Magento: can diffrent magento websites installations use same Database? - magento

I intially had an instance of magento installed that was using a databse, then i intalled another intance of Magento Using the same database, but the problem that occured is that now my old website is getting redirected to new website.
I had configured my old Website's url from localhost to somethingElse.
So, is there a method such that both the websites use the same Database. If so then how to configure it to do so?

You don't need to install another Magento in order to create a new Website, Magento already supports multiple websites on the same instance.
Here is a detailed explanation on Magento websites,stores and store views:


Magento wordpress integration

I'm using fishpig wp integration to magento.
I have and I want to keep this domain, while I'm using magento worpdress.
How can I Integrate an existing WordPress blog and keep the same URL's. So that my SEO will not be affected?
Is this possible?
Yes it's possible. You can integrate your existent wp blog in a new Magento store instance or integrate a new blog in an ancient store.
For integrate your wp blog in your Magento instance, you can declare as base_url (secure and|or insecure) in your magento store.
Before that you must check in your wp blog if these urls like : catalog, checkout, admin, api, etc.. it's not already used.
You can retrieve every routings parameters in app/{pool}/{namespace}/{module_name}/etc/config.xml in <frontend><routers><args<frontName> section
After that, you have just to dump your wp db datas in your magento db.
In my memories, I think it is possible to set up a prefix for the tables used by wp fishpig

Magento Enterprise does not create url redirects

I have magento enterprise Option Use Web Server Rewrites is enable. I know when category was created magento community automaticly creates url rewrites for this category. But I wonder why magento enterprice does not do the same thing?
301s have been removed on 1.13EE - you will have to rely on canonicals.
See this link for more info.

Rewrite Magento Admin URL /index.php/admin -> /admin

I am using Magento
My Store admin URL is for example:
I want to Rewrite this URL as :
I have also tried "Admin Rewrites" Magento Extension, But it couldn't Help.
Currently I can't work directly in live website as it may lead to big trouble, So I am working in LOCALHOST now.
How Can I Achieve this ?
I got my solution from this following Blog Link:
Magento Admin URL Rewrite - Set /index.php/admin to /admin (Javascript required)
Admin Rewrites (Magento Extension)
The just linked blog-post is referencing and explaining the usage of a Magento Extension called Admin Rewrites (Magento Extension).
The extension itself is available on Github and can be installed via Magento Composer Installer and/or Modman:
Alternatively it is also listed in Magento Conect (Magento Conect 2.0 Key).
Another method of doing this does involve modifying a core Magento file (which is a big no, no for upgrading purposes) but works all the same:

how to migrate magento dashboard settings?

I have already installed magento in my localhost ,and its working fine.I have copied all the code from live to my localhost .But only thing is missing the magento dashboard settings which I had made on the live magento dashboard like the CMS pages ,some product attritbutes etc .How do i migrate these settings ?
I have copied the earlier database of live site ,and I don't want to replace localhost database with live site database.but you can tell some specific tables .
As in live site you have made change in CMS pages, Product Attributes etc. So It will be good to import whole database instead of particular tables as importing particular table may create problem.

Magento not using appropriate URL - 404 Page not found

I have a magento site running locally using WAMP and it works great. However I need to create a different site so I created a folder for this new site under htdocs.
In that folder I loaded the Magento files.
Created a new database for newsite with all rights in phpmyadmin.
Went to the localhost:8888/newsite and started Magento installation wizard.
In the configuration section of the wizard I entered all the info required: db name, user, password. For URL Base I used the default (http://localhost:8888/newsite). Selected allow charts and Allow apache rewrites. Finished installing magento.
Now magento is running on newsite. I can see the front and back-end of the site.
Here is the problem: When I create a category and/or subcategory, magento does create the menu link but when I click any category, the browser takes me to a 404 not found. Upon analyzing the URL that took me there i see that the URL is : http://localhost:8888/newsite/category.html BUT by adding "index.php" into the URL (http://localhost:8888/newsite/index.php/category.html , the page does work!
So this means magento IS creating the page for the category but the linking is somewhat wrong.
Now, I've been making sure that rewrite is enabled and after all, the other site I mentioned I have is working properly, so I assume rewrite is properly enabled.
So I need help finding:
Why is one site working and the other isn't?
How can I fix this issue?
Thank you!
Sounds like you haven't copied over the .htaccess file (in your Magento root folder). You need this file for the Apache rewrites to work.
