When I open the visual studio express 2013 for windows and want to create a data connection it can't add and can't open the connection dialog windows and give me the following error :
" Unable to add data connection.
The IVsDataConnectionDialog could not be initialized. "
Please help me why and how can I add data connection to server explorer ?
Create new Sql server database menu also is turn off and can't tap on it to create a sql server data connection and just the add data connection menu is turn on .
I reinstall vs express but it wasn't effective .
Please help me
Make sure you have team foundation server express 2013 installed.
Getting error "'CONNECTIONPROPERTY' is not a recognized
This is the new problem I have in VS 2022 it works fine in VS 2019
The same, issue is happening with Visual Studio 2022. It works fine with VS 2019.
The connections/ login window looks like in SQL Server Management Studio.
Details: in Visual Studio on the SQL Server Object Explorer I was able to add the PDW server.
I can browse the server tables, stored procedures, security and all.
If I right-click on a database, or table and select "New Query", it will ask me to log in with the same window as M Studio.
I am able to connect fine if I open an existing query.DSQL file it allows me to use history connections or connect normally.
So I am connected to the server on SQL Server Object Explorer but when try to open a stored procedure it asks to login again and that is where it fails because it tries to connect with different parameters
I get this(https://i.stack.imgur.com/PYcFr.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/PYcFr.png)
instead of (https://i.stack.imgur.com/0beik.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/0beik.png)
when I add the server I am able to brose the databases table and so on when try to open query window
it ask you to connect when was already connected.
the error is related that it try to connect like management studio that does not allow connection to PDW.
then I do have a different window see the pictures
I'm new to using Visual Studio and SQL Server.
My problem is this:
I have created a database in SQL Server Management Studio, then I'd like to connect it my app in Visual Studio. I right click in the Server Explorer and click on Add connection. Here I can find through dropdown list my server, but when selecting the database under "Connect to a database" it doesn't find my new database in the dropdown list...
Can you help me please? Thank you a lot :-)
check whether it is windows authentication or server authentication in sql server 2008 where you have created the database. If it is server authentication then check whether you are entering correct username and password.
When I try to create an Sql Server Database in the App_Data folder of my Visual Studio 2010 project, I get the following error:
Login failed for user:[Domain]\[user]
I am able to create databases using Sql Server Management Studio. I am using Sql Server Express 2008.
Any help regarding this is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
As you are using express edition, in Visual Studio go to Tools>Options>Database Tools>Data Connections.
Remove the SQL Server Instance Name and click OK.
Now try connection to the server using Server Explorer. Once you get connected, you will be able to create a new DB in App_Data folder.
Here is the connection string:
public string ConStr = "Data Source=.;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|CodeDB.mdf;
Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";
Also make sure that you have user instances for your DB enabled.
In Visual Studio 2013:
Go to Tools-->> Options-->>Database Tools-->>Data Connections. SQL Server Instance Name
Type ProjectsV12
Then Create SQL Server Database inside the App_Folder, and it will work.
Open CommandPrompt as administrator
Type sqllocaldb info and press enter
It will display all the available local db.
I have connected with the database successfully by using wizard in server explorer. but the data source is showing nothing. i have googled and search on msdn help. but not get help.
I want to add data source. but add new data source option is disabled for me.
I am using windows form application...
I want ask that am i doing right. could you please tell me how can i get rid of not showing thing.
The Server Explorer of Visual Studio 2010 and the Datasource of your application are completely different. Check the following links to see how you can connect your Windows Form Application with Sql-Server database:
Walkthrough: Connecting to Data in a SQL Server Express Database (Windows Forms)
Connecting to a Database with Visual Studio Tools
I installed SQL Server 2008 R2 and I already have Visual Studio 2010.
When I try to connect to the SQL Server there exists no server on my Add Connection while my database engine works properly.
Why is that so?
As far as I can tell, in Server Explorer, you need to click the "Connect to Database" toolbar icon (or right-click Data Connections and choose "Add Connection...").
From the Data source list, choose Microsoft SQL Server and then click Continue. The Add Connection dialog box displays so you can enter your server name (machinename\instancename). You can choose between Windows or SQL Server Authentication (depends on how you set it up, but Windows Authentication should work for a local installation).
Once you have entered a correct server name and credentials you'll get a list of databases to choose. Select one if you wish and click OK. That should get your server added to the list for Visual Studio 2010.
The issue is that is VS 2010, you need to type in your localhost instead of choosing the connection from the drop-down list. I hope this issue is resolved in the next releases.
I believe if from VB 2010 you go to Project >> Add New Item and choose the appropiate path for your server it should work.
You may also want to try Data >> Add New Data Source