How to hide a menu from users belonging in a user group - joomla

Currently working on Joomla 3.2
I have created a user group called student and I want to hide different menu items from user of this group after logging in.
How to make this possible?

Have a look at this tutorial, should help ;)


Create new pages from database entries?

I've created my first CRUD system for users to post, edit or delete a 'group listing'. These group listings are simply pages on my website where people can suggest meet up events.
I can't figured out how to create the individual web pages that will display the group details to the public?
What I want
Once a user creates a group, I need the system to show that group info on a fresh page (I guess using the ID in the url).
I'm using Laravel 5.8 and I am fairly new to coding. I appreciate and guidance!

Joomla 3: How to set different user permissions?

I currently have a Joomla site that has 5 different departments of people accessing the backend content. Basically, everyone's looking and poking at other departments contents. So how would I set a different account for everyone and allow them to only modify their own content? E.G.
The salt department can post whatever articles they want, but they cannot modify the sugar department's article.
Does Joomla have this kind of ability or any extensions out there?
That is pretty simple on Joomla 3 system.
Firstly, you create 5 different User Groups in Joomla under Users menu.
Go to Content > Article Manager > click Options button on the top right side > Permissions Tab
In the Permissions Tab, click on each User Group and you have tons of permission to tweak such as: Create, Edit, Edit Own, ...
Hope it helps.
If you haven't configured it yet, the key term to look for is ACL (Access Control List).
Basically you need to create 5 users groups (which are not Super Users).
Here is an article to get you started:
Joomla ACL: Configuring back-end ACL

Joomla 3.2 Guest user group

I'm working on a website based on Joomla 3.2.
I created menu module with a menu item called login and I want that this menu item only is shown to guest users. The item is suppose to disappear as soon the user is logged in.
To achieve that I gave that menu item, the access level guest. In the past I have done something like that on Joomla 2.5 already and it worked but now it doesn't work at all.
The only hint I could get was to change the default user groupe for guest users from public to guest, but still no success.
I hope someone can help me to figure out this problem.
In Joomla 3 you have Public and Guest user groups. Public is what you want for all pages and items that anyone can see.
For items that just non logged in users see you need to assign them to Guest. Which a user will not then see.
This how to for 3.1 is quite good
When you perform all steps, and it's still not working. Then logout, clear browser cache/session data etc and then try again, this worked for me

Joomla 3.1 Front end editing - Deleting and article

I have set up user group called "Article Editor" with a parent of Administrator. Within that group I have a user of "Agent" and assigned them to the "Article Editor" User group.
I have a blog page in which when they are logged in they can create an article (only with a particular category called blog) and they can edit all articles, however, I cannot get any option anywhere to enable them to delete any article they have created within the "blog" category. I have gone into the article manage and made sure the permissions are set to enable Edit, Delete and Create.
Any ideas how I allow the user to log into the front end and have the option to delete? Ive tried everything I can think of an am going around in circles now.
The Delete permission should be given only to trusted administrators (with intended access to the back-end) and can be performed in the back-end.
From your description, you don't want this group of users to have access in the back-end and even more have delete permissions, as these users if they log-in to the backend they will be able to delete many things.
These users should be able to edit state (publish/unpublish) their own articles.
So, concluding:
Give this group only front-end access, with permissions similar to the author (core joomla group) with the addition of edit state.
So they will be able to create and publish/unpublish (**addition- or trashing) their articles.

Default author or category filter for user group

I have a bunch of manager user groups that each have article create/edit/delete permissions for a specific category. But when they login to the backend, all articles from all categories display (altho they are greyed out and not selectable). Is there a way to set a default author or category filter for an individual user or group so they only see articles in the category they're allowed to work in? Or any other way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance
I think Joomla 1.7 has that feature, also you better add a user manager component, that will do the work for you.
Try these plugins these may help you :
