Heroku: Testing IronMQ Messaging With Worker Locally Using Foreman - heroku

I am new to Heroku and I am trying to bootstrap a local development environment. Using Foreman, or another tool, can someone please point me to docs that illustrate sending and consuming a message with a worker. Key being setting up the MQ and the worker consuming the message configured locally. Thanks!

IronMQ (and IronWorker) are both cloud services and currently do not have local install capability. It's fairly easy to interact with the API from your local machine though including pushing messages, getting them, etc.
If you plan on using Push Queues, do keep in mind that in order to "push" back to your localhost you'll need to setup something like localtunner or ngrok. Here is some information on that: http://dev.iron.io/mq/reference/push_queues/#testing_on_localhost
Please feel free to hit us at support#iron.io or live chat: get.iron.io/chat


Question about deploying a Shopify app to Heroku

I have question about Shopify app development and the deployment process.
I've used the getting started guide here, and I have an app that works fine when I use npm run dev and view the app in the store admin.
However, of course, once I stop the server from running, the app is no longer accessible.
I believe I need to deploy the app to Heroku (or something similar) in order to have it work in a non-development environment.
It doesn't seem like there is much guidance online from Shopify about the best way to go about this.
Does anyone know what steps I need to take in order to deploy my app to Heroku, so that I can use the app in by test store on another device?
It seems like every guide online stops JUST BEFORE explaining this process and I can't figure out why! I have tried everything online but nothing has worked:
Adding the code to Github and connecting it to Heroku
Using Docker
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
You have zero obligations to use Heroku. If you have an IP address dedicated to your house, you could host the App using your house. If you co-locate your own server at an Internet business, and they give you IP addresses you can use that. If you wanted to use Amazon directly, you could use EC2. If you wanted to use Linode, or Azure, or any other cloud service, feel free! It is up to you!
Using Heroku (built on AWS) is traditional only in the sense that it is the original easy peasy hosting in the cloud service. Play with Heroku by reading Heroku-specific documentation or hosting information. This has nothing to do with Shopify. Shopify only mentions Heroku because traditionally, developers used it. No other reason.
If you want to learn how to use Heroku, 100% there are blog posts within easy reach for you to study and learn from.

Is there any Heroku request queue for storing requests while dyno is down?

I am using Heroku for one of my hobby projects. I bumped into the following problem if webhook sends a request to Heroku and Java app restarts at this time, the request will be lost. Is there any native Heroku way or plugin that ensures that Heroku will get a request, at least once?
I didn't find anything so far, and the default solution is to take AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Function to ensure scalability and availability. I feel that it adds unnecessary complexity and possibly a maintenance headache.
To Summarize:
Is there any Heroku native mechanism or Heroku plugin that ensures that requests will be delivered?
Assuming your Java application restarts are related to dyno restarts or deploys:
you might want to look into the preboot feature on Heroku.
From their documentation:
Preboot changes the standard dyno start behavior for web dynos. Instead of stopping the existing set of web dynos before starting the new ones, preboot ensures that the new web dynos are started (and receive traffic) before the existing ones are terminated. This can contribute to zero downtime deployments.
#Denis Cornehl's answer helped a lot. My answer is an extension to it.
You don't have a free solution if you have free or hobby tires. You will have to follow Enterprise Integration Patterns.
My solution was to put the queue in front of the application and consume messages when the application is up. Even though there is no free queue, some cloud providers give you free quotes for big loads. I recommend considering them before deploying and maintaining your own queues.

Parse is shutting down. Will it be maintained by someone?

Parse.com is shutting down. So developers what we gonna do?
It is doing to be maintained as a open source solution?
I have heard something about back4app by Facebook.
Parse has been open sourced here: https://github.com/ParsePlatform
The parse.com is now open sourced as Parse Server, all environment that support node.js and Python can run your own Parse server.
There are a lot of alternatives or where to store your parse server like
Amazon, Bluemix, Azure, Heroku, Ocean, Cloud Engine and more, but for all of then, you have to spend alot of money with Cloud service and MongoDB for Data base (mLab, MongoLab, Compose.IO or other)
If its very importante to continue your app, i will suggest you to use a hosting provider that support Node.js and mongoDB also phyton. I'm using www.a2hosting.com and my app is running perfectly. You can try to download and see the performance. www.angopapo.com (Android)
Hope that helps.

Notification for Config Variables changes on heroku

is there a way to setup Heroku to get a notification you when your config variables are updated?
thanks a lot
sorry for the very late reply, but I spoke with Heroku back then, and they said that it wasn't something that they did at the moment.
Very late to the party here, but just to give an updated answer. Heroku has support for webhooks so you can monitor those + more events on your end.
If you rather not build your own consumption pipeline, consider using LightFlare (I'm the creator) that has out of the box support of consuming Webhooks events from many services (heroku included) and notifies you at your choice(s) of destinations (slack / email etc ...).
LightFlare currently supports monitoring on services like:
Infra: GCP, AWS, Azure, heroku
Code/release: GitHub, bitbucket, netlify
Commerce: shopify, gumroad
More integrations based on our customers asks

How do you run utility services on Heroku?

Heroku is fantastic for prototyping ideas and running simple web services, I often use it to run Python web services like Flask and Django and try out ideas. However I've always struggled to understand how you can use the infrastricture to run those amazingly powerful support or utility services every startup needs in its stack. 4 exmaples of services I can't live without and would recommend to any startup.
How would you run these on Heroku? Would it be best just getting dedicated boxes (Rackspace, e.t.c) with these support services installed.
Has anyone one run utility deamons (services) on Heroku?
There are two basic options. The first is to find or create a Heroku addon to accomplish the task. For example, there are many hosted logging solutions you can use instead of Graylog; Rails on Fire or Travis can be used instead of Jenkins. If an appropriate addon doesn't exist, you can effectively make your own by just running the service on an AWS EC2 instance.
The other alternative is to push the service into being a 12factor application so that it can run on Heroku as well. For example, you could stub out whisper's filesystem calls so that they store in a backing service instead. This is often pretty painful and brittle, though, unless you can get your changes accepted by the upstream maintainers.
you could also use another free service in conjunction with it. OpenShift has a lot of Java related build services and tools that can be added.
I am using a mix of heroku, openshift, mongolab and my own web hosting. Throw in dropbox and box for some space...
