Pyramidal algorithm - algorithm

I'm trying to find an algorithm in which i can go through a numerical pyramid, starting for the top of the pyramid and go forward through adjacent numbers in the next row and each number has to be added to a final sum. The thing is, i have to find the route that returns the highest result.
I already tried to go throught the higher adjacent number in next row, but that is not the answer, because it not always get the best route.
43 42
67 89 68
05 51 32 78
72 25 32 49 40
If i go through highest adjacent number, it is:
34 + 43 + 89 + 51 + 32 = 249
But if i go:
34 + 42 + 68 + 78 + 49 = 269
In the second case the result is higher, but i made that route by hand and i can't think in an algorithm that get the highest result in all cases.
Can anyone give me a hand?
(Please tell me if I did not express myself well)

Start with the bottom row. As you go from left to right, consider the two adjacent numbers. Now go up one row and compare the sum of the number that is above the two numbers, in the row above, with each of the numbers below. Select the larger sum.
Basically you are looking at the triangles formed by the bottom row and the row above. So for your original triangle,
43 42
67 89 68
05 51 32 78
72 25 32 49 40
the bottom left triangle looks like,
72 25
So you would add 72 + 05 = 77, as that is the largest sum between 72 + 05 and 25 + 05.
25 32
will give you 51 + 32 = 83.
If you continue this approach for each two adjacent numbers and the number above, you can discard the bottom row and replace the row above with the computed sums.
So in this case, the second to last row becomes
77 83 81 127
and your new pyramid is
43 42
67 89 68
77 83 81 127
Keep doing this and your pyramid starts shrinking until you have one number which is the number you are after.
43 42
150 172 195
215 237
Finally, you are left with one number, 271.

Starting at the bottom (row by row), add the highest value of both the values under each element to that element.
So, for your tree, 05 for example, will get replaced by max(72, 25) + 05 = 77. Later you'll add the maximum of that value and the new value for the 51 element to 67.
The top-most node will be the maximum sum.
Not to spoil all your fun, I'll leave the implementation to you, or the details of getting the actual path, if required.


Need help for finding optimal path which visits multiple sequences of nodes

Recently I have had a path-finding puzzle that has some complex constraints (currently, I don't have any solution for this one)
A 2D matrix represented the graph. The length of a path is the number of traversed cells.
One or more number sequences are to be found inside the matrix. Each sequence is scored with a value.
Maximum length of the path in the graph. The number of picked cells must not exceed this value.
At any given moment, you can only choose cells in a specific column or row.
On each turn, you need to switch between column and row and stay on
the same line as the last cell you picked. You have to move at right angles. (The direction is like the Snake game).
Always start with picking the first cell from the top row, then go
vertically down to pick the second cell, and then continue switching
between column and row as usual.
You can't choose the same cell twice. The resulting path must not contain duplicated
For example:
The task is to find the shortest path, if possible in the graph that contains one or more sequences with the highest total score and the path's length is not exceed the provided maximum length.
The picture below demonstrates the solved puzzle with the resulting path marked in red:
Here, we have a path 3A-10-9B. This path contains the given
sequence 3A-10-9B so, which earns 10pts. More complex graphs typically have longer paths containing various sequences at once.
More complex examples
Multiple Sequences
You can complete sequences in any order. The order in which the sequences are listed doesn't matter.
Wasted Moves
Sometimes we are forced to waste moves and choose different cells that don't belong to any sequence. Here are the rules:
Able to waste 1 or 2 moves before the first sequence.
Able to waste 1 or 2 moves between any neighboring sequences.
However, you cannot break sequences and waste moves in the middle of them.
Here, we must waste one move before the sequence 3A-9B and two moves between sequences 3A-9B and 72-D4. Also, notice how red lines between 3A and 9B as well as between 72 and D4 "cross" previously selected cells D4 and 9B, respectively. You can pick different cells from the same row or column multiple times.
Optimal Sequences
Sometimes, it is not possible to have a path that contains all of the provided sequences. In this case, choose the way which achieved the most significant score.
In the above example, we can complete either 9B-3A-72-D4 or 72-D4-3A but not both due to the maximum path length of 5 cells. We have chosen the sequence 9B-3A-72-D4 since it grants more score points than 72-D4-3A.
Unsolvable solution
The first sequence 3A-D4 can't be completed since the code matrix doesn't contain code D4 at all. The second sequence, 72-10, can't be completed for another reason: codes 72 and 10 aren't located in the same row or column anywhere in the matrix and, therefore, can't form a sequence.
Performance advice
One brute force way is to generate all possible paths in the code matrix, loop through them and choose the best one. This is the easiest but also the slowest approach. Solving larger matrices with larger maximum length of path might take dozens of minutes, if not hours.
Try to implement a faster algorithm that doesn’t iterate through all possible paths and can solve puzzles with the following parameters in less than 10 seconds:
Matrix size: 10x10
Number of sequences: 5
Average length of sequences: 4
Maximum path length: 12
At least one solution exists
For example:
30, 26, 44, 32, 3c - 25pts
5a, 3c, 12, 1e, 4d - 10pts
1e, 5a, 12 - 10pts
4d, 1e - 5pts
32, 51, 2f, 49, 55, 42 - 30pts
Optimal solution
3f, 1c, 30, 26, 44, 32, 3c, 22, 5a, 12, 1e, 4d
Which contains
30, 26, 44, 32, 3c
5a, 12, 1e
1e, 4d
I am looking for any advice for this puzzle since I have no idea what keywords to look for. A pseudo-code or hints would be helpful for me, and I appreciate that. What has come to my mind is just Dijkstra:
For each sequence, since the order doesn't matter, I have to find all get all possible paths with every permutation, then find the highest score path that contains other input sequences
After that, choose the best of the best.
In this case, I doubt the performance will be the issue.
First step is to find if a required sequence exists.
- SET found FALSE
- LOOP C1 over cells in first row
- CLEAR foundSequence
- ADD C1 to foundSequence
- LOOP C2 over cells is column containing C1
- IF C2 value == first value in sequence
- ADD C2 to foundSequence
- SET found TRUE
- break from LOOP C2
- IF found
- SET direction VERT
- LOOP V over remaining values in sequence
- TOGGLE direction
- SET found FALSE
- LOOP C2 over cells in same column or row ( depending on direction ) containing last cell in foundSequence
- IF C2 value == V
- ADD C2 to foundSequence
- SET found TRUE
- break from LOOP C2
- IF ! found
break out of LOOP V
- IF foundSequence == required sequence
- RETURN foundSequence
RETURN failed
Note: this doesn't find sequences that are feasible with "wasted moves". I would implement this first and get it working. Then, using the same ideas, it can be extended to allow wasted moves.
You have not specified an input format! I suggest a space delimited text files with lines beginning with 'm' containing matrix values and lines beginning 's' containing sequences, like this
m 3A 3A 10 9B
m 9B 72 3A 10
m 10 3A 3A 3A
m 3A 10 3A 9B
s 3A 10 9B
I have implemented the sequence finder in C++
std::vector<int> findSequence()
int w, h;
pA->size(w, h);
std::vector<int> foundSequence;
bool found = false;
bool vert = false;
// loop over cells in first row
for (int c = 0; c < w; c++)
found = false;
if (pA->cell(c, 0)->value == vSequence[0][0])
foundSequence.push_back(pA->cell(c, 0)->ID());
found = true;
while (found)
// found possible starting cell
// toggle search direction
vert = (!vert);
// start from last cell found
auto pmCell = pA->cell(foundSequence.back());
int c, r;
pA->coords(c, r, pmCell);
// look for next value in required sequence
std::string nextValue = vSequence[0][foundSequence.size()];
found = false;
if (vert)
// loop over cells in column
for (int r2 = 1; r2 < w; r2++)
if (pA->cell(c, r2)->value == nextValue)
foundSequence.push_back(pA->cell(c, r2)->ID());
found = true;
// loop over cells in row
for (int c2 = 0; c2 < h; c2++)
if (pA->cell(c2, r)->value == nextValue)
foundSequence.push_back(pA->cell(c2, r)->ID());
found = true;
if (!found) {
// dead end - try starting from next cell in first row
if( foundSequence.size() == vSequence[0].size()) {
// success!!!
return foundSequence;
std::cout << "Cannot find sequence\n";
This outputs:
3A 3A 10 9B
9B 72 3A 10
10 3A 3A 3A
3A 10 3A 9B
row 0 col 1 3A
row 3 col 1 10
row 3 col 3 9B
You can check out the code for the complete application at
I have added the ability to find sequences that start elsewhere than the first row ( i.e. with "wasted moves" ). You can see the code in the github repo.
Here are the the results of a timing profile run on a 10 by 10 matrix - the algorithm finds 5 sequences in 0.6 milliseconds
41 0f 32 18 29 4b 55 3f 10 3a
19 4f 57 43 3a 25 19 1e 5e 42
13 5a 54 3c 1b 32 29 1c 15 30
49 45 22 2e 25 51 2f 21 4c 37
1a 5e 49 12 55 1e 49 19 43 2d
34 26 53 48 49 60 32 3c 50 10
0f 1e 30 3d 64 37 5b 5e 22 61
4e 4f 15 5a 13 56 44 22 40 26
43 2c 17 2b 1f 25 43 60 50 1f
3c 2b 54 46 42 4d 32 46 30 24
for sequence 4d 1e
Cannot find sequence starting in 1st row, using wasted moves
row 9 col 5 4d
row 4 col 5 1e
for sequence 30 26 44 32 3c
Cannot find sequence starting in 1st row, using wasted moves
Cannot find sequence
for sequence 5a 3c 12 1e 4d
Cannot find sequence starting in 1st row, using wasted moves
row 2 col 1 5a
row 2 col 3 3c
row 4 col 3 12
row 4 col 5 1e
row 9 col 5 4d
for sequence 1e 5a 12
Cannot find sequence starting in 1st row, using wasted moves
row 6 col 1 1e
row 4 col 5 1e
row 4 col 3 12
for sequence 32 51 2f 49 55 42
Cannot find sequence starting in 1st row, using wasted moves
row 2 col 5 32
row 3 col 5 51
row 3 col 6 2f
row 4 col 6 49
row 4 col 4 55
row 9 col 4 42
raven::set::cRunWatch code timing profile
Calls Mean (secs) Total Scope
5 0.00059034 0.0029517 findSequence

Looking for a clever way to sort a set of data

I have a set of 80 students and I need to sort them into 20 groups of 4.
I have their previous exam scores from a prerequisite module and I want to ensure that the average of the sorted group members scores is as close as possible to the overall average of the previous exam scores.
Sorry, if that isn't particularly clear.
Here's a snapshot of the problem:
Student Score
AA 50
AB 45
AC 80
AD 70
AE 45
AF 55
AG 65
AH 90
So the average of the scores here is 62.5. How would I best go about sorting these eight students into two groups of four such that, for both groups, the average of their combined exam scores is as close as possible to 62.5.
My problem is exactly this but with 80 data points (20 groups) rather than 8 (2 groups).
The more I think about this problem the harder it seems.
Does anyone have any ideas?
One Possible Solution:
I would try going with a greedy algorithm that starts by pairing each student with another student that gets you closest to your target average. After the initial pairing you should then be able to make subsequent pairs out of the first pairs using the same approach.
After the first round of pairing, this approach leverages taking the average of two averages and comparing that to the target mean to create subsequent groups. You can read more about why that will work for this problem here.
This will not necessarily give you the optimal solution, but is rather a heuristic technique to solve the problem. One noted example below is when one low value must be offset by three high values to reach the targeted mean. These types of groupings will not be accounted for by this technique. However, if you know you have a relatively normal distribution centered around your targeted mean then I think this approach should give a decent approximation.
First sort the goup by score. So it becomes:
AH 90
AC 80
AB 45
AE 45
Then start combinning the first with the last:
(AE, AH, 67.5)
(AB, AC, 62.5)
(AD, AA, 60)
(AG, AF, 60)
And so on in the other case you will combine the two by two. First two with the last two.
Another way:
1. Find all the possible groups by 4 students.
2. Then for every combination of groups find the abs deviation from the average score and SUM it up for the combination of groups.
3. Choose the combination of groups with the lowest sum.
Initially, I did think about the top-bottom match option.
However, as John has highlighted, the results certainly aren't optimal:
Scores Students Avg.
40 94 40 94 'AE' 'DA' 'AI' 'AR' 67
40 90 40 88 'AK' 'CI' 'AM' 'BP' 64.5
40 85 40 80 'AQ' 'AW' 'AT' 'BD' 61.25
40 79 40 77 'AU' 'BC' 'AV' 'AB' 59
40 76 40 75 'AX' 'CG' 'AZ' 'CQ' 57.75
40 75 40 75 'BF' 'CB' 'BN' 'BQ' 57.5
40 75 40 74 'BR' 'BI' 'CF' 'CZ' 57.25
40 74 40 74 'CK' 'CO' 'CP' 'AL' 57
40 72 41 71 'DB' 'CN' 'AG' 'BO' 56
41 71 42 70 'CD' 'BM' 'AH' 'BS' 56
42 70 42 69 'BG' 'BL' 'CU' 'CX' 55.75
43 68 44 67 'BK' 'CY' 'AD' 'CE' 55.5
44 64 44 64 'BJ' 'CR' 'BZ' 'BY' 54
45 64 45 63 'BW' 'BV' 'CS' 'BE' 54.25
45 62 47 60 'CV' 'CH' 'AC' 'CM' 53.5
47 59 47 58 'BT' 'AY' 'CL' 'AP' 52.75
47 57 48 57 'CT' 'BA' 'BX' 'AS' 52.25
48 56 49 56 'CA' 'AJ' 'AN' 'AA' 52.25
50 55 50 54 'BB' 'AF' 'CJ' 'AO' 52.25
51 52 51 52 'CC' 'BU' 'CW' 'BH' 51.5

How to divide N numbers into N/2 groups (2 numbers each group) such that the sum of diffrence between the 2 numbers in each group is minmal?

General Problem Description
Hi, it is actually a special assignment problem( check wiki if interested). Suppose I have 10 agents denoted as A1, A2, ... A10 and I need them to work in pairs. While, according to previous experience, I know the working efficiency of each two-agent pair so that I have an efficiency matrix shown as follows whose ( i, j ) element represents the working efficiency of agent pair ( Ai, Aj ). Hence, we know it should be a symmetric matrix, which means E( i, j )=E( j, i ) and E( i, i ) should be 0. Now, I need divide these 10 agents into 5 groups such that the overall (sum) efficiency is maximal.
E =
0 25 28 23 39 77 56 58 85 41
25 0 18 77 32 52 69 59 47 18
28 18 0 20 55 75 63 38 5 56
23 77 20 0 59 76 24 82 68 64
39 32 55 59 0 49 70 28 42 31
77 52 75 76 49 0 33 84 50 29
56 69 63 24 70 33 0 15 49 83
58 59 38 82 28 84 15 0 68 40
85 47 5 68 42 50 49 68 0 56
41 18 56 64 31 29 83 40 56 0
From the matrix view of this problem, I need pick 5 elements from above matrix such that none of them share a same index with others. ( if you pick E( 2, 3 ), then you cannot pick any elments with index containing 2 or 3 since A2 and A3 are assigned to work. In other words, you cannot pick any elements from the 2nd, 3rd row and 2nd, 3rd column.)
The title of this problem is an equivalent problem to the special assignment problem mentinoned above.
You may find the Hungarian(munkres) algorithm helpful! Here is the matlab code.
Another view of this problem is to solve a normal assignment problem, but we need to find a solution whose elements are symmetrically distributed about the diagonal.
Directly applying Hungarian(munkres) algorithm to the symmetric efficiency matrix does not always work. Sometimes it will give asymmetric permutations e.g.
E =
0 30 63 32 20 40
30 0 67 84 75 63
63 67 0 37 79 88
32 84 37 0 43 59
20 75 79 43 0 56
40 63 88 59 56 0
The optimal solution is:
assignment =
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
This can be solved as weighted maximum matching problem, where:
G = (V,E,w)
V = { all numbers }
E = { (v,u) | v,u in V, v!=u }
w(u,v) = -|u-v|
The solution to maximum matching will pair all your vertices (numbers), such that sum of: sum { -|u-v| : u,v paired } is maximum, which means sum { |u-v| : u,v paired is minimum.

Selecting the "P" in Prune and Search Algorithm

Note: the diagram above shows a partition into groups of 5 (the columns). The horizontal box denotes the median values of each partition. The 'P' item indicates the median of medians.
Most of the researches that I saw have this picture in Selecting their "P" and it always have an odd numbers of elements. But What if the numbers elements you have are even?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
how do you get your "P" in an even set of elements?
This explanation gives the detail I think you're looking for:
The median of the set plays a special role in this algorithm, and it
is defined as the i-smallest item where i = (n+1)/2 if n is odd and i =
n/2 or (n+2)/2 if n is even.

Finding a set of permutations, with a constraint

I have a set of N^2 numbers and N bins. Each bin is supposed to have N numbers from the set assigned to it. The problem I am facing is finding a set of distributions that map the numbers to the bins, satisfying the constraint, that each pair of numbers can share the same bin only once.
A distribution can nicely be represented by an NxN matrix, in which each row represents a bin. Then the problem is finding a set of permutations of the matrix' elements, in which each pair of numbers shares the same row only once. It's irrelevant which row it is, only that two numbers were both assigned to the same one.
Example set of 3 permutations satisfying the constraint for N=8:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57
2 10 18 26 34 42 50 58
3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59
4 12 20 28 36 44 52 60
5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61
6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62
7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63
1 10 19 28 37 46 55 56
2 11 20 29 38 47 48 57
3 12 21 30 39 40 49 58
4 13 22 31 32 41 50 59
5 14 23 24 33 42 51 60
6 15 16 25 34 43 52 61
7 8 17 26 35 44 53 62
A permutation that doesn't belong in the above set:
0 10 20 30 32 42 52 62
1 11 21 31 33 43 53 63
2 12 22 24 34 44 54 56
3 13 23 25 35 45 55 57
4 14 16 26 36 46 48 58
5 15 17 27 37 47 49 59
6 8 18 28 38 40 50 60
7 9 19 29 39 41 51 61
Because of multiple collisions with the second permutation, since, for example they're both pairing the numbers 0 and 32 in one row.
Enumerating three is easy, it consists of 1 arbitrary permutation, its transposition and a matrix where the rows are made of the previous matrix' diagonals.
I can't find a way to produce a set consisting of more though. It seems to be either a very complex problem, or a simple problem with an unobvious solution. Either way I'd be thankful if somebody had any ideas how to solve it in reasonable time for the N=8 case, or identified the proper, academic name of the problem, so I could google for it.
In case you were wondering what is it useful for, I'm looking for a scheduling algorithm for a crossbar switch with 8 buffers, which serves traffic to 64 destinations. This part of the scheduling algorithm is input traffic agnostic, and switches cyclically between a number of hardwired destination-buffer mappings. The goal is to have each pair of destination addresses compete for the same buffer only once in the cycling period, and to maximize that period's length. In other words, so that each pair of addresses was competing for the same buffer as seldom as possible.
Here's some code I have.
It's greedy, it usually terminates after finding the third permutation. But there should exist a set of at least N permutations satisfying the problem.
The alternative would require that choosing permutation I involved looking for permutations (I+1..N), to check if permutation I is part of the solution consisting of the maximal number of permutations. That'd require enumerating all permutations to check at each step, which is prohibitively expensive.
What you want is a combinatorial block design. Using the nomenclature on the linked page, you want designs of size (n^2, n, 1) for maximum k. This will give you n(n+1) permutations, using your nomenclature. This is the maximum theoretically possible by a counting argument (see the explanation in the article for the derivation of b from v, k, and lambda). Such designs exist for n = p^k for some prime p and integer k, using an affine plane. It is conjectured that the only affine planes that exist are of this size. Therefore, if you can select n, maybe this answer will suffice.
However, if instead of the maximum theoretically possible number of permutations, you just want to find a large number (the most you can for a given n^2), I am not sure what the study of these objects is called.
Make a 64 x 64 x 8 array: bool forbidden[i][j][k] which indicates whether the pair (i,j) has appeared in row k. Each time you use the pair (i, j) in the row k, you will set the associated value in this array to one. Note that you will only use the half of this array for which i < j.
To construct a new permutation, start by trying the member 0, and verify that at least seven of forbidden[0][j][0] that are unset. If there are not seven left, increment and try again. Repeat to fill out the rest of the row. Repeat this whole process to fill the entire NxN permutation.
There are probably optimizations you should be able to come up with as you implement this, but this should do pretty well.
Possibly you could reformulate your problem into graph theory. For example, you start with the complete graph with N×N vertices. At each step, you partition the graph into N N-cliques, and then remove all edges used.
For this N=8 case, K64 has 64×63/2 = 2016 edges, and sixty-four lots of K8 have 1792 edges, so your problem may not be impossible :-)
Right, the greedy style doesn't work because you run out of numbers.
It's easy to see that there can't be more than 63 permutations before you violate the constraint. On the 64th, you'll have to pair at least one of the numbers with another its already been paired with. The pigeonhole principle.
In fact, if you use the table of forbidden pairs I suggested earlier, you find that there are a maximum of only N+1 = 9 permutations possible before you run out. The table has N^2 x (N^2-1)/2 = 2016 non-redundant constraints, and each new permutation will create N x (N choose 2) = 28 new pairings. So all the pairings will be used up after 2016/28 = 9 permutations. It seems like realizing that there are so few permutations is the key to solving the problem.
You can generate a list of N permutations numbered n = 0 ... N-1 as
A_ij = (i * N + j + j * n * N) mod N^2
which generates a new permutation by shifting the columns in each permutation. The top row of the nth permutation are the diagonals of the n-1th permutation. EDIT: Oops... this only appears to work when N is prime.
This misses one last permutation, which you can get by transposing the matrix:
A_ij = j * N + i
