How to get order cancel date in Magento? - magento

Im working on a order feed. How to get the date on the order that is canceled in Magento as well as the ship date when a tracking number is updated?

To get the order cancel date you can parse the order comments and get date of the first Canceled status of the comment like so:
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId(100000050);
$commentCollection = $order->getStatusHistoryCollection();
foreach ($commentCollection as $comment) {
if ($comment->getStatus() === Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_CANCELED) {
$orderCancelDate = $comment->getCreatedAt();
echo $orderCancelDate;
2014-02-11 03:43:09 <- Date\time order was marked `Canceled`
To get the shipping date/time(s) of the order and the date/times(s) of when the tracking number was updated you can get everything like so:
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId(100000054);
$shipmentCollection = $order->getShipmentsCollection();
foreach ($shipmentCollection as $shipment) {
// Date/Time when order shipment(s) were created
echo $shipment->getCreatedAt() . "<br />";
foreach($shipment->getAllTracks() as $trackingNumber) {
// Date/Time when the tracking number(s) were updated
echo $trackingNumber->getUpdatedAt();
// Date/Time when the tracking number(s) were added
// echo $trackingNumber->getCreatedAt();
2014-02-11 05:35:10 <- Date\time order was marked `Shipped`
2014-02-11 05:35:38 <- Date\time tracking number(s) were updated
Just remember, an order can have multiple partial shipments and multiple tracking numbers per partial shipments which is why you have to loop through them all to get the correct date\time(s).
Good luck!

The Mage::getModel('sales/order') model contain all sales and order details.
You can use this ,
consider '10003' is the order no,
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load(10003);
$_totalData = $order->getData();
$_totalData will then contain the following:
[entity_id] => 45
[state] => processing
[status] => pending
[coupon_code] => stickytest
[protect_code] => 1036b0
[shipping_description] => Voucher code discount
[is_virtual] => 0
[store_id] => 1
[customer_id] =>
[base_discount_amount] => -195.0000
[base_discount_canceled] =>
[base_discount_invoiced] =>
[base_discount_refunded] =>
[base_grand_total] => 0.0000
[base_shipping_amount] => 0.0000
[base_shipping_canceled] =>
[base_shipping_invoiced] =>
[base_shipping_refunded] =>
[base_shipping_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[base_shipping_tax_refunded] =>
[base_subtotal] => 177.2700
[base_subtotal_canceled] =>
[base_subtotal_invoiced] =>
[base_subtotal_refunded] =>
[base_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[base_tax_canceled] =>
[base_tax_invoiced] =>
[base_tax_refunded] =>
[base_to_global_rate] => 1.0000
[base_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
[base_total_canceled] =>
[base_total_invoiced] =>
[base_total_invoiced_cost] =>
[base_total_offline_refunded] =>
[base_total_online_refunded] =>
[base_total_paid] =>
[base_total_qty_ordered] =>
[base_total_refunded] =>
[discount_amount] => -195.0000
[discount_canceled] =>
[discount_invoiced] =>
[discount_refunded] =>
[grand_total] => 0.0000
[shipping_amount] => 0.0000
[shipping_canceled] =>
[shipping_invoiced] =>
[shipping_refunded] =>
[shipping_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[shipping_tax_refunded] =>
[store_to_base_rate] => 1.0000
[store_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
[subtotal] => 177.2700
[subtotal_canceled] =>
[subtotal_invoiced] =>
[subtotal_refunded] =>
[tax_amount] => 0.0000
[tax_canceled] =>
[tax_invoiced] =>
[tax_refunded] =>
[total_canceled] =>
[total_invoiced] =>
[total_offline_refunded] =>
[total_online_refunded] =>
[total_paid] =>
[total_qty_ordered] => 1.0000
[total_refunded] =>
[can_ship_partially] =>
[can_ship_partially_item] =>
[customer_is_guest] => 1
[customer_note_notify] => 1
[billing_address_id] => 89
[customer_group_id] => 0
[edit_increment] =>
[email_sent] => 1
[forced_shipment_with_invoice] =>
[gift_message_id] =>
[payment_auth_expiration] =>
[paypal_ipn_customer_notified] =>
[quote_address_id] =>
[quote_id] => 215
[shipping_address_id] => 90
[adjustment_negative] =>
[adjustment_positive] =>
[base_adjustment_negative] =>
[base_adjustment_positive] =>
[base_shipping_discount_amount] => 0.0000
[base_subtotal_incl_tax] => 195.0000
[base_total_due] =>
[payment_authorization_amount] =>
[shipping_discount_amount] => 0.0000
[subtotal_incl_tax] => 195.0000
[total_due] =>
[weight] => 1.0000
[customer_dob] =>
[increment_id] => 100000034
[applied_rule_ids] => 4
[base_currency_code] => AUD
[customer_email] =>
[customer_firstname] => billing[firstname]
[customer_lastname] => billing[lastname]
[customer_middlename] =>
[customer_prefix] =>
[customer_suffix] =>
[customer_taxvat] =>
[discount_description] => stickytest
[ext_customer_id] =>
[ext_order_id] =>
[global_currency_code] => AUD
[hold_before_state] =>
[hold_before_status] =>
[order_currency_code] => AUD
[original_increment_id] =>
[relation_child_id] =>
[relation_child_real_id] =>
[relation_parent_id] =>
[relation_parent_real_id] =>
[remote_ip] =>
[shipping_method] => matrixrate_matrixrate_free
[store_currency_code] => AUD
[store_name] => Main Website
Main Store
[x_forwarded_for] =>
[customer_note] =>
[created_at] => 2012-11-19 10:53:11
[updated_at] => 2012-11-19 10:53:12
[total_item_count] => 1
[customer_gender] =>
[base_custbalance_amount] =>
[currency_base_id] =>
[currency_code] =>
[currency_rate] =>
[custbalance_amount] =>
[is_hold] =>
[is_multi_payment] =>
[real_order_id] =>
[tax_percent] =>
[tracking_numbers] =>
[hidden_tax_amount] => 17.7300
[base_hidden_tax_amount] => 17.7300
[shipping_hidden_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt] => 0.0000
[hidden_tax_invoiced] =>
[base_hidden_tax_invoiced] =>
[hidden_tax_refunded] =>
[base_hidden_tax_refunded] =>
[shipping_incl_tax] => 0.0000
[base_shipping_incl_tax] => 0.0000
[onestepcheckout_customercomment] => onestepcheckout_comments
[onestepcheckout_customerfeedback] => Google
[payment_authorization_expiration] =>
[forced_do_shipment_with_invoice] =>
[base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount] => 0.0000
For more information follow this link ..


Laravel Error Update with foreach : syntax error, unexpected ' ' (T_STRING), expecting ']'

I have DB in SQL Server and I execute it with Laravel. However, I get the following error.
ParseError syntax error, unexpected ' ' (T_STRING), expecting ']'
I am trying to figure out why this is happening. It shows this syntax error, but I don't understand it. I can't find a typo. I read and update SQL Server database. Is there a bug or something?
$siswa_regNo = DB::table('upload_tbpendaftaran$')
->select('Reg_No', 'F_Name',
foreach ($siswa_regNo as $s) {
->where('Reg_No', $s->Reg_No)
'F_Name' => $s->F_Name,
'N_Name' => $s->N_Name,
'Place' => $s->Place,
'Birthday' => $s->Birthday,
'BirthID' => $s->BirthID,
'Gender' => $s->Gender,
'Religion' => $s->Religion,
'Citizen' => $s->Citizen,
'FamilyID' => $s->FamilyID,
'Bloods' => $s->Bloods,
'Glass' => $s->Glass,
'Height' => $s->Height,
'Weight' => $s->Weight,
'Child_No' => $s->Child_No,
'Child_Qty' => $s->Child_Qty,
'School_Code' => $s->School_Code,
'School_Name' => $s->School_Name,
'School_Address' => $s->School_Address,
'School_Distric' => $s->School_Distric,
'School_Distric_Desc' => $s->School_Distric_Desc,
'School_City' => $s->School_City,
'School_City_Desc' => $s->School_City_Desc,
'School_Province' => $s->School_Province,
'School_Province_Desc' => $s->School_Province_Desc,
'School_NEM_Avg' => $s->School_NEM_Avg,
'School_STTB' => $s->School_STTB,
'Certificate_ID' => $s->Certificate_ID,
'Stay' => $s->Stay,
'Stay_Address' => $s->Stay_Address,
'Stay_RT' => $s->Stay_RT,
'Stay_RW' => $s->Stay_RW,
'Stay_Village' => $s->Stay_Village,
'Stay_Distric' => $s->Stay_Distric,
'Stay_Distric_Desc' => $s->Stay_Distric_Desc,
'Stay_City' => $s->Stay_City,
'Stay_City_Desc' => $s->Stay_City_Desc,
'Stay_Province' => $s->Stay_Province,
'Stay_Province_Desc' => $s->Stay_Province_Desc,
'Stay_Phone' => $s->Stay_Phone,
'Stay_HP' => $s->Stay_HP,
'Stay_Postal' => $s->Stay_Postal,
'Stay_Longitude' => $s->Stay_Longitude,
'Stay_Latitude' => $s->Stay_Latitude,
'Home_Address' => $s->Home_Address,
'Home_RT' => $s->Home_RT,
'Home_RW' => $s->Home_RW,
'Home_Village' => $s->Home_Village,
'Home_Distric' => $s->Home_Distric,
'Home_Distric_Desc' => $s->Home_Distric_Desc,
'Home_City' => $s->Home_City,
'Home_City_Desc' => $s->Home_City_Desc,
'Home_Province' => $s->Home_Province,
'Home_Province_Desc' => $s->Home_Province_Desc,
'Home_Postal' => $s->Home_Postal,
'Home_Phone' => $s->Home_Phone,
'Home_HP' => $s->Home_HP,
'Home_HP2' => $s->Home_HP2,
'Home_Longitude' => $s->Home_Longitude,
'Home_Latitude' => $s->Home_Latitude,
'EMail' => $s->EMail,
'Email_Parent' => $s->Email_Parent,
'Email_Parent2' => $s->Email_Parent2,
'ID_Cards' => $s->ID_Cards,
'Distance' => $s->Distance,
'Time_HH' => $s->Time_HH,
'Time_MM' => $s->Time_MM,
'TransportID' => $s->TransportID,
'TransportDesc' => $s->TransportDesc,
'Remarks' => $s->Remarks,
'NISN' => $s->NISN,
'ExamUNNo' => $s->ExamUNNo
I am very confused, please help.
in second FOREACH, when you are getting data from DB you should add ->first() or ->get() in the last.
foreach ($siswa_regNo as $s) {
->where('Reg_No', $s->Reg_No)
->first() // this line added
'F_Name' => $s->F_Name,
'N_Name' => $s->N_Name,
'Place' => $s->Place,
or if you want to use ->get() you should foreach to this also...

Magento 2: Get Payment Methods (All/Active/Used)Magento

How to get the payment methods in magento 2.
All 3 types:
1) All Payment Methods
2) Active/Enabled Payment Methods
3) Payment Methods that have been used while placing orders
Using Dependency Injection (DI)
Here is the code that you need to write in your Block class.
* Order Payment
* #var \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Payment\Collection
protected $_orderPayment;
* Payment Helper Data
* #var \Magento\Payment\Helper\Data
protected $_paymentHelper;
* Payment Model Config
* #var \Magento\Payment\Model\Config
protected $_paymentConfig;
* #param \Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context
* #param \Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Payment\Collection $orderPayment
* #param \Magento\Payment\Helper\Data $paymentHelper
* #param \Magento\Payment\Model\Config $paymentConfig
* #param array $data
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Payment\Collection $orderPayment,
\Magento\Payment\Helper\Data $paymentHelper,
\Magento\Payment\Model\Config $paymentConfig,
array $data = []
) {
$this->_orderPayment = $orderPayment;
$this->_paymentHelper = $paymentHelper;
$this->_paymentConfig = $paymentConfig;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
* Get all payment methods
* #return array
public function getAllPaymentMethods()
return $this->_paymentHelper->getPaymentMethods();
* Get key-value pair of all payment methods
* key = method code & value = method name
* #return array
public function getAllPaymentMethodsList()
return $this->_paymentHelper->getPaymentMethodList();
* Get active/enabled payment methods
* #return array
public function getActivePaymentMethods()
return $this->_paymentConfig->getActiveMethods();
* Get payment methods that have been used for orders
* #return array
public function getUsedPaymentMethods()
$collection = $this->_orderPayment;
$paymentMethods[] = array('value' => '', 'label' => 'Any');
foreach ($collection as $col) {
$paymentMethods[] = array('value' => $col->getMethod(), 'label' => $col->getAdditionalInformation()['method_title']);
return $paymentMethods;
Using Object Manager
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$paymentHelper = $objectManager->get('Magento\Payment\Helper\Data');
$allPaymentMethods = $paymentHelper->getPaymentMethods();
$allPaymentMethodsArray = $paymentHelper->getPaymentMethodList();
$paymentConfig = $objectManager->get('Magento\Payment\Model\Config');
$activePaymentMethods = $paymentConfig->getActiveMethods();
$orderPaymentCollection = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Sales\Model\ResourceModel\Order\Payment\Collection');
$paymentMethods[] = array('value' => '', 'label' => 'Any');
foreach ($orderPaymentCollection as $col) {
$paymentMethods[] = array('value' => $col->getMethod(), 'label' => $col->getAdditionalInformation()['method_title']);
Sample Output of getUsedPaymentMethods():
[0] => Array
[value] =>
[label] => Any
[1] => Array
[value] => cashondelivery
[label] => Cash On Delivery
[2] => Array
[value] => checkmo
[label] => Check / Money order
Sample Output of getAllPaymentMethodsList():
[vault] =>
[substitution] =>
[banktransfer] => Bank Transfer Payment
[cashondelivery] => Cash On Delivery
[checkmo] => Check / Money order
[payflowpro] => Credit Card
[payflow_link] => Credit Card
[payflow_advanced] => Credit Card
[braintree] => Credit Card (Braintree)
[authorizenet_directpost] => Credit Card Direct Post (
[free] => No Payment Information Required
[braintree_paypal] => PayPal (Braintree)
[paypal_billing_agreement] => PayPal Billing Agreement
[payflow_express_bml] => PayPal Credit
[paypal_express_bml] => PayPal Credit
[paypal_express] => PayPal Express Checkout
[payflow_express] => PayPal Express Checkout Payflow Edition
[hosted_pro] => Payment by cards or by PayPal account
[purchaseorder] => Purchase Order
[braintree_cc_vault] => Stored Cards (Braintree)
[payflowpro_cc_vault] => Stored Cards (Payflow Pro)
Sample Output of getAllPaymentMethods():
[free] => Array
[active] => 1
[model] => Magento\Payment\Model\Method\Free
[order_status] => pending
[title] => No Payment Information Required
[allowspecific] => 0
[sort_order] => 1
[group] => offline
[substitution] => Array
[active] => 0
[model] => Magento\Payment\Model\Method\Substitution
[allowspecific] => 0
[vault] => Array
[debug] => 1
[model] => Magento\Vault\Model\VaultPaymentInterface
[checkmo] => Array
[active] => 1
[model] => Magento\OfflinePayments\Model\Checkmo
[order_status] => pending
[title] => Check / Money order
[allowspecific] => 0
[group] => offline
[purchaseorder] => Array
[active] => 0
[model] => Magento\OfflinePayments\Model\Purchaseorder
[order_status] => pending
[title] => Purchase Order
[allowspecific] => 0
[group] => offline
[banktransfer] => Array
[active] => 0
[model] => Magento\OfflinePayments\Model\Banktransfer
[order_status] => pending
[title] => Bank Transfer Payment
[allowspecific] => 0
[group] => offline
[cashondelivery] => Array
[active] => 0
[model] => Magento\OfflinePayments\Model\Cashondelivery
[order_status] => pending
[title] => Cash On Delivery
[allowspecific] => 0
[group] => offline
[paypal_express] => Array
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Express
[title] => PayPal Express Checkout
[payment_action] => Authorization
[solution_type] => Mark
[line_items_enabled] => 1
[visible_on_cart] => 1
[visible_on_product] => 1
[allow_ba_signup] => never
[group] => paypal
[authorization_honor_period] => 3
[order_valid_period] => 29
[child_authorization_number] => 1
[verify_peer] => 1
[skip_order_review_step] => 1
[paypal_express_bml] => Array
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Bml
[title] => PayPal Credit
[group] => paypal
[payflow_express] => Array
[title] => PayPal Express Checkout Payflow Edition
[payment_action] => Authorization
[line_items_enabled] => 1
[visible_on_cart] => 1
[visible_on_product] => 1
[group] => paypal
[verify_peer] => 1
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\PayflowExpress
[payflow_express_bml] => Array
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Payflow\Bml
[title] => PayPal Credit
[group] => paypal
[payflowpro] => Array
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Payflow\Transparent
[title] => Credit Card
[payment_action] => Authorization
[cctypes] => AE,VI
[useccv] => 1
[tender] => C
[verbosity] => MEDIUM
[user] =>
[pwd] =>
[group] => paypal
[verify_peer] => 1
[date_delim] =>
[ccfields] => csc,expdate,acct
[place_order_url] => paypal/transparent/requestSecureToken
[cgi_url_test_mode] =>
[cgi_url] =>
[transaction_url_test_mode] =>
[transaction_url] =>
[avs_street] => 0
[avs_zip] => 0
[avs_international] => 0
[avs_security_code] => 1
[cc_year_length] => 2
[can_authorize_vault] => 1
[can_capture_vault] => 1
[payflowpro_cc_vault] => Array
[model] => PayflowProCreditCardVaultFacade
[title] => Stored Cards (Payflow Pro)
[paypal_billing_agreement] => Array
[active] => 1
[allow_billing_agreement_wizard] => 1
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Method\Agreement
[title] => PayPal Billing Agreement
[group] => paypal
[verify_peer] => 1
[payflow_link] => Array
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Payflowlink
[payment_action] => Authorization
[verbosity] => HIGH
[user] =>
[pwd] =>
[group] => paypal
[title] => Credit Card
[partner] => PayPal
[csc_required] => 1
[csc_editable] => 1
[url_method] => GET
[email_confirmation] => 0
[verify_peer] => 1
[transaction_url_test_mode] =>
[transaction_url] =>
[cgi_url_test_mode] =>
[cgi_url] =>
[payflow_advanced] => Array
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Payflowadvanced
[payment_action] => Authorization
[verbosity] => HIGH
[user] => PayPal
[pwd] =>
[group] => paypal
[title] => Credit Card
[partner] => PayPal
[vendor] => PayPal
[csc_required] => 1
[csc_editable] => 1
[url_method] => GET
[email_confirmation] => 0
[verify_peer] => 1
[transaction_url_test_mode] =>
[transaction_url] =>
[cgi_url_test_mode] =>
[cgi_url] =>
[hosted_pro] => Array
[model] => Magento\Paypal\Model\Hostedpro
[title] => Payment by cards or by PayPal account
[payment_action] => Authorization
[group] => paypal
[display_ec] => 0
[verify_peer] => 1
[authorizenet_directpost] => Array
[active] => 0
[cctypes] => AE,VI,MC,DI
[debug] => 0
[email_customer] => 0
[login] =>
[merchant_email] =>
[model] => Magento\Authorizenet\Model\Directpost
[order_status] => processing
[payment_action] => authorize
[test] => 1
[title] => Credit Card Direct Post (
[trans_key] =>
[trans_md5] =>
[allowspecific] => 0
[currency] => USD
[create_order_before] => 1
[date_delim] => /
[ccfields] => x_card_code,x_exp_date,x_card_num
[place_order_url] => authorizenet/directpost_payment/place
[cgi_url_test_mode] =>
[cgi_url] =>
[cgi_url_td_test_mode] =>
[cgi_url_td] =>
[braintree] => Array
[model] => BraintreeFacade
[title] => Credit Card (Braintree)
[payment_action] => authorize
[active] => 0
[is_gateway] => 1
[can_use_checkout] => 1
[can_authorize] => 1
[can_capture] => 1
[can_capture_partial] => 1
[can_authorize_vault] => 1
[can_capture_vault] => 1
[can_use_internal] => 1
[can_refund_partial_per_invoice] => 1
[can_refund] => 1
[can_void] => 1
[can_cancel] => 1
[cctypes] => AE,VI,MC,DI,JCB,CUP,DN,MI
[useccv] => 1
[cctypes_braintree_mapper] => {"american-express":"AE","discover":"DI","jcb":"JCB","mastercard":"MC","master-card":"MC","visa":"VI","maestro":"MI","diners-club":"DN","unionpay":"CUP"}
[order_status] => processing
[environment] => sandbox
[allowspecific] => 0
[sdk_url] =>
[public_key] =>
[private_key] =>
[masked_fields] => cvv,number
[privateInfoKeys] => avsPostalCodeResponseCode,avsStreetAddressResponseCode,cvvResponseCode,processorAuthorizationCode,processorResponseCode,processorResponseText,liabilityShifted,liabilityShiftPossible,riskDataId,riskDataDecision
[paymentInfoKeys] => cc_type,cc_number,avsPostalCodeResponseCode,avsStreetAddressResponseCode,cvvResponseCode,processorAuthorizationCode,processorResponseCode,processorResponseText,liabilityShifted,liabilityShiftPossible,riskDataId,riskDataDecision
[braintree_paypal] => Array
[model] => BraintreePayPalFacade
[title] => PayPal (Braintree)
[active] => 0
[payment_action] => authorize
[allowspecific] => 0
[require_billing_address] => 0
[allow_shipping_address_override] => 1
[display_on_shopping_cart] => 1
[order_status] => processing
[is_gateway] => 1
[can_use_checkout] => 1
[can_authorize] => 1
[can_capture] => 1
[can_capture_partial] => 1
[can_refund] => 1
[can_refund_partial_per_invoice] => 1
[can_void] => 1
[can_cancel] => 1
[privateInfoKeys] => processorResponseCode,processorResponseText,paymentId
[paymentInfoKeys] => processorResponseCode,processorResponseText,paymentId,payerEmail
[braintree_cc_vault] => Array
[model] => BraintreeCreditCardVaultFacade
[title] => Stored Cards (Braintree)
The output array of of getActivePaymentMethods() is very long. So, I have just printed out the keys of the array. Keys of the output array contains active method’s code.
Sample Output of array_keys(getActivePaymentMethods()):
[0] => free
[1] => checkmo
[2] => purchaseorder
[3] => cashondelivery
[4] => paypal_billing_agreement

Magento AvS_fastsimpleimporter multiple addresses

Is it possible while creating new users with AvS_Fastsimpleimporter to add more than the standard address ?
Currently my array "data" looks like this
'email' => $kunde['email'],
'_website' => $_website,
'_store' => $_website . 'store',
'confirmation' => '',
'created_at' => $created_at,
'created_in' => 'Import',
'disable_auto_group_change' => 0,
'firstname' => $kunde['name_1'],
'group_id' => 3,
'kontonummer' => $kunde['kontonr'],
'kundennummer' => $kunde['kundennr'],
'lastname' => $lastname,
'password_hash' => $password_hash,
'store_id' => 0,
'website_id' => $country['id'],
'_address_city' => $kunde['ort'],
'_address_country_id' => $kunde['land'],
'_address_fax' => $kunde['fax'],
'_address_firstname' => $kunde['name_1'],
'_address_lastname' => $lastname,
'_address_postcode' => $kunde['plz'],
'_address_street' => $kunde['strasse'],
'_address_telephone' => $_address_telephone,
'_address_vat_id' => $kunde['ust_id'],
'_address_default_billing_' => 1,
'_address_default_shipping_' => 1,
And i want to add a second address with the AvS_Simpleimporter.
I tried to add a second array in data like this:
array_push($data, array(
'email' => null,
'_website' => null,
'_address_city' => checkRequiredInput($address['ort']),
'_address_country_id' => $address['land'],
'_address_firstname' => checkRequiredInputVadr($address['name_1']),
'_address_lastname' => checkRequiredInputVadr($address['name_2']),
'_address_postcode' => checkRequiredInput($address['plz']),
'_address_street' => checkRequiredInput($address['strasse']),
'_address_default_billing_' => 0,
'_address_default_shipping_' => 0,
And then executing with
$importer = Mage::getModel('fastsimpleimport/import');
But this currently doesn't work. The second address is added as an extra array to data like this
.... data array
'_address_default_billing_' => 1
'_address_default_shipping_' => 1
[0] => 'email' => bla bla
'_website' => bla bla
and so son
Any help ?
Multiple addresses are imported as additional rows. Hence you need to:
'_address_country_id' => array($country1,$country2),
'_address_city' => array($city1, $city2),

CodeIgniter Multidimensional Object - ActiveRecord

I have an object called 'events', that's created via $data['events'] = function (the function pulls information out of an events table and others using active record).
The events object looks like:
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 2
[course_name] => Course 3
[course_description] => Course
[course_price] => 995
[supplier_name] => Supplier 3
[location_country_code] => GB
[location_country] => United Kingdom
[location_city] => London
[venue_name] => Venue 2
[venue_address] => 2 Street
[venue_postcode] => EC2M 7PQ
[venue_city] => London
[venue_county] =>
[venue_country] => United Kingdom
[venue_locality] =>
[event_type] => Materials Only
[event_status] => Confirmed
[course_id] => 2
[event_duration] => 3
[event_start_date] => 2013-09-12
[event_date_added] => 2013-02-26 14:36:06
[event_status_id] => 2
[event_type_id] => 4
[tutor_id] => 0
[tutor_confirmed] => 0
[event_featured] => 0
[event_push] => 0
[event_active] => 0
[invigilator_id] => 0
[event_discount] =>
[event_max_delegates] => 16
[location_id] => 1
[venue_id] => 1
[supplier_id] => 2
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 1
[course_name] => Course Name
[course_description] => Course Description
[course_price] => 995
[supplier_name] => Supplier 1
[location_country_code] => GB
[location_country] => United Kingdom
[location_city] => London
[venue_name] => Venue Name
[venue_address] => Street
[venue_postcode] => EC2M 7PQ
[venue_city] => London
[venue_county] =>
[venue_country] => United Kingdom
[venue_locality] =>
[event_type] => Private Venue
[event_status] => Provisional
[course_id] => 1
[event_duration] => 3
[event_start_date] => 2013-11-13
[event_date_added] => 2013-02-26 09:56:17
[event_status_id] => 1
[event_type_id] => 3
[tutor_id] => 0
[tutor_confirmed] => 0
[event_featured] => 0
[event_push] => 0
[event_active] => 0
[invigilator_id] => 0
[event_discount] => 395
[event_max_delegates] => 16
[location_id] => 1
[venue_id] => 1
[supplier_id] => 1
I'd like to add a nested object under the key 'delegates' for each row using ActiveRecord, that pulls through the delegates attached to the event using a bridge table 'events_delegates_bridge' by comparing the 'event_id' and 'delegate_id columns in that table.
Essentially so that the object looks like so:
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 2
[course_name] => Course 3
[delegates] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 1
[name] => Joe Bloggs
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 2
[name] => Joe Smith
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 3
[name] => Jane Doe
[course_description] => Course
[course_price] => 995
[supplier_name] => Supplier 3
[location_country_code] => GB
[location_country] => United Kingdom
[location_city] => London
[venue_name] => Venue 2
[venue_address] => 2 Street
[venue_postcode] => EC2M 7PQ
[venue_city] => London
[venue_county] =>
[venue_country] => United Kingdom
[venue_locality] =>
[event_type] => Materials Only
[event_status] => Confirmed
[course_id] => 2
[event_duration] => 3
[event_start_date] => 2013-09-12
[event_date_added] => 2013-02-26 14:36:06
[event_status_id] => 2
[event_type_id] => 4
[tutor_id] => 0
[tutor_confirmed] => 0
[event_featured] => 0
[event_push] => 0
[event_active] => 0
[invigilator_id] => 0
[event_discount] =>
[event_max_delegates] => 16
[location_id] => 1
[venue_id] => 1
[supplier_id] => 2
Any ideas how best to achieve this? Thanks.
Event Model
class Event_Model extends CI_Model {
public function get_events() {
$this->db->select( '*' );
$this->db->from( 'courses' );
$this->db->from( 'suppliers' );
$this->db->from( 'locations' );
$this->db->from( 'venues' );
$this->db->from( 'event_type' );
$this->db->from( 'event_status' );
$this->db->join( 'events', 'events.course_id = AND events.supplier_id = AND events.location_id = AND events.venue_id = AND events.event_type_id = AND events.event_status_id =', 'inner' );
$this->db->order_by( 'events.event_start_date', 'asc' );
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
Dashboard Controller
$data['events'] = $this->event_model->get_events();
Delegates Model
I've created this to get the delegate data. Do you think it can be used to add the correct delegates to the events object?
class Delegate_Model extends CI_Model {
public function get_delegates() {
$this->db->select( '*' );
$this->db->from( 'delegates' );
$this->db->from( 'events_delegates_bridge' );
$this->join( 'delegates', ' = events_delegates_bridge.delegate_id', 'inner' );
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
Just tested this and it shows a blank page.
You're best off doing it with 2 separate queries.
$events = array();
$result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM events WHERE ...');
foreach($result->result_array() as $event) {
$events[$event['id']] = $event;
$result = $this->db->query('
SELECT * FROM events_delegates_bridge
JOIN delegates ON (delegate_id =
foreach($result->result_array() as $delegate) {
if (!empty($events[$delegate['event_id']])) {
$events[$delegate['event_id']]['delegates'][] = $delegate
This bit of code just queries the events and puts them in an array indexed by the event id.
Then, a separate query runs to pull up the delegates, and attaches them to the appropriate event.
use $name=$variable->result_array();var_dump($name); I think This work

How are Silent Post refunds identified?

I have successfully integrated the Silent Post feature with our system for ARB subscriptions. What I am now trying to do is when we refund a payment via the merchant interface, how do I distinguish a refund from all other transactions? Is the a special variable that is set for a refunded payment?
x_type will be set to "credit"
Here is an actual Silent Post verifying that (sensitive info is removed/changed)
[x_response_code] => 1
[x_response_subcode] => 1
[x_response_reason_code] => 1
[x_response_reason_text] => This transaction has been approved.
[x_auth_code] => 056187
[x_avs_code] => P
[x_trans_id] => 2692444422
[x_invoice_num] => 123
[x_description] =>
[x_amount] => 59.90
[x_method] => CC
[x_type] => credit
[x_cust_id] => 1234
[x_first_name] => John
[x_last_name] => Smith
[x_company] =>
[x_address] =>
[x_city] =>
[x_state] =>
[x_zip] =>
[x_country] =>
[x_phone] =>
[x_fax] =>
[x_email] =>
[x_ship_to_first_name] =>
[x_ship_to_last_name] =>
[x_ship_to_company] =>
[x_ship_to_address] =>
[x_ship_to_city] =>
[x_ship_to_state] =>
[x_ship_to_zip] =>
[x_ship_to_country] =>
[x_tax] => 0.0000
[x_duty] => 0.0000
[x_freight] => 0.0000
[x_tax_exempt] => FALSE
[x_po_num] =>
[x_MD5_Hash] => 2A4A7F63DB4390A317E4988430FFA4
[x_cvv2_resp_code] =>
[x_cavv_response] =>
[x_test_request] => false
