Ace Editor Plugin for MVC Razor syntax [closed] - ace-editor

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How i can create a plugin for ACE Editor to support Razor syntax.
Ace Home Page:

Here is a started implementation of Razor syntax highlighting in ACE. All credits goes to Andrey Shchekin a member of Stack Overflow.
Download his branch of the ACE from GIT. In Node.JS command prompt go to the directory and do the following:
npm install
node Makefile.dryice.js full
Then copy the src folder that you want to work with and configure ace like this.
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
editor.setTheme("ace/theme/chrome_razor"); //Razor CSS
editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/razor"); //Razor Syntax!!!
A sample of how it looks like
Thank you so much to Andrey for starting this off hopefully it will get a boost now more people can tinker with it.


Is there any option to find code smells in my program on the IDE itself? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to find out the code smells while I am writing the code in the IDE instead of getting code smells after pushing my changes to Repository on the code analysis tolls like SonarQube tools etc.
Yes, there is an extension which you can integrate with your IDE which gives you realtime code smells and bugs. Please use this link

Go Library automation [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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To learn go I am trying to build an open source library, I like the language but since I am still a bit new I can't find good direction on how to automate building, testing and releasing.
I had the idea to use Makefiles etc.. am I in the right direction or there is better tools to do that.
Here some useful links
Here you have a link for best practice for coding
Working with packages, useful links.
I recommend to review the open source libraries to get an idea.(there are tons of them)
To automate your project. I recommend to see projects like Drone

Compiling dojo into a single build file [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does any one has idea to compile a dojo into a single file. I am trying to host the project into a website, and dojo has 100's of files to be uploaded.. if any one got idea. please share.
As addition to the answer of Craig of following the build tutorial, I also want to add that there's a web builder that can help you with it.
With this tool you can specify the modules you need and create a single JavaScript file of it.

How can I paste code to anywhere from Free Pascal IDE? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working on Free Pascal IDE. When I want to share my Pascal code, I run into a problem. I can't paste code that I copy to anywhere. Is there a solution for this?
You can use Pastie or Pastebin or gist. That's the first that comes to mind.
And what about using another IDE?
I've just started to use a text editor/IDE multilanguage called Geany and it's way better than free pascal.
Give it a try, maybe you will have to configure it first but then when you have all set is a powerful tool, and you can add themes or modify colors/text type/etc.

joomla css edit [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want edit the css of a component in zoomla ..can you tell me how?
Use can a text editor, VIM or Notepad. Else you can edit the CSS from the template management section inside Joomla!. But then you need to set proper permissions on the CSS file.
go to ur hosting folder .. and goto components/component_name you can find the files
