Unable to authenticate the package: 805904647.itmsp - xcode

When i submit my app to the application loader I'm putting in my compressed game that i just right clicked and compressed because it will'nt let me click my archive button in Xcode. So i get these ERRORS
Unable to authenticate the package: 805904647.itmsp
ERROR ITMS-9000: "No .app bundles found in the package" at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
Can someone please help me fix my Xcode project so i can put it in the application loader

I have this problem developing my apps in XCode 7.3.1 with OS X El Capitan and then update to macOS Sierra and Xcode 8.
I can solve this problem following the next steps:
Archive your app with Xcode 7.3.1 (download in developer.apple.com)
When you archived your app, find your archive in the Organizer, and then:
"Show in finder";
"Show package contents";
In the "xx.xcarchive" file, find the "Products"-"Applications"-"xx.app"(xx is your app's name), "Show package contents" again;
Finally, you can see there has a file named"Info.plist",
open it;
Edit the value with a key named "BuildMachineOSBuild", I just change it to "16A323"(it's "macOS Sierra" 's version);
Edit the value with a key named "DTXcodeBuild" with the Xcode 8 version number "8A218a"
After that, you can upload this archive use Xcode 8 or Application Loader in macOS Sierra, whatever you want!

Use Application Loader of 2.9 version


Missing com.apple.application-identifier error for the generated distribution provisioning profile via Fastlane

I can not upload a new build to AppStore because I get this error
when I tap info icon next to the distribution provisioning profile:
Entitlements: 6 included, 1 Missing
Missing com.apple.application-identifier
Although I already set an app identifier in info.plist
Is com.apple.application-identifier different than application-identifier?
also how can I add it in Entitlements?
Quick fix
Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.
OPEN Xcode 11.5 archive your project
Close Xcode 11.5 -> Command + Q
Open then Xcode 12 Beta
From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"
Instead of "Upload", select "Export" and proceed as usual.
Drop the exported .ipa into the transporter and press "Deliver".
And it Works!
I solved it with this:
(I exported to upload it to a firebase distribution)
Archive with Xcode 11.6
Quit Xcode 11.6
Open Xcode 12 beta2 (don't open the project)
Open Window -> Organizer
Distribute the App "normally"

Xcode 11, Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code

Ever since updating (against my will) to Xcode 11, I'm getting this error when I try to build my project:
CodeSign /Volumes/HDD/OpenFrameworks/of_v0.9.8_osx_release/apps/plus-pool-light/pplight-ofx-098/bin/pplight-ofx-098Debug.app (in target 'pplight-ofx-098' from project 'pplight-ofx-098')
cd /Volumes/HDD/OpenFrameworks/of_v0.9.8_osx_release/apps/plus-pool-light/pplight-ofx-098
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
Signing Identity: "-"
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --entitlements /Volumes/HDD/OpenFrameworks/of_v0.9.8_osx_release/apps/plus-pool-light/pplight-ofx-098/build/pplight-ofx-098.build/Debug/pplight-ofx-098.build/pplight-ofx-098Debug.app.xcent --timestamp=none /Volumes/HDD/OpenFrameworks/of_v0.9.8_osx_release/apps/plus-pool-light/pplight-ofx-098/bin/pplight-ofx-098Debug.app
/Volumes/HDD/OpenFrameworks/of_v0.9.8_osx_release/apps/plus-pool-light/pplight-ofx-098/bin/pplight-ofx-098Debug.app: code object is not signed at all
In subcomponent: /Volumes/HDD/OpenFrameworks/of_v0.9.8_osx_release/apps/plus-pool-light/pplight-ofx-098/bin/pplight-ofx-098Debug.app/Contents/Frameworks/GLUT.framework
Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
I've tried cleaning my project, resetting my login keychain, and restarting my computer, but I still get this error... what to do?
I am building an OSX App using OpenFrameworks, not an iOS App. When I build it in Xcode 10.3 works fine with no errors.
The parts of this question that are unique is that this is for Xcode 11, not 10, and none of the answers for that other question worked for me!
I've resolved the same exact problem by:
Add --deep to the "Other Code Signing Flags" in the "Build Settings".
In the "Signing & Capabilities" of your target click on "+ Capability" in the top left corner and choose "Hardened Runtime".
Then turn on "Disable Library Validation" in the list.
I don't really know if there's any drawbacks by using this capability, however my application compiles and works fine both on macOS and iOS.
You can get this error if you have added a folder to your project as a 'folder reference' (the project will have a blue folder logo in Xcode)
Remove the folder (Trash)
Add folder and select 'Create Groups' instead of 'Folder Reference' at the dialog
Add Folder Dialog
I got the same error after I upgraded to XCode-11 this morning. Builds in the simulator but not on device.
This thread helped fix the issue which I summarized below.
Open keychain access.
Lock the 'login' keychain. (right clicking on "login" in the upper left
Unlock it, enter your PC account password.
Clean Project in the product menu.
Build it Again.
I fixed this by adding --deep to Other Code Signing Flags in the Build Settings > Signing
I had the same issue for all my Carthage Frameworks, the solution is:
Under Target-> [AppName] -> General -> "Frameworks, Libraries and
Embedded Content"
Select "Do Not Embed" for the option next to the problematic
More info are in this thread
NOTE: this might not fully solved the issue, never forget to try clean the project, restart Xcode even restart Mac sometimes.
I solved the problem as follows:
After adding 2 ".png" files, Xcode (Version 13.2.1 (13C100)) would not compile anymore. I integrated these 2 files in a .rtf file (generated from Xcode) and I succeeded in compiling again. That's how it goes.
I fixed the problem by making sure the Code Signing Identity in Build Settings was correct - not just general Apple Development and then cleaned the Build Folder in in the Product Menu. When I ran it again it built without error.
I resolved a similar error in Xcode 13 by only changing my Base SDK to the latest SDK (i.e. iOS 15).

codesigning issues with multiple binaries on the same path

Ive been trying to create a build of my program signed with my mac developer ID but i keep getting the error message "Multiple binaries share the same codesign path". I have checked the code signatures on each of the attached frameworks using the codesign terminal ultity and there doesnt seem to be any codesigning issues.If it helps the frameworks which seem to causing the problem are SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer and SDL2_ttf. Also i am running Xcode 6.1.1 on yosemite 10.10.2
Open your Archive folder and delete all previous built version before your code signing was made. Try again after.

where is the plugins folder of xcode 6.1

Where can I find the plugins folder for Xcode 6.1?
Recently, I installed the dash app in my mac, here is the link: https://github.com/omz/Dash-Plugin-for-Xcode
But I don't really like it, then I try to uninstall it. Then I found that the link given from the link above doesn't work for my xcode. My xcode version is 6.1, and operating system is Yosemite GM. So where can I find the plugins folder of xcode, then I can remove this plugins?
Thanks guys.
I was able to install and build the Dash plugin for Xcode 6.1 / Yosemite, and it installed correctly in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins. Notice that it begins with ~, the /Library/ folder is not the correct one.
I have Xcode 6.1.1, here's what I did and it worked.
Right click on plugin file > Show Package Contents
Find and edit the Info.plist file.
In DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs add the key C4A681B0-4A26-480E-93EC-1218098B9AA0
Save your Info.plist file.
Then go to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns folder, and copy your plugin file there (the administrator password will be required).
You can now launch Xcode and use your plugins ;-)
It should be here ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode/Plug-ins.

Xcode Won't Compile To Simulator

I've just updated Xcode 4.5 via the App Store, from my previous version which I got from my Apple Developer Account. Since the update I can't compile any apps into the Simulator. I can compile onto a device, e.g. my iPhone.
The error I recieve is
fatal error: file
has been modified since the precompiled header was built
1 error generated.
go in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{project name + gobly-gook} and delete folder with your project name.
EDIT After suggestion
By default Library Folder is hidden so we can't see it.
So we have three way to use this hidden ~/Library folder
1.Unhide Library folder by following command to unhide ~/Library folder
chflags nohidden ~/Library
Now you can see Library folder as /Users//Library
2. Open GO menu of finder and press Alt key and Library will be visible as new menu item.
Select that to open Library folder
3. You can access ~/Library folder by Terminal.
There's easiest way: Just "clean" project (Product > Clean)
You can just open the Organizer (top-right corner of XCode), go to the Projects tab, select your project on the left and then delete the Derived Data.
This happened when I updated Xcode from 6.0.1 to 6.1
I cleaned the project and could compile successfully!!
