Automated cygwin install fails with "mount: Access is denied." - windows

I am trying to create a .bat script that will perform an unattended Cygwin install.
The setup-x86.exe file and package directory are available as a network share mapped to the Z: drive. The script is as follows:
Z:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe --local-install --local-package-dir Z:\cygwin\packages --quiet-mode --no-admin
When I run the script, I get the Cygwin Setup screen and "Checking prerequisites..." and then a popup entitled "mount" with the message "Access is denied."
I tried adding a '--root C:\Users\username\cygwin' to the command line but got exactly the same result. (Note that the C:\Users\username directory exists and can be written by the current user)


zsh: permission denied: webstorm - On Attempting to Create Shell Script That Launches WebStorm

I am following the documentation on creating a Shell script that launches the WebStorm application for a given file folder as described on WebStorm Help page. I am currently using an M1 Pro Macbook (2022) that I just got today and has little else installed beyond Homebrew, VSCode, WebStorm, and PyCharm.
Following the example in the docs, I created a file called webstorm (without any extension) in usr/local/bin and added the following code to it:
open -na "" --args "$#"
After starting up a new terminal, and running webstorm ., I get the following error in my terminal:
zsh: permission denied: webstorm
I have:
Changed sh to zsh as my default shell is zsh, and that made no difference.
Checked my permissions for both usr/local/bin and usr/local/bin/webstorm to ensure that I have the correct permissions to execute files from here. When right clicking on the webstorm file and clicking "Get Info", I can see that I currently have read and write permissions.
Restarted my computer
To add to my confusion, I have used the same script in the same location on my work Macbook, and it has worked without issues.
Any help on this would be hugely appreciated.
Checked my permissions for both usr/local/bin and usr/local/bin/webstorm to ensure that I have the correct permissions to execute files from here. When right clicking on the webstorm file and clicking "Get Info", I can see that I currently have read and write permissions.
Do you have the "execute" permission?
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/webstorm

What is the proper way to insert a variable into a file path in BASH?

I am working on my first script and it has been going well aside from one thing. The script is meant to be a simple script to install a software on Ubuntu devices for work. The main problem I am running into is the path the package is downloaded to is /home/(the user)/Linux_Test (custom file I have in github). Since this is suppose to run on multiple machines I am trying to make the user part of the path a variable. Currently I have
# Install the Agent.
sudo dpkg -i "/home/$USERNAME/Linux_Test/'SentinelAgent_linux_v22_1_2_7 (1).deb'"
and the error it is throwing is:
dpkg: error: cannot access archive '/home//Linux_Test/'SentinelAgent_linux_v22_1_2_7 (1).deb'': No such file or directory
I have changed the variable from "USERNAME" to just "USER" but that attempts to run it as root.

Cannot access RIDE robot framework from other users in same machine

I installed Robotframework RIDE with my user credentials and trying to access that by logging in with the another user in the same machine. when i copy paste the in C:/Python27/Scripts) file from my user to another user i can access RIDE by double clicking the file, but when i try to access using through command line i am not able access RIDE showing a error msg as " is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file ". Installed python for all users and again re installed everything through pip in C:/Users, previously installed in C:/Users/MyUser. While i am trying to re install everything using pip in C:\Users it is showing as "Requirement already satisfied"
This error indicates that is not in the %PATH% sys variable:
" is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file ".
Usually RIDE lives at C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\robotide
You may try to run it with the full path in the command:
pythonw C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\robotide\
You may check if there is C:\Python27\Scripts\ and the %PATH% variable for the other users (better to change it a System level).
About the error "Requirement already satisfied" from pip, that may be because:
1. RIDE is correctly installed (but you missed to run it in the first error)
2. You were calling a different pip install
finally got the solution, problem is not with the other users or installation, it is file which is missing in 'C:\Python27\Scripts' folder i replaced that file and now i am able to access from command prompt for all users in the machine.
Check the directory where you have the ride(Python file).
Upon opening the command prompt , for me the default path is C:\Users\etwxxbe.
Copy paste the ride(Python file) in the default path ,here the directory is etwxxbe.
Then use the command C:\Users\etwxxbe> to open ride.

How to run registered exe in certain folder using Windows CLI (batch)

I have a vagrant installed and I want to create batch file which will run in from certain directory.
How can I do it?
Normally I do:
cd vagrant
vagrant up
I would like to have something like:
d:\vagrant\vagrant up
But it does not work, as it says that name is not recognized

I can't get ShoesRB to install in Ubuntu 14. Is the issue the .run or .install file types?

Whenever I attempt to open the ShoesRB install files for Linux, which are both "" and "script.install" files, they open in a text editor instead of an installer. When I attempt to run them in the terminal, I'm getting strange root authentication errors. I know the root password is correct.
Does anybody know how to correctly install ShoesRB in Ubuntu 14?
First of all download the executable from according to your linux machine. This you have already done. On double clicking the downloaded .run file (say, you might not be able to run it because it would not be having executable permission -
This you can change by right clicking the script -> properties -> permissions -> Check the 'Allow executing file permission'
from terminal by
chmod +x
Next you need to run this by:
sudo ./
Enter correct root password and you are good to go. This script actually make a hidden .shoes directory in your home and all shoes related files and executable are present in there. It also copies a desktop entry for shoes to /user/share/application, which you open to open shoes applications.
Moreover you can copy that desktop entry to your desktop and make it executable by:
cp /usr/share/applications/shoes.desktop ~/Desktop/shoes.desktop
chmod +x ~/Desktop/shoes.desktop
All done! Just double click the shoes icon on your desktop you can open your shoes apps now.
Hope it Helps :)
