SPDY on web browser control - windows

I am trying to enable SPDY on web browser control (Internet Explorer 11/WIN 8.1).
In Internet Explorer advanced settings and in the registry the EnableSPDY3_0 is set to 1.
But in my web browser control the SPDY is not working.
Are there other settings that I need to configure?

How specifically are you attempting to detect SPDY?
I took a quick look with Fiddler and confirmed that SPDY is not used by the Web Browser control outside of IE itself. As this is a new and somewhat experimental feature, I'm not that surprised that the WebOC isn't using it yet.
If you rename your executable to iexplore.exe then you will find that SPDY is used. (WARNING: This isn't recommended for many functionality and security reasons.) That behavior indicates that they're using a FEATURE_CONTROL KEY to control whether SPDY is permitted; feature control keys work on a per-process basis.
I don't see a documented entry for this feature in the official FEATURE_CONTROL list. Internet Explorer's documentation writer and networking PM have confirmed that this is deliberately not documented and suggest that a bug be filed at connect.microsoft.com if you'd like to see a change in policy on this.


Overriding the Internet Explorer 8 Browser Mode in an intranet environment

I am working on an intranet website within a corporate company where there is the Internet Explorer 8 (running on Windows XP, so cannot upgrade to IE9) used as a standard (and the only one) browser and I am dealing with the Compatibility View Mode feature. The website is based on ASP.NET 2.0 and the web server is Windows Server 2003 with IIS6.
It is not possible to switch to any other browser because some other critical third party web based applications require Internet Explorer (and ActiveX) to run properly.
I would like to ask whether there is a way how to (programmaticaly, using a http header ...) override the Internet Explorer's browser mode in case the Compatibility View Mode is turned on for Intranet websites by default or, in other words, how to force the Internet Explorer to use the IE8 Browser Mode rather than the IE8 Compatibility Mode.
I have tried to add the X-UA-Compatible http header set to IE=Edge (or IE=8) in the IIS configuration but it only affects the Document Mode, never the Browser Mode.
Thanks for any help.
Browser mode refers to the user-agent string and, IIRC, it controls the UA string that's sent to a server during HTTP negotiation. The only documented way to control that is to use the F12 developer tools.
You may want to look at Enterprise Mode[1] (EMIE), supported for Win 7 and later. When EMIE is enabled for IE, IE11 behaves and acts like IE8. This includes the UA String.
You are correct, x-ua-compatible controls only the document mode. There was a feature control key (FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION [2]) that might've helped, but it's unclear whether that's still supported in current versions of IE. (See the Extensibility Improvements link on that page for technical details.)
Hope this helps...
[1] - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn640687
[2] - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ee330730(v=vs.85).aspx#browser_emulation

Programmatically Allow Access to IE7/IE8 clipboard

Is there a way to programmatically disable the "Allow Access" message box that keeps getting in the way of the user every time my program tries to read IE's clipboard?
You haven't explained where your program is running specifically. The client user may use Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom... to adjust the security option. If you're hosting the web browser control, you can use the Feature Control Key to opt-out of clipboard protections.
Answering my own question: .NET Framework 3.0 has an API for that: IInternetSecurityManager.

Is TWebBrowser dependant on IE version?

I am thinking about using the TWebBrowser component that comes within Delphi's default pallet of components in a project, but I wonder if it uses the IE version installed on the client machine?
If yes:
then I guess it would share its history, cookies, workoffline and stuff like that?
Can I separate them somehow?
Is there any webbrowser component that is free and is not shared with Internet Explorer on the client?
The current answer is not quite correct. It appears for compatibility purposes, the WebBrowser control will run in IE7 Standards Mode by default unless you add some registry settings.
WebBrowser Control Rendering Modes in IE8 (archive)
More IE8 Extensibility Improvements (archive)
So it's not quite the current IE version. You can also check this if you use fiddler or check the web server logs for the agent string - as it alters the agent string used too!
Yes, TWebBrowser uses whatever IE version is installed on the machine.
Take a look at this similar thread for some possible alternatives..
How to embed a browser object, other than IE<n>, in a Delphi application
Yes, TWebBrowser is tied to Internet Explorer. If you want a standalone HTML viewer, then look at the PBear components.
TWebBrowser is a wrapper around IE ActiveX interface.
So, in the end,
TWebBrowser = Internet Explorer

Simulate Offline Mode for HTML5 Cache Testing

I have an HTML5 application that requires offline support. For running the application, I use a local Apache server. I am trying to figure out what the best way is to simulate offline mode.
Currently, in Firefox I disable my Air-Port to simulate offline mode, but this is a pain.
Any suggestions? I am open to using other browsers, if a method exists that doesn't require turning off my Internet.
For Firefox
☰ (hamburger menu)->More->Work Offline
Google Chrome doesn't appear to have this feature
Also, another alternative is slightly more time-consuming to setup in the beginning but might be worth it. For Firefox/Chrome there should be proxy plugins, set up a fake/bad profile for each so that you proxy to something that doesn't exist... like After that you can switch the proxy setting on and off to emulate a full-stack test.
The other answers are out of date. The only place this appears in Firefox v92 is under
File > Work Offline
The File menu can be accessed in the top left of Firefox by pressing the ALT key.
Be warned that this does not prevent traffic from "localhost" loop-back itself, unless you additionally turn on
preference in about:config.
Bugzilla issue: Add option to disallow connections to localhost while in offline mode.
In Chrome you can open developer tools switch to the network tab and set throttling to offline
For Firefox, from the ☰ (hamburger menu), choose Web Developer > Work Offline.
For Chrome, open DevTools and select the Network panel. Throttling is set to Online (Disabled) by default. From the dropdown menu, you can choose presets Fast 3G and Slow 3G, but to simulate Offline Mode, you want to choose Offline.

How to Enable ActiveX in Chrome?

I read that early builds of Chrome supported ActiveX, but was later restricted to certain MIME types (for support for say Windows Media Player). I then read Google was going to enable ActiveX strictly for the Korean market. How do I (re)enable this in Chrome?
Our web based product relies on ActiveX controls from 3rd parties to play custom video. This limits us to IE. We'd love to support Chrome also, but find it impossible w/o ActiveX support.
There is a proprietary plugin called "Neptune" which says that it will allow you to use IE Tab functionality in Chrome on Windows.
Meadroid do this because they have ActiveX controls which they have written and they want them to be able to work in any browser, and they explicitly mention Chrome in the list of supported browsers for enabling ActiveX with this.
There is also a modified version of Chrome, called ChromePlus, which includes IETab, among other extra features.
I've not used either of these personally, but they look like they'll do what you want. I'd be interested to hear if they work out for you, as I know of other people who want to be able to use IEtab in Chrome :)
anyone who says activex is less secure then NPAPI is crazy. They both allow the exact same access. Yes I've written both. The only reason people think activeX is insecure is because 10+ years ago IE had default settings that allowed a remote site to auto download the plugin.
maybe this new Chrome extension helps:
ActiveX for Chrome
This could be pretty ugly, but doesn't Chrome use the NPAPI for plugins like Safari? In that case, you could write a wrapper plugin with the NPAPI that made the appropriate ActiveX creation and calls to run the plugin. If you do a lot of scripting against those plugins, you might have to be a bit of work to proxy those calls through to the wrapped ActiveX control.
I'm not an expert but it sounds to me that this is something you could only do if you built the browser yourself - ie, not something done in a web page. I'm not sure that the sources for Chrome are publicly available (I think they are though), but the sources are what you'd probably need to change for this.
Google Chrome comes with an ActiveX
shim, as part of its default plugin
array. So Google Chrome features at
least partial support for ActiveX
controls (as do many non-Internet
Explorer browsers). I can't find
information as to whether or not this
includes support for ActiveX security
certificates or the like, nor if/where
such plugins can be controlled, within
the browser.
..... Note that to enable the plug-in
you must run Chrome with the following
switch " --allow-all-activex" So in
shortcut that is used to start up
Chrome, add this after "Chrome.exe"
I downloaded this "IE Tab Multi" from Chrome. It works good! http://iblogbox.com/chrome/ietab/alert.php
