Script to rename, move and compress images automagically - bash

I'm trying to create a script on my Raspberry's Xbian that will "watch" a folder and compress any folders with images I saved there from Google Image Search.
What I want: The script will move all folders with " - Google Search" in their name to a temp folder, rename them removing the " - Google Search" part, leaving only the subject of the search query. Then, it will sequentially number the files in each folder using the folder name / the search query as their new name. So, "Random file.jpg" and "anoth3r_rand0m_file.png" will become "search_topic_01.jpg" and "search_topic_02.jpg".
Then, they'll be all moved to another folder, an "Incoming Images" one, where ImageMagick will do its magic on them, at the same time moving them to a "Ready Images" folder.
Still with me?
Here's what I got so far, from bundling stuff I found online together with my limited knowledge of Bash scripting:
echo "making temp"
mkdir /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/temp
echo "moving files"
mv /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/*Google\ Search /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/temp
echo "renaming folders"
rename s/\ -\ Google\ Search// /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/temp/*
echo "renaming files"
for dir in /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/temp/; do
if test -d "$dir"; then
cd $dir
for file in *; do
mv "$file" "$newfile"
echo "making ready subfolder"
mkdir /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/temp/00_Unreg_Ready_Image_Folders
echo "moving folders to ready folder"
mv /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/temp/* /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/00_Unreg_Ready_$
echo "removing temp folder"
rmdir /media/dBox/downloads/Xyma/temp
...and let's just say "AAARGHRGHRGHHhh".
I'm sure that there must be an even simpler way, with, say, a five-word command and maybe two parameters, that will auto magically do everything and sprinkle it with stardust, or generally "a simpler and better way to do it", but it's currently slipping my mind.
So, I'm open to ideas and suggestions.
Any help? Anyone?


Bash diff that stops when it finds the first difference

I have this script that I use for backups. The problem is that it is kind of slow. I want to know if there is a diff command that stops when finds the first difference.
DocumentsFiles=("Books" "Comics" "Distros" "Emulators" "Facturas" "Facultad" "Laboral" "Mods" "Music" "Paintings" "Projects" "Scripts" "Tesis" "Torrents" "Utilities")
## loop file to file and copy in backup
for directory in "${DocumentsFiles[#]}"
echo $directory
if [ -a "$RealDestination" ]; then
echo ok
if diff -r $RealOrigin $RealDestination; then
echo "${directory} are equal!"
rm -rfv $RealDestination
cp -ruv $RealOrigin "${DestinationDocumentsFile}"
cp -ruv $RealOrigin "${DestinationDocumentsFile}"
diff -q reports "only when files differ" (per man diff), so I believe it'll stop after the first difference.
But this is a bit of an XY problem. Really you need a better backup program like rsync:
It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination.
From man rsync

Nested for loops for directory in bash script

for d in dirlist;
cd $d
echo $PWD "primul"
for p in *.HEIC;
echo $PWD "din al doilea"
if [ -e "COPY ${p%.*}.jpg" ]; then
echo "COPY ${p%.*}.jpg exists"
convert $p "COPY ${p%.*}.jpg"
echo "COPY ${p%.*}.jpg created"
I have written a script to convert all files that are .HEIC to .jpg. Now I have a structure of folders that is
And I want to run the second for in each directory.
What I get when I run the commands below is only a list of directories and a mention that there are no files to convert.
How do I change the directory using the first for and run the second for in that directory?
cd - changes to the previous directory. That one solution to put it after the first done (second for cycle).
pushd and popd using stack to handle directory changes
check out:

How do I Batch Rename Folders in OSX?

So I have been trying to rename about 5000 folders based on a CSV (Old name, Newname)
This is a one time operation, once hdkjsh2-2f8c-46b9-bbdb_doc is converted to 3 then it will not need to be touched again.
I have tried the solution here (Setting up an automator workflow with a command script) but found that it does not do a great deal when it comes to folder/directory names and all the guides/documentation is around file names and not folder.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated
Example of CSV
Doc_Location, New_ID
hdkjsh2-2f8c-46b9-bbdb_doc , 3
Please make a backup before trying the following.
Save the following script in your HOME directory as renamer:
cat "file.csv" | while IFS=' ,' read dir new ; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
echo Rename $dir as $new
#mv "$dir" "$new"
echo "ERROR: Directory $dir not found - ignored"
Then start Terminal and make the script executable by running:
chmod +x $HOME/renamer
Then change directory to where your directories are that need renaming:
cd path/to/things/needing/renaming
Make sure you have your CSV, called file.csv saved in that directory, then run with:
It doesn't actually do anything, it just tells you what it would do. If it looks correct, edit $HOME/renamer and remove the single # on the line that says:
#mv "$dir" "$new"
so that is looks like:
mv "$dir" "$new"
Then be doubly sure you have made a backup and run the script again:
Go to the folder where the other folders you want to rename are located. Select all the folders you want to rename. Then click on the action icon at the top of finder window. This will open a window where one option is to rename x items. See image below.
When you select "Rename x items" you get a box like the one shown below where you can specify the new names.

How to develop this sort script further

I have a small interactive unix script that takes a terminal command input for a chosen file type and upon receiving such iterates through a large folder of unsorted files on my desktop and pulls files of that chosen selection to a new sorted folder.
i.e. The user types jpg in the command and all jpg files are pulled out of the unsorted folder and into the sorted folder.
It works terrific as it stands, but I would like to develop my script further so that instead of all file types being pushed into a communal sorted folder, I could have jpg files being pushed into a dedicated folderjpg, png files pushed in folderpng and finally all docx files moved into docxfolder.
How can I achieve such in the leanest possible manner assuming that these dedicated folders for the file types mentioned have been created on my desktop.
echo "Good Morning, Please enter your file type name for sorting [ENTER]:"
read extension
mv -v /Users/christopherdorman/desktop/unsorted/*.${extension} /Users/christopherdorman/desktop/sorted/
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Good News, Your files have been successfully processed"
I would write it this way:
read -p "Good Morning, Please enter your file type name for sorting [ENTER]:" extension
if cd /Users/christopherdorman/desktop; then
# ensure the destination folder exists
mkdir -p "$destination"
if mv -v unsorted/*."$extension" "$destination"; then
echo "Good News, Your files have been successfully processed"

Shell Script to redirect to different directory and create a list file

echo "src directory="$src_dir
echo "list_file="$list_file
echo "file="$file
cd /export/home/destination
touch $list_file
x=`ls *$file | sort >$list_file`
if [ -s $list_file ]
echo "List File is available, archiving now"
y=`tar -cvf mystuff.tar $list_file`
echo "List File is not available"
The above script is working fine and it's supposed to create a list file of all .csv files and tar's it.
However I am trying to do it from a different directory while running the script, so it should go to the destination directory and makes a list file with all the .csv in destination directory and make a .tar from the list file(i.e archive the list file)
So i am not sure what to change
there are a lot of tricks in filename handling. the one thing you should know is file naming under POSIX sucks. commands like ls or find may not return the expected result(but 99% of the time they will). so here is what you have to do to get the list of files truely:
for file in $src_dir/*.csv; do
echo `basename $file` >> $src_dir/$list_file
tar cvf $src_dir/mystuff.tar $src_dir/$list_file
maybe you should learn bash in a serious manner and try to google first before you asking question in SO next time.
