Sketchup API Get the width and height of image with given path - ruby

I need to get width and height of image with given path.
Here is my detail code
path = UI.openpanel("Open Image File","/","*.jpg;*.png;*.jpeg")
if(path != nil)
#get the original width of image
old_width = ??????
#get the original height of image
old_height = ??????
#get the orginal rate of image
rate = old_width.to_f / old_height_to_f
#then import image into model as a Image entity
point = 0,10,0
objImage = entities.add_image path, point , 318,318/rate
I need a way to get value of old_width and old_height in this code with given path.
Thanks you

You won't need to specify the height, it is optional. If you specify just the width the height will be adjusted automatically based on the proportions of the image.
path = UI.openpanel("Open Image File", "/", "*.jpg;*.png;*.jpeg")
if !path.nil?
point =, 10, 0)
image = entities.add_image(path, point, 318)


How to achieve high quality cropped images from canvas?

I am desperately searching for a good cropping tool. There are a bunch out there, for example:
The most important thing that I am trying to find is a cropping tool, that crops images without making the cropped image low in resolution. You can hack this by using the canvas tag by resizing the image. This way the image itself stays native, only the representation is smaller.
DarkroomJS was also something near the solution, but, unfortunately, the downloaded demo did not work. I'll try to figure out whats wrong. Does someone know some great alternatives, or how to get the cropped images in...let's say "native" resolution?
Thanks in advance!
You are relying on the cropping tool to provide an interface for the users. the problem is that the image returned is sized to the interface and not the original image. Rather than me sifting through the various API's to see if they provide some way of controlling this behaviour (I assume at least some of them would) and because it is such a simple procedure I will show how to crop the image manually.
To use JCrop as an example
Jcrop provides various events for cropstart, cropmove, cropend... You can add a listener to listen to these events and keep a copy of the current cropping interface state
var currentCrop;
jQuery('#target').on('cropstart cropmove cropend',function(e,s,crop){
currentCrop = crop;
I don't know where you have set the interface size and I am assuming the events return the crop details at the interface scale
var interfaceSize = { //you will have to work this out
w : ?,
h : ?.
Your original image
var myImage = new Image(); // Assume you know how to load
So when the crop button is clicked you can create the new image by scaling the crop details back to the original image size, creating a canvas at the cropped size, drawing the image so that the cropped area is corectly positioned and returning the canvas as is or as a new image.
// image = image to crop
// crop = the current cropping region
// interfaceSize = the size of the full image in the interface
// returns a new cropped image at full res
function myCrop(image,crop,interfaceSize){
var scaleX = image.width / interfaceSize.w; // get x scale
var scaleY = image.height / interfaceSize.h; // get y scale
// get full res crop region. rounding to pixels
var x = Math.round(crop.x * scaleX);
var y = Math.round(crop.y * scaleY);
var w = Math.round(crop.w * scaleX);
var h = Math.round(crop.h * scaleY);
// Assume crop will never pad
// create an drawable image
var croppedImage = document.createElement("canvas");
croppedImage.width = w;
croppedImage.height = h;
var ctx = croppedImage.getContext("2d");
// draw the image offset so the it is correctly cropped
return croppedImage
You then only need to call this function when the crop button is clicked
var croppedImage;
myButtonElement.onclick = function(){
if(currentCrop !== undefined){ // ensure that there is a selected crop
croppedImage = myCrop(myImage,currentCrop,interfaceSize);
You can convert the image to a dataURL for download, and upload via
imageData = croppedImage.toDataURL(mimeType,quality) // quality is optional and only for "image/jpeg" images

Finding size of images imported at runtime

I am currently loading images at runtime from directories stored in an XML file, and assigning them to RawImage components via the WWW class. While this is working fine, the image is skewed to fit into the new texture size.
I am wondering how to get an image’s original size or aspect ratio so that I can change the size of the image rect to suit. The images to be imported are at varying sizes and therefore the approach used needs to be responsive to the original size of imported images.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. [Scripting in uJS]
Many thanks in advance, Ryan
function loadContextImage(texLocation : String)
if (!imageView.activeSelf)
var wwwDirectory = "file://" + texLocation; //this will probably need to change for other OS (PC = file:/ [I think?]) - **REVISE**
var newImgTex = new Texture2D(512, 512);
var www : WWW = new WWW(wwwDirectory);
yield www;
if (www.isDone){
break; //if done downloading image break loop
var imageRender : UI.RawImage = imageView.GetComponent.<RawImage>();
imageRender.texture = newImgTex;
If you cannot use an Image (for nay valid reasons), you can get the width and height of the texture:
WWW www = new WWW(url);
yield return www;
Texture2D tex = www.texture;
float aspectRatio = tex.height / tex.width;
rawImage.width = width;
rawImage.height = width * aspectRatio;
This should make the rect of the image of the appropriate ratio of the texture.
If you can use Image and preserveAspectRatio, you get it done by Unity. The result is not necessarily the same since it will keep the dimensions of the box and make the Sprite occupies as much space while keeping ratio.

opencv: change image size without effecting content size

I am getting image containing character after applying my image process. All these images (having character as content) have different size. I want to resize all images in same size without effecting it's content size. see below image:
I have tried some function to merge my source image with other white image but it needs both source images with same size. I need common size of images for further process.
Please guide me how can I convert my images to common size ??
Thank you
I would make a new image with the destination size, set a ROI in this new image to where you want the source image to show. Then use cvResize.
It should look something like:
int newWidth = 100;
int newHeight = 100;
CvRect rect;
IplImage* source = cvLoadImage("c:/myimage");
IplImage* dest = cvCreateImage(cvSize(newWidth,newHeight),source->depth,source->nChannels);
rect.x = newWidth/2 - source->width/2;
rect.y = newHeight/2 - source->height/2;
rect.width = source->width;
rect.height = source->height;

How can I add an image to a PDF at specific x-y coordinates using IText?

I have existing PDFs to which I need to dynamically add an image/images. The image comes from a file upload. Once I have the file uploaded, how can specify where to place the image on the PDF. One code snippet I found does not work correctly. This needs to work for PDFs with any number of pages. From what I understand, absolute positioning is set from the bottom-left corner of the last page of the PDF. If I need an image to be displayed 30 pixels from the top and 50 pixels from the left of page 1, how can I accomplish this? Or, if I need to display an image 50px from the top/100 px from the left on page 2?
I've tried using the code found at I've modified it for my needs below:
myLeft = 30;
myTop = 50;
myPageNum = 1;
// output buffer to write PDF
fileIO = createObject("java","").init(myOutputPath);
// reader to read our PDF
reader = createObject("java","com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init(mySourcePath);
// stamper so we can modify our existing PDF
stamper = createObject("java","com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper").init(reader, fileIO);
// get the content of our existing PDF
content = stamper.getOverContent(reader.getNumberOfPages());
// create an image object so we can add our dynamic image to our PDF
image = createobject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Image");
// initalize our image
img = image.getInstance(imgPath);
x = (reader.getPageSize(1).width() - img.scaledWidth()) - myLeft;
y = (reader.getPageSize(1).height() - img.scaledHeight()) - myTop;
// now we assign the position to our image
img.setAbsolutePosition(javacast("float", x), javacast("float", y));
// add our image to the existing PDF
// flattern our form so our values show
// close the stamper and output our new PDF
// close the reader
The above code places my image at the top-right corner of page 2 - 50px form the top/30px from the left.
I know I'm close...just need a little help getting this nailed down for my needs.
I've updated my code. This gets the image to the top left corner of page 2 - correct positioning, but I want it on page 1:
x = myLeft;
y = (reader.getPageSize(1).height()) - img.scaledHeight() - myTop;
I thought maybe I needed to add the height of page 1 to get the image up to page 1, but the image completely disappears when I try either of the options below:
// I figure I'll need something like this to handle multi-page docs
y = (reader.getPageSize(1).height() * reader.getNumberOfPages()) - img.scaledHeight() - myTop;
y = reader.getPageSize(1).height() + reader.getPageSize(1).height() - img.scaledHeight() - myTop;
You're getting your "OverContent" from stamper.getOverContent(reader.getNumberOfPages());. The parameter for getOverContent() is the page number. So your code is getting a PdfContentByte for the last page, not the first.
I found my answer:
The page number has to be set in com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper.getOverContent():
content = stamper.getOverContent(myPageNum);
Knew it was easy.
are you using CF8+? You can use
<cfpdf action="addWatermark" source="myPDF.pdf" image="myImage.jpg"
position="0,0" rotation="0" showOnPrint="true" opacity="10">

rmagick auto scaling with proportions

Is there a way for me to scale and image in rmagick where i set the width, and the height auto scales so the image contain the same proportions?
I use the resize_to_fit method, which will use the parameters supplied as the maximum width/height, but will keep the aspect ration. So, something like this:
#scaled = #image.resize_to_fit 640 640
That will ensure that either the width or height is no greater than 640, but will not stretch the image making it look funny. So, you might end up with 640x480 or 480x640. There is also a resize_to_fit! method that converts in place
If you want to resize to a given width without respect to a bounding box, you will have to write a helper function. Something like this:
#img = Magick::Image::read(file_name).first
def resize_by_width image new_width
#new_height = new_width * image.x_resolution.to_f / image.y_resolution.to_f
new_image = image.scale(new_width, new_height)
return new_image
#resized = resize_by_width #img 1024
Hope that helps!
