Convert Amazon EC2 AMI to Virtual or Vagrant box - amazon-ec2

I'd like to copy the disk image of a running EC2 instance (grab the AMI) and import it into virtual box or eventually have it run using Vagrant. I saw that packer ( allows you to create AMI's and corresponding Vagrant boxes to work together, however the running instance I currently have has been running for over two years and would be difficult to replicate.
I imagine that this issue is common in the devops community however have not found a solution in my research online. Are there any tools out there that let you accomplish this task?

I just wanted to note that #Drewness answered this question in the first comment to the original question. I'm just adding this answer to make it more clear because the answer is link to in an anchor tag too. The link points toward the following page: How to convert EC2 AMI to VMDK for Vagrant.
So basically you need to enable root SSH access, e.g.
$ sudo perl -i -pe 's/#PermitRootLogin .*/PermitRootLogin without-password/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
$ sudo perl -i -pe 's/.*(ssh-rsa .*)/\1/' /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ sudo /etc/init.d/sshd reload # optional command<br>
Then copy the running system to a local disk image:
$ ssh -i ~/.ec2/your_key 'dd if=/dev/xvda1 bs=1M | gzip' | gunzip | dd of=./ec2-image.raw
After that prepare a filesystem on a new image file:
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=vmdk-image.raw bs=1M count=10240 # create a 10gb image file
$ losetup -fv vmdk-image.raw # mount as loopback device
$ cfdisk /dev/loop0 # create a bootable partition, write, and quit
$ losetup -fv -o 32256 vmdk-image.raw # mount the partition with an offset
$ fdisk -l -u /dev/loop0 # get the size of the partition
$ mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 /dev/loop1 $(((20971519 - 63)*512/4096)) # format using the END number
Now you need to copy everything from the EC2 image to the empty image:
$ losetup -fv ec2-image.raw
$ mkdir -p /mnt/loop/1 /mnt/loop/2 # create mount points
$ mount -t ext4 /dev/loop1 /mnt/loop/1 # mount vmdk-image
$ mount -t ext4 /dev/loop2 /mnt/loop/2 # mount ami-image
$ cp -a /mnt/loop/2/* /mnt/loop/1/
and install Grub:
$ cp /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-pc/stage* /mnt/loop/1/boot/grub/
and unmount the device (umount /dev/loop1) and convert the raw disk image to a vmdk image:
$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O vmdk vmdk-image.raw final.vmdk
Now just create a VirtualBox VM with the vmdk image mounted as the primary boot device.
Unfortunately at this point I could not get the Amazon Linux kernel to boot inside VirtualBox.

You should export the instance.
For more details, check: How to export a VM from Amazon EC2 to VMware On-Premise.
Personally I've done this on a Windows box by installing VMWare converter on the instance and converting the local system to a VMDK. Then I posted the VMDK to S3.


How do I mount an EFS endpoint on /etc/fstab with using Cloud Formation in User-data section?

When I write a bash command on User-data section in CloudFormation template EFS endpoint is not inserted in the /etc/fstab/.
My bash command looks like this:
echo "$(curl -s${EfsFileSystem} /mnt/ nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
I have to mount the endpoint using
mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport /mnt/
You can find a working example of mounting EFS via UserData here
apt-get update -qqy && apt-get install -qqy nfs-common
EC2_AVAIL_ZONE=`curl -s`
mkdir /mnt/efs
echo -e "$DIR_SRC:/ /mnt/efs nfs defaults 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab
mount -a
# restart docker service so efs mount can come into effect.
service docker restart
Copied the relevant bit here as per SO guideline.

unable to create docker container for tensorflow serving

I am trying to create a tensorflow serving docker container but I am getting the following error while running the docker create command
I am unable to figure out if its because of any location error or my /bin/bash file is broken. What can I do to fix this issue ? Thanks in advance.
What base image are you using for your container image? I checked busybox and alpine. They have ash by default but not bash. Once you create your image you can run it as follows:
docker run -it my-image-name "sh"
This should get you into an interactive shell. The cd into /bin and check which commands are available using ls.
I got this in alpine
/ # ls /bin
ash df getopt linux64 mpstat rev sync
base64 dmesg grep ln mv rm tar
bbconfig dnsdomainname gunzip login netstat rmdir touch
busybox dumpkmap gzip ls nice run-parts true
cat echo hostname lzop pidof sed umount
chgrp ed ionice makemime ping setpriv uname
chmod egrep iostat mkdir ping6 setserial usleep
chown false ipcalc mknod pipe_progress sh watch
conspy fatattr kbd_mode mktemp printenv sleep zcat
cp fdflush kill more ps stat
date fgrep link mount pwd stty
dd fsync linux32 mountpoint reformime su
A container is an instance created from a container-image. In your case your container tf_container_gpu has been created from the image you specified. You can give your container a name only the time you create it. After that you just need to start it with that name.
docker start tf_container_gpu should do.
if you want to recreate your container (say after you re-build your image) first remove the earlier container instance
docker container rm tf_container_gpu. Then run the container again
docker run --name=tf_container_gpu <image-name>
To just start and stop the container
docker start tf_container_gpu
docker stop tf_container_gpu

Mount a EBS volume (not snapshot) to Elastic Beanstalk EC2

I'm migrating a legacy app to Elastic Beanstalk. It needs persistent storage (for the time being). I want to mount a EBS volume.
I was hoping the following would work in .ebextensions/ebs.config:
command: "mkdir /data"
command: "mount /dev/sdh /data"
- namespace: aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration
option_name: BlockDeviceMappings
value: /dev/sdh=vol-XXXXX
But unfortunately I get the following error "(vol-XXXX) for parameter snapshotId is invalid. Expected: 'snap-...'."
Clearly this method only allows snapshots. Can anyone suggest a fix or an alternative method.
I have found a solution. It could be improved by removing the "sleep 10" but unfortunately that required because aws ec2 attach-volume is async and returns straight away before the attachment takes place.
command: "aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id vol-XXXXXX --instance-id $(curl -s --device /dev/sdh"
ignoreErrors: true
command: "sleep 10"
command: "mkdir /data"
test: "[ ! -d /data ]"
command: "mount /dev/sdh /data"
test: "! mountpoint -q /dev/sdh"
Note. Ideally it would be run in commands section not container_commands but the environment variables are not set in time.
To add to #Simon's answer (to avoid traps for the unwary):
If the persistent storage being mounted will ultimately be used inside a Docker container (e.g. if you're running Jenkins and want to persist jenkins_home), you need to restart the docker container after running the mount.
You need to have the 'ec2:AttachVolumes' action permitted against both the EC2 instance (or the instance/* ARN) and the volume(s) you want to attach (or the volume/* ARN) in the EB assumed role policy. Without this, the aws ec2 attach-volume command fails.
You need to pass in the --region to the aws ec2 ... command as well (at least, as of this writing)
Alternatively, instead of using an EBS volume, you could consider using an Elastic File System (EFS) Storage. AWS has published a script on how to mount an EFS volume to Elastic Beanstalk EC2 instances, and it can also be attached to multiple EC2 instances simultaneously (which is not possible for EBS).
Here's a config file that you can drop in .ebextensions. You will need to provide the VOLUME_ID that you want to attach. The test commands make it so that attaching and mounting only happens as needed, so that you can eb deploy repeatedly without errors.
command: |
export REGION=$(/opt/aws/bin/ec2-metadata -z | awk '{print substr($2, 0, length($2)-1)}')
export INSTANCE_ID=$(/opt/aws/bin/ec2-metadata -i | awk '{print $2}')
export VOLUME_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-volumes --region ${REGION} --output text --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=tf-trading-prod --query 'Volumes[*].VolumeId')
aws ec2 attach-volume --region ${REGION} --device /dev/sdh --instance-id ${INSTANCE_ID} --volume-id ${VOLUME_ID}
aws ec2 wait volume-in-use --region ${REGION} --volume-ids ${VOLUME_ID}
sleep 1
test: "! file -E /dev/xvdh"
command: "mkfs -t ext3 /dev/xvdh"
test: "file -s /dev/xvdh | awk '{print $2}' | grep -q data"
command: "mkdir -p /data"
command: "mount /dev/xvdh /data"
test: "! mountpoint /data"
Have to use container_commands because when commands are run the source bundle is not fully unpacked yet.
command: chmod +x .platform/hooks/predeploy/
Predeploy hooks run after container commands but before the deployment. No need to restart your docker container even if it mounts a directory on the attached ebs volume, because beanstalk spins it up after predeploy hooks complete. You can see it in the logs.
# Make sure LF line endings are used in the file, otherwise there would be an error saying "file not found".
# All platform hooks run as root user, no need for sudo.
# Before attaching the volume find out the root volume's name, so that we can later use it for filtering purposes.
# -d – to filter out partitions.
# -P – to display the result as key-value pairs.
# -o – to output only the matching part.
# lsblk strips the "/dev/" part
ROOT_VOLUME_NAME=$(lsblk -d -P | grep -o 'NAME="[a-z0-9]*"' | grep -o '[a-z0-9]*')
aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id vol-xxx --instance-id $(curl -s --device /dev/sdf --region us-east-1
# The above command is async, so we need to wait.
aws ec2 wait volume-in-use --volume-ids vol-xxx --region us-east-1
# Now lsblk should show two devices. We figure out which one is non-root by filtering out the stored root volume name.
NON_ROOT_VOLUME_NAME=$(lsblk -d -P | grep -o 'NAME="[a-z0-9]*"' | grep -o '[a-z0-9]*' | awk -v name="$ROOT_VOLUME_NAME" '$0 !~ name')
# Create a file system on the non-root device only if there isn't one already, so that we don't accidentally override it.
if test "$FILE_COMMAND_OUTPUT" = "/dev/$NON_ROOT_VOLUME_NAME: data"; then
mkfs -t xfs /dev/$NON_ROOT_VOLUME_NAME
mkdir /data
mount /dev/$NON_ROOT_VOLUME_NAME /data
# Need to make sure that the volume gets mounted after every reboot, because by default only root volume is automatically mounted.
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
NON_ROOT_VOLUME_UUID=$(lsblk -d -P -o +UUID | awk -v name="$NON_ROOT_VOLUME_NAME" '$0 ~ name' | grep -o 'UUID="[-0-9a-z]*"' | grep -o '[-0-9a-z]*')
# We specify 0 to prevent the file system from being dumped, and 2 to indicate that it is a non-root device.
# If you ever boot your instance without this volume attached, the nofail mount option enables the instance to boot
# even if there are errors mounting the volume.
# Debian derivatives, including Ubuntu versions earlier than 16.04, must also add the nobootwait mount option.
echo "UUID=$NON_ROOT_VOLUME_UUID /data xfs defaults,nofail 0 2" | tee -a /etc/fstab
Pretty sure that things that I do with grep and awk could be done in a more concise manner. I'm not great at Linux.
Instance profile should include these permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
You have to ensure that you deploy ebs volume in the same AZ as beanstalk and that you use SingleInstance deployment. Then if your instance crashes, ASG will terminate it, create another one, and attach the volume to the new instance keeping all the data.
Here it is with missing config:
command: "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<replace by your AWS key> && export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<replace by your AWS secret> && aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id <replace by you volume id> --instance-id $(curl -s --device /dev/xvdf --region <replace with your region>"
ignoreErrors: true
command: "sleep 10"
command: "mkdir /home/lucene"
test: "[ ! -d /home/lucene ]"
command: "mount /dev/xvdf /home/lucene"
test: "! mountpoint -q /dev/xvdf"

How can I load the docker images before the service starts?

I spend some time with the Vagrant & CoreOS and Docker, There's so much to learn...
I work in a development environment and constantly UP and DESTROY operation So I do not want to download the docker images every time... It takes too much time, images are very heavy.
Well, I pull the images what I use most frequently and save them.
core#core-01 ~ $ docker save ubuntu:latest > /home/core/share/ubuntu.tar
core#core-01 ~ $ docker save mysql > /home/core/share/mysql.tar
core#core-01 ~ $ docker save wordpress:latest > /home/core/share/wordpress.tar
I'm loading them again if required.
core#core-03 ~ $ docker load -i=/home/core/share/wordpress.tar
core#core-04 ~ $ docker load -i=/home/core/share/mysql.tar
so far everything is OK.
But I'm having problems when I try to build the cluster.
I have two simple service database and web
Description=Run database_1
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name database_1 -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=demo" -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password" -p 3306:3306 mysql
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker kill database_1
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm
Description=Run web_1
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name web_1 --link database_1:database_1 -e "DB_USER=root" -e "DB_PASSWORD=password" -p 80:80 wordpress
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker kill web_1
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm
How do I load mysql image (/home/core/share/mysql.tar) before the service start.
if the service starts then download the images again.
$ fleetctl start database.1.service
$ fleetctl start web.1.service
Can I Load the images as follows?
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker load -i=/home/core/share/mysql.tar
The question is;
How do I create a development environment to work without an internet connection?
I think you might be over-complicating things. You should not have to explicitly ask for an image to be saved and/or reused.
According to the CoreOS documentation
The overlay filesystem works similar to git: our image now builds off of the ubuntu base and adds another layer with Apache on top. These layers get cached separately so that you won't have to pull down the ubuntu base more than once.
While this still requires an internet connection for the initial image download, subsequent launches of the container should reuse the cached image.
If you require more control, you might want to look into maintaining a private Docker registry within your CoreOS cluster. The best way I've found to do this is using Deis, which comes with a load of goodies, including a cluster-wide fault-tolerant file-system and a private Docker registry as standard.

EC2 - Create AMI - Cannot connect to new instance

I am experiencing difficulty trying to launch a AMI from an EBS volume. I am basically trying to launch another instance of a Linux (i386) based AMI that I have already configured the way I want. I have followed many guides for the past week. So far, I am able to create the custom private AMI but I am unable to connect to it after launching the new instance. I suspect that the AMI I have created is miss-configured in some way (maybe files didnt get fully copied over).
Anyhow here are the basic steps I'm going through to try to create the AMI:
ec2-create-volume -K pk-xxxxxx.pem -C
cert-xxxxxx.pem --size 10
--availability-zone us-east-1a
ec2-attach-volume -K pk-xxxxxx.pem -C
cert-xxxxxx.pem vol-xxxxxx --instance
xxxxxx --device /dev/sdh
yes | mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdh
echo '/dev/sdh /mnt/ebsimage ext3
defaults,noatime 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
mount /mnt/ebsimage
umount /mnt/ebsimage
ec2-detach-volume -K pk-xxxxxx.pem -C
cert-xxxxxx.pem vol-xxxxxx --instance
ec2-create-snapshot -K pk-xxxxxx.pem
-C cert-xxxxxx.pem vol-xxxxxx
ec2reg -K pk-xxxxxx.pem -C
cert-xxxxxx.pem -s snap-xxxxx -a i386
-d -n --kernel aki-xxxxx --ramdisk ari-xxxxxx
I'm pretty sure either my commands around mount are messed up or my commands around ec2reg are messed up. Any suggestions?
I have also tried replacing
yes | mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdh
echo '/dev/sdh
/mnt/ebsimage ext3 defaults,noatime 0
0' >> /etc/fstab
mount /mnt/ebsimage
with a script designed to use rsync and add some other details but again the new instance of the ami launched cannot be connected to. Here is a copy of the script.
mkdir ${ebsmnt}
mkfs.ext3 -F ${vol}
echo "mount $vol $ebsmnt"
mount $vol $ebsmnt
mkdir ${ebsmnt}/mnt
mkdir ${ebsmnt}/proc
mkdir ${ebsmnt}/sys
echo "mkdir ${devdir}"
mkdir ${devdir}
mknod ${devdir}/null c 1 3
mknod ${devdir}/zero c 1 5
mknod ${devdir}/tty c 5 0
mknod ${devdir}/console c 5 1
ln -s null ${devdir}/X0R
rsync -rlpgoD -t -r -S -l -vh \
--exclude /sys --exclude /proc \
--exclude /dev \
--exclude /media --exclude /mnt \
--exclude /sys --exclude /ebs --exclude /mnt \
-x /* ${ebsmnt}
df -h
Because I have the same results as the first example, I'm not sure if I'm closer to solving this issue or further away. Any help would be appreciated.
To create your EBS AMI from an S3 based AMI, you can use my blog post:
I don't know which distribution you are trying to run, but if you want to run debian, there is a script which manages the entire bootstrapping process including ami creation (EBS boot).
You can find it on my github account:
The script has been thoroughly tested and allows you to include other scripts in order to customize your ami. If you want to modify the script itself, just fork it, at least you then have a base to work from, where you know everything works.
I would not recommend the process you outlined though, it seems quite 'messy'.
