asterisk ask media server to play file - media

I receive a call in asterisk and I want a Media Server Play a file for caller that a file exist in Media server
how can I do this?
and can you give me a code in Agi that I use ?

You can't force third-party server(WMS) play file by using asterisk.
You can play file on asterisk using Playback command.


Flutter web: Download large files by reading a stream from the server?

There are already several articles about starting downloads from flutter web.
I link this answer as example:
The procedure is always similar: Request something from a server, maybe convert the body bytes to base64 and than use the AnchorElement to start the download.
It works perfectly for small files. Let's say, 30MB, no problem.
The whole file has to be loaded into the browser first, than the user starts the download.
What do to if the file is 10GB?
Is there a way to read a stream from the server and write a stream to the users download? Or is an other way preferable like to copy the file to a special folder that is directly hosted by the webserver?

How could I watch the recorded live streams using wowza engine?

We wanted to let our clients review the live streams made. We checked the option ‘Record all live streams’ from the Wowza Engine Manager. We know that the streamings are being saved inside the wowza content folder but since our engine is located in a EC2 instance we could find no easy way for our clients to watch them but to download them through console.
Can the manager be configured to show the videos there like it is on Wowza Streaming Cloud?
in my case I set up a webserver(apache2) on the same machine listening on port 8080 (wowza uses 80 for hls streaming), then I set a symbolic link from /var/www/html/content to {Wowza installation Folder} /content this way the users can reach the recordings at
by default apache will list all files on the folder and if the file is .mp4 the browser will play the video, if file is .flv it will be downloaded
If it's an option for you, you can move your recordings to s3. You should first mount an s3 bucket in your filesystem (s3fs), then configure the module ModuleMediaWriterFileMover to move the recorded files to the mount dir.
A better approach:
Move the files to an S3 bucket as soon as they are ready.
Wowza actually has a module for this (of course it does, everybody needs it)
So, as you do with every other module,
1- include files in lib folder
2- go to the engine manager UI and add the module
3- set your keys and bucket in the manager properties
Restart and done. Works like a charm and no files are uploaded before they are ready.
Note: Be careful because unless you are naming each stream with a timestamp like I'm doing, amazon will overwrite the file when uploading one with the same name.

wowza multiple files in one playlist

Is it possible to create a stream in wowza from multiple files ? So these file would be played in a row after each other? As far as I know, I can only stream from one file being in the content directory..
1.) I would like to split that one file for my own reasons, to add some security to it etc... , and then to create the playlist from these multiple files and publish it for streaming.. so it won't take that much time comparing to the second way.
2.) Or do I need to put these multiple files back together and then publish the playlist?
I would also like to consider the time of the playlist being created even using a big file. I am using ffmpeg to split the file into smaller pieces using a script.
Therefore it would be automatic, when a user would request a stream, I run the script that splits the files and creates the playlist for user..
I hope I didn't take it from the wrong way. Help please
On wowza website you can download this module to create playlists on server side without concating your files.
You may also want to check class which enables to you create a Stream on server side and attach playlist items to it. And this post will help you get started on how to create dynamic playlists if you need it.

Syncing a file from a client to a server

I'm trying to keep a file updated real time with the server. Its more like a real time syncing which has a very small delay. Is there any application that lets me do this? Or would you suggest me using a local host as a server?
I dont know how you are connected to your server - but i assume this will be something like SCP / SFTP / FTP and i dont know your OS. WinSCP will do excatly this what you need, you can set it to watch your Filesystem (to a specified folder) and it will update the server files as soon as your file on your drive changes.
It also supports command line features so that you can use it within your own applications.

Automated FTP to Windows servers

I need to set up some sort of infrastructure to automatically FTP some files from one remote server to another. The FTP transaction will occur on a scheduled basis. Both these servers are Windows boxes and the location of the files that need to be FTP'ed will depend on the current date (the folder they sit in will be named the current day's date).
I would really hate to have to write something like that from scratch, so are there tools/utilities/the likes out there?
Windows command line ftp will read input from a text file. For example:
ftp -ni < ftpscript.txt
Where these options are used:
-n - Suppresses auto-login upon initial connection.
-i - Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file transfers.
The ftpscript.txt would look something like this:
user someuser password
get /somedir/myfile.dat
It should be reasonably straightforward to write a script that outputs an FTP script containing the correct file name.
You would think that this would be an easy task. It isn't.
The best tool I've found is SyncBack and I think there is a free/lite version available.
If you're in a Windows environment consider using PowerShell and the System.Net.WebClient .NET Framework class like this post. This is a download example, but the WebClient object also provides an UploadFile method.
