way to fetch column from mysql in Hibernate, Spring mvc web application - spring

//this query can be used to get list of PaymentAttribute for whicch payment details is NOT NULL
#Query("select p.paymentDetailName from paymentattribute p where p.entityId=?1 AND p.entityType=?2 and p.paymentDetailName is not null")
List<String> getNonNullPaymenyDetaisName(String entityId,String entityType);
My paymentattribute table contains some column like entityId, entityType,paymentDetailsName etc. I want to fetch just paymentdetail column as per query stated above . I am getting error. Is there is way in Spring-mvc web applications , via which i can fetch just the column rather than complete tuples. Above code is part of repository.


I want to create a search filter in Spring Boot controller, that takes 6 paramas and param value may be null then how to write a Data JPA Query?

Like I have a page where data are showing like first name, middle name, last name, address, city, state, country, age, salary.
There are a filter implemented that have 4 fields like city, age, salary, state. now I have to made a controller in Spring boot that takes all 4 fields as input params and find data from database using Spring Data JPA.
But my problem is that I want to filter Data sometime by salary only, sometime by city, state, sometime with all 4 params.
So what will be controller code and JPA Repository query to do this filter process.
Please Help me
Thanks in Advance
test if your parameters are null :
"where (:name is null or name = :name) and (:city is null or city = :city)"
I would suggest to use JPA Specification instead,
to know more on specification code here is my thread on stackoverflow
If you want to stick with JPA then here's the query which can help you
where (:field1 is null or table.field1 = :field1)
and (:field2 is null or table.field2 = :field2)
Explanation: The above code will check if the parameter is null, then return true otherwise compare with the column.
You can modify Query with below clause Where you can write query in Repository and in
where clause you can add conditions. So this will work as expected.
#Query(value = "SELECT user from User user WHERE ((:name IS NULL) OR (user.name = :name)) AND ((:city IS NULL) OR (user.city = :city)))

Spring data JPA expression using deleteBy

I am using spring-data-jpa to perform delete operation.
Currently, I have a query like:
#Query("Delete from student s where(:studentName is null Or s.studentName =:studentName) and s.studentId IN(:studentIds)")
int deleteByStudentIdAndRollNo(#Param("studentName") String studentName, #Param("studentIds") List<Integer> studentIds)
The above query is working fine and is returning a count of successfully deleted rows from the table.
But the problem is, now I have to return deleted List<Students> instead of the number of deleted records.
I am aware of the fact that #Query will always return the count of successfully deleted records.
I tried to use deleteBy like below:
List<Student> deleteByStudentIdStudentNameIsNullOrStudentNameIsAndStudentIdIN
, But that's not working.
Is there any way to get list of deleted students?
This article show how to return deleted records: Spring Data JPA – Derived Delete Methods
And try maybe this code:
List<Student> deleteAllByStudentNameIsNullOrStudentNameAndStudentIdIn(String studentName, List<Integer> studentIds);
But can't be sure that will be work because I don't know your Student's model structure.

Mapping many-to-many IN statement into JPA (Spring Boot)

I have created two entities in JPA, Listing and ItemType - these exist in a many-to-many relationship (Hibernate auto-generates a junction table). I'm trying to find the best way to create a query which accepts a dynamic list of item type Strings and returns the IDs of all listings which match the specified item types, but I am a recent initiate in JPA.
At present I'm using JpaRepository to create relatively simple queries. I've been trying to do this using CriteriaQuery but some close-but-not-quite answers I've read elsewhere seem to suggest that because this is in Spring, this may not be the best approach and that I should be handling this using the JpaRepository implementation itself. Does that seem reasonable?
I have a query which doesn't feel a million miles away (based on Baeldung's example and my reading on WikiBooks) but for starters I'm getting a Raw Type warning on the Join, not to mention that I'm unsure if this will run and I'm sure there's a better way of going about this.
public List<ListingDTO> getListingsByItemType(List<String> itemTypes) {
List<ListingDTO> listings = new ArrayList<>();
CriteriaQuery<Listing> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Listing.class);
Root<Listing> listing = criteriaQuery.from(Listing.class);
//Here Be Warnings. This should be Join<?,?> but what goes in the diamond?
Join itemtype = listing.join("itemtype", JoinType.LEFT);
In<String> inClause = criteriaBuilder.in(itemtype.get("name"));
for (String itemType : itemTypes) {
TypedQuery<Listing> query = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
List<Listing> results = query.getResultList();
for (Listing result : results) {
return listings;
I'm trying to understand how best to pass in a dynamic list of names (the field in ItemType) and return a list of unique ids (the PK in Listing) where there is a row which matches in the junction table. Please let me know if I can provide any further information or assistance - I've gotten the sense that JPA and its handling of dynamic queries like this is part of its bread and butter!
The criteria API is useful when you need to dynamically create a query based on various... criteria.
All you need here is a static JPQL query:
select distinct listing from Listing listing
join listing.itemTypes itemType
where itemType.name in :itemTypes
Since you're using Spring-data-jpa, you just need to define a method and annotate it with #Query in your repository interface:
#Query("<the above query>")
List<Listing> findByItemTypes(List<String> itemTypes)

jpql query gives different result in different platforms

There's something very weird I encountered with while 'playing' with jpql queries which im very new to .
the first one I tried in Spring boot app working with spring repository
#Query("select he.myGroup from HostEntity he where he.host = ?1 order by he.inGroupSince ")
List<String> getHostGrpIdOrderList(String hostName);
which return just one string, the one with the highest inGroupSince filed
the second and very similar query was in http://jpqlquery.com/
select e.name from Employee e where e.department.id = 4 order by e.name
and here it retunrs Lists of employee names ! and not just the first one like the first query .
So why there's a difference ? why does the query in spring boot app returns only one string and not an ordered list ??

Inner Join and Group By using Specification in Spring Data JPA

I am trying to fetch the employee details whose empltype is clerk and whose joining date is the recent one.
For which the query looks like following in SQL Server 2008:
employee jj
inner join
max(join_date) as jdate,
empltype as emptype
group by empltype
) mm
on jj.join_date=mm.jdate and jj.empltype=mm.emptype;
I am using SpringData JPA as my persistence layer using QuerylDSL,Specification and Predicate to fetch the data.
I am trying to convert the above query either in QueryDSL or Specification, but unable to hook them properly.
Employee Entity :
int seqid;(sequence id)
String empltype:
Date joindate;
String role;
Predicate method in Specifcation Class :
Predicate toPredicate(Root<employee> root,CriteriaQuery <?> query,CriteriaBuilder cb)
Predicate pred=null;
// Returning the rows matching the joining date
What piece of code should be written in //**// to convert about SQL query to JPA predicate. any other Spring Data JPA impl like #Query,NamedQuery or QueryDSL which returns Page also works for me.
Thanks in advance
I wrote this in notepad and it hasn't been tested but I think you're looking for something like
QEmployee e1 = new QEmployee("e1");
QEmployee e2 = new QEmployee("e2");
PathBuilder<Object[]> eAlias = new PathBuilder<Object[]>(Object[].class, "eAlias");
JPASubQuery subQuery = JPASubQuery().from(e2)
.list(e2.join_date.max().as("jdate"), e2.emptype)
.innerJoin(subQuery, eAlias)
.on(e1.join_date.eq(eAlias.get("jdate")), e1.emptype.eq(eAlias.get("emptype")))
