NetLogo, HubNet and allocating Who-numbers - uniqueidentifier

So in my current HubNet application turtles are organized in various graph-structures. Whether or not two clients can see each other depends on whether the corresponding turtles are connected in the graph.
I currently build the graphs based on the turtles who-numbers and have thus built in the assumption that if there are n turtles at any given point these are numbered from 0 to n-1. I expect that this might cause problems if, for instance, a client connects, then drops and then re-connects since this (if I'm not mistaken) will give that client a new who-number (and the old number is not reused). So I'm wondering if there is a way to make sure that the turtles are numbered in the way I want?
Dropping everyone and then resetting who-numbers would be one (bad) solution. Can you help me either by suggesting a better solution or how to implement the bad solution?

If you want to use who numbers, you'll need to hide the turtles instead of killing them. If that makes things awkward because you find yourself needing to refer to e.g. turtles with [not hidden?], then consider making two breeds, call them actives and inactives or something like that, and then when hiding a turtle do hide-turtle set breed inactives. Then you can always refer to the set of active turtles just as actives. When someone joins the simulation, give them an inactive turtle if there is one, and have it do show-turtle set breed actives.
Or, if you decide not to use who numbers, you'll need a new turtle variable, say you call it id. When you make a new turtle, do set id count turtles - 1. When a turtle dies, you'll need to reassign new id numbers so there aren't gaps anymore. Does it matter exactly what scheme you use for that? Do you need there to be any particular relationship between a turtle's old number and its new number? I can think of several possible different approaches to this. Here's one that assigns the id numbers in ascending order by who number:
let whos sort [who] of turtles
ask turtles [ set id position who whos ]
P.S. But I have to wonder, is all this numbering really necessary? In a normal NetLogo model, it's almost never necessary to use who numbers for anything. There's almost always a simpler way. Why do you feel you need to use numbering in this model? Perhaps you do need it, but I'm at least a little skeptical.


Fill all connected grid squares of the same type

Foreword: I am aware there is another question like this, however mine has very specific restrictions. I have done my best to make this question applicable to many, as it is a generic grid issue, but if it still does not belong here, then I am sorry, and please be nice about it. I have found in the past stackoverflow to be a very picky and hostile environment to question askers, but I'm hoping that was just a bad couple people.
Goal(abstract): Check all connected grid squares in a 3D grid that are of the same type and touching on one face.
Goal(specific/implementation): Create a "fill bucket" tool in Minecraft with command blocks.
Knowledge of Minecraft not really necessary to answer, this is more of an algorithm question, and I will be staying away from Minecraft specifics.
Restrictions: I can do this in code with recursive functions, but in Minecraft there are some limitations I am wondering if are possible to get around. 1: no arrays(data structure) permitted. In Minecraft I can store an integer variable and do basic calculations with it (+,-,*,/,%(mod),=,==), but that's it. I cannot dynamically create variables or have the program create anything with a name that I did not set out ahead of time. I can do "IF" and "OR" statements, and everything that derives from them. I CANNOT have multiple program pointers - that is, I can't have things like recursive functions, which require a program to stop executing, execute itself from beginning to end, and then resume executing where it was - I have minimal control over the program flow. I can use loops and conditional exits (so FOR loops). I can have a marker on the grid in 3D space that can move regardless of the presence of blocks (I'm using an armour stand, for those who know), and I can test grid squares relative to that marker.
So say my grid is full of empty spaces only. There are separate clusters of filled squares in opposite corners, not touching each other. If I "use" my fillbucket tool on one block / filled grid square, I want it to use a single marker to check and identify all the connected grid squares - basically, I need to be sure that it traverses the entire shape, all the nooks and crannies, but not the squares that are not connected to that shape. So in the end, one of the two clusters, from me only selecting a single square of it, will be erased/replaced by another kind of block, without affecting the other blocks around it.
Again, apologies if this doesn't belong here. And only answer this if you WANT to tackle the challenge - it's not important or anything, I just want to do this. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. Or if you can solve this problem for a 2D grid, that would be helpful as well, as I could possibly extend that to work for 3D.
Thank you, and if I get nobody degrading me for how I wrote this post or the fact that I did, then I will consider this a success :)
With help from this and other sources, I figured it out! It turns out that, since all recursive functions (or at least most of them) can be written as FOR loops, that I can make a recursive function in Minecraft. So I did, and the general idea of it is as follows:
For explaining the program, you may assuming the situation is a largely empty grid with a grouping of filled squares in one part of it, and the goal is to replace the kind of block that that grouping is made of with a different block. We'll say the grouping currently consists of red blocks, and we want to change them to blue blocks.
IDs - A objective (data structure) for holding each marker's ID (score)
numIDs - An integer variable for holding number of IDs/markers active
Create one marker at selected grid position with ID [1] (aka give it a score of 1 in the "IDs" objective). This grid position will be a filled square from which to start replacing blocks.
Increment numIDs
Main program:
FOR loop that goes from 1 to numIDs
at marker with ID [1], fill grid square with blue block
step 1. test block one to the +x for a red block
step 2. if found, create marker there with ID [numIDs]
step 3. increment numIDs
[//repeat steps 1 2 and 3 for the other five adjacent grid squares: +z, -x, -z, +y, and -y]
delete stand[1]
numIDs -= 1
subtract 1 from every marker's ID's, so that the next marker to evaluate, which was [2], now has ID [1].
} (end loop)
So that's what I came up with, and it works like a charm. Sorry if my explanation is hard to understand, I'm trying to explain in a way that might make sense to both coders and Minecraft players, and maybe achieving neither :P

NetLogo: comparing neighbors' values

during my model set up on innovation diffusion, another little programming issue occured to me in NetLogo. I would like to model that people more likely learn from people they are alike. Therfore the model considers an ability value that allocated to each agent:
[set ability random 20 ]
In the go procedure I then want them to compare their own ability value with the values from their linked neighbors.
So for example: ability of turtle1 = 5, ability of neighbor1 = 10, ability of neighbor2 = 4. Hence the (absoulute) differences are [ 5, 1]. Hence he will learn more from neighbor2 than from neighbor1.
But I don't know how to approach the problem of asking each single neighbor for the difference. As a first idea, I thought of doing it via a list-variable like [difference1, ..., difference(n)].
So far I only got an aggregated approach using average values, but this is not really consistent with recent social learning theory and might overlay situtations on which the agent has many different neighbors but one who is quite similar to him:
ask turtles
set ability random 20
set ability-of-neighbor (sum [ability] of link-neighbors / count link-neighbors)
set neighbor-coefficient (abs (ability - ability-of-neighbor))
;;the smaller the coefficient the more similar are the neighbors and the more the turtle learns from his neighbor(s)
Thank you again for your help and advice, and I really appreciate any comments.
Kind regards,
I am having a bit of a time getting my head around what you want but here is a method of ranking link-neighbors.
let link-neighbor-rank sort-on [abs (ability - [ability] of myself)] link-neighbors
it produces a list of link neighbors in ascending order of difference of ability.
if you only want the closest neighbor use
let best min-one-of link-neighbors [abs (ability - [ability] of myself)]
I hope this helps.

How to be sure that a target goal in a match 3 game level will not be impossible?

This is clearly not a coding problem but the logical one. I am starting to learn how to make a match 3 game. but there is a question rising in my mind.
when i will set goal to complete the level, how will i know the goal is achievable ?
suppose in a level where i have to collect 5 Red, 12 blue, 9 green objects by matching the same(like farm heros). how would i decide how much moves i need to set to make this goal achievable. i mean it should be challenging but not be impossible.
since the objects spawn in a random whats the surety that there will be enough number of gem in the game to not make impossible.
is there some logical explanation for this, or i just have to test and look out how many moves it takes to achieve the goal.
Is there an algorithm which generates the gems according to target set, or they are generated in random manner?
To be more clear towards my question i am going to take an example of's farm-heros-saga .
In level 9 the target is to collect number of four types of objects 26,26,14,5 respectively. and the maximum number of moves are 22.
now this goal may be achievable and challenging(i mean you can achieve it in two or three trials ) but not impossible.
Now my question is what made those guys so sure that it will not be impossible, how they decided that 22 move will be enough and challenging.
well.. they could have put the maximum number of moves to 5 or 6. but that would surely make it impossible to clear the level. so how they decided to keep move 22 or this.
Are they using static pattern to generate and spawn objects, or ratio of collectible gems is fixed(i.e in total gameplay there will be X%,Y%,Z%,M% of gems respectively ), or there is some other way.
I just need some hint what should i look for..
I am not sure if I get your problem right but I assume:
You have some 'maze' like game board with falling/movable gems or some swap-able gems and after match removal/scoring 'random' gems fill the hole.
backward generating
simply generate the level gems backwards. First generate the target solution and then randomly generate N-back steps to game level start. This is not doable for random generating of gems but always grants the solution in N-steps. The draw back is there is guaranteed only one solution.
semi random gem generation
for example this is how Bejeweled works. Remember the level state, generate random gems and test if any valid move is possible. if not then generate different random gems. If still not generate another random set ...
if still no valid move after N generations then generate some special gem like hypercube or bomb or joker or what ever. This is simple and always grants playability but not the solution in N-moves

n! combinations, how to find best one without killing computer?

I'll get straight to it. I'm working on an web or phone app that is responsible for scheduling. I want students to input courses they took, and I give them possible combinations of courses they should take that fits their requirements.
However, let's say there's 150 courses that fits their requirements and they're looking for 3 courses. That would be 150C3 combinations, right?.
Would it be feasible to run something like this in browser or a mobile device?
First of all you need a smarter algorithm which can prune the search tree. Also, if you are doing this for the same set of courses over and over again, doing the computation on the server would be better, and perhaps precomputing a feasible data structure can reduce the execution time of the queries. For example, you can create a tree where each sub-tree under a node contains nodes that are 'compatible'.
Sounds to me like you're viewing this completely wrong. At most institutions there are 1) curriculum requirements for graduation, and 2) prerequisites for many requirements and electives. This isn't a pure combinatorial problem, it's a dependency tree. For instance, if Course 201, Course 301, and Course 401 are all required for the student's major, higher numbers have the lower numbered ones as prereqs, and the student is a Junior, you should be strongly recommending that Course 201 be taken ASAP.
Yay, mathematics I think I can handle!
If there are 150 courses, and you have to choose 3, then the amount of possibilities are (150*149*148)/(3*2) (correction per jerry), which is certainly better than 150 factorial which is a whole lot more zeros ;)
Now, you really don't want to build an array that size, and you don't have to! All web languages have the idea of randomly choosing an element in an array, so you get an element in an array and request 3 random unique entries from it.
While the potential course combinations is very large, based on your post I see no reason to even attempt to calculate them. This task of random selection of k items from n-sized list is delightfully trivial even for old, slow devices!
Is there any particular reason you'd need to calculate all the potential course combinations, instead of just grab-bagging one random selection as a suggestion? If not, problem solved!
Option 1 (Time\Space costly): let the user on mobile phone browse the list of (150*149*148) possible choices, page by page, the processing is done at the server-side.
Option 2 (Simple): instead of the (150*149*148)-item decision tree, provide a 150-item bag, if he choose one item from the bag, remove it from the bag.
Option 3 (Complex): expand your decision tree (possible choices) using a dependency tree (parent course requires child courses) and the list of course already taken by the student, and his track\level.
As far as I know, most educational systems use the third option, which requires having a profile for the student.

Shuffle and deal a deck of card with constraints

Here is the facts first.
In the game of bridge there are 4
players named North, South, East and
All 52 cards are dealt with 13 cards
to each player.
There is a Honour counting systems.
Ace=4 points, King=3 points, Queen=2
points and Jack=1 point.
I'm creating a "Card dealer" with constraints where for example you might say that the hand dealt to north has to have exactly 5 spades and between 13 to 16 Honour counting points, the rest of the hands are random.
How do I accomplish this without affecting the "randomness" in the best way and also having effective code?
I'm coding in C# and .Net but some idea in Pseudo code would be nice!
Since somebody already mentioned my Deal 3.1, I'd like to point out some of the optimizations I made in that code.
First of all, to get the most flexibly constraints, I wanted to add a complete programming language to my dealer, so you could generate whole libraries of constraints with different types of evaluators and rules. I used Tcl for that language, because I was already learning it for work, and, in 1994 when Deal 0.0 was released, Tcl was the easiest language to embed inside a C application.
Second, I needed the constraint language to run fairly fast. The constraints are running deep inside the loop. Quite a lot of code in my dealer is little optimizations with lookup tables and the like.
One of the most surprising and simple optimizations was to not deal cards to a seat until a constraint is checked on that seat. For example, if you want north to match constraint A and south to match constraint B, and your constraint code is:
match constraint A to north
match constraint B to south
Then only when you get to the first line do you fill out the north hand. If it fails, you reject the complete deal. If it passes, next fill out the south hand and check its constraint. If it fails, throw out the entire deal. Otherwise, finish the deal and accept it.
I found this optimization when doing some profiling and noticing that most of the time was spent in the random number generator.
There is one fancy optimization, which can work in some instances, call "smart stacking."
deal::input smartstack south balanced hcp 20 21
This generates a "factory" for the south hand which takes some time to build but which can then very quickly fill out the one hand to match this criteria. Smart stacking can only be applied to one hand per deal at a time, because of conditional probability problems. [*]
Smart stacking takes a "shape class" - in this case, "balanced," a "holding evaluator", in this case, "hcp", and a range of values for the holding evaluator. A "holding evaluator" is any evaluator which is applied to each suit and then totaled, so hcp, controls, losers, and hcp_plus_shape, etc. are all holding evalators.
For smartstacking to be effective, the holding evaluator needs to take a fairly limited set of values. How does smart stacking work? That might be a bit more than I have time to post here, but it's basically a huge set of tables.
One last comment: If you really only want this program for bidding practice, and not for simulations, a lot of these optimizations are probably unnecessary. That's because the very nature of practicing makes it unworthy of the time to practice bids that are extremely rare. So if you have a condition which only comes up once in a billion deals, you really might not want to worry about it. :)
[Edit: Add smart stacking details.]
Okay, there are exactly 8192=2^13 possible holdings in a suit. Group them by length and honor count:
Holdings(length,points) = { set of holdings with this length and honor count }
Holdings(3,7) = {AK2, AK3,...,AKT,AQJ}
and let
h(length,points) = |Holdings(length,points)|
Now list all shapes that match your shape condition (spades=5):
Note that the collection of all possible hand shapes has size 560, so this list is not huge.
For each shape, list the ways you can get the total honor points you are looking for by listing the honor points per suit. For example,
Shape Points per suit
5-4-4-0 10-3-0-0
5-4-4-0 10-2-1-0
5-4-4-0 10-1-2-0
5-4-4-0 10-0-3-0
5-4-4-0 9-4-0-0
Using our sets Holdings(length,points), we can compute the number of ways to get each of these rows.
For example, for the row 5-4-4-0 10-3-0-0, you'd have:
So, pick one of these rows at random, with relative probability based on the count, and then, for each suit, choose a holding at random from the correct Holdings() set.
Obviously, the wider the range of hand shapes and points, the more rows you will need to pre-compute. A little more code, you can still do this with some cards pre-determined - if you know where the ace of spades or west's whole hand or whatever.
[*] In theory, you can solve these conditional probability issues for smart stacking with multiple hands, but the solution to the problem would make it effective only for extremely rare types of deals. That's because the number of rows in the factory's table is roughly the product of the number of rows for stacking one hand times the number of rows for stacking the other hand. Also, the h() table has to be keyed on the number of ways of dividing the n cards amongst hand 1, hand 2, and other hands, which changes the number of values from roughly 2^13 to 3^13 possible values, which is about two orders of magnitude bigger.
Since the numbers are quite small here, you could just take the heuristic approach: Randomly deal your cards, evaluate the constraints and just deal again if they are not met.
Depending on how fast your computer is, it might be enough to do this:
do a random deal
Until the board meets all the constraints
As with all performance questions, the thing to do is try it and see!
edit I tried it and saw:
done 1000000 hands in 12914 ms, 4424 ok
This is without giving any thought to optimisation - and it produces 342 hands per second meeting your criteria of "North has 5 spades and 13-16 honour points". I don't know the details of your application but it seems to me that this might be enough.
I would go for this flow, which I think does not affect the randomness (other than by pruning solutions that do not meet constraints):
List in your program all possible combinations of "valued" cards whose total Honour points count is between 13 and 16. Then pick randomly one of these combinations, removing the cards from a fresh deck.
Count how many spades you already have among the valued cards, and pick randomly among the remaining spades of the deck until you meet the count.
Now pick from the deck as much non-spades, non-valued cards as you need to complete the hand.
Finally pick the other hands among the remaining cards.
You can write a program that generates the combinations of my first point, or simply hardcode them while accounting for color symmetries to reduce the number of lines of code :)
Since you want to practise bidding, I guess you will likely be having various forms of constraints (and not just 1S opening, as I guess for this current problem) coming up in the future. Trying to come up with the optimal hand generation tailored to the constraints could be a huge time sink and not really worth the effort.
I would suggest you use rejection sampling: Generate a random deal (without any constraints) and test if it satisfies your constraints.
In order to make this feasible, I suggest you concentrate on making the random deal generation (without any constraints) as fast as you can.
To do this, map each hand to a 12byte integer (the total number of bridge hands fits in 12 bytes). Generating a random 12 byte integer can be done in just 3, 4 byte random number calls, of course since the number of hands is not exactly fitting in 12 bytes, you might have a bit of processing to do here, but I expect it won't be too much.
Richard Pavlicek has an excellent page (with algorithms) to map a deal to a number and back.
See here:
I would also suggest you look at the existing bridge hand dealing software (like Deal 3.1, which is freely available) too. Deal 3.1 also supports doing double dummy analysis. Perhaps you could make it work for you without having to roll one of your own.
Hope that helps.
