'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.SqlLan......did not load correctly - visual-studio-2013

I have installed the visual studio 2013.after installation and exactly at preparing for first use the following window appeared!!!this window just appeared at first time of use and from then on I did not see this window.is it a serious problem?if yes how can i solve it?
the message of window is:
The 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.SqlLanguageServices.Package,Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Tools.SqlLanguageServices,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' package did not load correctly.
the problem may have been.....(it is too long..)

This error was happening to me any time I opened VS2013 - Right about when the 'Announcements' filled in the Start Page tab.
Tried installing VS2013 Update 2 - Took forever. Didn't fix. (TF;DF?)
Did the following based on this answer:
The 'ProviderPackage' package did not load correctly
Opened Programs and Features (run: appwiz.cpl)
Right click on 'Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools' and choose 'Repair'
That seemed to do it for me. Then for good measure, did this as instructed by MS site:
If you'd like to check for updates manually, open Visual Studio 2013
and choose the Tools > Extensions and Updates menu. SQL Server tooling
updates will appear in the Updates list.


Visual Studio 2015 Extensions Manager Index was out of range error

Env: Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on Windows 8
Trying to open Tools --> Extensions and Updates results in the following error in a message box:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Tried running as Admin, same result.
I've tried looking at the log but nothing mentions that error.
In the log there are 3 error entries related to extensions which could be related, they say the following:
Error loading extension: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\path\to\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\VISUALSTUDIO\14.0\EXTENSIONS\ZW2UF5JV.JVN\extension.vsixmanifest'.
The other 2 are identical except the odd string at the end is HQ1Y5EQD.TMG and 3KWE1LJF.Z1W.
Interestingly, just before those errors in the log appear, there is a line for each saying the extension was loaded successfully but if I try to go to the path it's got listed, it doesn't exist.
I can't find any reference to those strings on my machine. I've also searched the registry but can't find any reference in there either.
I can get into the Extensions manager if I click on one of the update notifications but the original error message just displays in the main pane and I can't do anything else. I can get to the online window but as soon as I click an extension, I am prompted with the original message.
I haven't installed any extensions or VS updates for a while but my Web Compiler extension extension has stopped auto compiling JSX files which is why I started trying to look at the Extension manager. I'm guessing the issues are related.
I can still work, compiling can be done manually which is inconvenient but not the end of the world. My worry is some other extensions are also misbehaving and I just haven't noticed yet.
Don't really want to re-install VS as a) it took ages last time and b) it might not fix the issue. Is there any good advice on troubleshooting the error or anything else I can try before I re-install?
I refreshed the GitHub extension on VS 2015 and got this error. Deleting the two cache files:
from the AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Extensions causes them to be rebuilt and eliminates the error.
No reinstall needed.
Problem got worse, I started getting the error message when starting Visual Studio and things like the package manager wouldn't load. Each restart seemed to yield a different combination of windows not loading, sometimes Solution Explorer, sometimes Team Explorer etc. Not good.
A repair to VS 2015 via the Control Panel took a while but didn't help, same problems.
I ended up completely uninstalling and trying to re-install. However the installer threw an index was out of range error but weirdly VS 2015 was now listed as an installed application again.
So I'm guessing the original uninstall left some problematic files lying around which messed up the next install. So I uninstalled again, renamed Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 folder, cleared all files from AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Extensions and re-installed.
It installed and ran fine.
The problem I now had was that I couldn't find the SQL Server Object Explorer window anywhere. I tried repairing SQL Server Data Tools but still no luck. So I uninstalled SSDT and then re-installed. This seemed to fix it.
Now I realised I also couldn't connect to Azure through the Server Explorer window, the option was simply not appearing in the list like it used to. This time a repair to Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 - v2.9 and a repair to Azure App Service Tools v2.9 - Visual Studio 2015 fixed that problem.
I confronted same issue and found this thread. I tried the above suggestions, but unfortunately, it went all unsuccessful. I even tried to uninstall/install with even worse result as Visual Studio became unable to start due to new "missing components" issue. Reinstallation was nothing better.
I finally came by a piece of magic. It was Visual Studio Uninstaller which although would remove all your installed extensions, it would perform a complete cleanup. It would save you from installing new Windows (at least it was my case.
Just go to releases and download the first zip file
This way you will be able to perform clean install of Visual Studio.

Visual Studio error on new project creation

I have Web developer Express Studio 2008 installed on my system.
Until recent windows update it worked fine, but about 2 weeks ago it start giving me an error every time I attempt to create any new project. Screen shot of an error below:
Express 2008 error
I did try to do windows restore to point before update and it did not worked.
As a next step I installed Visual Studio 2010(same result) and VS 2015 same result but a bit more descriptive error. Screen show below.
VS 2015 error
But there is no clear information on Microsoft MSDN forums about this error or how to fix it.
I did try to do reset(devenv.exe\resetsettings) but so far no luck.
Any idea what is going on and how to fix this?
Right now I can not create ANY new project and some of older projects are not opening as well. There is no system of or any kind of similarity between projects which opens or not.
This is a fairly vague error as the dll in question isn't listed here and 0x8007045a is just the error code for this dll initialization error. As a next step in troubleshooting to find the issue (outside of a windows repair) I'd go ahead and run Process Monitor and watch the file system activity for Visual Studio (once you see devenv.exe show up, right click on it and include just that process.
There's a blog post with some troubleshooting steps here but really though, you need to find which library is the culprit to track down what you'll need to reinstall (likely from a system or shared library side).

VS2013 Build "Does not support previewing"

Every time I try to build my solution in VS2013, nothing builds, no errors - But in the status bar it says: "This item does not support previewing"
I googled around a bit but have come up empty.
But if I right click on each project and select build it works fine.
Any ideas?
Perhaps this message is totally unrelated... Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Steps to reproduce on my machine:
Right Click any project in solution: select build
Status bar displays Build successful
Right click solution select build
Status bar displays : "This item does not support previewing"
Perhaps it isnt related, but it sure does appear to be.
I was able to fix this... Somehow nothing was selected to build in the solution configuration. I right clicked on the solution, went to properties and then selected COnfiguration Properties and clicked the Build box for all the projects...
I have no idea how they became unchecked, only thing I can think of is a co-worker was trolling me.....
I've had this problem (i.e. debug not starting, and no error message) with Visual Studio 2015 in the following two cases:
after loading a solution that had previously been built with Visual Studio 2010
and also after using the "save as" function in Visual Studio 2015 to update a solution that had been started with Visual Studio 2010 (using Save as updates the solution file and sets the active Visual Studio version to 14 - i.e. VS 2015).
In both cases, deleting the bin and obj directories under the startup project fixed the problem. It's also worth closing visual studio and making sure that there are no {yourprojectname}.vshost.exe processes still running - if there are then kill them before running visual studio again. On that note, if you have multiple versions of visual studio on your machine, you should also check that you don't have the same solution open in the other version of visual studio at the same time (I've done that one myself).
One of the comments here suggests disabling the "enable visual studio hosted process" option. Don't do that if you can at all avoid it: you'll lose lots of debugging functionality (particularly in the area of being able to edit code while your solution is running).
Hope that helps someone out there.
Solution for VS2015
"this item does not support previewing" vs2015 (Visual Studio 2015/2016)
Step 1. Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features
Step 2. Uninstall all: Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.10586.15 (maybe you have diff ver)
Step 3. Download new latest Windows Software Development Kit
Install & Create new project, Done!
Dclick on MainPage.xaml and you will see Loading designer...
1: Add below lines in App.conf
<unitTestProvider name="MSTest"></unitTestProvider>
2: add a reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTestTools.UnitTestFramework.dll
right click on your project and select: Add Reference
3: add using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; in Step Defination
4: goto feature file and run it. This is what solve my problem on vs2013
I faced same issue with .aspx file. I just right click on the .aspx file and select open with (HTML Editor). You can choose any form the list.
I have come across the same issue for me, I have opened a project in VS 2010 and then when I open the same in VS 2015 then his error has occurred.
By Closing the VS2010 project solution fixed the issue.

Source control could not start the manual merge tool, why?

I used to execute tf merge $/Alpha/Dev $/Alpha/Main /recursive from Command Prompt to merge changes from Dev branch to Main branch. On conflicts it shows up Resolve Conflicts window and we could resolve conflicts manually by choosing option Merge changes in Merge Tool
It was working fine till yesterday, all of a sudden it started throwing below error, and not showing the manual merge window.
TF10201 Source control could not start the manual merge tool.
One strange behavior, it is working fine if we open the Command Prompt as administrator.
Please anyone shed some light on this?
If you are having any problems with a diff/merge tool in Visual Studio and you are using TFS you can delete your existing tool in the menu here:
Then click the button entitled "Configure User Tools"
Select the Tool(s) and hit the REMOVE button. This will restore the Microsoft default tool.
I got the same error because my local file in target branch was missing.
VS shows error details in "output window"
I was running tf get and I had a conflict so the GUI displayed choices of take server, merge, take local.
When I clicked manual merge, VS2012 (our default merge tool) came up blank, and the conflict GUI had that same TF10201 Source control could not start the manual merge tool.
I found a blog post by somebody who had the same problem a few weeks ago, where they got a warning that the file was open.
I didn't get that warning, but I had the file open in PowerShell ISE. I closed the file, and then the manual tool worked perfectly.
I don't know why the merge tool cares that the file was open, or why the merge GUI displayed the error without displaying the reason, but at least it worked eventually?
EDIT: I hit the same issue today, without the file open in another merge tool. This time, I fixed the problem by first clicking the "Server edits" button, which opened the diff view in VS. While that was open I went back to the GUI and chose "manual tool" and VS said it had to close my file first. I said yes, and then manual merge worked!
The error happens when there is a merge conflict in a file that Visual Studio cannot automatically resolve and the file doesn't exist locally on the target branch. Fix is to do a forced get latest of the file on the target branch and this would be resolved.
In my case the problem was an application called CodeCompare.
Removing that from the compare tool of visual studio TFS solved my problem (as MarkInEugene said)
If you are having any problems with a diff/merge tool in Visual Studio
and you are using TFS you can delete your existing tool in the menu
Then click the button entitled "Configure User Tools" Select the
Tool(s) and hit the REMOVE button. This will restore the Microsoft
default tool.

Visual Studio 2010 hangs when opening websites

My Visual Studio 2010 Professional hangs up 99.999% of the time when I try to open a website as "Remote Site" through an HTTP address. However if i open the site through a unc path instead of through HTTP, it works fine. Of course that is not always feasible, for example when working from offsite. The same sites (assuming they are not NET40 sites) work fine in Visual Studio 2008, so I'm pretty sure it is not a problem with the Front Page Server Extensions.
If i run 2010 in /safe mode, it opens the projects fine. So i figured maybe it was one of my installed extensions. I therefore disabled all my extensions and tried again, but it still hangs up. So it is apparently something in Visual Studio itself that is different between safe and normal modes.
I ran it in logging mode, and checked the log but did not see anything that stuck out to me. The log is uploaded here: http://pastebin.com/aUnVanB1 .
The exact symptoms I am seeing are that when i click on the project name, it pops up and asks me for my credentials. I enter those, and click OK, and it then loads the solution explorer, and i see the tree view, but then it just hangs with the progress dialog that says "Preparing Solution...". The progress bar keeps cycling, but it never finishes loading, and the spot where the properties window would be in the VS UI is completely unpainted, with just a blank, empty, white space.
Any one have any clue what else i could do to try to figure out why 2010 hangs when attempting to load websites via HTTP? Thanks!
Thanks for your question... you gave me the right clue to solve my problem!
My VS 2010 was hanging (in fact was very slow to get available) when I was openening a solution containing a remote website and I was due to press Escape a few times to cancel the pending operation... As you suggest I tried to open such a solution with /safeMode and VS2010 became available quite instantly.
So as you pointed the VS Extensions... I checked mine (all from Telerik): opening the extension manager I discovered that some updates where available. I thought the extensions updates were automatically proposed and so never checked that before. In fact, you need to manually check with the extension manager if some are available.
I've updated all my Telerik extensions... and now I may open normally all solutions including a remote website.
Thanks a lot! Perhaps... you need to updates your extensions???
Check you network order preference in Windows.
I had a similar problem where DNS would cause a hang of 1 minute before trying again (and again and finally on the next network).
Under Network, Advanced Settings (WinXP):
