CRect member variables have strange values - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to use the member variables from my client rect, but they are holding extremely negative values, like -858993460. Even when I call rect.Width(), it returns an extremely negative number. I need the values to determine the corresponding section of a wave file to play when I select the wave that I have drawn on the screen. Would anyone happen to know why it could be doing this?
Note: I threw int's right, left, and width in just to see what values they are holding. I really only need rect.Width() to scale the selection to be able to access the data array of my wave file.
void CWaveEditView::OnToolsPlay32775()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
CWaveEditDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CRect rect;
int right = rect.right;
int left = rect.left;
int width = rect.Width();
int startms=(1000.0*pDoc->wave.lastSample/pDoc->wave.sampleRate)*selectionStart/rect.Width();
int endms=(1000.0*pDoc->wave.lastSample/pDoc->wave.sampleRate)*selectionEnd/rect.Width();
WaveFile * selection = new WaveFile(pDoc->wave.numChannels, pDoc->wave.sampleRate, pDoc->wave.bitsPerSample);
delete selection;

The default constructor of CRect does not initialise its members (because it is a thin wrapper for the RECT structure). You could initialise it to (0,0,0,0) and check whether or not it is empty after your call to GetClientRect.
Since GetClientRect appears to be failing, you may want to check that your window handle is valid using GetSafeHwnd().


Questions regarding GetWindowPlacement return data

I'm a bit unsure of the meaning of some of the return values from a call to the GetWindowPlacement() function, so I'd like your help, please.
I'll be calling this to obtain the normal dimensions of a hidden window.
First, where do the values of the showCmd field come from? In the Microsoft documentation of the return structure (WINDOWPLACEMENT structure, all the descriptions of the possible values use verbs/action words; e.g., "SW_MAXIMIZE: Maximizes the specified window", or "SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE: Displays a window in its most recent size and position."
I want to obtain the dimensions of the hidden window without unhiding/restoring it first, so with the verbs it seems that I would have to call SetWindowPlacement() with showCmd set to SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE before calling GetWindowPlacement. Is that correct?
So do I understand correctly that the primary (and perhaps only) way that field gets its various values is by an explicit call to SetWindowPlacement() somewhere?
My second question relates to the rcNormalPosition return values. Do those data include the window decorations, or are they client values?
Thank you for your time!
The meaning of the showCmd member of the WINDOWPLACEMENT struct is a bit confusing because Win32 is reusing the SW_* commands used by ShowWindow().
Luckily, the meaning is documented on the GetWindowPlacement() function.
If the window identified by the hWnd parameter is maximized, the
showCmd member is SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED. If the window is minimized,
showCmd is SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. Otherwise, it is SW_SHOWNORMAL.
So, based on which of those 3 values is returned, you can tell whether the window is currently maximized, minimized or, normal (restored). And if you'd like to know what the normal placement is, you can just use the rcNormalPosition member. You do not need to call SetWindowPlacement() at all.
However, heed the warning that GetWindowPlacement() returns workspace coordinates rather than screen coordinates, which differ based on taskbar position and size. This is not a problem if you are only using the coordinates returned by GetWindowPlacement() to call SetWindowPlacement(). Otherwise, you might have to find a way to convert from workspace to screen coordinates.
I found these 2 functions to work for me.
void MyDialog::LoadDialogPlacement()
static WINDOWPLACEMENT last_wp = {};
// Load last stored DB version
if (memcmp((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)) == 0) return;
memcpy((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT));
delete[] wp;
void MyDialog::SaveDialogPlacement()
static WINDOWPLACEMENT last_wp = {};
if (IsWindowVisible())
wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
if (memcmp((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)&wp, wp.length) == 0) return;
memcpy((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)&wp, wp.length);

How to get inner and outer window dimensions with Xlib/XCB?

Is there a reliable way to get the inner and outer rectangle of a top
level window with XCB/Xlib? (IOW frame and client rectangle).
Here's what I tried:
xcb_get_geometry always returns the initial dimensions even after
the window gets resized (what gives?)
I figured I would call xcb_query_tree repeatedly until I find the
window's frame window - is this the way to do it? I figure ICCCM/EWMH
should provide this but couldn't find anything. Is there any other
standard/non-standard for this? Anyway that doesn't work with
compiz/ubuntu10 because xcb_query_tree reports the client window as
having root = parent (under normal ubuntu wm the window gets properly
xcb_translate_coordinates() seemed to be the only reliable way to
get root-based coords[1] in 2007 -- is this still the case? I.e. is
XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY non-standard with WMs?
This is a partial answer as it only explains how to find the inner dimensions of a window. Also I am not sure if this is the canonical way to go but it works for me.
You can subscribe to the XCB_EVENT_MASK_RESIZE_REDIRECT event when creating a window:
xcb_window_t window = xcb_generate_id (connection);
const xcb_setup_t *setup = xcb_get_setup (connection);
xcb_screen_t *screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator (setup).data;
uint32_t mask = XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK;
uint32_t valwin[1] = { XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE
0, 0,
800, 600,
mask, valwin);
xcb_map_window(connection, window);
In the event loop you can then keep track of resizes:
xcb_generic_event_t *event;
uint16_t width = 0, height = 0;
while ((event = xcb_wait_for_event(connection)) != NULL) {
switch (event->response_type & ~0x80) {
case XCB_EXPOSE: {
/* ... */
auto resize = (xcb_resize_request_event_t*) event;
if (resize->width > 0) width = resize->width;
if (resize->height > 0) height = resize->height;
Note that I am not sure whether this event is emitted when you initiate the resize from your application code using xcb_configure_window for example. I never tested it and just update the width and height in a wrapper function for xcb_configure_window.

How to compute the actual height of the text in a static control

My simple Win32 DialogBox contains two static text controls (IDC_STATIC_TITLE and IDC_STATIC_SECONDARY), here's what it looks like in the resource editor:
At run time, the text first string is updated dynamically. Also, the font of the that text string is replaced such that it's bigger than the IDC_STATIC_SECONDARY string below it. The resulting text string might span a single line, two lines, or more.
I want the other static control holding the secondary text to be placed directly underneath the title string at run time. However, my resulting attempt to re-position this control in the WM_INITDIALOG callback isn't working very well. The second string is overlapping the first. I thought I could use DrawText with DT_CALCRECT to compute the height of the primary text string and then move the secondary text string based on the result. My code is coming up a bit short as seen here:
DrawText returns a RECT with coordinates {top=42 bottom=74 left=19 right=461} Subtracting bottom from top is "32". That seems a little short. I suspect I'm not invoking the API correctly and/or an issue with the different mappings between logical and pixel units.
Here's the relevant ATL code. The CMainWindow class just inherits from ATL's CDialogImpl class.
LOGFONT logfont = {};
logfont.lfHeight = 30;
_titleFont = CreateFontIndirect(&logfont);
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
CString strTitle;
RECT rectDrawText = {}, rectTitle={}, rectSecondary={};
CWindow wndTitle = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_TITLE);
CWindow wndSecondary = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_SECONDARY);
this->GetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_TITLE, strTitle);
wndTitle.SetFont(_titleFont); // font created with Create
rectDrawText = rectTitle;
DrawText(wndTitle.GetDC(), strTitle, strTitle.GetLength(), &rectDrawText, DT_CALCRECT|DT_WORDBREAK); // compute the actual size of the text
UINT height = rectSecondary.bottom -; // get the original height of the secondary text control = rectDrawText.bottom; // position it to be directly below the bottom of the title control
rectSecondary.bottom = + height; // add the height back
return 0;
What am I doing wrong?
Despite what its name may make it sound like, wndTitle.GetDC() doesn't return some pointer/reference that's part of the CWindow and that's the same every call. Instead, it retrieves a brand new device context for the window each time. (It's basically a thin wrapper for the GetDC() Windows API call, right down to returning an HDC instead of the MFC equivalent.)
This device context, despite being associated with the window, is loaded with default parameters, including the default font (which IIRC is that old "System" font from the 16-bit days (most of this screenshot)).
So what you need to do is:
Call wndTitle.GetDC() to get the HDC.
Call SelectObject() to select the correct window font in (you can use WM_GETFONT to get this; not sure if MFC has a wrapper function for it), saving the return value, the previous font, for step 4
Call DrawText()
Call SelectObject() to select the previous font back in
Call wndTitle.ReleaseDC() to state that you are finished using the HDC
More details are on the MSDN page for CWindow::GetDC().

Cannot get XCreateSimpleWindow to open window at the right position

The following code opens a window of the right size, w,h, but not at the correct position, x,y.
#include <iostream>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xresource.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
Display *display; // A connection to X server
int screen_number;
Window canvas_window;
unsigned long white_pixel;
unsigned long black_pixel;
display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); // Connect X server by opening a display
cerr<<"Unable to connect X server\n";
return 1;
screen_number = DefaultScreen(display);
white_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen_number);
black_pixel = BlackPixel(display, screen_number);
int x=0, y=100, w=300, h=400;
canvas_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,
RootWindow(display, screen_number),
x,y, // top left corner
w,h, // width and height
2, // border width
XMapWindow(display, canvas_window); // Map canvas window to display
XSync(display, False);
cin >> x; // just so that the program does not end
I compiled this with g++ xwindowtest.cpp -lX11 where g++ is version 4.6.2 and ran under Debian GNU/Linux.
The above solution is sort of correct, but not complete.
Creating a new top-level window on the desktop, and creating a new (child) window within the top-level window of your application use the same XCreateSimpleWindow() call, but the actual behaviour can be different.
When creating a new child window within your application you are in charge, and the origin coordinates (relative to its parent window's origin) and size you give for the new window will be honoured. In other words the window will go where you want it to.
However when creating a new top-level window on the desktop you have to deal with the pesky window manager, for example Motif, KDE, Gnome, etc. This intervenes when you create a top-level window to add borders ("decoration"), title, possibly icons, etc. More to the point it will, by default, ignore your requested origin coordinates in most cases and put the new window where it wants rather than where you asked it to put it. It is only when it has been mapped (somewhere) that you can then move it with XMoveWindow().
To avoid this you can ask, or in X11-speak "Hint to", the Window manager that "no, I want you to put the window where I ask, not where you want to put it". You do this with the following sequence:
(1) Define a XSizeHints structure.
(2) Set the flags bit in this structure with a mask of what you want to specify
(3) Populate the relevant arguments
(4) Call XSetNormalHints() on the newly created window (before you map it).
So in C code you would do:
XSizeHints my_hints = {0};
my_hints.flags = PPosition | PSize; /* I want to specify position and size */
my_hints.x = wanted_x_origin; /* The origin and size coords I want */
my_hints.y = wanted_y_origin;
my_hints.width = wanted_width;
my_hints.height = wanted_height;
XSetNormalHints(disp, new_window, &my_hints); /* Where new_window is the new window */
Then map it and - hopefully - it will be where you want it.
I usually declare a XSizeHints first and assign x,y coordinates etc to hints.
When creating x window you could do
hints.x, hints.y,
blackPixel, whitePixel)
That always works for me with 100% correct windows location.
I had the same problem. I am just starting with X11. Maybe others with more experience can clarify why this works (and simply specifying the x, y for XCreateSimpleWindow does not).
Here's my fix:
disp is your display, win0 is your canvas_window:
XMoveWindow(disp, win0, 200, 200);
XSync (disp, FALSE);
..... do something .....
XMoveWindow(disp, win0, 0, 0);
XSync (disp, FALSE);
... do something
When I run this code snippet, the window moves. You need to follow the XMoveWindow by XSync so that requests (such as a move) are handled appropriately.

How do you use GdkRectangle to determine whether you size-allocate is growing or shrinking?

I have a callback for the size-allocate signal on my GtkScrolledWindow. I want to scroll to the right when I am adding stuff to that window. This works fine but introduces a subtle bug when removing items from that window. I would like to only scroll the window when adding stuff. I see the signal receives a GdkRectangle but I am unsure how to use it.
First size-allocate signal run-first, that means, If I'm not wrong, before the default handler. So you can get the GdkRectangle of the widget with gtk_widget_get_allocation, and compare it with the new one.
Now GdkRectangle is a cairo_rectangle_int_t and the definition of that is:
typedef struct {
int x, y;
int width, height;
} cairo_rectangle_int_t;
So you can check width and heights, with the old ones.
