BTMASK 0x000F
#define N_TMASK 0x0030
#define N_TMASK1 0x00C0
#define N_TMASK2 0x00F0
#define N_BTSHFT 4
#define N_TSHIFT 2
// Basic Type of x
#define BTYPE(x) ((x) & N_BTMASK)
// Is x a pointer?
#ifndef ISPTR
// Is x a function?
#ifndef ISFCN
So it seems official MSB, LSB description is wrong - they are not bytes but nibbles. So 0x20 would be a function (MS nibble = 2) returning base type of IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_NULL (LS nibble = 0) .


Prefetching in vm_fault(), Linux drivers

I'm implementing a simple device driver. The program that uses this driver takes in arguments from the user whether to use demand paging or prefetching(fetches next page only). But when the user requests for prefetching is should send this information to the driver. The problem is vm_fault has a standard structure as follows:
int (*fault)(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct vm_fault *vmf);
So how to incorporate this additional information of prefetching into these, so that I can use it to write a different routine for prefetching?
Or is there any other way to achieve this?
To give a clearer picture:
This how a program takes input.
./user_prog [filename] --prefetch
The user_prog sets some flags in it, now how to send these flags information to dev.c(the driver file), as all the arguments to functions are fixed like above fault(). I hope this gives more clarification.
You can use the flags in mmap() to pass your custom flags too.
void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags,
int fd, off_t offset);
Make sure your custom flag values uses bits different from the flag values used by mmap(). From the manpage, the macros are defined in sys/mman.h. Find the exact values(may vary across systems) with echo '#include <sys/mman.h>' | gcc -E - -dM | grep MAP_*. My system has this:
#define MAP_32BIT 0x40
#define MAP_TYPE 0x0f
#define MAP_EXECUTABLE 0x01000
#define MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1)
#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x02
#define MAP_LOCKED 0x02000
#define MAP_STACK 0x20000
#define MAP_NORESERVE 0x04000
#define MAP_HUGE_SHIFT 26
#define MAP_POPULATE 0x08000
#define MAP_DENYWRITE 0x00800
#define MAP_FILE 0
#define MAP_SHARED 0x01
#define MAP_GROWSDOWN 0x00100
#define MAP_HUGE_MASK 0x3f
#define MAP_HUGETLB 0x40000
#define MAP_FIXED 0x10
#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20
#define MAP_NONBLOCK 0x10000
Some non-clashing flags would be 0x200 and 0x400.

Use field of union in intialiser of another variable

I am building records for unit testing a software module. Record data is serialised before sending it to the UUT.
The records contain bitfields, so I would like to build serialised records using these same bitfields at compile-time (to prevent having to account for little- and big-endian issues and where the bits in bitfield go) and use a union to access the (serialised) data. I have to calculate a checksum over the record, so I need the bitfields as bytes to do so.
My attempt so far is:
/* defines for 64 bit valid record */
#define REC3_SIZE 1
#define REC3_INDEX 248
#define REC3_VALUE0 0xf2
#define REC3_VALUE1 0x4f
#define REC3_VALUE2 0xb8
#define REC3_VALUE3 0xa0
#define REC3_DATA \
#define CHKSUM_SEED (0x2a)
#define MAKE_CHKSUM7(v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) (0x100-(((v0)+(v1)+(v2)+(v3)+(v4)+(v5)+(v6)+CHKSUM_SEED)%0x100))
typedef union
uint8_t si[2];
uint16_t s: 6;
uint16_t i: 10;
} b;
} si_t;
MAKE_SIZE_INDEX0(size,index) ((si_t){.b.s=size,.b.i=index}).si[0]
MAKE_SIZE_INDEX1(size,index) ((si_t){.b.s=size,.b.i=index}).si[1]
static uint8_t rec3[] = {REC3_DATA};
The problem lies with the macros MAKE_SIZE_INDEX0 and MAKE_SIZE_INDEX1. I can't get them to compile (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11))
The problem can be simplified to:
uint8_t rec[] = {0x12, (si_t){.b.s=4,.b.i=8}.si[0], (si_t){.b.s=4,.b.i=8}.si[1], 0x34};
But that results in error:
error: initializer element is not constant
I know I can create my records at run-time, but I wondered whether it is possible to let the preprocessor handle it.
My alternative is something like:
#if defined (TGT_ARCHITECTURE_x86_64)
#define MAKE_SIZE_INDEX0(size,index) (((size)&0x3f)+(((index)<<6)&0xc0))
#define MAKE_SIZE_INDEX1(size,index) ((index>>2)&0xff)
But this depends on whether the target is little-endian or big-endian and how it stores bitfields.
static uint8_t rec3[] = { (si_t){.b.s=4,.b.i=8}.si[0] };
Variables with static storage duration must be initialized only using a static initializer - it has to be a constant expression. There is a list of what is allowed in a constant expression - using array subscript operator on a array embedded in a compound literal is not allowed in a constant expression. It's basically the same as you can't do static int a[] = {1, 2}; static int b = a[1];
On a side note, the standard says that implementations are allowed to accept custom forms of constant expression. So the code may happen to work with a different compiler and even a different gcc version (as with newest gcc versions you may initialize variable with static storage duration with const qualived variable, which is an extension).
The compiler errors with "initializer element is not constant", as the element used to initialize variable with static storage duration is not a constant expression.
Using bit-fields to extract a bit-mask of a variable is compiler dependent, compiler options dependent (gcc storage layout) and shouldn't be used in portable code. Compiler is free to reorder the bitfields in your struct and is free to add padding between bit fields members. As advertised on stackoverflow many, many times, use bitmasks - they work every time.

unit32_t size error in Code composer

I am working on C++ based project where i am getting one error for below statement:
typedef char pb_static_assertion_UINT32_T_WRONG_SIZE3507__COUNTER__ [ ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) == 4 ) ? 1 : - 1 ] ; // The line at which i am getting error
"C:\Users\tkumar\Documents\LDRA\LDRAunit_C_CPP_9.7.1\trial\inszt_algctivationgateway.cpp", line 4330: error #95: the size of an array must be greater than zero"
uint32_t is defined using:
typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
I have doubt for unsigned long size, anybody here to explain to tell me the reason behind this error ?
1) Code-Composer compiler outputs object in formats called COFF or EABI. When COFF was selected, unsigned long was 40-bits on for some of the microprocessors at least. When EABI was selected, it was 32-bits.
2) For some of the TI microprocessors, such as the C2000 series, the smallest addressable word was 16 bits, and sizeof would then output 2 instead of 4 for a 32-bit type.
3) One or the other of these is probably causing your sizeof statement to be returning something other than 4, causing ?: to select -1. So the array size is less than 0.
4) Don't think you really want an array after a typedef.

Segment definitions for linux on x86

Linux 3.4.6 defines the following macros in arch/x86/include/asm/segment.h. Can anybody explain why the __USER macros add 3 to the defined constant and why this is not done for __KERNEL macros?
These four symbols represent segment descriptors. The two least-significant bits of these descriptors contain the privilege level associated with them, and the third least-significant bit contains the descriptor table type (GDT or LDT). This is made clearer by code occurring a little later:
/* User mode is privilege level 3 */
#define USER_RPL 0x3
/* LDT segment has TI set, GDT has it cleared */
#define SEGMENT_LDT 0x4
#define SEGMENT_GDT 0x0
/* Bottom two bits of selector give the ring privilege level */
#define SEGMENT_RPL_MASK 0x3
/* Bit 2 is table indicator (LDT/GDT) */
#define SEGMENT_TI_MASK 0x4
To achieve this, the descriptor table entry is multiplied by 8, which shifts it three bits to the left, and then ORed with the table type and privilege level (using addition):
/* GDT, ring 0 (kernel mode) */
/* GDT, ring 3 (user mode) */

Setting register values in PIC16F876 using Hi Tech PICC

I am using MPLABx and the HI Tech PICC compiler. My target chip is a PIC16F876. By looking at the pic16f876.h include file, it appears that it should be possible to set the system registers of the chip by referring to them by name.
For example, within the CCP1CON register, bits 0 to 3 set how the CCP and PWM modules work. By looking at the pic16f876.h file, it looks like it should be possible to refer to these 4 bits alone, without change the value of the rest of the CCP1CON register.
However, I have tried to refer to these 4 bits in a variety of ways with no success.
I have tried;
CCP1CON.CCP1M=0xC0; this results in "error: struct/union required
CCP1CON:CCP1M=0xC0; this results in "error: undefined identifier "CCP1M"
but both have failed. I have read through the Hi Tech PICC compiler manual, but cannot see how to do this.
From the pic16f876.h file, it looks to me as though I should be able to refer to these subsets within the system registers by name, as they are defined in the .h file.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Excerpt from pic16f876.h
// Register: CCP1CON
volatile unsigned char CCP1CON # 0x017;
// bit and bitfield definitions
volatile bit CCP1Y # ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+4;
volatile bit CCP1X # ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+5;
volatile bit CCP1M0 # ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+0;
volatile bit CCP1M1 # ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+1;
volatile bit CCP1M2 # ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+2;
volatile bit CCP1M3 # ((unsigned)&CCP1CON*8)+3;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
volatile union {
struct {
unsigned CCP1M : 4;
unsigned CCP1Y : 1;
unsigned CCP1X : 1;
struct {
unsigned CCP1M0 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M1 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M2 : 1;
unsigned CCP1M3 : 1;
} CCP1CONbits # 0x017;
You need to access the bitfield members through an instance of a struct. In this case, that is CCP1CONbits. Because it is a bitfield, you only need to have the number of significant bits as defined in the bitfield, not the full eight bits in your code.
CCP1CONbits.CCP1M = 0x0c;
Should be the equivalent of what you are trying to do. If you want to set all eight bits at once you can use CCP1CON = 0xc0. That would set the CCP1M bits to 0x0c and all the other bits to zero.
The header you gave also has individual bit symbols, so you could do this too:
CCP1M0 = 1;
CCP1M1 = 1;
CCP1M2 = 0;
CCP1M3 = 0;
Although the bitfield approach is cleaner.
