Visual c++ unresolved external symbol _Direct3DCreate9#4 - visual-studio

I have tried to find an answer for this for hours, and hours, and hours. This is frickin exhausting. In visual studio I keep having these library issues with DirectX and I think I have narrowed it down to a point where it is almost, almost solvable.
The error at compiling is in the title, here are images of some of my code and the dependencies and such:

Usually Unresolved External Symbol is thrown if you are using a function defined in a header, in your case I think d3d9.h, but you haven't linked the containing implementation lib. Right click on your project name under solution explorer and than Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input, now on Additional Dependencies add your lib that I suppose it will be d3d9.lib or d3dx9.lib!


Find unresolved external symbol using similar project that builds fine

I have two C projects that pull in the same library.
One project compiles and links fine, the other gets an "unresolved external reference" linker error for a symbol referenced inside a function which both projects call from the same static library.
As far as I can tell, all the linker and code generation properities of importance are equal between the two.
Is there a way to use the working project, to figure out where the linker in THAT project finds the symbol? I've been using trial and error, including more and more of the libraries from one project into the other with no success.
I found what I wanted! In the Project Properties, under Linker->Debugging, there is an option named "Generate Map File". This can be done on the command-line with /MAP.
The generated map file gets the same name as the project (by default) with .map as file extension. It is a text file containing, among other things, the library name where each symbol is defined.
Using the map file for my project that builds, I was able to quickly find the definition of the symbol missing from my broken project.

LNK2019 Unresolved Symbol Even When The Linkage Exists

Visual Studio 2010 Proffesional
I have a solution called solution A. I have projects 'a' (static library containing internal and external header and source files) and 'b' (executable to see if 'a' functions can be used).
I intend to use static library 'a' functionality in another executable project 'c' which is in a different Solution C. What I have done is the following:
1) Added the static library folder (relative path) to the Include Directories section in my 'c' project properties (both debug and release configurations).
2) Checked the intellisense messenger to see whether or not the imports were successful.
Before I build solution C, everything was fine. However, as soon as I build it popped LNK2019 error because there is a function foo()that seemed to be unresolved. The (reported) function signatures are:
extern void foo(params);
extern void bar(void);
Just to remind the readers, foo(params) function is in static library 'a' in Solution A.
The error message I got was:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _foo
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _bar
MY digagnosis so far
The obvious diagnosis would be that:
1) the function signature reported seem to have a mismatch with my orignal one (I checked using real man's find and replace tool in visual studio; there is no mismatch).
2) Check for any include guards that is blocking it (I have checked once again, but it doesn't have any that will cause this problem).
The one things that I need to mention is that exec. project b in Solution 'C' can use foo and bar in static library a easily. That may be because they are in the same solution and by simply adding the project directory to Include Directories in the project b properties will do the job. But when I try to use it in a different solution, it is breaking down. I did a full clean and rebuild of the solution, but no luck.
I am starting to think that it cannot find the definition in the same header file and gets confused. Although the definition is in the identically-named source file, it may still get confused.
I am struggling to find a solution to this without having a full modification. Does anyone know what to do?
I think I solved this problem by simply using "Add Reference" by right-clicking on the executable project where I was using it. However, I still had to manually import the static library project 'a' into the foreign solution C so that the referencing can be made.
I know it is not probably a good way of doing things, but it is definitely safer and I am pretty sure that it is going to work - one way or the other.

Old VS code not running with new VS

I have an old project that I need to revisit. It was built in some version of Visual C++ (prolly 2005) looking at the .sln file. The sln file wont get converted to a VS 2008 solution due to some corruption (dubug point -1). I imported the folder in VS as a new project and tried compiling.
It gave compilation errors for "lang/Typedefs.h/Assertions.h" not there. Removing the declarations I had errors for Uint8/16/32/64 not declared. So I added the typedefs and other macros (TOOLS_UNUSED_PARAMETERS(x) / TOOLS_FORBID_COPY()).
That being ironed out, I got errors for Gui/FileDlg.h and Gui/FolderDlg.h(debug point - 2).
I didnt find any of those header files from any resources online or in my current VS installation and so I am assuming that code is missing and I will have to redo it.
Even these could probably have been custom implemented by the earlier programmer. The current MFC uses CFileDialog and the code uses Gui::FileDlg.
I commented out the code for the time being to see where can I get to since gui is not that big a part of the application. Later I see linker errors corresponding to RegKeyOpenEx calls and outputstream calls(dubug point -3). Winreg.h was not included but windows.h was.
sample :
Error 2 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__MessageBoxA#16
referenced in function "public: class std::basic_ostream<char,struct
std::char_traits<char> > * __thiscall FileManager::getOutputStream(class Interface
*,class LogPoint *)" (?getOutputStream#FileManager##QAEPAV?$basic_ostream#DU?
$char_traits#D#std###std##PAVInterface##PAVLogPoint###Z) filemanager.obj
I am not a .Net programmer so can you please suggest what would be the right course of action here ?
which debug points should i be focussing on.
RegKeyOpenEx is a Winapi function defined in Advapi32.dll. To link that into a Visual C++ project:
If your project is a static library (right-click project->Properties->Configuration Properties->Configuration Type->Static Library (.lib), go to Configuration Properties->Librarian->General->Additional Dependencies and add Advapi32.lib.
If your project is a dll (same place, says Dynamic Library (.dll) instead), you'll have the Linker section instead of Librarian. Go to its Input subsection, and add Advapi32.lib to Additional Dependencies.
For your remaining linker errors, proceed in the same way: go to the MSDN doc for the function, check which dll/lib it belongs to and have your project link it in as described above.

Win32 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol

I'm currently trying to learn WinSock coding from however when I compile my listening socket, I get 9 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol errors. They all look to be the same function names that are used in the code prefixed with an underscore after the function name it says referenced in function _WinMain#16
This also happens when I run the code example that is available for download, so I don't think I've made a mistake.
What is an unresolved external and how do I go about fixing one? I can post the code if needed but it's all visibile on that link. I'm using Visual Studios 2010, Win32 project.
Unresolved external is linker error, telling you that you didn't link symbols you are getting those unresolved externals to into the binary.
Quoting from the site you linked:
Feel free to download the entire tutorial code listing. Remember that any code presented in this tutorial should be linked with the Winsock library, usually wsock32.lib or something similarly named. Also, when using code exactly as presented in the tutorial in your own IDE (Dev-C++, Microsoft VC++, C++ Builder, etc.), choose to build a Windows project with a WinMain() to avoid errors.
One of ways to link it is:
#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")
Also, consider using Boost.Asio instead of raw WinSock.

Makefiles in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

I am getting some linking errors during the compilation of C project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.I am getting the following errors:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _CreateRelation referenced in function _main
The CreateRelation is one of the functions in my project. Following are my questions:
I think it is some dependencies problem.How would I set those dependencies rule in the IDE?
could you please tell me, is it always possible to build a project and set the linking rule, how much it is larger, without using makefile?
void createRelation(LIST);
#include relation.h
#include xyz.h
int main(){
LIST Relation1;
some codes //
some code //
The function creatRelation() is defined in the realation.h.
In the function containing main
There are a few ways to set the dependencies for the build process.
If the code you are referencing is in a sub-project you can simply tell VS the build-dependencies. You do that by right-clicking on the project and select project dependencies. Then you can check all projects that should be built before this project is being built.
Another nifty feature of VS2010 are Property Sheets. In older versions of VS you had to tell the compiler the include path and the lib-path for every project. Now you can create property sheets for every library you are using and then simply adding them to your project. This way you only have to create a property sheet once and can use it in many projects.
So if the code is in another project that is not a sub-project you have to set the lib-path and include-path via those property sheets. You can display the property sheets used by your project by clicking View->Additional Windows->Property Manager
If you are not referencing to any external projects. This problem is most likely caused by you not implementing a function you declared. So the compiler knows about the function-prototype and doesn't complain but the linker can't find an implementation of the symbol.
I hope that helps
-- edit --
Since you said that the implementation is in the same file as the main-function I would suspect that the signature of the declared and defined function do not match. Are you getting any warnings about implicit function declaration?
Is that a copy-paste error?
CreateRealtion(x); vs. CreateRelation(x);
