bash command substitution force to foreground - bash

I have this:
echo -e "\n\n"
find /home/*/var/*/logs/ \
-name transfer.log \
-exec awk -v SUM=0 '$0 {SUM+=1} END {print "{} " SUM}' {} \; \
> >( sed '/\b0\b/d' \
| awk ' BEGIN {printf "\t\t\tTRANSFER LOG\t\t\t\t\t#OF HITS\n"}
{printf "%-72s %-s\n", $1, $2}
' \
| (read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort -nr -k2)
echo -e "\n\n"
When run on a machine with bash 4.1.2 always returns correctly except I get all 4 of my new lines at the top.
When run on a machine with bash 3.00.15 it gives all 4 of my new lines at the top, returns the prompt in the middle of the output, and never completes just hangs.
I would really like to fix this for both versions as we have a lot of machines running both.

Why make life so difficult and unintelligible? Why not simplify?
TXFRLOG=$(find /home..... transfer.log)
awk .... ${TXFRLOG}

The answer I found was to use a while read
echo -e "\n\n"; \
printf "\t\t\tTRANSFER LOG\t\t\t\t\t#OF HITS\n"; \
while read -r line; \
do echo "$line" |sed '/\b0\b/d' | awk '{printf "%-72s %-s\n", $1, $2}'; \
done < <(find /home/*/var/*/logs/ -name transfer.log -exec awk -v SUM=0 '$0 {SUM+=1} END{print "{} " SUM}' {} \;;) \
|sort -nr -k2; \
echo -e "\n\n"


Perform a CAT in FOR and SSH

I do not have much experience in shell script, therefore I need your help. I have the following query, I need to make a CAT to the files that I list, but I have not managed to know where to place the command. Thank you:
read date
echo -e "RECORDINGS"
for e in $Rec
sshpass -p password ssh user#server find $e "-type f -mtime -10 -exec ls -gGh --full-time {} \;" | cut -d ' ' -f 4,7 | grep $date | awk -F " " '{print $2}'
Ignoring that much of the code here is outright dangerous --
find_on_server() {
local e_q
printf -v e_q '%q ' "$1"
sshpass -p password ssh user#server "bash -s $e_q" <<'EOF'
find "$e" -type f -mtime -10 -exec ls -gGh --full-time {} \;
# ^^^ the above line MUST NOT BE INDENTED
find_on_server "$e" | cut -d ' ' -f 4,7 | grep $date | awk -F " " '{print $2}'

Use awk to remove unwanted spaces

I have the following piece of code:
awk_cmd='{ if ($4 == '"$1"') { printf $0 } }'
printf "$(date +%s)$EPM_DB_SEP" >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
ps -e -o user,group,comm,pid,ppid,pgid,etime,nice,rgroup,ruser,time,tty,vsz,stat,rss,args |\
awk "$awk_cmd" | sed 's/ */ /g' >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
Can I modify $awk_cmd to avoid using sed later to remove the unwanted spaces?
The awk version implied is the one coming with BusyBox v1.26.2
This is probably what you want:
function awk_cmd { awk -v pid="$1" -v ORS= '$4 == pid{$1=$1; print}'; }
printf "$(date +%s)$EPM_DB_SEP" >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
ps -e -o user,group,comm,pid,ppid,pgid,etime,nice,rgroup,ruser,time,tty,vsz,stat,rss,args |
awk_cmd "$1" >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
but without sample input/output it's an untested guess.
I’m adding another answer as I can’t edit the first one (I don’t understand why and contacted the site about that…). I’m giving more context and took into account Ed Morton’s comment. Also put "pid" in the first column.
filter_pid() { awk -v pid="$1" -v ORS= '$1 == pid{$1=$1; print}'; }
ps_store_current_info() {
printf "$(date +%s)$EPM_DB_SEP" >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
ps -e -o pid,ppid,user,group,comm,pgid,etime,nice,rgroup,ruser,time,tty,vsz,stat,rss,args |\
filter_pid $1 >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
printf "\n" >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
$EPM_DB_SEP equals | and $EPM_RUN_DIR points to a directory.
I well understand that doing this is not very clever because I won’t be able to later use the space as my (sub)field-separator but that’s really is another problem…
Very simple…
awk_cmd='{ if ($4 == '"$1"') { gsub(" *"," ",$0); printf $0 } }'
printf "$(date +%s)$EPM_DB_SEP" >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"
ps -e -o user,group,comm,pid,ppid,pgid,etime,nice,rgroup,ruser,time,tty,vsz,stat,rss,args |\
awk "$awk_cmd" >> "$EPM_RUN_DIR/$"

To get \n instead of n in echo -e command in shell script

I am trying to get the output for the echo -e command as shown below
Command used:
echo -e "cd \${2}\nfilesModifiedBetweenDates=\$(find . -type f -exec ls -l --time-style=full-iso {} \; | awk '{print \$6,\$NF}' | awk '{gsub(/-/,\"\",\$1);print}' | awk '\$1>= '$fromDate' && \$1<= '$toDate' {print \$2}' | tr \""\n"\" \""\;"\")\nIFS="\;" read -ra fileModifiedArray <<< "\$filesModifiedBetweenDates"\nfor fileModified in \${fileModifiedArray[#]}\ndo\n egrep -w "\$1" "\$fileModified" \ndone"
cd ${2}
Expected output:
cd ${2}
filesModifiedBetweenDates=$(find . -type f -exec ls -l --time-style=full-iso {} \; | awk '{print $6,$NF}' | awk '{gsub(/-/,"",$1);print}' | awk '$1>= '20140806' && $1<= '20140915' {print $2}' | tr "\n" ";")
IFS=; read -ra fileModifiedArray <<< $filesModifiedBetweenDates
for fileModified in ${fileModifiedArray[#]}
egrep -w $1 $fileModified
Original Ouput:
cd ${2}
filesModifiedBetweenDates=$(find . -type f -exec ls -l --time-style=full-iso {} \; | awk '{print $6,$NF}' | awk '{gsub(/-/,"",$1);print}' | awk '$1>= '20140806' && $1<= '20140915' {print $2}' | tr "n" ";")
IFS=; read -ra fileModifiedArray <<< $filesModifiedBetweenDates
for fileModified in ${fileModifiedArray[#]}
egrep -w $1 $fileModified
How can i handle "\" in this ?
For long blocks of text, it's much simpler to use a quoted here document than trying to embedded a multi-line string into a single argument to echo or printf.
cat <<"EOF"
cd ${2}
filesModifiedBetweenDates=$(find . -type f -exec ls -l --time-style=full-iso {} \; | awk '{print $6,$NF}' | awk '{gsub(/-/,"",$1);print}' | awk '$1>= '20140806' && $1<= '20140915' {print $2}' | tr "\n" ";")
IFS=; read -ra fileModifiedArray <<< $filesModifiedBetweenDates
for fileModified in ${fileModifiedArray[#]}
egrep -w $1 $fileModified
You'd better use printf to have a better control:
$ printf "tr %s %s\n" '"\n"' '";"'
tr "\n" ";"
As you see, we indicate the parameters within double quotes: printf "text %s %s" and then we define what content should be stored in this parameters.
In case you really have to use echo, then escape the \:
$ echo -e 'tr "\\n" ";"'
tr "\n" ";"
Interesting read: Why is printf better than echo?

How to pass parameter from bash and string comparison in awk?

How to pass a parameter to awk to compare the string with pipe input?
For example, followings are used to filter files created before Aug 2011 under specific folder
# file date before it should be listed.
# $6 in awk statement is date of file name($8)
find $1 -type f | \
sed 's/^/ls -l /g' | \
sh | \
awk ' if ( $6 le $FILTER_BEFORE ) { print $8 }'
The result list all files under $FILER_DIR without filtering.
It seems AWK didnot receive $FILTER_BEFORE from bash properly.
Any comment is appreciated!!
if using gawk, pass it as a parameter
find $1 -type f |
sed 's/^/ls -l /g' |
sh |
awk -v filter_before=${FILTER_BEFORE} '{ if ( $6 <= filter_before ) { print $8 } }'
You will need to use double quotes and escape the other AWK variables so they don't get interpreted by bash.
find $1 -type f | \
sed 's/^/ls -l /g' | \
sh | \
awk " if ( \$6 le \"$FILTER_BEFORE\" ) { print \$8 }"
Alternatively you can break out just the variable into double quotes so you can avoid escaping.
find $1 -type f | \
sed 's/^/ls -l /g' | \
sh | \
awk ' if ( $6 le "'"$FILTER_BEFORE"'" ) { print $8 }'
I'd go with:
touch -t 201107302359 30_july_2011
find . -type f ! -newer 30_july_2011
Or this (GNU find only):
find . -type f ! -newermt '2011-07-30 23:59'
Following statements seem work properly.
Thanks for everybody's help.
find $1 -type f | \
sed 's/^/ls -l /g' | \
sh | \
awk -v filter_before=${FILTER_BEFORE} '{ if ( $6 < filter_before ) { print $8 } }'

extract information regarding : size && time && row_count in one line shell script

Hey every one! I am pretty new for shell script and I am stuck
I need to extract information regarding: file_name && size && time && row_count and I want it do in one command line. I tried like this :
ls -l * && wc -l file.txt && du -ks file.txt | cut -f1| awk '{print $5" " $6 " " $7 " "$8 " " $9 " "$1 " "$2}'
but is not working properly
I also tried do in loop but i dont know how extract from there
for file in `ls -ltr /export/home/oracle/dbascripts/scripts`
[[ -f $file ]] && echo $file | awk '{print $3}'
Then I want to redirect to file like this >> for sql loader purpose.
Thanks in advance!
This could be a start if you have GNU find and GNU coreutils (most Linux distribution will do):
for i in /my/path/*; do
find "$i" ! -type d -printf '%p %TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM:%TS %s '
wc -l <"$i"
/my/path/* should be modified to reflect the files you want to probe.
Also keep in mind that this one-liner has a few major issues if any directories are specified. This should be safer in that regard:
for i in *; do
if [[ -d "$i" ]]; then
find "$i" -printf '%p %TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM:%TS %s '
wc -l <"$i"
You will want to see the manual page for GNU find to understand this better.
There is at least other faster way, using join and bash process substitution, but it's a bit ugly and somewhat harder to make safe and work the kinks out of.
lcount=`wc -l < $fname`
modf_time=`ls -l $fname`
f_size=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $5}'`
time_month=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $6}'`
time_day=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $7}'`
time_hrmin=`echo $modf_time | awk '{print $8}'`
time_hr=`echo $time_hrmin | cut -d ':' -f1`
time_min=`echo $time_hrmin | cut -d ':' -f2`
time_year=`date '+%Y'`
time_param="DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS"
time_date=$time_day$timesep$time_month$timesep$time_year" "$time_hrmin$dot$sec
sqlresult=`echo $result | awk '{FS = "|" ;q=sprintf("%c", 39); print "INSERT INTO SIP_ICMS_FILE_T(f_name, f_date_time,f_size,f_row_count) VALUES (" q $1 q ", TO_DATE("q $2 q,q $5 q "),"$3","$4");";}'`
echo $sqlresult>>data.sql
echo "Reading data....."
#ss=`sqlplus -s a/a#adb #data.sql
#set serveroutput on
#set feedback off
#set echo off`
echo "loading with sql Loader....."
[[ -f $f_data ]] && rm data.sql
for fname in * ;
if [[ -f $fname ]] then
