Running multiple elasticsearch instances - elasticsearch

I need to setup 2 Elasticsearch instances:
one for kibana logs (my separate application will throw logs at it)
one for search for my production application
My plan is to create a separate folders with elasticsearch in them. They dont talk to each other which means they are separate databases and if one goes down, the other still runs. Is this good solution or should I use only one elasticsearch folder with muliple elasticsearch.yaml configuration files? What is the best practice for multiple elasticsearch instances?

The best practice is to NOT run two Elasticsearch instances on the SAME server.
Your production search will probably need a lot of ram to work fast and stay responsive. You don't want your logging system interfere with that.


Elastic Stack (ELK) for multiple projects

I am new to Elastic Stack (ELK) and I am trying to set up the logging mechanism (ELK) for multiple projects with an optimal way.
The structure is as follows
2 - 5 projects, totally independent from one another
all projects are architectured as microservices with docker or kubernetes
each project on a single VM,
all VMs within the same company VPN
The projects will not be deployed in AWS or similar, their production deployment is on those VMs
The initial question is do I need an Elastic stack for each one component ?
Or one Elastic Stack common for all components? e.g. a dedicated machine to run the Stack and collect logs and metrics from each project-deployment
What components can be shared and not be duplicated ? e.g. share elastic but need separate kibana ?
you can have a single cluster that can hold multiple lots of data - aka multi tenant
the easiest way to do this would be to put each data source into it's own index in Elasticsearch, and then use Kibana Spaces to keep logical separation of the data when it's being analysed

Unknow source of daily clean up of indices

I have two separate elastic clusters, each one of elastic node is docker container, which live in docker swarm. I aggregate logs from various microservices in indices, and one of them is in format "logs-timestamp".
In one of cluster I have those indices from previous days, in other one I have only from present day.
This affect only those ones in "logs-timestamp" format.
Do you have any idea? or point from I can start to lookup?
Does elastic has some form of builtin garbage collector?
Ps. I didn't start this project so basiclly I have quite small knowledge about whole infrastructure.
You should check the ILM policies documentation (here) which is one way of automatically removing old indices.
In short, check the result of this command in kibana
GET _ilm/policy
It will tell you if you have some policy configured.
The other way I know for automatic indices curation is Curator ( see here and here). You should check if Curator is installed somewhere in your infrastructure and check the configuration.
Hope it helps.

Can I use a single elasticsearch/kibana for multiple k8 clusters?

Do you know of any gotcha's or requirements that would not allow using a single ES/kibana as a target for fluentd in multiple k8 clusters?
We are engineering rolling out a new kubernetes model. I have requirements to run multiple kubernetes clusters, lets say 4-6. Even though the workload is split in multiple k8 clusters, I do not have a requirement to split the logging and believe it would be easier to find the logs for pods in all clusters in a centralized location. Also less maintenance for kibana/elasticsearch.
Using EFK for Kubernetes, can I point Fluentd from multiple k8 clusters at a single ElasticSearch/Kibana? I don't think I'm the first one with this thought however I haven't been able to find any discussion of doing this. Found lots of discussions of setting up efk but all that I have found only discuss a single k8 to its own elasticsearch/kibana.
Has anyone else gone down the path of using a single es/kibana to service logs from multiple kubernetes clusters? We'll plunge ahead with testing it out but seeing if anyone else has already gone down this road.
I dont think you should create an elastic instance for each kubernetes cluster, you can run a main elastic instance and index it all logs.
But even if you don`t have an elastic instance for each kubernetes client, i think you sohuld have a drp, so lets says instead moving your logs of all pods to elastic directly, maybe move it to kafka, and then split it to two elastic clusters.
Also it is very depend on the use case, if every kubernetes cluster is on different regions, and you need the pod`s logs in low latency (<1s), so maybe one elastic instance is not the right answer.
Based on [1] we can read:
Fluentd collects logs from pods running on cluster nodes, then routes
them to a central​​​​​​ized Elasticsearch.
Then Elasticsearch ingests these logs from Fluentd and stores them in a central location. It is also used to efficiently search text files.
Kibana is the UI; the user can visualize the collected logs and metrics and create custom dashboards based on queries.
There are several ways in which they can solve your dilemma:
a) Create a centralized dashboard and use each cluster’s Elasticsearch as backend. So you can see all your clusters logs in one place.
b) Create an Elasticsearch cluster and add each Elasticsearch into it. This is NOT the best option since you will duplicate your data several times, you will need to handle each index shards and you will need to fight with the split brain dilemma but it’s great for data resiliency.
c) Use another solution like an APM (New Relic, Instana, etc) to fully centralize your logs in one place.

Strategy to persist the node's data for dynamic Elasticsearch clusters

I'm sorry that this is probably a kind of broad question, but I didn't find a solution form this problem yet.
I try to run an Elasticsearch cluster on Mesos through Marathon with Docker containers. Therefore, I built a Docker image that can start on Marathon and dynamically scale via either the frontend or the API.
This works great for test setups, but the question remains how to persist the data so that if either the cluster is scaled down (I know this is also about the index configuration itself) or stopped, and I want to restart later (or scale up) with the same data.
The thing is that Marathon decides where (on which Mesos Slave) the nodes are run, so from my point of view it's not predictable if the all data is available to the "new" nodes upon restart when I try to persist the data to the Docker hosts via Docker volumes.
The only things that comes to my mind are:
Using a distributed file system like HDFS or NFS, with mounted volumes either on the Docker host or the Docker images themselves. Still, that would leave the question how to load all data during the new cluster startup if the "old" cluster had for example 8 nodes, and the new one only has 4.
Using the Snapshot API of Elasticsearch to save to a common drive somewhere in the network. I assume that this will have performance penalties...
Are there any other way to approach this? Are there any recommendations? Unfortunately, I didn't find a good resource about this kind of topic. Thanks a lot in advance.
Elasticsearch and NFS are not the best of pals ;-). You don't want to run your cluster on NFS, it's much too slow and Elasticsearch works better when the speed of the storage is better. If you introduce the network in this equation you'll get into trouble. I have no idea about Docker or Mesos. But for sure I recommend against NFS. Use snapshot/restore.
The first snapshot will take some time, but the rest of the snapshots should take less space and less time. Also, note that "incremental" means incremental at file level, not document level.
The snapshot itself needs all the nodes that have the primaries of the indices you want snapshoted. And those nodes all need access to the common location (the repository) so that they can write to. This common access to the same location usually is not that obvious, that's why I'm mentioning it.
The best way to run Elasticsearch on Mesos is to use a specialized Mesos framework. The first effort is this area is There is a more recent project, which is, AFAIK, currently under development: I don't know what is the status, but you may want to give it a try.

Sharing elasticsearch between Logstash/graylog2 and my own application

Would it be safe to share an elasticsearch cluster (or single-node elasticsearch cluster) between Logstash or graylog2 and my own application? what configuration changes/additions should be made for accomodating that? what kind of name-spacing would the application require for storing its own data in separation from graylog/Logstash?
I'd rather avoid maintaining separate clusters, especially on dev boxes but also in general - if the architecture allows.
It is technically possible but not recommended. You will experience load on the logging cluster that you want to decouple from the other applications using ES.
Graylog2 supports defining an index prefix for having multiple setups running in one ES cluster.
We have both(Kibana and Graylog) running with shared Elasticsearch. It's just that the indexing pattern is something different we have to add Circuit breakers in Elasticsearch so that Kibana search query for logs would not expand beyond a certain size.
