Guard-Haml Compiles to Incorrect Output Directory - ruby

Is guard-haml still in development and use? The last commit seems to have been 5 months ago (not including updates to the README). I'm trying to get a simple input / output configuration working. However, the input directory always gets prefixed to the output location.
Ie "resources/templ/documents/one.haml" gets compiled to "resources/public/resources/templ/documents/one.html". But all I really want is "resources/public/one.html". So for example, this configuration...
guard :haml, input: 'resources/templ/documents/' , output: 'resources/public/' do
produces the incorrect output.
07:30:28 - INFO - Successfully compiled haml to html!
> [#] # resources/templ/documents/one.haml -> resources/public/resources/templ/documents/one.html
And these configurations produce nothing.
guard :haml do
guard :haml, input: 'resources/templ/documents/' , output: 'resources/public/' do
group :main do
guard :haml, input: 'resources/templ/documents/' , output: 'resources/public/' do
Am I missing a proper configuration? Or is guard-haml (Using guard-haml (1.1.0)) just buggy? Any insights appreciated.

FYI. I just solved this by having a simple one line configuration, without watchers. The watchers must be screwing things up.
guard 'haml', :input => 'resources/templ/documents', :output => 'resources/public'


IntelliJ Ruby warning "Cannot resolve properly, was not processed"

I have many lines in my specs that result in this IntelliJ warning:
"Cannot resolve properly, was not processed"
The vast majority of the lines have this format:
expect(result[:err]).to include('(Check the file permissions.)')
If I move the literal string to a separate variable, the warning goes away:
msg = '(Check the file permissions.)'
expect(result[:err]).to include(msg)
Is there a way to make this error go away (other than moving all my string literals to variables)?
My guess is that the RubyMine parser thinks that include is the Ruby keyword to include a module and so it emits a warning telling it cannot find the corresponding module.
The only way I found to fix this warning is to use the inclusion alias proposed by the rspec include matcher :
expect(result[:err]).to inclusion('(Check the file permissions.)')
This fixes the warning and the expectation works the same, but sadly the english sentence is bad.
There is also 3 other aliases available, but they don't give better english syntax:
alias_matcher :a_collection_including, :include
alias_matcher :a_string_including, :include
alias_matcher :a_hash_including, :include
alias_matcher :including, :include
These alias definitions can be found here
Maybe by chance this answer could lead someone to a better solution.
If you're willing to switch from using the word include to something like contain, you could simply create a custom matcher:
RSpec::Matchers.define :contain do |expected|
match do |actual|
expect(actual).to include(expected)
You could either add that code directly in your rails_helper.rb file, or better yet in a separate file. For instance, create spec/support/custom_matchers.rb and place the code there. You'll need to make sure that file gets included when running rspec. To do that, you could uncomment the following line which appears in the default spec/rails_helper.rb file:
# Dir[Rails.root.join('spec', 'support', '**', '*.rb')].each { |f| require f }
With that in place, your spec file would read:
expect(result[:err]).to contain('(Check the file permissions.)')
It can be fixed by adding this to rails_helper.rb or support/rubymine_stubs.rb:
# Rubymine IDE underlines `include` matchers with warning "Cannot resolve properly, was not processed"
# To fix this issue let's make an alias `contain` and use it instead
RSpec::Matchers.alias_matcher :contain, :include
module RubymineStubs
# create stub for `contain` so Rubymine won't underline it
def contain(*_args) end

Ruby Guard Watch is behaving really slow

Im using latest version of Guard and Guard-Haml. I have 7 maps in my root dir where i store Haml files in two different directories. One is in /templates/haml and one is in /haml. The total sum of the haml files is less than 10.
In the other 5 maps I have about 17 000 files. I have configured guard to only watch in the /haml and /templates/haml maps for change. It works fine just after I started with bundle exec guard, but after a while it gets slow as hell. About 30 seconds from where I make a change to a file does it take it to recompile the file.
This is my Guardfile
require 'haml/helpers'
require 'haml/filters'
require 'haml/filters/php'
guard :haml, input: 'www/templates/haml', output: 'www/templates', :haml_options => { :escape_attrs => false } do
watch %r{^www/templates/haml/.+(\.haml)$}
guard :haml, input: 'www/haml', output: 'www/', :haml_options => { :escape_attrs => false } do
watch %r{^www/haml/.+(\.haml)$}
Is there anything I can do to speed this up because its really slowing my dev. down.
I found out that I could use the ignore command and ignore out all directories I didn't want guard to look at.
Link to more details about this
You can only watch those two folders when you start guard:
bundle exec guard --watchdir www/templates/haml www/haml

Unit tests stops half way when adding certain assertions

I am trying to write some unit testing for my ruby script. However, it is not working as I think it should work, and with certain tests, it just stops half way through the unit test.
This is the method I am currently testing.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'ptools'
require 'test/unit'
class InputValidators
# checks whether the input file exist.
def input_file_validator(input_file)
raise ArgumentError, "Error: Input file \"#{input_file}\" does not exist. \n" unless File.exist?(input_file)
raise ArgumentError, "Error: Input file is empty. Please correct this and try again. \n" if
raise ArgumentError, "Error: Input file is in binary format - only text based input files are supported. \n" if File.binary?(input_file)
rescue Exception => e
puts # a empty line
puts e.message
puts # a empty line
class UnitTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_input_file_validator_1
test_validators =
assert_equal(nil, test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/genetic.fna")) #file is present
assert_raise( SystemExit ) {test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/missing_input.fna")} # file doesn't exist
# assert_equal(nil, test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/empty_file.fna")) # empty file
# assert_equal(nil, test_validators.input_file_validator("./test_inputs/binary_file.fna")) # a binary file
Now, if I leave the script as above, the unit test work perfectly...
Current Output:
Run options:
# Running tests:
[1/1] UnitTests#test_input_file_validator_1
Error: Input file "./test_inputs/missing_input.fna" does not exist.
Finished tests in 0.004222s, 236.8797 tests/s, 473.7593 assertions/s.
1 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
ruby -v: ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [x86_64-linux]
However, if I even uncomment one of the other asserts, the unit test just stops and doesn't complete.
Output (when uncommenting just one or both of the assertions in the above script):
Run options:
# Running tests:
[1/1] UnitTests#test_input_file_validator_1
Error: Input file "./test_inputs/missing_input.fna" does not exist.
Error: Input file is empty. Please correct this and try again.
I have no idea what I am doing wrong so any help on this would be most appreciated.
Let me know if you need more info.
well, if you run exit and you are not rescuing from that exception, your process just stops running.
i guess that assert_raise does actually capture that error or does some other magic to complete the process. running at_exit hooks might be some of those magic tricks.
despite all this, it's considered a bad practice to use exceptions for workflows. so i would not recommend raising an error and then catching it immediately just to exit the process. i usually just use abort with a message.

Ruby Guard ignore files

I would like to run the requirejs optimization script when any .js file is changed (except for built.js).
I read there is an ignore method. I have the following in my Gaurdfile (which is causing an infinite loop).
guard 'shell', :ignore => 'built.js' do
watch(/script\/(.*).js/) { `node r.js -o build.js` }
My question is: How do I configure my Guardfile to ignore the file built.js?
First, assuming you already have the guard-shell gem installed...
I think this gives you something to work from given what you are trying to do.
It will ignore the script/build.js file and trigger a shell command when any other .js file changes.
ignore /script\/build.js/
guard :shell do
watch /.*\.js/ do |m|
msg = "Processed #{m[0]}"
n msg, 'mycustomshellcommand'
"-> #{msg}"
See this link for Guardfile examples.
See this link for the syntax of guard-shell.

How to get rspec-2 to give the full trace associated with a test failure?

Right now if I run my test suite using rake spec I get an error:
1) SegmentsController GET 'index' should work
Failure/Error: get 'index'
undefined method `locale' for #
# ./spec/controllers/segments_controller_spec.rb:14:
in `block (3 levels) in '
This is normal as I do have an error :)
The problem is that the trace isn't very helpful. I know it broke in segments_controller_spec.rb, line 14, but this is just where I call the test:
### segments_controller_spec.rb:14
get 'index'
I would prefer to have the actual line breaking and the complete trace, not the part in the spec folder.
Running with --trace doesn't help.
You must run rspec with -b option to see full backtraces
Another (easier) alternative is to edit the .rspec file, and add the backtrace option.
It should look somewhat like this:
That will give you the full backtrace.
Hope this helps.
This will also work:
# rails_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.full_backtrace = true
Another approach is to clear all backtrace exclusion patterns in spec_helper.rb. I like this solution most as I'm able to keep all RSpec settings in one place and get rid of .rspec file or explicit --backtrace in .travis.yml.
# spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.backtrace_exclusion_patterns = []
I don't know how to get the controller error to show up in rspec. Sometimes it shows up but I don't know what conditions cause it to show up. Here is a way to see the error fairly quickly though:
Open another terminal session and run:
tail -f log/test.log
Then go back to the terminal session and run just the spec that had the error:
bin/rspec -b spec/requests/posts/index_spec.rb
Go back to the tail of the log and you should see the error, hopefully without too much other stuff surrounding it (because you ran the failing test by itself).
One more option when all else fails is to just add a rescue block and print out the stack try or add a binding pry statement there and use show-stack.
rescue Exception => e
puts ""
puts e.backtrace
puts ""
